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Posts posted by Angeledge777

  1. Driving 120KM/H on Chalong Rat expressway and 100KM/H on mittraphap and all the other highways in Thailand. The road conditions are not appropriate for high speed and as you never know when there's a construction site, a hole in the pavement or someone's driving at 20KM/H on the right lane, it's more appropriate to keep the speed down.

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  2. Driving to Chonburi one Saturday morning and had six cars (all Porsche) fly past me one after the other doing over 200kph like they owned the highway. If you drive a fast and expensive car then the police might be wary of trying to stop you because they probably think you are someone rich and important... or an African chief...

    Just to add to this statement:


    Whatever is your status, driving this speed on Thailand's roads is just about being an idiot. They probably forgot that money won't resurect them once they died.

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  3. I've seen a real shortlist of the world's best cities a week ago and Bangkok wasn't there at all. Who can say they can compete with Quebec city, Budapest and Madrid. Not so long ago, I've read on thaivisa forum that a shortlist placed Thailand first when it comes to copied goods, even better than Canada, the US and the UK. At the end, it worth what it worth, something to clean your bottom with, not more!

  4. Are we surprised that a very bright guy taught about saying this sh*t instead of saying that Thai drivers are the problem?

    The other countries around doesn't care about which side you drive. However, they do care about the large number of headless chickens driving a car in Thailand. They don't want that in their country for sure. When you are the second country with the most casualities on the road, it's probably not because of the side you drive right?

    Keep refusing to say the truth and things will never change.

  5. Let me start by saying this. I've been involved in 3 accidents and everytimes, i've been cleared of everything. I'll try to answer as best as I can and my apologize for the mistakes as my main language ain't English. Still, I'll take the time to answer to your questions and, in the eventuality it happens again, you'll know what to do.

    There are things you did pretty well. The first one is that you haven't ran away from the scene. The second is that you know the Thai road safety code. The third good thing is that you have all the papers as required by the authority to drive in the kingdom.

    There are 2 things you should have done not to be involved in the "farang is wrong" circle. The first one is to get a lawyer right before you and the insurance officer sign the papers at the police station to make sure that:

    1- they wrote the report properly

    2- the insurance officer wrote his repport properly

    Insurances companies in Thailand have a bad reputation when it comes to pay for a car accident and this is caused by their wrong way to write their report. Exemple: they are going to write in Thai that you have for 20000 BAHT in damage on your vehicule but they are going to avoid writing that "it may cost more for unknown damages" the car accident may have caused, or, in the case the lady sue you, to pay for her damages. This said, this is one of the problem you may face pretty soon.

    The second thing would have been to take evidence by yourself on the scene. You could have taken photos, videos and witness testifying about what happened over there. Usually, Thai people are not lying when the event just occured. They tend to lie more once they gossip about it with friends and family to make the farang looks "bad".

    One more suggestion would be to install a dashcam. Don't forget that we are guests here and we need to do our own safety.

    I'm lucky as I have a high rank policeman in my family who likes to teach me about the laws and how to do things in Thailand. I would tell you that it is not about not being welcome here, but all about money. Thais act this way towards Thais and so they act this way too towards foreigners. However, the difference is that Thai people are going to stick together to win over you while the foreigners living in Thailand don't care much about each other. That is the reason why we have such a hard time getting respect here.

    One more suggestion: get a lawyer now!

    Send me a private message if you have more questions.

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  6. I don't know a single Thai who comply with the laws and the road safety code. They all want to kill you on the road and they keep saying we are the problem? Dear police chef, the reality is that Thailand is number 1 in death toll concerning visitors and your country is number 5th in the world concerning general casualities on the road. If you think the problem is about foreigners, stop taking them in your country, there are other places we can go to spend out money. If, finally, you admit that the problems on the road are related to the heratic way Thais drive their vehicule, everybody will be happier and you will finally get rid of the real problem.

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