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Posts posted by chantsurfer

  1. How about with starting with using the metric system, using figures in meter and kilometer when talking about length and distances.

    Then have you at least a little international spin. Imperial units aren't really used in Thailand. ;-)

    FYI the international system for aviation uses altitude in feet, speed in knots and distances in nautical miles. A nautical mile is far more practical than a kilometer in that one nautical mile subtends exactly one minute of arc at sea level.

    Of Longitude. The line going North South (Up and down)

    1 knot = 1 NM /hr which is also 1min of longitude. It makes map reading much easier and very logical.

    Feet for altitude is just one of those things that is international, just one thing that has not change. There is no logical advantage changing to meters.

    Although some countries have tried. I believe Russia (USSR) tried it.

    I am a metric brain, I have no probs with feet.

    For all you horny Pattaya gents, 6082 is the magic number in feet for a mile high........

    PS, I loved the lego Felix in post #60

  2. Here are some more images from Google

    SafeTcut is a local Thai brand, popular here. http://tinyurl.com/i...safe-t-cut-rccb

    When looking at products in Thailand though, depending how sensitive you are to pricing, Look for the Brand SQARE D or Panasonic for things like this for outlets or switches even.

    Safe-T-cut products page here

    ​There are two kind of options that you have, either have it in your consumer box like in this photo. On the left you have the master Circuit Breakers (CB), then the RCCB which sometimes has a dial so you can choose your sensitivity and test function and to the right are convectional CB's that kick in when there is a short or some idiot used wiring to thin which is extreamly common in Thailand. When there is a leak in your electrical system, eg via you being electrocuted or a power board falling in water or getting wet from a leaking fridge or something, it automatically flicks the main CB's to off, it does this incredibly quickly. I am passionate about these as the only reason I am here is one of these saved my life, literally in Thailand. I am not suggesting those who are renting go down this path to be honest.

    If you are renting or on tight budget, here is the cheap and easy way. See this image. What I am referring to ti the self contained box on the left. Do note that normally the consumer unit on the right with many CB's would have a pretty cover on it, with holes cut out for the breaker switches. You you don' have one of these, do not care as such, it doesn't effect the operation of the safety switch.

    Basically the inbound main electrical cables into your home first enter the top of the safety switch unit, then you put 2 cables from the bottom of that to where ever they were going before. It does not have to be co-located with the CB's like this one, however it is often done that way. So the energy goes, from the meter out on the street to your house, through the safety switch then on as normal. This make s the whole house covered. When you leave the condo, if you want to take it with you for your next one, the cables into the top just go to where they originally came from. You can "disable" it by setting it to DIRECT. This is the same as not having one installed. I see this often in Thailand, as idiots do things that trip it, like putting power boards in the drainage tray on old fridges and and then defrost them, covering it in water for example. I am no expert, but it is "accepted" that it needs to be selected to 30 or below to avoid a heart attack from electrocution. I will admit I have disabled mine, twice now. When I have gone away for several days, I have selected it to DIRECT because if I had a false trip, I wanted the freezer to continue running. I also flick the CB on the water pump, 2 reasons, if a tap fails, it wont pump water into the house for 3 days when away, 2nd it is a hard reminder to turn the safety switch back on when we come home.

    I actually have 4 of them in our house, 99% of Thai house and expat condo's or houses will only require one. I have 3 phase that was broken down into 3 X single phase circuits, I also have one on the generator circuit. That is over the top for most peoples requirements to be honest.

    One of these circuits, does trip if it is selected on the most sensitive setting, 5 in my case and there is a thunder storm right over head and lighting strikes are hitting the ground close to the house. I often during a thunder storm, just select it 1 notch higher and it doesn't trip. There are many brands available. Global House seem to stock some cheaper brands or more of a selection that Home Pro I have noticed. 500b instillation cost is max, that is white man price and it is V easy to install !!!!

    Do note, I am a huge believer in earthing / grounding. This doesn't take away from that as such, but the buety of these units is that they are stand alone and not relate to a earthing rod at all, this makes then a non excuse to install.

    While I am here, please consider earthing any water pump, hot water heater and your computer outlet. Whats the point of surge protection if it can not dump the load? So yor laptop has surge protection inthe power supply, true, but it needs to be able to dump the load. See here how to earth the outlet you use your laptop on so it can look after it self.

    I found Crossy the mod here home page helpful http://www.crossy.co...ring/index.html

    • Like 1
  3. Johnlandy

    Sadly you are most probably right, the contractor will get away "scot-free"

    We went to the Thai electricity offices last week to enquire about paying for a complete survey of our property, and was told they did not get involved in that service, and was told to find an independant electrical contractor, as has already been mentioned here on this topic, how would we be sure on their training and competence. "It's a lottery"

    Can I suggest you contact Crossy a mod here, he hangs out in the DIY building forum here. He may be able to give you some tips and he is very practical as well.

    • Like 1
  4. The cost of a RCCB (Safety Switch)

    What is your life worth????, If you don't have one, it aint worth 2300B. Think about that for a moment.

    Now you know better, it is a 10 min job, 500b max to have installed by a Thai, No grounding / Earthing is required for it to work. Easy to put into your rental with our your land lord even knowing and just take it with you when you move. It really is that easy and you are simply stupid without one.

    If you want more info, just ask in this forum. Lots of guys in there that know allot. http://www.thaivisa....-housing-forum/

    Here is what one looks like. click

    Be bothered. If only this gentleman knew.

    • Like 1
  5. For those saying they have had many issues with Toyota Thailand getting a warranty serviced from another dealer than they bought the car from, I can feel your pain, but, the Isuzu we have, this was never an issue, actually they replaced several parts that were wearing but not yet broken on it's last service before the warrenity would expire. We used several dealers, based on geographically where we were at the time fore servicing, that one we like the most is far from us now, but we still go there. The best one I have found is in Chonburi City, (near this incident) almost opposite Chonburi JJ markets down the road about 2km from big C. It is nice to actually have a good news story sometimes !

  6. THAI Begins Flights From Don Muang To Suvarnabhumi

    New service aimed at foreigners who went to wrong airport by mistake

    BANGKOK – Thai Airways today announced the launch of service between Bangkok’s Don Muang Airport and Bangkok’s Suvarnabhumi Airport. Beginning April 30, passengers can fly six times daily from one side of Bangkok to the other in under an hour.

    “Last year alone we had over 10,000 passengers who went to the wrong airport by mistake, only to discover that they were in danger of missing their flight,” said a THAI spokesperson. “Now they can simply fly to the correct one and make an easy connecting flight through the transit lounge.”

    By checking into the intra-airport flights, passengers will have their baggage checked all the way through to their final destination, as well as have their place on their connecting flight secured.

    Using small, propeller-driven ATR-72 planes, the intra-city flights will take off once every two hours from 6am to 6pm, and make the return trip one hour later. The actual flying time is about four minutes and 30 seconds.

    The low-flying planes will also offer passengers exquisite but brief views of Bangkok’s most famous sights.

    The introductory fare for a one-way trip is Bt499. However, with taxes and fuel surcharges, the actual price will be Bt7,980.

    Source here....


  7. I got a terrify van ride to Swampy a few months ago, never again. Anyway, it dropped me off in a little public van / bus stop close to the airport which then had a free bus every 20 mins to the terminal. I did notice vans that I think left regularly between the BKK bus terminal at the airport and DMK.

    Personally, I still would not use them, vans are dangerous bloody things in Thailand. The AOT did say, that they are going to run buses between he two for pax needing connections. Lets see. For me, it is the end of Air Asia, simple.

  8. This has to be a joke of a thread, 11 mins !!!

    I have been told that our 1L milk bottles are worth about 1B each, apparently they weigh them. We have a lady who delivers 8 bottles of cold milk, just like an old fashioned "milk man", it is cheaper to buy it in 1L bottles than 2L bottles, I prefer as they stack better in our fridge door on the upper shelf. I chop the tops off and use them for fox tail palm seeds, to get them going. Locals think I am nuts not selling them and using black bags for the seeds. Recycling is live and well in Thailand. I just wish they didn't litter as much, but not much I can do except set a good example.

  9. It is not really Isaan, but it is Isaan's beach !!!! How about an excuse to go to the beach for a get together?

    We have a place at Chao Lao Beach, Chanthaburi. It seems to be the beach area popular with folks from Isaan. There are at least 40 resorts along the strip, new rooms with hot water, TV and aircon from 500b a night up to silly rip off prices. ( There is no relationship with the quality of the property and the price it seems!!) Basically folks from Isaan follow the road south near Cambodia through to Chanthaburi city then it is 20 mins on to the beach, many chartered buses come down each weekend. The beaches are much nicer than near Pattaya etc.

    Accommodation is no issue, we have a Rai or two, no farm sorry. Around here is prawn farm mecca and fishing boats. This province is the tropical fruit bowl of Thailand, but most things are ripe in May it seems for really cheap stuff. Lost of ice around here to keep the beer cold, (to chill the bottles in, not to mix with warm beer). I am sure wifie could fire a roast up chook or two, her farlang food is “Aussie-fied” sorry !!!! thumbsup.gif

    On a serous note, it would be a pain for many in Isaan as such, but may be an excuse for a bit of a holiday and have a farming meet up for a new group of people geographically. Maybe mix in a few tourist things, Sea-world is down the road if you have kids who are inclined to see performing dolphins.

    Just food for thought? I do have some commitments coming up, but hey, stranger things have happened.

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