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Posts posted by PaullyW

  1. the age old "face loss" situation is the #1 obstacle which holds this country back. believe it.

    I think you are both selectively pinning this on Thai's.

    Have you ever worked in corporate America? I never met a single human being in my professional life who wouldn't hesitate to throw the next guy under the bus.

    It's not a "Thai thing", it's a "human thing".

    I think Thai's handle being challenged a lot better that many westerners. From my experience the typical Yank will turn violent a hell of a lot quicker than a Thai.

    Did you work in Walmart while in the US? I worked in corporate America, and my experience was the exact opposite to yours. People easily admit when they have done something wrong. In fact, at some firms (that I worked with/for), people's willingness to apologize was almost too high. I cannot recall meeting more than a few people who had similar Face issues that I observe with MOST Thais I encounter and who work for me and who I work with.

    It is far more common here.

  2. "There is concern that some groups of people with ill intentions may try to create a situation and cause violence," Somrit Chaiwong said.

    The root problem today is not the Thai constitution, the judges, or their ruling.

    The root problem is the PTP's mono-policy 'unity bill' and the undemocratic manner in which they have pursued its inception.


    It's indeed Obamaesque in it's contempt for the constitution.


  3. Can any of you linguists out there deny that Thailand has 'more-or-less' never had a documented revolution of modern thought? Science, technology, politics, philosophy, religion (that was not largely taken from India)? Can you then deny that language may have some roll to play in why this has been the case?

    Hey Polly, what has the Canadians done? Is it correct to say that Canadian is at least a little bit influenced by the English language? Or more correctly, you dont even have your own language.

    And what great philosophers have you had?

    What world famous brands comes from Canada?

    I have no idea as I am not Canadian.

    • Like 1
  4. To all the guys instructing on how to wash or rinse the veggies in various acidic solutions, the issue is really that most people here, I would imagine, buy food from vendors who have prepared it. Most of us don't cook, so those instructions are useless.

    Do you think your friendly restaurant and stall vendors soak their vegetables for some amount of minutes in some kind of solution to make it safer for consumption?????

    • Like 1
  5. Thai's don't know how to build anything properly or fix it properly when it breaks.

    It seems Thais wait until things break, like airport runways with sink holes, instead of testing and doing preventative maintenance. Here is how to test runways, take preventative action, before aircraft are damaged. Could someone forward this to AOT?

    Oh don't worry AOT was already informed of the proper way, but AOT said "this is Thai culture we don't need to do it properly. .... stupid foreigners always trying to change how we work".

    Every time a company came to our new house to install something I would tell my wife to tell them I wanted it installed the non Thai way, the answer was always the same "cannot". I would ask my wife, "cannot" because "they don't know how?", "cannot because there is a law against doing it that way?", "cannot because they didn't bring any supplies with them (never do)?", "cannot why?". EVERY TIME it was because they did not know how to do it any other way, and COULD NOT even imagine doing it any other way. Every time I had to actually show them how to do it, and usually I had to supply the materials because Thai workers NEVER come with any supplies and generally don't come with proper tools either.

    Thailand is destined to remain a 2nd world country for a long long long time.

    2nd!? You mean like Poland or something?

    Try 3rd AND regressing.

    Better yet, we do away with the three worlds theory and just call Thailand completely undeveloped in most important aspects.

  6. From each drama, an opportunity. how long until we hear Hottie Yingluck proclaim

    "Thailand to be Hub of Sink Hole research in 3 years; Airport moved to Don Muang as continued tourism growth exceeds all expectations" .

    Well, she already made a statement proclaiming that the airport issues are nothing to worry about. What kind of country has a PM or similar make statements about its airports? I thought it was so strange.

  7. I laughed when I read this list. The world's 10 best universities curiously have an over-representation of English universities. Then when you look up the details for the organisation that puts the list together..... surprise, surprise....its HQ is in England! No bias though I am sure.

    Also interesting that CalTech is listed at number 12 whereas in the United States it is rated number 1. How can there be such a difference in ranking? P.S. I am not stating this as some patriot yank..... I am an Aussie!

    As for whether going to university is worth it..... let me explain my perspective. If you want to actually learn something practical then it is a total waste of time, money and effort. However it does help you to develop a working self-discipline.

    And, is indeed more-or-less required to get one's 'foot in the door' at many well-paying companies and in many industries with higher barriers for entry (law, medicine, engineering, etc).

  8. I'd challenge anyone to come spend a day at my faculty, at Mahidol and then conclude that it is a "Joke". We're the best in SE Asia, and improving. The exception, yes, but the exception that doesn't allow for the broad sweeping negative generalizations without an addendum that pockets of quality do exist.

    Please post an essay by one of the students doing a bachelors there and let us give our opinion...

    H3ll, post a masters thesis. I've seen them -- from Mahidol. A couple of my wife's family members went their for their medical program -- one for opthamology and one for something else (can't recall). I saw her thesis paper -- total joke.

  9. mcdonalds does really look after quality in their products... they buy beef (and other things) only at farms which are tested, qualified, verified, checked...

    where does mcdonalds thailand get their beef from?

    I don't know, but if it's anything like the McDonald's beef in the US, it's of a rather low quality (as compared to Burger King). I would like to know, though.

  10. I've seen cows like this all over Thailand, kerryk.

    Anyway, I'm sure the TV community is most appreciative that you have been able to expose me to them and to the world of internet readers. You've done Thailand a huge service, and we are all proud of you.

    Do you have any hobbies? Just curious?

  11. Thai Soi Dairy Cows.


    Looks more like grass than garbage. blink.png

    Yeah, I had a hard time finding the pics of them eating garbage, though I've seen it with my own eyes. Nonetheless, I don't want milk from these sickly looking, skinny, depressed cows.

    So this is a joke? Anyone who has ever been to a dairy farm would know the above photo is not of dairy cows. Some of us don't like to see Thailand mocked for no good reason. An out right lie to mock Thai dairy farmers is not a good reason in my book sorry.

    You are posting on a Thai forum and the posting rules state 8) Not to post extremely negative views of Thailand or derogatory comments directed towards all Thais. Thais have enough problems without you making up stories about them and posting pictures of half dead beef cows saying they are for dairy use.

    My friend, breathe. Your seriousness is rather humorous. If it was extremely negative (funny, in my opinion, as it's just rather silly), I'm sure our mods would have let me know. It's not your job to do their job. Although, you can help them by using the reporting feature.

    How about we call it quits on this one? I don't want to further upset you. Sabai sabai cowboy.gif

  12. swillowbee,

    I also wanted to thank you for taking what must have been a decent amount of time to offer your input. It's not often that TV members (myself included) actually make so much effort. A very big thank you. Now, if ONLY the Thai 'media' could get someone (anyone; Thai or non-Thai) to offer a similarly detailed opinion of what the heck is going on, we would be able to have an even better conversation. Sadly, my expectation is that we will only get these silly, unintelligent pieces that barely scratch the surface requiring us to speculate -- as always.

    • Like 2
  13. I have been to dairy farms in Thailand, sir.

    If you can't find the obvious silliness in my posts on this topic, then I suggest that you find a sense of humour "eh".

    Oh, btw, I don't care who went where to learn what. I am also not much for propaganda. What I know is that most of the milk in the country I've had is sub par -- so who the heck cares what I've read. The "proof is in the pudding" eh? And, seems like I'm not the only person who has noticed the perceived issue with the milk.

    Were people also sent abroad to learn how to raise meat cattle and excellent beef because the majority of beef I've had sourced in Thailand is complete crap. And, I'm not the only one who thinks so. I think there's a thread on TV about it. (I could go on and on; point being, with respect where respect is due and/or demanded, it is entirely irrelevant that someone was sent somewhere to learn something.)


  14. Of course they look different. They are different breeds. In any country not just Thailand.

    So true, those skinny cows do not supply considerable amount of milk.

    And the Holstein type of cows ("black and white") need careful special treatment in the tropical climate.

    need careful special treatment in the tropical climate.

    Which, knowing how Thais do business and their attention to detail and precision, we know they get. giggle.gif

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