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Posts posted by PaullyW

  1. Well, I like the post

    In tremble with fear every time I post on TV............

    I fear being called a racist by a Bangkok based mongrel lover..........

    I fear having to work out what StreetCowboy is on about............

    I fear the dripping cynicism of Bendix..................( to be fair he is world class at it, you have to appreciate his genius )

    I fear being harassed to death by pm by some of our more unstable members.................

    I fear having to explain the rules of cricket to a Thai.............

    I fear having to justify my membership of Thaivisa because I'm not an ex-pat................

    I fear being beaten to death by gangs of psychotic British pensioners...................( Okay!! I'll sign the e-petition!! )

    I fear the duck.............

    and most of all.................

    I fear being ignored. ermm.gif

    Well, I sometimes would fear the poster Diabetic Kid because I think he's the probably in the top 5 smartest guys who I see post on TV. He knows a wealth of information about just about anything. I really enjoy reading his posts. I also enjoy StreetCowboi, but I often don't understand him because I think he's usually being poetic. I like other posters, as well.

  2. I am not afraid to post, but often don't see the point. I often want to post something helpful to the community, but it seems most people only sit around on their PCs waiting to flame every poster (such as when I tried to simply warn everyone about my mugging on Sukhumvit in 2010). Ironically, I would guess most who "know it all" do not even live in Thailand.

    Sent from my HTC ChaCha A810e using Thaivisa Connect App

    Still worried about posts from 2010 ? Really ? cheesy.gif

    How would you feel if me and OSTEN and JUDAS and ANELIANE and the other three or four reasonable posters ganged up on you every time you posted something?

  3. Like wolves these guys. With so many represented here, you'd think most of the Westerners in Thailand would be big, hulking, confident, intelligent chaps. Alas, ...

    I'm far slimmer than you imagine OP.

    I suggest you go and build up your confidence in the subforums where the cut is a tad blunter and the replies more considerate.

    Come back here when you are ready. General is not for everyone.....only the thick skinned survive for long here....or those who treat it with a proper degree of humour. biggrin.png

    The thing is, I thought the Pub was for that. I avoid real pubs for the same reason I would never post in the virtual one. I thought general is where all the considerate guys and gals would be hanging out.

    I guess I'll start hanging out in the Thailand and Siam history photos forum and peruse the 34 topics there. I'm sure the people there are more compatible. Unless someone tracks me down in there. Perhaps I'll go in Anonymously.

    I agree the pub should be for that

    But in a way you can use the abusers to your advantage;

    When you need information on something, and are fearing that your topic might go down the list, responding to provocations might help the topic to stay in the 1st page

    I know it's kind of horrible but that's the way it is here

    Good point! It's a bit like Judo and using an opponents energies against her/him.

  4. Like wolves these guys. With so many represented here, you'd think most of the Westerners in Thailand would be big, hulking, confident, intelligent chaps. Alas, ...

    I'm far slimmer than you imagine OP.

    I suggest you go and build up your confidence in the subforums where the cut is a tad blunter and the replies more considerate.

    Come back here when you are ready. General is not for everyone.....only the thick skinned survive for long here....or those who treat it with a proper degree of humour. biggrin.png

    The thing is, I thought the Pub was for that. I avoid real pubs for the same reason I would never post in the virtual one. I thought general is where all the considerate guys and gals would be hanging out.

    I guess I'll start hanging out in the Thailand and Siam history photos forum and peruse the 34 topics there. I'm sure the people there are more compatible. Unless someone tracks me down in there. Perhaps I'll go in Anonymously.

    • Like 1
  5. I would be happy if you would try and learn fro what I am saying ...... You are the one who creates what is around you especially in a chat or post forum.

    Your "mistake" is not really relevant to your overall problem , which is intentionally creating controversy and then complaining about it later.

    OK, if you somehow know I have been intentionally creating controversy, then please share with me how you reach into other people's minds. That is psychic. Are you also clairvoyant? I'm being funny (trying to be).

    I have learned your opinion of the situation, and I do thank you for chatting with me about it. Perhaps the next time I post a topic things will be better.

    • Like 1
  6. His first post and the comments had nothing to do with being new , it had to do with the fact that people disagreed with him , and it wasn't overtly hostile , rude, or uneducated , he only felt that way because he didn't hear what he wanted to hear ...... pretty much the same as this post and no doubt what we will be looking foward to in the future.

    Will you be happy if I admit AGAIN to my mistake? I stated in the OP that I was emotional about the situation. However, I'll state again, that the bashing of me started prior to my posting of the text you keep mentioning.

    Yes, yes. Two wrongs don't make it right. I know. But, please, the bashing began as soon as I posted.


    You call it bashing I call it people just disagreeing with you , and just because it started from the beginning doesnt mean it's just because you were new , it was because people had a difference of opinion and you percieved it as bashing because you didn't hear what you wanted to hear.

    Ok, you win. I don't want to argue. We have a difference of opinion. I will think about what you have said.

  7. Again I don't get what you are saying. You talk about 'imposing the majority opinion" on forum members. How exactly can anyone, especially on an internet forum, impose their beliefs or opinions on anyone else? Unless of course that person is easily lead and doesn't have the strength of their convictions. I'm sorry, but in my opinion your comment carries no weight at all.

    it's call bashing

    when a dozen of people put their wit together to destroy someone's image

    It's just a new form of bullying

    At school some kids commit suicide after mass bullying on facebook

    Nothing to "grow balls" about

    Ok. Bashing is possibly an acceptable term for what may occasionally occur. Actually, this thread had already given me pause for thought on the effects of "internet bullying" on kids but, I honestly don't think anything happens anywhere near that extreme level on this forum. You may feel differently?

    It happens quite a lot, in my reading over the years. And, in my opinion, it has gotten worse, despite the mods great job moderating. (not discussing moderation here)

  8. His first post and the comments had nothing to do with being new , it had to do with the fact that people disagreed with him , and it wasn't overtly hostile , rude, or uneducated , he only felt that way because he didn't hear what he wanted to hear ...... pretty much the same as this post and no doubt what we will be looking foward to in the future.

    Will you be happy if I admit AGAIN to my mistake? I stated in the OP that I was emotional about the situation. However, I'll state again, that the bashing of me started prior to my posting of the text you keep mentioning.

    Yes, yes. Two wrongs don't make it right. I know. But, please, the bashing began as soon as I posted.

  9. A common error prevalent a few years ago was for the resident bullies & their cohorts to assume that all new posters were like all new kids at school ie younger than the bullies & with no experience in whatever they were commenting about, resulting in them (the bullies) having carte blance in ripping posts to shreds & blatantly gloating while doing so. Anyone who dared to challenge these posters were set upon by the pack "you've only got xx posts/been here xx weeks" & in extreme cases found themselves suspended.

    In my experience the average poster is middle aged with a full work record in his chosen field with perhaps a business here too & is therefore far from an idiot. A substantial number of residents are silent visitors to this site because they have been shot down in the past.

    TV of late does seem to have sorted it's act out but if the OP is saying it's still going on they need to keep at it.

    Very true, and that's how I feel. This happened to me yesterday. I plan to just be more of a reader, as I've been in the past years. I feel like you really only 'get to' comment if you agree with the flow of the conversation. It's like sitting in a wine bar with friends. You only open your mouth to comment if you have something to say in agreement.

  10. i loled at this thread. got to be kidding dude . . i think you had stayed in thailand so long that you have adapted to their "afraid of losing face" mindset

    on a serious side, some tvers seems to be pure arrogant know-it-all arsehol_e based on their replies, but believe me, them most of them are the funniest hippies in earth, like some who i met.

    I'm picturing some of these guys as ex-military types who just like to hurt people for no reason at all.

    Im ex SAS and Seals and commando's but now i have to kill you because my secret is out.

    Never knew that military types liked to hurt people.

    But i voted no im not affraid to post why would i. Its an internet forum and does not affect me in any way.

    Yeah, probably not a fair characterization, actually, at all. It might be quite the opposite. I think they have this expression in English 'gentle giants' like this. I guess I'm picturing some of these guys as bullees.

  11. i loled at this thread. got to be kidding dude . . i think you had stayed in thailand so long that you have adapted to their "afraid of losing face" mindset

    on a serious side, some tvers seems to be pure arrogant know-it-all arsehol_e based on their replies, but believe me, them most of them are the funniest hippies in earth, like some who i met.

    I'm picturing some of these guys as ex-military types who just like to hurt people for no reason at all.

  12. [removed]

    I'm sorry, I found it on Urban Dictionary! I get it. Funny. Yes, I suppose I could try that.

    grow a pair here means join the masses in the communal bashing when they get their hands on someone they feel is weak

    I don't see anything growing in that

    Except the number of <deleted>

    Like wolves these guys. With so many represented here, you'd think most of the Westerners in Thailand would be big, hulking, confident, intelligent chaps. Alas, ...

  13. What you said was ....... other boards have more educated people who are not rude ......... which is the same as saying people on this board are rude and uneducated ..... it had nothing to do with certian types of people in Thailand ..... I said "basicly" to avoid the argument about "everyone".

    My main point remains the same if you don't want negetivity not calling people rude and uneducated would be a good place to start , but after doing so complaining about the fallout is probabbly not going to work out so well ......... as you will see on this thread eventually if not already.

    1. In fact, you are entirely wrong. I know that for many people English is not their first language. This is also true for me.

    "other boards have more educated people who are not rude" -- can mean (among other things) that other boards ALSO have educated people who are not rude.

    2. People were being rude to me BEFORE I made the statement that you have continued to misinterpret. Look at the first response to my original post.

    I do agree with your point, however, that negativity probably breeds more of the same. Point well taken.

  14. Not really.

    I just ignore the particularly bitter rantings and advice....and if i cross the line I hope I am ignored as well.

    I actually think it has been much better the last few months for some reason.

    I regret Miss Mills she was funny and called a spade a spade

    I didn't know Mrs Mills had gone?

    Maybe she is back under a new name

    you "liked" my comment about having fear and auto censuring

    but yours was saying the exact opposite "not really I ignore blah blah ..."

    Did I miss something?blink.png

    I agree with you.

  15. I understand how you feel, but thats the internet in general and it happens and you move on , you are just as guilty you know , in your frist post you basicly called everyone here rude and uneducated in not so many words , and if thats how you feel you should say so in my opinion , but you can't really do that and then complain when someone else does the same thing.

    I would just take it for what it is , a bunch of people who are fairly well set in the opinions and voice them strongly on occation , I would say that serves everyone better then a lovefest of pandering and slightly dishonest coddling opinions or advice.

    But it does stick with you more than perhaps it should , for example all I remember about your first post was that you called people uneducated and rude , I don't remember what the post was even about anymore.

    I know what you mean, but I didn't call EVERYONE here anything. And, you know that. I did make a statement suggesting that one might find a seemingly higher percentage of certain kinds of foreigners in Thailand which is something discussed and agreed with frequently by all kinds of people.

    Anyway, the boards seem to breed negativity.

  16. The Chinese didn't just give up. They were persecuted here for hundreds of years (some of the readers may know this). Instead of running away (ie - "if I/you don't like it here..", they effectively infiltrated the entire political and cultural system here to 'fight' for their place in the society. Nobody is going to give us anything. People have always had to fight.

    You really think if a bunch of foreigners launched what essentially would be a PR campaign against Thai tourism, they would kick us all out!? I haven't been here THAT long, but I hope you are joking.

    The Chinese didn't "fight", they figured out what the Thai elite wanted, too many many decades of working their way very hard and smart into the good graces of TPTB, including intermarrying (or just donating) their daughters with the nobility until they were part of the ruling elite.

    They certainly didn't do it by whinging and openly organizing. Foreigners taking that approach would soon be persona non grata and one way or another would be gotten rid of.

    And I honestly don't see your point about "injustice", many native Thais and certainly other "outsider" minorities are much much much more poorly treated by the ruling elite than farang, any organizing efforts should be directed to helping them, not us honkies IMO.


    I've noticed over the years that you post ALOT. I rarely notice you conceding points to anyone else, and I rarely, if ever, notice you defer to anyone else no matter how educated other posters have appeared to be on various subjects. So, I already know that there is no arguing with you. You are quite intelligent, but you cannot always be correct my good man.

    Thank you for the comment, but I totally disagree with you, and I can point you at NUMEROUS scholarly texts written about Chinese assimilation in Thailand. I've taught such matters at Thammasat U in Bangkok to business execs and students alike here.

    Again, thank you. I do enjoy reading many of your posts. And, good luck with your book. Keep an open mind.

  17. Thanks, all. I suppose I did approach this incorrectly as SC pointed out. However, I have the suspicion that no approach would have garnered significantly more positive feedback which totally makes sense.

    Thailand really generally attracts certain kind of Westerners. Among a select few others, Thailand is full of all manner of ill adapted, poorly educated westerners. In the 15 years that I've been living and visiting here, I've met a very small percentage of westerners who were worth knowing. And, I travel in all kinds of circles including those involved with government finance.

    I no longer plan to follow this topic as it's not helpful to anyone.

    I'll take up my cause elsewhere. There are actually other Thailand-related forums where the majority of people are actually much more polite and which seem to have a higher degree of education about Thai topics. Sorry, I don't mean to be rude to anyone, but the nasty posts that I've gotten given the overall positive nature of the effort is just sad.

    Thank you to everyone who actually contributed something useful, and sorry I did not approach this with more tact.


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