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Posts posted by PaullyW

  1. The Thai Tourism Authority revealed that the latest survey by a major credit card issuer has named the Thai capital one of the top 3 destinations among world travelers.

    Did any of you "thailand is awful" and Thai Tourism is awful keyboard warriors even READ the first sentence of the story before you started blasting the Thai tourism people. THEY DID NOT do the survery...it was done by MASTERCARD and they simply reported the results just like EVERY OTHER TOURIST BUREAU does when their country/city/etc wins ANY award....google it and you'll see other tourism departments also promoting that THEY were named in this survey.

    They would be absolutely stupid NOT to promote these INDEPENDENT surveys that make Bangkok look good.

    Some of you thailand tourist authority bashers truly need to get a grip on reality...if they did not promote this survey would you be blasting them for failure to take advantage of some positive press???

    Why so many Thailand bashers continue to live in thailand or at least spend hours on a thai related forum is beyond understanding. If it is truly the awful cesspool then one would have to question why in the world would you choose to live or visit so often?

    Have you not heard of manipulation? Or do you simply fail to understand the concept? It is something that happens all the time, to a greater or lesser extent, within all large organisations, within all governments and their departments. Ask yourself what, with the current state of the global economy and Thailand living in a constant state of fluctuation, never mind all the bad press it is receiving at present, would make Thailand your destination of choice, even third ranked.

    Well SHAME on all the people who participated in the survey for "manipulating" their responses to say that unlike so many Thai bashers/experts that they actually LIKE to come to Bangkok. Perhaps it is because the vast majority of tourists have no problems, love the friendly thai people, love the food, love being able to ride in a taxi for a couple of bucks, like the exotic sights, the shopping, the health care, the excellent value in hotel accommodations of all varieties, being able to eat wonderful food for a fraction of what most world capitals charge,.Maybe these poor misguided souls have actually traveled enough to know what THEY like and the risks or BS that they are willing to endure in various cities? Obviously these poor ignorant misguided people should have voted for some pristine place like Paris where they could get ripped off for serious money and treated like dog doo beacuse they don't speak the local language or want to pay $50 for a ten minute taxi ride or $100 for a lunch served by a snarling waiter?

    You didn't say "excellent value" did you? Hmmm, some of the other things you list can't be quantified, but value, by it's very definition, as long as we are not talking about intrinsic value, must be quantified. Thailand has rather poor value in several key areas (like most 'luxury' markets -- shopping, accommodation, food etc). Some of it has to do with the grossly segmented two-market economy here. Lower class (very low) and higher class (comparatively very high) with an almost non-existent middle class. Add to that, some of the highest customs import duties in the world (necessary evil of becoming an export-driven economy), and you have quite poor value indeed.

    Now, on the other hand, I saw no mention of what could arguably STILL be the number 1 reason for travelling to Thailand, and that's the value of the women (and men) who spread their legs. Thai pussy (I mean, smiles and friendliness) is an incredible value. Good pussy is probably only more competitively priced in a few markets I've been to (Japan being one of them).

  2. I would hate to live my life like that, I tend to giggle to my self when I watch others lose it. But there is a fine line between getting made a fool of and others taking the p&s.

    Where do you draw your line?

    Farang tend to go ballistic whenever they lose face and feel they aren't being treated as God's gift to humanity.

    Farangs don't have "face" so none to lose. Farangs generally get upset when people are disrespectful. Please don't use the silly, immature concept of "face" on Farangs.

    SPeak for yourself. I get very aggrieved when I am offended through lack of respect. There is nothing 'foreign' or 'asian' about the concept of face. The way that it is applied, and the importance attached to it, may vary, but the concept is universal.


    Wrong. See my above post.

    What you and BKK are doing is to try to correlate FACE to similar (BUT NOT IDENTICAL) western concepts. They are not exactly the same.

  3. Farangs don't have "face" so none to lose. Farangs generally get upset when people are disrespectful. Please don't use the silly, immature concept of "face" on Farangs.

    What a crock.

    Some cultures/subcultures in farang countries don't put much stock in what others think of you, but many still do.

    One's reputation among the community is very very important to many many farang, and that's all that face is.

    It happens to be based on showing off wrt material wealth more so here than other places, but even that aspect is far from absent in modern capitalist farangland is it?

    "Status" "Keeping up with the Joneses" "Conspicuous consumption" etc etc aren't exactly limited to Asian cultures are they?

    They just happen to have a convenient one-word label for the phenomenon, just shows greater linguistic self-awareness IMO.

    ...being a visible minority is not easy, for sure...

    ....and this is not heaven, after all...

    . . .

    "...Scam, scam, everywhere a scam.....lalalalala..lalalalalala..."

    You have the power to change your reality. Primarily by changing yourself and your outlook.

    That aspect of life here just becomes important when you take yourself out of that part of the society focused on it, and are no longer vulnerable to it yourself

    No, yours is a crock. Whatever that is.

    That is not all face is. I'm surprised that you don't know this. If that's all it was, you wouldn't have western corporations making distinctions and teaching it to their assignees. You also wouldn't have lengthy books being written about it's distinctions. Lastly, believe it or not, "face" is not a Thai or asian word. Linguistic self awareness? Nice try. Ask a Thai to explain the concept of face in one word, and see what you get. There is NO word to define it. Not at all. You've failed on almost every point here in this post.


    "One of the most poignant and powerful illustrations of this collectivist, inclusive face-saving/giving strategy, I have ever read, is expressed in the following example by Hammond and Glenn (1988, p. 28):

    An example of this can be found in a recent Chinese colleague who was awarded a post-doctoral research fellowship in Europe. The colleague, who was studying in Taiwan at the time, passed up the prestigious fellowship. He later revealed that his father was unemployed at the time and he thought accepting the fellowship would deepen his father's shame, disrupt their relationship, and put the family relationships out of balance. "It is important," he said, "for the first son to be ready to assume the role of head of the family when the father is ready to give it up, not before."

    In this case, the young Chinese scholar never directly shared his feelings with his father who would have been shocked and shamed by his position. But his father implicitly understood what his son was doing, and deeply appreciated his son's face saving choices."

    You can bet your as_s that you wouldn't find many westerners doing something like this.

  4. I would hate to live my life like that, I tend to giggle to my self when I watch others lose it. But there is a fine line between getting made a fool of and others taking the p&s.

    Where do you draw your line?

    Farang tend to go ballistic whenever they lose face and feel they aren't being treated as God's gift to humanity.

    Farangs don't have "face" so none to lose. Farangs generally get upset when people are disrespectful. Please don't use the silly, immature concept of "face" on Farangs.

  5. Yes. I have even seen people turn violent, though that is a rare sight. Some also get very vociferous too.

    Thailand, Thai logic (??) and the Thai way can be very frustrating at times and can drive you up the wall and be very stressful if you allow it to be. The idea is to know and understand it and back away when you are hitting that brick wall. Life is too short to get stressed out. Yet many are unable to see their own bad reactions are a waste of time.

    Count to ten, turn away, take a deep breath and try a different tack later.

    After all, we are here to enjoy life, are we not?

    Yes, the best method is just to avoid as many Thais as you can. Only interact with the ones that you must.

    Hmmm. It would seem to me that if one's goal in life was to avoid Thais, then one would consider living in a country other than Thailand. Lots of Thais in Thailand, no? Does it really take a rocket scientist to figure this out? But then Thailand is not renown for having particularly bright expats.

    But then Thailand is not renown for having particularly bright expats.

    Certainly, and the proof is all around us, even on display in this thread. We might be absolutely shocked to know that some expats are actually sent here! I know it's hard to believe. It took me awhile to accept. Not everyone is here by choice.

  6. Well the list has Beijing and Shanghai in the wrong order for a start, as I have lived in both for over 2 years each. Shanghai is at least 1.5 times more expensive than Beijing, and that's living in a basic domestic situ. Yes, I had the luxury of a high paid job, and agree with much of the above, but I didn't live as a so called tourist - I lived with my wife as fitting into the society level we fitted into. Regardless of the society level, Shanghai is a heck of a lot more expensive per level than Beijing.

    That makes me feel that the whole report is wrong....


    I think it really depends on the 'basket of items' that are used to arrive at the measurement.

    For example, in Bangkok, it is quite well known in the expat assignee community that the best international schools are tremendously expensive as a percentage of earnings whereas in another city, the international schools might be priced lower as a percentage of earnings.

    I think your impression of a city is wholly dependent upon what you spend money on. If they broke down the list for us per item, then we'd be able to make a better assesment of which cities would be less or more expensive for us depending on how we spend our money.

    For example, in Bangkok, food is cheap as hell, housing is average, but schooling is outrageously expensive. In Singapore, everything is expensive.

  7. In a place like Thailand, a man's world (if you know the expression), how can men be so happy with one woman? That really baffles me. For every hot, sexy, nice Thai women, there is another one and another and another ad infinitum (to infinity).

    I could only marry and be happy with one Thai woman if I moved with her out of Thailand. If staying in Thailand, however, no way!! There is just too much pussy cat here. It will drive you mad being with one woman.

  8. I am not excusing this screwup, but power blackouts occur at airports around the world and in the west,

    Sept. 8, 2011, power blackout shut down SanDiego Airport for almost 12 hours. (Other airports also closed such as Yuma, AZ)

    September 29 2011 power outage affecting runway lighting shut down Mexico City's international airport overnight , diverting dozens of flights. This is Latin America's busiest airport.

    June 20, 2012 Ben Gurion Airport, Israel had to close for 20 minutes when power went out.

    18 Mar, 2012, John Wayne Airport closed for an hour due to power blackout

    23 May 2012 Mumbai shuts down for 1 hour due to power failure

    30 July 2011 Power shutdown disrupts flights for almost 2 hours at Sydney's Airport

    As I say, it's not an excuse, but it happens, more often than we think.

    Well, I still think there are differences that won't prevent people from continuing to have fun with this thread.

    Let's just look at the San Diego blackout.


    quote from the article -

    "San Diego International Airport, which handles about 300 flights daily, was operating on backup generator power and halted all outgoing flights, Rebecca Bloomfield, a spokeswoman"

    So, the airport was in fact running on backup which means it was working. Not the case with Swampy.

    quote from the article -

    "The California National Guard was placed on alert, and the state’s Emergency Management Agency is on standby, said Jordan Scott, an agency spokesman."

    I don't know if this level of interconnectedness exists in TH, but I would doubt it very highly.

    There is also info about the connected nuclear systems and the shutting down and stabilizing of the wholesale energy market. So, it's not really the same as

    "hey, our main power went out, then our back up generators wouldn't work, then the radar station or whatever didn't have staff there"

  9. The main reason there's not a lot of Americans in TH is what we have in our own hemisphere. Canada to the north if you like to freeze your ass off but beautiful nonetheless, Mexico and Central and South America for the beautiful women, cheap food and cheap accommodations. The Caribbean with the best beaches and resorts in the world. And then of course the US itself with every climate and terrain imaginable. So with all that I can see why most Americans don't venture too far from home. And yes, believe it or not, some of us know where Thailand is on the map, even a dumbass Midwesterner (Indiana.. Whoot!!) like me as someone suggested earlier.

    But since I've been to Thailand 3 times in the last 9 months, I love it and plan to retire there with my soon to be Thai wife.

    Don't tell anyone but Vancouver Island and Victoria BC have a more temperate climate than many Southern States in the US and the best fishing both fresh and saltwater in the world. And the best hunting. And the best hot buttered tarts.

    But the women ............... sad.png

    It has been a while since I lived there but speaking of tarts the professional ladies in Vancouver were the prettiest in the world when I was a younger man.

    OK. If we're talking professionals, then perhaps... I prefer the variety of Quebec, but that's another topic.

  10. The main reason there's not a lot of Americans in TH is what we have in our own hemisphere. Canada to the north if you like to freeze your ass off but beautiful nonetheless, Mexico and Central and South America for the beautiful women, cheap food and cheap accommodations. The Caribbean with the best beaches and resorts in the world. And then of course the US itself with every climate and terrain imaginable. So with all that I can see why most Americans don't venture too far from home. And yes, believe it or not, some of us know where Thailand is on the map, even a dumbass Midwesterner (Indiana.. Whoot!!) like me as someone suggested earlier.

    But since I've been to Thailand 3 times in the last 9 months, I love it and plan to retire there with my soon to be Thai wife.

    Don't tell anyone but Vancouver Island and Victoria BC have a more temperate climate than many Southern States in the US and the best fishing both fresh and saltwater in the world. And the best hunting. And the best hot buttered tarts.

    But the women ............... :(

  11. Mexico is why.

    Actually, this very short reply is probably the most pertinent. In North America, we have our Thailand right to the south. Indeed the women are much sexier (and better in bed), the weather is nice (Mexico, Costa Rica, Columbia, etc), and the food is also among the most diverse in the world. Oh, it's also cheap. Oh, the beer is better, too. Oh, the locals speak more English, too. It is probably less safe, though (in many of the countries to the south of the border).

  12. The Thai Tourism Authority revealed that the latest survey by a major credit card issuer has named the Thai capital one of the top 3 destinations among world travelers.

    Did any of you "thailand is awful" and Thai Tourism is awful keyboard warriors even READ the first sentence of the story before you started blasting the Thai tourism people. THEY DID NOT do the survery...it was done by MASTERCARD and they simply reported the results just like EVERY OTHER TOURIST BUREAU does when their country/city/etc wins ANY award....google it and you'll see other tourism departments also promoting that THEY were named in this survey.

    They would be absolutely stupid NOT to promote these INDEPENDENT surveys that make Bangkok look good.

    Some of you thailand tourist authority bashers truly need to get a grip on reality...if they did not promote this survey would you be blasting them for failure to take advantage of some positive press???

    Why so many Thailand bashers continue to live in thailand or at least spend hours on a thai related forum is beyond understanding. If it is truly the awful cesspool then one would have to question why in the world would you choose to live or visit so often?

    It's the timing, my friend. Think deeper.

  13. Yes. I have even seen people turn violent, though that is a rare sight. Some also get very vociferous too.

    Thailand, Thai logic (??) and the Thai way can be very frustrating at times and can drive you up the wall and be very stressful if you allow it to be. The idea is to know and understand it and back away when you are hitting that brick wall. Life is too short to get stressed out. Yet many are unable to see their own bad reactions are a waste of time.

    Count to ten, turn away, take a deep breath and try a different tack later.

    After all, we are here to enjoy life, are we not?

    Yes, the best method is just to avoid as many Thais as you can. Only interact with the ones that you must.

  14. Terrible tragedy indeed ... nobody should die in that way ..if the police were less busy trying to get money from corruption they would perhaps be more visible to those criminals, I never seen any police patrol in those very touristic areas.. I might be wrong of course .Well Thailand is not safe anymore that for sure.

    I still think Thailand is one of the safest countries in the world, every country has bad bastards like the two involved in this tragedy, but I feel much safer in Bangkok or even Pattaya than I do in Glasgow, or would feel in any city in the UK.

    And, yes, you can feel safe until, of course, you are shot or stabbed or maimed in a traffic accident or targeted for murder or robbery because you are not Thai.

    Safety is about stats and probabilities, not feelings of single individuals.

    The fact is that foreigners are likely targeted disproportionately.

  15. With respect, I think the Brits have gotten a hold of this thread, so I must say I can no longer really keep up with all the peculiarities of British English. I'm not so sure even if we're still talking about the same thing. Seems like sports or something. At any rate, I need to get up early to deal with an ant problem that I have, so I am going to bed.

    It has been great chatting with you all tonight. There was noticeably less negativity than I anticipated, so I'm feeling quite good about it.

    Good night

    • Like 1
  16. I am not afraid to post, but often don't see the point. I often want to post something helpful to the community, but it seems most people only sit around on their PCs waiting to flame every poster (such as when I tried to simply warn everyone about my mugging on Sukhumvit in 2010). Ironically, I would guess most who "know it all" do not even live in Thailand.

    Sent from my HTC ChaCha A810e using Thaivisa Connect App

    Still worried about posts from 2010 ? Really ? cheesy.gif

    How would you feel if me and OSTEN and JUDAS and ANELIANE and the other three or four reasonable posters ganged up on you every time you posted something?

    I really wouldn't care what you or anyone else did because I don't post stupid things to be ganged up over ...... perhaps a concept you could learn from

    Your consistent tone reminds me of my dad telling me to chew with my mouth closed and stuff.

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