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Posts posted by McMagus

  1. What worries and pisses me off is the insidiousness of the whole business. For example, I don't know how to find out who the importers of these chemicals are, who their connections are in the government etc. And even if it was found that it is a huge plot, to line the pockets of a few...they are never ever named in the media..they have complete protection.

    In 2009 the then govt. ( Democrats I think) moved certain natural pesticides such as chili and tumeric onto the hazardous category because the chemical companies were complaining of losing money...see here ... http://www.naturalnews.com/026013_companies_chemical_turmeric.html

    This is scary, meanwhile only last week an academic from Udon Thani petitioned one of the courts to review it's decision to license previously banned pesticides and herbicides... 23 of them in fact..They over ruled him saying there was no scientific evidence that the previously banned substances were dangerous. <deleted> !!!

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  2. I know this is off thread but the prostitute thing could be a whole new discussion here. For example, what counts as a prostitute? Obviously the hooker on the street corner is easy to define but what about the woman who marries for security not love... and this is not restricted to Thailand as it has been going on for hundreds of years around the world. Could they be classified as prostitutes? Also, why should it be restricted to women? What about the guy who decides to go with a rich woman who can provide him with financial security..is he a prostitute too? One of the 'Shadow Archetypes' in Jungian psychology is the prostitute... the person who 'prostitutes' his ideals in order to climb the career path for example... gotta stop now cos I'm just ranting but interesting huh?

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  3. TO SC

    We also ask a question then give the answer straight away ... a la..

    'Gidday mate owya doin oright? yep'. It comes from having no one to talk to but sheep ... but, I have to say we have not descended to the depths of our New Zulund brothers across the 'ditch;' who have quite a different conversation with sheep. cheesy.gif


    Woah, hang on, am I missing something here...

    'Try and just observe rather than deciding who should be to blame for everything'.

    'Thai society is starting to break down quicker and quicker with the western influence that is invading Thai society through the media and especially the internet.'

  5. Yes the Brits are a bunch of whingeing Pohms .... BUT... I love the way they can take the piss out of themselves clap2.gif

    You spelt Poms wrongly. Bloody Antipodeans, mangling the Queen's English. Goodness knows how they'd spell if they ever became a republic...


    Sorry SC... we in Orstrailiar understand that when British prisoners were transported to penal colonies, the were know as

    Prisoners Of His Majesty ...POHM...or plural... POHMS...or possessive case POHM's ....or a plural possessive POHMS'


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  6. From my observations, young adults and younger adults seem to have a passion for brand. I have owned iphones but now have a Galaxy S3 ... which, when you look at the specs outguns the iphone. I like Mac products, don't get me wrong... but my point is people here seem to buy on brand loyalty and/or percieved brand exclusiveness, not on features. Is this because Thais are not as discerning as others? or is it because Apple have done a great job in their advertising. I think it may be tied up with face. Up on farm....not many iphones.


    I tried to include all the quotes but got the message that I had included too many. I am the first to admit if I have made a misteak mistake but from your posts, you seem to be laying the blame for the problems in Thailand at the feet of the west, because it shows Thais what they cannot have. My interpretation of your post was that although you were referring to a quote from MAXME, you were extending that idea to include education. I am glad to hear that you do not believe that educating Thais will only make them want what they cannot have or be.

  8. In my limited experience I find the ENC (primary education), being objectives based, tends to be 'tick a box n move on' style, they tend to skim across the top of the curriculum without going into great depth. You can go into any British curriculum school and they are all doing the same thing at the same time... a bit like education by numbers. So on any given day you will see displays of ... 'We are experiencing the art of Jackson Pollock'... and all the kids turn out the same stuff. I am not seeing a lot of enquiry based learning. Just my limited experience and limited point of view.coffee1.gif

  9. To I Like Thai

    Yes, yes I know... I have been sucked in to Troll heaven by answering but .... You are venturing into one of my sacred spaces ... the education of Thais .....

    I quote you ...

    ' Why educate people so that they have the ability to learn about what they can never have or will never be'.

    You have in one sentence, summed up everything that is wrong with Thai education and Thai feudal politics and culture. In other posts I have commented on how the structure of Thai language and the rote learning in most Thai schools seems to have been designed on purpose to disenfranchise the poor and rural from access and equity in education. Indeed, why educate people so that the have the ability to learn about what they can never have....lets keep education for the rich who can afford overseas universities; for God knows no Thai uni will come close to a good western one. Lets have a system where, poor / rural parents borrow and scrape to get their kids through a university education for what? a crappy 20 000 B job if they are lucky. I know of a wonderful, intelligent young girl who worked as a teaching aide in an international school on 10 000 B /month because it was more than she could get in the open market...she had her masters in science (botany) and was working on her doctorate. Indeed, why educate the masses at all, after all, they provide cheap labour for the factories and are pretty good baby farms to complete the cycle for the next generation.

    You gotta be a Troll cos no thinking person could come up with such garbage.

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  10. But there is also 'backdoor' corruption. A Udon Thani academic petitioned one of the courts (sorry can't recall which one) against their decision to delist a number of hazardous pesticides / insecticides. The idea being that by changing the law and allowing the importation of the 23 hazardous products, it only benefitted the importers financially. His petition was thrown out citing scientific proof that the products were not hazardous. I'm not so sure.

  11. Just watched some Thai news where a poor unfortunate girl lay splattered on the pavement after falling / jumping from a condo and of course the Thai tv had to show it allbeit pixilated....had to turn it off. There was a cartoon style full length movie and in it there were glasses of alcohol ... each one blurred out, an interview with a Thai lady who showed a little bit of cleavage which I would not have noticed had it not been blurred out, cigarettes blurred out etc. Yet, we can see 3rd rate Pi Lor drivel till the cows come home with blood dripping from every orifice, a Thai soapie is not complete without the obligatory rape scene, violence against women etc. etc. I don't normally complain about my host country but sweet jesus Thai media, get some perspective and appropriate sensitivity.

  12. From the outside looking in, it seems to me that history tells us that many Asians admire what they would call a 'strong' leader. Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Burma, Thailand. All of these countries have or have had authoritarian rule. This is not a racist remark but is there something in the Asian mindset which preferentially will accept authoritarianism whilst willingly ignoring corruption. It seems to me they go hand in hand because a government without a strong and independent judiciary and transparency in all its dealings cannot get away with corruption. Thailand has the government it's people want and deserve.

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