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Posts posted by McMagus

  1. Very sad. My mum who was 89 yrs old at the time (back in Oz), had a fall on an escalator when it suddenly stopped. So accidents and malfunctions can and do happen. Mum broke some bones and never really recovered and died a year later. But as for escalators here... In Paragon, the clear plastic guard rail is, in my opinion too short. I am about 180 cm and I think the 'topple height' is too low. Topple height is that point where it is easy to topple over. I always stand near the centre and away from the edge. But maybe I am just a geriatric with a low death threshold.

  2. You're right. I'm tired of hearing that Thailand is poor or undeveloped. I think income levels here are almost as high as in the west for most people despite what the numbers say. I see nice cars driving everywhere and nobody seems to be "broke".

    Even a country like Cambodia has lots of monied people around. I'm not sure there is or ever was such a thing as "poor" country.

    I don't know what stuff you're on but..... I wouldn't mind some of it.cheesy.gif

  3. This man is not an expert. His description of the workings of the brain is 100% bulls***t. How can this country develop with so-called 'experts' who would fail high-school in a western country? It's just sad.

    This man isn't even a man, even less an expert.....she would also fail school in eastern countries like Korea, Japan or Singapore

    I take it you guys know this woman her qualifications and research studies and also you know everything there is to know about brain development.

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  4. It is a disgusting bastardisation of any legal system but it does go on all over the world. In Oz, not long ago the Commisioner of Taxation decided not to pursue a tax avoidance scam by a wealth media owner. We were talking millions and millions of AUD $ why? because the wealthy guy was able to stall,buy time etc etc with fancy lawyers; the tax office gave up and instead ... get this ..turned it's attention to those whom it could easily catch.. i.e. the poor working slob down the road. World definitely needs a benevolent dictator a la Periclean Athens and I'm thinking ..moi ermm.gif I'd make the buggers' eyes water ... joke joke.

  5. Agreed, it may well have been an accident and he panicked. But the more disturbing aspect is that a) The police thought it was Ok to implicate the family driver, B) The young guy and/ or family thought that was a good idea and went along with it and c)That the police officer was not charged and only transferred to an inactive post. But I do believe that change will come, not in my lifetime but it will come.

  6. OK, So all the Pattaya expats will flame me but here goes. I worked in Pattaya for 6 months but couldn't wait to transfer out to Bangkok; why? The last straw was one Sunday morning, early, as I drove to get some milk, A half naked woman jumped out almost in front of the car near the Dolphin roundabout, shouting something at me I couldn't quite hear. I thought at first she was in some sort of trouble and actually slowed down, only to hear..'Hallo you want massage special handsome man?' I mean, it was about eight frickin thirty on a Sunday morning for chrissake. It is basically a brothel city and although I am sure there are some nice (good) girls there it would not be my first choice of a place to find them. There are lots of respectable expats there but it also attracts the dregs of society. There are lots of lovely, genuine Thai ladies who want nothing more than to take care of you AND you take care of them but I wouldn't be looking for them in Pattaya. Just my 2 satangs worth... good luck.

  7. You have to love this religion (cult) of peace and tolerance that they call Islam. Just totally senseless killings and for what, so that some nutbags will recieve 72 virgins in heaven. I think I will live a peaceful life and accept my one single naughty girl with a wealth of experience.

    What really irritates me is that Islam historically was known as one of the most tolerant of religions and one based upon peace, academia and justice. Where has it gone wrong and more to the point what can moderate Muslims do to reign in these extremists. Extremism exists in a lot of religions, Christianity / Judaism / Islam spring to mind which I guess is one reason I find Buddhism attractive in that there seems to be less extreme views held. I'm not convinced that the west can / should intervene militarily. One of the reasons the Taliban get a foothold is due to the corrupt and ineffective governments and policing. When a kid gets his bike stolen, the Taliban are the ones who find it and then mete out a 'just' punishment.

  8. I hate to say it but, if you are so terribly offended, stop prostituting your morals and go back to where you came from, where there is a justice system you understand.

    I hate to say it, but, if you don't like what you read don't read the forum.... See my point ? The 'If you don't like it go home' argument is so fundamentally flawed yet overused it only presents its users lack of brain function.

    What a dopey cop out answer. I have never once whinged about Tv...only some dopey comments. You are trying to impose your values into a completely foreign culture. I have followed Tv for years but never bothered to post because of the habitual Thai bashing. Yep the go home attitude comes up all the time. I wonder why? Because so many of you (from reading posts) can say nothing positive about Thailand that the only intelligent response is ... 'Take your hand off the hotplate if it is getting burnt'. Do I like everything here? Hell no, there is so much dopey stuff going on but.. I choose to stay here and I will go back to where I came from when I decide. Maybe these whingers should go and live in China or Afghanistan... but they don't because (and here is the point) life is too good for them here.

  9. It is good to see that Thailand protects children and adhere's to the treaty on the rights of the child. Especially regarding youngsters the aim of the law is not to punish, but to correct wrong behaviour.

    Let's not forget this isn't murder, as some seem to want to make out of it. It was a very, very tragic accident. And don't forget that driving by minors is not exactly rare in Thailand and it are often the adults who fail to act against it.

    Finally a poster that talks like a mature adult. The nasty vendictive, negative posters that want blood and executions should just disappear. It is amazing they have something negative and angry to say about almost every single news article posted on TV. If you want to know whats happening in the world between countires, just listen to the people talk.

    Nobody is calling for blood, just justice!! She is 16, she knows the consequences of her actions. When somebody drives a car drunk they dont go out with the intention to kill someone but they understand the risks involved.

    Its not murder but it is manslaughter. The sentence is a disgrace and anyone who disagree's needs to seriously question their own mindset! How would you react if the victims were in your family??

    Quite frankly, its time that expats living in this host country let the Thais take care of their affairs and country (including the politics) without the help of all the foreign experts on everything that happens. When something directly involves you and your family, then give your opinions with the proper people.

    I am not defending what she did, but her punishment is not our business, or does it deserve the kind of comments that are made public on this public blog. This is a very different culture here, and either we can enjoy being here or we have a choice to find a cculture that causes a more enjoyable experience.

    I'm not sure what is pissing me off more, the thought of the nine lives wasted or the vitriolic outpourings from the countless expats who have been personally injured in this sad affair. I am reminded of the morons in the Monty Python movie screaming ... 'it's a witch, it's a witch'. Justice is a strange animal, in some parts of the world it is 'just' to behead a woman because she was seen with a man other than her husband. Not that long ago it was justice to transport a starving person who stole a lump of bread to Australia. There are so many victims here, obviously the people who died and their families but also the girl and by extension Thailand too. They are all victims of an underdevelped justice system we don't understand. I hate to say it but, if you are so terribly offended, stop prostituting your morals and go back to where you came from, where there is a justice system you understand.

  10. They're rich so they can do what they want...what's the problem? Get them the F out of there and start making examples to the rest of the civilized world that Thailand can/will follow the rule of law.....finally!

    We are used to reading comments like the above. Is it not the relative ease of lifestyle and feeling of relative importance and relatively cheap fun that farang feel amongst the entertainment girl ghetto that attracts them here?

    What are you on man? I'm doing mental gymnastics to try and tie together your comment and the original post. What in the name of God has girl ghetto bars got to do with rich people owning land in protected areas? From your writing I am assuming you are possibly Thai? if so (and I may be wrong) you are continuing the common generalisation that foreigners come here for cheap sex. Be careful what you say because you would in fact be making a generalised comment as to the morality of Thai women. Please engage your brain before opening your mouth.

  11. Slightly off topic but about refusing a fare. I am about 180 cm and 105 kg.. In Thong Lor one day I wanted a motorcycle taxi to take me to the BTS. The ignorant prick said .. 'You too fat' and laughed. So, I went to the guy right next to him and said in my best Thai .. I want to go to Thong Lor BTS and I will give you 100 Baht. It was only about 1 km away but it was stinking hot. and I said it loud so the prick could hear and waved the 100 B in the air. Then turned and grinned at him.

  12. to kimamay;

    ​I take your point and of course you are right inasmuch as the orders are most likely coming from on high. Which of course begs the question ... 'Will Thailand ever have a powerful femaile leader?' I'm thinking Margaret Thatcher / Golda Meyer / Angela Merkel . Or even a Hilary Clinton / Madeline Albright / Condi Rice. Not saying I admired them all... couldn't stand Thatcher and Rice, but it is a thought.

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