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Posts posted by Nautilus05

  1. I can speak like a 3 year old. smile.png

    I can confidently say I speak more Thai than most Thai people I meet can speak English, so I guess I have that going for me. I've noticed a lot of people are like myself though. We learn enough to get around and do anything we need in life, then get lazy, and stop learning. Once you hit a certain level in the language to have complete freedom in your life, and do anything you need, then I think many including myself stop learning.

    Only exception is if I need to visit a veternarian, lawyer, etc. Then it can be a bit tough, because I don't know medical or law terminology in Thai. That, and talking over the phone is tough for me. In person is always better, because then you can make use of body language, facial expressions, etc.

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  2. If a neighbour actually confronted you then I think that you live in the wrong neighbourhood!

    Tell me about it. Especially when you have no idea what you did wrong. I've lived here for a good while, and nothing in my life has changed, but all of a sudden everyone seems to hate me with a vengeance. I'm still quite lost as to what sparked this. I don't do anything that would make anyone dislike me.

    If you are gay then they have known that since soon after the day you moved in so the story of you trying to seduce the wife wouldn't be credible.

    Nah, they would have had no reason to think I'm gay. Well, until yesterday when I told them. I don't act or dress feminine, don't have a boyfriend, don't date, don't do giks, don't have gay friends, nothing. I just hang out here at home with my dogs while behind the computer, for the most part. And nobody ever asked me, so I never told them. I don't care if anyone knows, but I don't go around randomly telling people.

    Can you speak Thai? Was the conversation with 'granny' in English? If not English can you write in some sort of logical phonetics what it was you thought was said?

    Went something like this. I was talking down the street to the store, and:

    Granny: "hey! gap baan!"

    Me: "nah, pom bpai laan tee-nan" (nah, just going to the store over there)

    Granny: "no, no! gap baan brapteet kun! tee-noon!" *pointing far away* (no, no, go back to your home country, far away!)

    Me: "ok, chai" *walk away*

    Then basically a repeat of above while I was walking back home, except this time she was on the street waiting for me. Just trust me, I didn't misinterpret anything during that little convo.

    But yes, I do rent, and thankfully these days only rent furnished houses. My lease is already fulfilled on this house, so no problem, I'll just grab a new one. Hopefully somewhere like my old neighborhood, and not one filled with xenophonic snobs.

  3. Nope, I actually found out what happened. He actually did tell me to go away, and never come back. Apparently, his wife was making up stories about me, and decided to spread them around the neighborhood.

    Went out to the store earlier today (different one, further away), and while walking there a neighbor straight out yelled to me, "<deleted> off to your home country!". I was a little stunned, so just said, "no, just going to the store" (I take my duffel bag with me, because I still have enough plastic bags to last me 6 months). Then she said, "no, no... not to your home there, but back to your own country!". Bit perplexed, I just said "ok", and walked away.

    Sure enough though, upon walking home she was on the street now with her grandkids or whatever, waiting for me. She questions me again, and at this point I'm a little pissed off, so ask if we can sit down in her driveway and talk about it (her daughter was there as well, with her son -- figured she would act as a good balance). Turns out, the owner's wife of that store said I've been hitting on her. For <deleted> sakes, I'm gay. Sorry to break your heart sweetheart, but if I was going to hit on anyone, it'd be your husband, not you. What a bitch...

    I mean, if you don't like me for whatever reason, then fine, just say that. I'll go to the store 20m down the road, no big deal. Don't spread rumors about me behind my back though, because that's bullshit, and now the entire neighborhood thinks I'm some pervert. Thanks, bitch...

  4. Ohhh, "luu bao" means "or not?". Whoops, I got that wrong. I was certain it meant "ok?".

    Well, in that case he was probably just offering me a ride home on his motorbike (eg. want to go on the motorbike, or not?). That would make more sense than anything. He's offered to drive me home several times before, although I've always declined. Then I bought more than usual that night, so heavier load, plus the stoned and aggressive teenager wandering around (unusual for this area), so maybe he was just politely demanding that it's in my best interest if he drive me home. Then in response, I just said "ok", and walked away like an idiot. :)

    Now I feel comfortable to go ask him what the hell he meant, without worry of raising tensions. Good to go!

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  5. No, I'm quite confident he told me to go away, and never come back. Maybe the "luupb ao" is an Issan dialect, but I know for certain it's a question particle meaning "ok?". Then "moat bpai", you can find here:


    I'm certain he said, "moat bpai luupb ao", and a few seconds later said, "bpai luupb ao" (go away, ok?). Doesn't make sense why he'd say that though, as there's absolutely no reason for him to, and I spend probably 25,000/month just at their mini-mart. I've been going there every day for probably 8 months, and one night he just tells me to go away, and never come back? I'm obviously missing something.

    I'm probably just being paranoid, and he was warning me about that stoned teenager who was the previous customer, hence the "disappear, ok?" statement. Maybe he was just trying to protect me. Or who knows, but whatever... doesn't matter. Thanks for the replies though!

  6. Well, "moat bpai" basically means "go away forever / disappear", and "luup ao" is basically a question particle asking, "ok?". Isn't that correct? From a store owner, and I've been going there basically every day for 8 months now, since they first opened.

    So it's either:

    1.) He politely told me to <deleted> off, and never come back.

    2.) I'm just being paranoid, and it was due to the little stoned teenager who was in the store seconds previously, and was obviously feeling a bit aggressive. You could tell straight away, and I even hung out at different aisles until he pissed off out of the store. Maybe he was just warning me to go straight home?

  7. See your screen door just behind the glass door? Change it out for a metal one, and put "padlock holders" (???) on each side of the door, front and back. This way you can padlock the screen door regardless if you're staying in for the night, or leaving in the morning.

    Either that, or just get a couple big dogs, and leave your door open all the time. That's what I do, and works a treat. :)

  8. Well gee, this thread sure went well, didn't it?


    Bloody hell...



    OP not only did not stop them but left the dog to so call "finish the job"



    I know dude, I already apologized for that.  If this ever happens again, I'll make sure to take the cat inside, and behead it with a kitchen knife instead.  Apparently, according to TV members that's the most humane way to go about it.


    heh, imagine if I actually posted that in the OP?  Seen my dogs attacking a near lifeless cat, so took the cat inside, and sawed its head off with a kitchen knife.  You know, in the name of humanity.  I'm sure I'd be getting praise all around if I did that.


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  9. the question to ask is 'how these dogs have been trained" have they been trained to kill?depends on the nature of the dogs too.


    This topic has blown up beyond belief.  Welcome to TV I guess!


    No, both of my dogs are great boys with excellent hearts.  Yes, they are healthy, strong, well fed, and yes, they will defend their home.  Considering I'm a white guy who lives by himself in SE Asia, I quite like that, as it let's me sleep better at night.


    Don't worry, there's nothing wrong with my dogs.  They would never attack a child, nor a pup, or anything of that nature.  They will actually go out of their way to protect them, and I know this, because they've done it many times before.  However, they are canines, and one of the natural instincts they have is hunting, and they do see cats as prey, hence will go after them.  I'm sorry, but I will not get angry at my dogs for being dogs.


    I give them hell more than enough, to consider them trained enough to live a civilized life.  When they break a rule, I don't even have to do or say anything.  I just have to point at the problem (eg. garbage bag if they went through it), and I immediately know who the culprit is due to their guilty faces.  From there, I snap my fingers, and off they go to the timeout area until I tell them they can come out.


    In my mind, I've already curbed my dogs natural behavior more than enough.  They know not to bark at night, they're stuck in an "enclosure", although it is quite a good sized yard, etc.  There's no way I'm giving them hell for attacking a cat.  That's one of the most core, primal, natural instincts they have, and I'm not going to give them hell for having it.  They're not here for my entertainment.  They're here for me to provide them with a good life, lots of love, and a healthy lifestyle / home.


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  10. And, there's always the possibility the person who saw you dispose of the cat, also watched you shrug and walk away, giving  the dogs a few minutes alone with it to finish it.


    What's this called here? …. oh, yeah, karma.


    Well again, what was I supposed to do?  I've gotten two suggestions so far.


    1.) Jump out of bed like an alert fireman, and run outside butt naked to get to the cat.  I highly doubt that extra 20 seconds would have mattered though.


    2.) Take the cat inside, and chop its head off with a kitchen knife.


    Gotta say, neither of those sound very appealing.  The cat was already gone, so I let it die a quick death instead of suffering, and not sure why you guys see that as inhumane.


  11. A cat goes into a yard where there are dogs? I have to doubt the entire post, however for the sake of conversation-


    *shrug*  I don't know, but I'm quite confident that was the carcass of a dead cat I threw into the garbage.  I'm not sure how / why the cat came into the yard, but he's always been around, especially at night.  My backdoor is just a screen door, and nearly every night one of my dogs will let out a quick bark or two, because the cat is walking on top of the wall.



    The point where you did not take responsibility for an animal  being attacked on your property, at hands of your dogs  is where you go wrong.

    I'm sorry, but I disagree.  I take excellent care of my dogs, and am probably one of the more respectable dog owners around.  They're only allowed out in the (gated & fenced) yard between 8:30am - 3:30pm (while everyone is at school / work / wherever).  Then again between about 9pm and 11pm (after dinner and evening commotion), and that's it.  And for the longest time they weren't even allowed out between 9 - 11pm, but have since realized there's no barking allowed once the sun goes down, and have been excellent about it.


    How about people take care of their own pets, and I'll take care of mine?  If you want to let your pets aimlessly wander around the streets, go for it, but don't get surprised when something happens to one of them -- hit by a car, bitten by a snake, attacked by dogs, etc.




    Decapitation or breaking the neck is an excellent  and safe for you emergency euthanasia if the animal is that " far gone". Every one has a large knife in their kitchen,  just whack it on the neck

    "Gone too far.." indicates prone and motionless, so no danger to you.



    Ahhh...  so I should have gotten my dog away from it, took it into the kitchen, put it on a cutting board, and chopped its head off with a knife.  That would have been much more humane.  Alright, will remember that for next time.  I'm curious, should I yell out "Allah akBhar!" when I do that, or no need?


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  12. That's a bit expensive, is it not?  10,000 THB for a dead cat?


    I'm sorry, but I don't feel responsible for that cat getting killed.  We've been here almost a year exactly, so it's no secret two dogs live in this yard, and the cat is always around, so it knew this as well.  I was just having a nap, and the front door was open as usual, with the dogs out in the (gated & fenced) yard.  I get woken up to some cat screaming for their lives, and by the time I get dressed, downstairs, and outside the cat is already 95% dead.


    So I just went back inside for 10 minutes, and let my one dog finish the thing off.  It was WAY past the point of salvation, so trying to rescue it would have done nothing except prolong its suffering.  By the time I got to it, it was already a goner.  Then I threw some work gloves on, wrapped it up in a bunch of plastic bags + couple black garbage bags, and pitched it into the garbage bin.  Apparently someone seen this though, and the owner of the cat, because they came by and told me I owe them 10k because my dogs killed their cat.


    I'm sorry, but how is it my fault your cat came into my yard?  It's not like my dogs were roaming the streets.


  13. Most likely if someone jumped your fence and showed aggression to the dogs they would back off..lol there only making noise as they know that space!

    Well, if you like we can give 'er a good ole test run. You come by my house, and my dogs will hear you before you even get to the gate, and will be telling you you're unwelcome. If after a few seconds of that, you still have the nerve, feel free to jump the wall into the yard, and we'll see what happens. Bet you walk away bloodied and in need of stitches.

    Come on, they're dogs. Nuts or no nuts, they're not going to back down from protecting their home.

    Bet I don't leave bloodied as I have past trained in kickboxing, I would break their jaw with a full force kick before they get a chance to bite!

    So you agree they wouldn't back down just because they have their nuts chopped? Good, thanks.

  14. Most likely if someone jumped your fence and showed aggression to the dogs they would back off..lol there only making noise as they know that space!

    Well, if you like we can give 'er a good ole test run. You come by my house, and my dogs will hear you before you even get to the gate, and will be telling you you're unwelcome. If after a few seconds of that, you still have the nerve, feel free to jump the wall into the yard, and we'll see what happens. Bet you walk away bloodied and in need of stitches.

    Come on, they're dogs. Nuts or no nuts, they're not going to back down from protecting their home.

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  15. But once you castrate you will change the Dog into a docile animal that will sit around eating, half the dog it used to be especially if you want your dog to secure your property etc.

    Ohhh, that's horse shit. Both of my dogs have had their nuts removed, and trust me, they're very defensive about protecting their home. Not a chance someone can even get close to the gate, let alone inside the yard. If someone comes by the gate, they get told by both dogs quite sternly to back away.

    I'm not sure, because nobody has ever tried, but if someone tried to jump the gate, I'm quite confident my dogs would attack and that person would find themselves in the hospital. No guarantees as nobody has tried, but wouldn't surprise me.

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  16. I had both of my dogs snipped when they were old enough, and it definitely helped calm any aggression / defensive nature they had, although not too much. Doubt it would help with the chicken issue. My one dog would always kill the neighbor's chickens and drag them home though. The only way I solved that was moving into a new house that has a large enough gated yard where they can run full speed on their own. Then the front door just stays open from about 8am to 7pm, and they can go for a running burst any time they feel like it.

    Walking them on a leash I don't think is any good. If that's your only option, then I guess it's better than nothing, but still. I can't run 40km/h like they can, and that's what they want to do when they're exercising. If I took them for walks, almost guaranteed they would want to come home out of boredom, not because they're tired. How am I supposed to tire one of them out? I'd be too tired to continue way before them.

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