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Posts posted by Monkeyrobot

  1. 8 hours ago, BarnicaleBob said:

    This may sound radical, but I am thinking I could move to Florida and live in a senior mobile home park for not much more than I spend here.  You can purchase a used mobile home in one of these parks for next to nothing because when the owners die, the children are not old enough to live in them and they can't afford to keep paying the lot rent on them. 

    Although I make well over 100,000 baht, I almost never spend any more than that living here in Thailand.  I did the math and found I could be living in a mobile home in Florida and still not be spending much more than 100,000 baht ($3,200.00) to live there.  Being my income is significantly higher than that, I will be making the move as soon as my Thai wife gets her approval for a green card, which should be sometime this Summer. 

    Don’t tell your wife your moving into a mobile home that someone has died in , you want a spirit free home. 

  2. On 2/5/2019 at 11:02 AM, Lucius verus said:

    Tessakit are fake cops who wear similar uniforms to police thus confusing inexperienced tourists. They prey on Chinese& Koreans who are frightened of authority.

    They should of been abolished years ago afterharrassing and extorting money from tourists along Sukhumvit rd BKK.Everyone is sick of gov officials and politicans who have big influence or know dark influential people.

    Thailand has become a country of Man-children with guns.Sad.

    The ones in BKK only pick you up if you litter or throw a cigarette butt on the pavement there are signs there in English saying it’s a 2000B fine, they are from the BMA Bangkok Municipal Authorities, don’t litter and they leave you alone. If you speak to them and ask directions they are quite helpful. 

  3. 8 hours ago, Somtamnication said:

    Travel insurance does not cover motorbike accidents, to my knowledge. RIP and condolences to the family.

    It does if you specify it on the contract, my Travel insurance is a yearly policy and was $30.00 extra to have the motor bike insurance, if I were the driver or passenger on bike under 150cc The total insurance including high blood pressure stipulated  was

    $ 960.00 for 340 days. 

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  4. 2 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    Unless the Dutchman happens to be an avid ThaiVisa reader, it seems more than just coincidental that he happened to claim a "French guy" working for Pattaya police was trying to extort him on behalf of the local plod... 


    Where have we heard that same exact account before and how many times tied to one particular French guy who liked to claim his DSI and Thai police affiliations, but who who supposedly later was disowned by the local police there... But then again, maybe that was just temporary until the past heat died down.


    He was sent to an inactive post until the heat died down. 

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