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The Dancer

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Posts posted by The Dancer

  1. 20 minutes ago, seancbk said:

    Now I have no debt although I am beginning to look at debt finance for my new business, so far I've not taken any outside finance or sought any debt/equity style deals, but I may do that at some point.    However I will only do it once I'm 100% sure that I can repay it without incurring any penalties etc.

    Good luck with your business. To grow a business I guess you just have to take on financing at some point and therefore debt. But that's a good cause. Putting an iPhone 7 on a CC because it's shiny and Somchai's got one is not.

  2. 23 minutes ago, seancbk said:


    I do understand that some people need access to credit sometimes, but so many people get caught in the credit trap (like you and I did before we broke free).   

    Schools should really teach better money management skills.  And people really should stop being driven by such rampant consumerism, unless they can actually afford it.


    Interesting, I grew up fairly poor and without enough creditworthiness to get a card. And I learned to be terrified of debt because there was no way I could pay back much. So, when finally I got an education and a decent job and a card, I always paid it off at the end of the month. I just hated debt. And still do.


    The CC companies haven't ever got a dime in interest from me. I guess they hate me. But I love them because they give me a free ride till the end of each month.

  3. 16 hours ago, seancbk said:

    I think you'll find that Thais understand the difference between smart, well educated, wealthy Indians and the ones selling nuts and loan sharking.  

    True. But I'll put in a word for the money lenders.


    There's one pretty often at the end of my soi quietly sitting on his bike hanging with the motosai guys. Obviously, they do business with him and there seem to be no problems, not even loud words let alone fights. I asked a couple of the motosai guys about him. They said he lends them money and speaks perfect Thai. That's it. No rant about him extorting away their hard-earned cash or anything else.


    I guess loans are just another necessity for low-income Thais living day to day. And this particular Indian community seems to have cornered the market on providing the service. If it wasn't them then it would have been some other group. So I doubt Thais hold it against Indians for money-lending and I say money-lending rather than loan-sharking because if their rates were extortionate, then Thais would go somewhere else. There are lots of people capable of giving microloans.


    But, of course, people on general principle hate banks and such who have them by their balls and require them to part with an amount at the beginning of every month which they would rather spend on a happy ending.

  4. Don't you need the owner's permission to undertake a major overhaul of his unit, e.g., painting? I would just clean the unit up best I could and then invite the owner in to discuss the amount he'll need to get it back to where it was when you moved in modulo routine wear and tear, which he gets to keep from the deposit.


    I think most people would appreciate a straightforward approach and at the end of the day you're going to "win/lose" a few thousand baht, not an amount worth stressing over. And you get to leave on friendly terms (if you care).

  5. On 2/3/2017 at 4:38 AM, JaySonic said:

    Ive spoken to my soul brothers in other parts of Thailand and they dont know of a BKK scene.

    In which case start one on your own. Easy enough. Go to meetup.com and make a group. Who knows who'll turn up.

  6. 8 minutes ago, Flustered said:



    There are some things in life that seem simple but when you have them done, you realise everyone lied to you.


    The tube they put down your throat is not small. Then there is the gag reflex. You cannot swallow or gulp while the tube is in your throat and it takes about 4 to 5 minutes to be carried out properly. They have to record what the lining of your esophagus is like, measure the width of your esophageal hiatus which is a hole in the diaphragm through which the esophagus and the vagus nerve pass. Then they have to look at your stomach lining for any abscess or inflammation.


    It is not a happy time unless you are used to having deep throat experiences which I certainly am not.

    Yep, I'll second this. The most 'orrible experience ever. I had to be physically restrained from pulling the damn thing out and a sweaty, quivering mess at the end of it.

  7. 2 hours ago, mcfish said:

    LMAO! the only Thais eating there are hookers and stall holder's, cab drivers and motorcycle taxis and I could give a flying <deleted> about them !

    Flying <deleted>, kind of like that. Brings up this picture of pompous mc zipping over Suk like Superman except with a beer belly, skinny buns and a giant hardon.


    In addition to the fact the all the people you mention are hustling for a buck like the rest of us there are the employees of the late night venues, late shift workers, hundreds of them, regular folks, service staff, who sit down for a bite before heading home.

  8. It's horrible, it sucks and it's <deleted> up my lifestyle, part of which was going out late each night after a hard day's work to sit down to a cold one at a roadside place and watch the world go by.


    I want the old Bangkok back. The crazy, quirky, insomniac one. And I doubt I'm alone.

  9. 12 hours ago, KC 71 said:

    Then i found true love

    No, you didn't. You thought you did. But you are wrong. Because you are not the least bit lovable. Oh, don't be offended, I mean nothing personal. I am sure  you are a bang-up kind of guy and the bar doesn't come alive until you are parked on your stool.


    What I mean is that you bring nothing to the table for a Thai woman to love. You look different,  don't speak her language, know nothing about the movies, music, religion, stories, celebrities, and on and on that she grew up with, your nose is too big and as the day wears on you begin to emit a distinctly farangy odor.


    What was that you said? We look like Brad Pitt do we? Do me a favor and go watch a couple of lakorns on Channel 7. Do any of the guys look Mr. Pitt? No, because he is too big (buffalo-like), too muscled (reeking of labor class, rather than the lounge set) and too darned ugly (yep, it's relative, where Nadech's the epitome of good looks Brad Pitt is about as hot as Bill O'Reilly).


    You spent 7 years learning Thai and now read, write and speak? Sorry but all your fluency in Thai does is make you a slightly odd Thai-wannabe farang who just might have other quirks, rather than an honest to goodness off-the-boat farang. In fact your knowing Thai gets you exactly to the point where Thais can see what you don't have a clue of, particularly, Thai culture, values, etc., etc. I am not knocking learning Thai. It's very useful. But it doesn't make you lovable.


    But you found a well-educated English speaking hiso Thai lass who loves you for your Western self? BS. The guy she really was lusting after before you came into the picture was that kid from the XYZpong family studying to be a doctor, the skinny one, with the mildly feminine features, with a shade of a mustache and a hairy mole under his left cheek. And she almost had him until that total bitch from Korat, who dresses like a slut and was known once to have put out to a motosai guy after getting drunk, stole him. At that point you became the consolation prize.


    You know what it is about consolation prizes right? Athletes train for years, end up third from last, make a nice speech about how just participating made it all worth it, and gracefully accept a consolation prize. Then when they get home they shut the door, fly into a rage, hurl the prize across the room, and stamp on it till it's a thousand pieces. Yep, that's you and little Miss Hiso.


    Ah, you are rich? Now, we are talking. Not about true love but a true arrangement. You support her and mom and dad and the lazy brother, and buy a car and build a house and in return she cooks, cleans, and grits her teeth once a week through boom-boom.


    True love? Just around the corner.




  10. 1 minute ago, easybullet3 said:


    Very funny :)  Lol

    I get your point. but really you wasted your time.

    i have lived in bkk for a decade.

    i know where all the red light zones are...  but I am simply curious as to why KhaoSarn doesnt have it.

    its a curiosity question... nothing more.


    I know. I was just having a bit of fun.


    In any case, in all seriousness, to my mind KSR doesn't have a go-go scene because backpackers, typically, won't be inclined to throw cash around on beer and barfines as much as say a regular tourist, especially Japanese/Korean. Plus intra-backpacker sexual activity obviates the need for paid sex outlets.

  11. On 1/5/2017 at 4:39 PM, easybullet3 said:

    This is a general observation. (i am not seeking these bars), its just a question that has been on my mind


    I understand. I wouldn't be seen dead in one of these joints either. But I heard from a friend that there are what are called go-go bars in a place called Nana Entertainment Plaza on Soi 3. And he told me (I did not ask because I have zero interest in such nonsense but he kept talking) that these bars have naked women dancing on a stage and that some even have large breasts and can be taken home.


    Horrified at the thought of nubile Thai women being exploited I decided to investigate and see if I could do any good. As I entered the Plaza I could sense instantly that the whole place was a den of depravity. But I was determined to help and soon enough was beckoned by a scantily-clad female at the entrance of a bar. I thought to rescue her but she was not available. So I went in and ordered a beer.


    After, I admit, several bottles I noticed a girl on the stage with large round breasts, colored hair and red lips who smiled repeatedly at me in a manner suggesting she indeed longed to be freed. Immediately I sprang her aid, paid several thousand baht to a horridly exploitative woman they call a mamasan and took Balloon home. 


    I began undressing Balloon purely with the intention of ministering to any wounds she may have suffered during her period of captivity in the bar. It was then that I discovered to my horror a penis, one larger than mine. And despite my pleas Balloon ended up doing to me what, honestly, I had planned on doing to her. But I was satisfied. In that I had stepped forward even though this particular woman or man did not it seem need much care. But I am sure there are others in that troubled Plaza who do and I shall energetically seek them out.


  12. 3 hours ago, fruitman said:


    NOPE, it's Thailand which has to grow up and understand that also foreigners try to live here.


    At the MacD. i ordered 3 hamburgers please, the silly girl had no idea what i was trying to say. She even didn't point on those pictures.


    I also called the consumer protection board, first they didn't pick up at all, after some more trials got  a computer from which i couldn't understand a word of english, finally got some young girl who could barely understand me but didn't do anything at all with my complaint...i told her my packages from overseas got stolen often by Thailand post.


    I called Samsung Thailand once, NOBODY could speak a word english.


    Called Honda Thailand once, same story...finally one who could speak 2 words english.


    Why do you expect us to learn Thai? What nonsense is that? My wife speaks fluent english and yes has a good job with it, makes good money.  She works in the IT and NONE of her male collegues can speak english...they all have university degree's...what a shame!


    And you're telling us that's normal??


    Never call a Thai helpdesk, Never ask the staff anything, Never speak Thai to a policeman...


    In the time you pounded out this rant you could have learned 5 Thai words, their correct pronunciation and spelling. I see you have made more than a 1000 posts no doubt griping about other stuff. If instead you spent time with a Thai tutor my math tells me your  stock of words would be up to 5000, which would make you a fluent speaker, one whom Thais, including True reps, would delight in conversing with.


    Not to mention that you would never have to pen another rant. Which is kind of Catch 22 if you think about it: if you read instead of rant then you never have to rant.

  13. There is a bunch of regulations re flying drones around here. A prof I know wanted one for research purposes and even then had to jump through hoops. You just can't stick a high res cam on one and go peeping in people's windows. Well, if the laws are enforced that is.


    But if you are worried buy a drone jammer. Unless it's military grade the signal is the weak link and can easily be taken out.

  14. 2 hours ago, mogandave said:

    Second Fidelity.


    No need to be US resident or citizen


    Hope you are right. Few years ago I tried to get an account with Vanguard and started filling out their form online with my Thai address. Bang, flags everywhere. I tried to back out and give my brother's US address instead. No dice. Calling them up to explain didn't change a thing. They just shut me off.


    That's when I signed up with Fidelity giving them my brother's address from the get go. E*Trade before that I had started doing business with in the US and they didn't care when I changed to my Thai address (guess I was grandfathered in as a "good" guy).

  15. lazada.com -> inflatable globe shows plenty. So, if you have an address in Thailand to deliver to and provided delivery happens within 2 weeks (a random one I clicked indicates shipping from abroad to arrive within 6-17 Jan) you can pick it up here. Or someone could remail it to you later.

  16. I see your topic's gone unanswered for a couple of days. There's a reason for that. You're in the wrong forum. This one's for overweight 50+ guys with troubled lives. We don't care about our appearance because nobody else in the bar does. The lights are dim, the guys are there to drink and the gals for cash.


    Manicure, pedicure, for information about girly man stuff like that you might want to poke your head in the ladies forum which I believe exists.

  17. 18 minutes ago, jamie2009 said:

    The recommendation is clockwise when cold and anti clockwise when hot.


    not the same time of fan though.

    Flipping directions doesn't apply in this country where the only purpose of a fan is to blow air toward the front, i.e., down in case of a ceiling fan. If you read the article you linked you see that reversal is to suck heavy cold air up. Well, in this country when it's cold you switch fans off. Period.


    Now, to see if your ceiling fan is turning the right direction here's what you do: pour the rest of the beer down the sink, take your clothes off and stand under the fan. Do you feel a breeze? Great, you are all set. Jump into bed. The heavy feeling in your head will be gone by morning.

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