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The Dancer

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Posts posted by The Dancer

  1. If it's a South Side of Chicago wannabe that you are looking for, where you can get robbed, beaten and yours brains blown out just for saying hi, then you're in the wrong country.


    Why? Because you've made more than a 1000 posts so presumably lived here for years and yet have to ask. If there were such an infamous hellhole in the vicinity you would've heard of it by now. No? I've been here more than 10 years and haven't either.


    Which is not to say there aren't gangs, mafiosos, drug rings, khan pens (assassins) and such. But it's very unlikely you're going to run into them from getting off at the wrong stop.

  2. My new Win 10 machine doesn't detect the second monitor. I have tried suggestions found on the web, e.g., upgrading graphics card driver, etc. Still no luck. I would appreciate if someone could point me to a repair shop with software expertise or a tech whiz who works individually. I am near Victory Monument and would be happy to take my box in if it's not too far. Thanks.

  3. 4 hours ago, gdgbb said:
    On 11/14/2016 at 8:31 AM, The Dancer said:

    I speak for all ethnicities including yours. You are not wanted. Go away. Vamoose. Pai klai. Vasta.


    No, you don't, you speak only for yourself.

    Check with the other ethnicities. Even your own ethnic group. You'll find that I actually do speak for them. Nothing special about me but people are mostly tolerant - case in point thousands of TVers living happily in LOS - while racism is seriously uncool.

  4. Just got some stuff through AliExpress. Like impulse I used my KBank CC. No hassle except the delivery took more than 2 weeks which got me antsy thinking why so long for a short flight. In any case, what arrived was exactly as ordered.

  5. Give me a name, an address and 100K baht and I will fix this for you.


    Kidding? Not really. Trying to make a point. Right now, understandably, you're pissed, brooding and obsessed. And, therefore, asking to fall into the arms of a conman who'll take care of business for you.


    Let go and get on with your life. Lesson learned and in a month this'll be a speck in the rear view miirror.

  6. Not an issue at all. I've brought back a few from HCM and Hanoi without problem. In fact, you can get snake in liquor here too so it's not even an exotic import. Customs won't bat an eyelid but there's no need to pull it out of your bag and wave it in their face.

  7. 6 hours ago, JAFO said:



    While I know this is a charged discussion, I disagree. I am exercising my democratic right by saying I do not believe either candidate is worthy of my vote.  I refuse to buy that I have to pick the lesser of two inept candidates or randomly pick someone other than them to show my sentiment.


    I know many that feel the same and are not voting either. 




    Total cop out. Inept they may or may not be but there are substantive differences in issues between them that will affect our lives (even expat) and the future of the country you and I are (hopefully) proud to be citizens off.


    Get off your butt, get on a plane and get in line Tues. morning. And read up on the way.

  8. 10 hours ago, JAFO said:

    I think most of the US citizens are ashamed and embarrassed. Most would sooner have this all just go away. Btw I am a US citizen and I have decided to not vote.



    I am ashamed and embarrassed by fellow citizens who claim to be ashamed and embarrassed by what's going on in the US and yet are too lazy to get off their backsides and do something about the situation. Like exercise their right to vote.

  9. I have 3BB and no problems recently. Did have a problem with connecting a couple of months ago, called  their customer number and the response was excellent. They fixed it within 24 hrs. I have been happier with 3BB than I ever was with True before them. 


    Call their customer service.

  10. If you wear it make sure to do this the right way. First time I didn't and was politely corrected by a colleague:
    Right places: Left sleeve just below the shoulder or upper-left of the shirt, could be the pocket (so it's above the heart).

    Alignment: The loop should be up and the legs down.


    Foreigner will be cut some slack surely by Thais but still a wrongly worn ribbon might be construed an insult.

  11. ChefsXP is priced right (no markups it is) and the delivery is quick. But the phone op is amateurish.


    Wed. night I called just before 10pm and asked to order from Mumbai's Great Punjab. The guy says hold on, let me check if it's open and comes back and says no. I say that just a couple of days ago I successfully ordered from MGP a little after 10pm through FBP. The guys says ok let me check again. I can hear the call he makes - an automated voice tells him the number doesn't exist. I tell the guy that he's got the wrong number obviously and that I can give him the number if he wants. He says to me to hold on again. Now, he dials the right number and I can hear him speaking to the restaurant. Anyway, finally I get my curry fix.


    Tonight I called CXP to order from Sunrise. The guy takes my order, tells me it'll take an hour and hangs up. Hey, tell me the total with delivery before you let me go! No problems at the end of it though as my burrito arrives in 30mins and the delivery charge is minimal.


    CXP has its heart in the right place but they need to get their act together.


  12. 4 hours ago, smokie36 said:

    I order from foodpanda and never have any issue.

    I just checked and foodpanda and FoodByPhone websites are laid out exactly same except they have a different selection of restaurants. But Mumbai's Great Punjab is with both with exact same prices.


    My problem is not with the service. Both FBP and CXP are good. But FBP being 20% more expensive for the same order is nuts. And I am guessing this isn't just an anomaly with this one restaurant.


    I would call it a ripoff if I had no choice but I do and I know what it's going to be in future.

  13. I compared the same order at the two:

    From Mumbai's Great Punjab restaurant:

    1 x Chicken Kadai

    1 x Kashmiri Dum Aloo

    1 x Roti


    Total including delivery to Victory Monument area:

    FoodByPhone 535b

    ChefsXP          440b


    That's more than 20% more for FBP over CXP. What gives?

  14. If I remember correctly what I read about this way back, it is to treat this as a substance addiction. Treatment is same too. First and most importantly, get the person out of the addictive environment and as far away as possible. Next, comes handling withdrawal.


    But the first step seems easier said than done in your friend's case. But it's the only way. He can't realistically hope to compete mano a mano with the cult which seems to have taken over his wife's life. Maybe lure her off on a long holiday abroad ...

  15. 2 hours ago, kingstonkid said:

    No celebration for New Years and possibly no Songkran celebration


    I seriously doubt this. The sense of loss is pervasive now but, with all due respect, life goes on. People have to make a living. Businesses have to open. And the authorities understand this.


    I would be surprised if things aren't pretty much back to normal by the end of the month.

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