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Mumbo Jumbo

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Posts posted by Mumbo Jumbo

  1. I want to buy a color inkjet printer, I’ve had a quick look around my Local IT mall, and the range is bewildering and confusing. My main concern is what type of Ink cartridge system to get. All the manufactures seem to offer about the same thing From what I can see some machines come with 3, 4 cartridges Etc , and some seem to have a separate sort of tank filling system where it look as if you just pour some ink into a small plastic tank when the ink gets low..?

    As ive learned from friends with color inkjet printers, its seem’s the problems does not really occur with the printers too much, but it’s with the cost of buying new cartridges or having the existing ones filled, or trying to fill them your self , and also a problem with some thing called Cartridge chips ..?

    Ive asked my friends about the chips and they really don’t seem to know just what the ‘chip ‘does ..?

    I just want the printer for home use, letters and the occasional photograph nothing too fancy or high speed so can any forum member offer me some advice as to ……..

    The options for an easy life when it comes to...Cartridges, Tanks, Chip’s, Etc and any other personal comments about your experiences with inkjet printers.

    Thanks .................. Mumbo

  2. HI Totster,

    Ive not as yet tried it, one of my past problems ( being a Computer Newbie ) was with un installing a programme and finding some parts of the programme were still left on my computer, causing some problems, So I am now careful in just what I download , I want to learn just a bit more about Firefox , and just in case and about ... ( the un install Conscquensies !! ) of removing it from my new computer should I need to ...

    Thanks .......... mumbo jumbo

  3. Thanks Guy's again for all your comments, please keep them coming ...

    ive just noticed this article ....

    Amsterdam - July 9 2006 - OneStat.com ( http://www.onestat.com/html/aboutus_pressbox.html ), the number one provider of real-time web analytics, today reported that Mozilla Firefox's browsers have a total global usage share of 12.93 percent. The total usage share of Mozilla Firefox increased 1.14 percent since May 2006. The total global usage share of Internet Explorer is 83.05 percent which is 2.12 percent less than at the of May.

    "It seems that the global usage share of Mozilla Firefox starts to grow rapidly again after a period of no growth" said Niels Brinkman, co-founder of OneStat.com.

    The most popular browsers on the web are:

    July 2006

    1. Microsoft IE 83.05%

    2. Mozilla Firefox 12.93%

    3. Apple Safari 1.84%

    4. Opera 1.00%

    5. Netscape 0.16%

    The most popular browsers in the USA are:

    July 2006

    1. Microsoft IE 79.78%

    2. Mozilla Firefox 15.82%

    3. Apple Safari 3.28%

    4. Opera 0.81%

    5. Netscape 0.20%

    The most popular browsers in Canada are:

    July 2006

    1. Microsoft IE 80.98%

    2. Mozilla Firefox 14.58%

    3. Apple Safari 2.82%

    4. Opera 1.30%

    5. Netscape 0.14%

    The most popular browsers in the UK are:

    July 2006

    1. Microsoft IE 86.23%

    2. Mozilla Firefox 11.65%

    3. Apple Safari 1.30%

    4. Opera 0.53%

    5. Netscape 0.15%

    The most popular browsers in Australia are:

    July 2006

    1. Microsoft IE 69.35%

    2. Mozilla Firefox 24.23%

    3. Apple Safari 1.31%

    4. Opera 4.69%

    5. Netscape 0.26%

    The most popular browsers in Germany are:

    July 2006

    1. Microsoft IE 55.99%

    2. Mozilla Firefox 39.02%

    3. Opera 2.78%

    4. Apple Safari 1.73%

    5. Netscape 0.30%

    The most popular browsers in France are:

    July 2006

    1. Microsoft IE 85.52%

    2. Mozilla Firefox 11.86%

    3. Apple Safari 1.74%

    4. Opera 0.52%

    5. Netscape 0.16%

    The most popular browsers in Italy are:

    July 2006

    1. Microsoft IE 75.67%

    2. Mozilla Firefox 20.41%

    3. Opera 1.96%

    4. Apple Safari 1.74%

    5. Netscape 0.43%

    The most popular browsers in Belgium are:

    July 2006

    1. Microsoft IE 83.47%

    2. Mozilla Firefox 13.92%

    3. Apple Safari 1.52%

    4. Opera 0.88%

    5. Netscape 0.15%

    The most popular browsers in the Netherlands are:

    July 2006

    1. Microsoft IE 85.38%

    2. Mozilla Firefox 12.19%

    3. Apple Safari 1.48%

    4. Opera 0.74%

    5. Netscape 0.13%

    I am putting together some firefox questions and will post them , that puzzle me and hope you guy's can help

    ............ Thanks ............. Mypenry

  4. I want to have made what I think is called a Sala..? its like a wooden seating area with a roof , that I can have put in my back garden, Ive found some one who makes a type of sala, but I want to show him a photo of the type I want ...

    does any forum member know a web site that I can download a sala photo from ...?

    Thanks ................

  5. I am soon going to a Thai Hospital to have an Endoscope examnation ( camera down your throat )

    I will ask the Doctor if he's ever done an Endoscopic exam on some one who's been chewing the Red stuff, and just what he saw down in the esophagus ( after chewing the red Stuff for years you would think your esophaugs and stomach would show up a un- normal Red color .. ? )

    MUMBO .....

  6. I’ve just been to visit some of the wife’s relatives, one of them was an old grandma aged 104, the group were mainly women, and most of them were what I can only describe as ‘’chewing ‘’ some sort of red concoction which has stained their teeth dark red . I asked the Old grandma what I had to do if I wanted to live to 104 years old; she said eat fish, and chew (what ever the Thai Name was) as she has been chewing it from a young girl.

    I could not find out just what this Red concoction was..? I watched grandma as she pounded a small cup filled with what looked like tobacco, and a white powder (which I learnt was I think from some sort of shell) and it was all folded in a green plant leaf and put into the mouth.

    Where the Red stain comes from I don’t know..? . The other thing I learnt was what ever it is they are chewing it gives them some sort of …BUZZ!!

    Does any one know just what all this is about any why do they chew it on a constant basis…?. I did not see any of the men with red teeth …?

    It its a GOOD BUZZ may be I will try it !!!!...........

  7. Hi Thaipwriter,

    Sorry may be i gave the wrong impression , I am not thinking of thinking of laying the turf my self, but I am looking for some info / advice from forum members who have paid some one to prepare the ground, supply the turf and lay it ..? , I dont really know the going rate / costs involved for this type of thing..? so any advice from some one who has had it done would be most welcome ...


  8. Ive just seen a new large screen Sony Projector type TV , priced at 39,500 Baht and I am looking for a new TV, but never having any thing to do with Projector type TV's I am not too sure just what I may let my self in for with this type of TV..? has any forum member got a projection type Tv or has had experiance / comments / advice on the subject...?

    Thanks ................

  9. some time ago I saw a free download to insatll a world clock into the bottom tool bar next to the windows clock , but I can't seem to find the web site again ..any one know of a free download for this type of clock...?

    Thanks .... Mumbo

  10. Some times I send things to the recycle Bin, by mistake and my auto clean programme emptys the recycle bin along with other things on shutdown, and then its too late to get back the things ive dumped !!,

    instead of sending things I '' think " i want to dump to the recycle bin, is there a way I can send the items to say a folder, which will not be autmatically emptyed on shut down by the clean up programme , and at a later date when I am sure I don't want the item I can then delete it from the special folder..? ( or put it back )

    Thanks ..... Mumbo

  11. I am using my new computer, which came with McAfee Security Center pre loaded, ive just seen this ....The anti Virus soft ware you have ( McAfee Virus scan ) has expired and is not working..? , so it looks as if I may have to subscribe to McAfee to get the Virus scan up dated..? i can't see more info about subscribing / obtaining the up dated soft waer, I am not sure weather to get rid of this McAfee set up and install on of the " free " downloads..? ... any advice most welcome , the computer is running Windows XP and also came pre loaded with the Windows Fire wall . ( can I run two fire wall's at the same time ...? )

    Thanks .............. Mumbo

  12. thanks for the info have tried this ( Go into MSIE and select HELP on the tool bar, then scroll down to About Internet Explorer. ) and I get this ...

    VERSION 6.0.02900.2180.XPSP_SP2

    CIPHER STRENGTH 128-BITUPDATE VERSION ,SP2, and have also done this ( Also be sure your ssl options are checked.

    IE6 tools/internet options/advanced/security/ (use ssl 2.0 and use ssl 3.0 should be checked)

    and it seems all the boxes are ticked Ok,

    from the Version info it seems that its running 128 Bit ...? but I still for some reason cannot log onto my bank web site..?

    Thanks ..Mumbo

  13. I have just up graded to Windows Xp , ( service pack 2 ) and when I try to log log onto my bank web site it will not accept my details, when I used my old Windows 98 OS , there was no problem at all, I think the bank web site requires some thing called 128 bit encryption, but I also think Windows XP has this included...? any ideas please...?

    ............ Thanks ........... MUMBO

  14. ive just moved into a new house out in the sticks , once or twice ive noticed the room lights flickering but not going off, So i put a volt meter on the supply and found the voltage is going up and down a few volts. asking around the village it seem's every house is getting the same thing and some say its caused by the power demand of a near by factory. now I am about ready to connect my computer to the power mains of the house, I am wondering if this voltage fluctations will effect my computer in any way..? and would fitting a UPS , be of any advantage, if its YES , could some one outline which type of UPS to install as Ive not got a clue ..?

    .Thanks ............ Mumbo

  15. Ive just seen this in a US news paper...

    As for Vista being one version, you're only off by five. That's right, there will be six versions — the consumer editions are Windows Vista Starter, Windows Vista Home Basic, Windows Vista Home Premium and Windows Vista Ultimate; the business editions are Windows Vista Business and Windows Vista Enterprise.

    It promises to be vastly different from any other version of Windows — much more Mac-like and Linux-like. So get ready to learn everything you already know all over again.


  16. I have some friends coming to stay with me ( on their honeymoon ) and they would like to see Bangkok, as I don´t know the city too well can some one come up with some of the best sights to show them, they will be in Bangkok for 3 day´s

    many thanks.... mumbo

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