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Posts posted by yourauntbob

  1. The federal reserve in America is currently in QE3 (full print mode) and the BoT needs to keep up in order to keep their prefered exchange rate. All this excess liquidity is going to drive the price up on just about everything, eggs are just the tip of the iceberg.

    buy gold...

  2. Sorry, perhaps I should expand on the OP a little bit, I was keeping the OP short on advice from many posters in the past that long OP’s lose attention (perhaps that should be rethought!) OP link: http://www.thaivisa....a/#entry5852719

    Whereas all the points in the OP are correct, perhaps I should explain………….

    The 24 year old step daughter is a chemical engineer, working for one of the major oil companies here in Thailand. Her monthly salary is about 85K a month and she is expecting a substantial raise next year. She is bored with her life up here because she is commuting to work and is only here for the weekends.

    Her intention is to buy a property down there, somewhere between 3 and 4 million baht, and her reasons for choosing Pattaya over Rayong/ Map Ta Phut/ Ban Chang was really for the shopping more than anything else. Commuting to work won’t be a problem as she has her own transport and her mileage will be covered by the company. The real advise the father was asking was the area in Pattaya where she could live.

    Oh, she made a bit of a name for herself up here when she came top of her degree class, leaving the others (males) far behind. She is also fluent in Thai (obviously) English and French.

    It was interesting to read the replies, how almost everyone answered regarding the “dark side” even though nothing was mentioned in the OP regarding this. With the exception of a few, (farang000999. Somtampet & BJ) asking how she made a name for herself, everyone else went for the bar girl side.

    Bit of an exercise in human nature……………smile.png

    the assumption comes in because its seems most girls go there for the "darker" occupations. you also mentioned she is a "stunner" and mentioned nothing of her education.

    has she been to Pattaya before? Maybe a visit would be wise before up and deciding to move there more permanently.

  3. The hospital receives about 30-40 patients a month

    This is an extraordinarily high figure. Why has this issue not been mentioned before?

    because it would send a message that Thailand is a country with small boy bits which would be the ultimate loss of face for the entire nation.

    this is a country where pride out weights saftey

    • Like 1
  4. I live for Thai massage. There is a shop not far from me that is only 100/hr and they have a really good staff. Dont know how I lived without them before I came here. It helps me, but its not a cure all or a wave of a wand.

    Some shops are a bit rough and I dont hessitate to let them know when they are pushing on my spine.

    • Like 1
  5. Farangs can buy a condo in their own name here as long as the rest of the condo is more than 50% owned by Thai's.

    I think if someone plans to live here for an extended period of time then purchasing might be a good option. Hopefully the property value will rise and you will get something back on your investment instead of just paying a landlord the money. Even if the property stays the same value it makes sense, but only if your going to be here 5+ years.

  6. I was just wondering if anyone knows the origin of why Bangkok's road system is set up with soo many u turns. Are there other counties with the same system? To me, it seems like they cause more traffic build up than if they just had the middle section as a turning lane. They also seem to be the reason people drive down the wrong side of the road on motor bikes.

    Looking forward to answers and general comments on the subject.

  7. My definition of "Rich" would be someone who never needs to think before spending money. I am not talking about buying a coke, but taking a trip on short notice, buying a car, boat etc without even worring about the money before or after the purchase would be rich in my eyes.

    With all due respect, and I'm not rich, I can do that as long as I don't do it every day. I'm far from rich.

    Rich is deciding to trade your $50 million dollar jet for a $150 million dollar jet and paying cash. Rich is having several multi million dollar homes/estates in exclusive spots around the world, all paid for. Rich is owning a $50 million dollar yacht and keeping a full time crew for that and another for your private jet.

    I have yet to meet or hear of the expat in LOS who arrives in his private Boeing 757 like Paul Allen, co-founder of Microsoft would. Even then he'd have to match Paul Allen by owning the NBA team, the Portland Trailblazers and the NFL team, the Seattle Seahawks. Paul Allen is Bill Gates' poorer partner.

    My bad .......... The line between MIDDLE CLASS and lets say WELL OFF. I don't have any grudges against filthy rich - curious as to where I stand.

    I was going with the middle class to well off.

    I dont think not having a private ject excludes you from being rich. Rich is subjective and realitive. I have a family memeber who makes north of 1 million USD a year and considers himself "middle class." Most people (including myself) consider him rich.

  8. if you were here alone you'd likely see it differently

    Even if i came here alone i wouldn't bother having to pay for it,

    Sex always has cost directly or indirectly. Some people prefer just to pay up front and be done with it instead of installments over the course of a relationship. To each their own.

    • Like 2
  9. its not hard, it just takes time and effort.

    When i think of the time and effort i needed to exert back home and the time and effort it took me here in Thailand, I dont know how anyone says its hard to find a "good girl" in Thailand.

    Its difficult to find a "good girl" in a red light district

    Its difficult to find a good girl at a pub

    Its difficult to find a good girl who will let you sleep with her on the first date

    Its difficult to find a good girl when your always drunk

    Its difficult to find a good girl if you haven't washed your close in a month

    Its difficult to find a good girl if you smoke like a chimney

    Its difficult to find a good girl if you have no interest in her culture

    Its difficult to find a good girl if the girl must be no more than half your age

    Do you know a lot of men who don't wash clothes for a month? What country do you live in?

    i have run into my fair share of farangs who seem to have never learned to wash their clothes

  10. You judge the guy to be a "deviate" (sic) just because he's unfaithful to his wife - I consider that to be bizarre, not the Thai-style judgement of good and bad by the very simple standard "good for me" or "bad for me".

    This to me makes perfect sense, I don't think it's our job to judge others as good or bad by some supposedly objective standard which in fact is usually just conformity to some arbitrary cultural standard.

    Perhaps the couple has an understanding? Or even if they are deceiving each other, is it really any of your business?

    And likewise if he likes to "waste" his money by spreading it around, how can you see that as a failing? If he ends up down and out broke and comes to you for help, well that's when you can say I told you so if insist, but until then "up to him" right?

    I guess just don't understand what skin you've got in the game other than the desire to see yourself as morally superior because you choose to be monogamous and more cautious financially.

    your not the full quid are you, not at all, the guy is a deviate for more reasons then one, but i'm not going to write a book here i'm getting to the point.

    and yes i am morally superior to him, he is a disgrace for cheating on his wife and vice verca.

    if you feel that strongly about him, then maybe you shouldnt hang around him. its starting to sound as if your here for us all to see things like you do and condem him. if he is being generous and charitable, and your sitting up there on your high horse, I am not so sure you are morally superior. i personally say to each their own, live and let live. if you dont like someone, keep your distance.

  11. I don't think one has much to do with the other, more likely from the perceptions picked up by the kind of Thais we associate with than any rational thought-out ideology.

    They're all a bunch of lying scam artists. . .

    Good point, maybe politics is more nurture than nature.

  12. So I have noticed something in the last few months of reading the TV boards and talking with friends/co-workers that I find strange. Please correct me if I am wrong on the perception that most Obama supporters dispise Thaksin, and many republicans on the board seem to defend Thaksin (myself included). This seems counter intuitive because both Thaksin and Obama are self proclaimed populist.

    I dont like Thaksin per say but feel he was ousted undemocratically and therefore defend him to a point (although I dont really like his policies). Please dont attack this second paragraph, its just an example of the above statement.


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