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Posts posted by Judecalling

  1. what is the thread about, answer that.

    Some dude wants to buy a gun. Lots of others here think is it a great idea, and others not so. The worrying thing is that some of the supporters of gun ownership seem to have memory issues.

    Yes well ... i was vaguely excited by the thought of a testosterone fuelled arguement/debate .. i can't deny it. : )A youtube of Rambo included - i am a lucky girl LOL. No .. to idiots carrying guns .. you could never ever legislate and therefore be protected against idiots and so best not to have them at all for that reason. Keep it as it is and the rest will take their well considered chances. Better that way .. i think it works ok. Hunting is a different matter ... fetch me my bugle. : ))) (Really joking)

    Two sugars you say Sid James - 10 out of 10 for making me laugh ... cyber tea on it's way to you.

    yes i know what its about,but rather then help him many go into a rant about guns being right or wrong.

    pointless as it will change nothing.

    Couldn't agree more - and if you look at the start of the thread, the very first person to point him in the right direction was yours truly.

    Now, for the last time. Milk and 2 sugars. Please. Thank you.

    • Like 1
  2. Awww sweetheart : ( - i am sorry that you have had this experience and that it has upset you. It however does not represent me and the people that i know ... so try and balance that. Focus on the good meetings that you have had and let that outweigh the crap. You will always get idiots on holiday/gap year etc .. they would be idiots anywhere .. it is not personal. There is no personal danger to you ... just a couple of girls trying to futher their wordly intelligence - but failing by all accounts. Kids being stupid ... that's all.

    ... and if i was Mother .. i would (verbally) kick them right up the backside.

  3. When first arriving not knowing the money and tipping the taxi driver 50 satang.

    Kicking a football on the beach while wearing sandals and watching said sandal flying into a ladies green curry :(

    Made me laugh - well done (for said sandal) : )))

    Edited to say that i never ever do anything wrong - it's just not in my nature. :)

  4. This thread is like a broken record......I'm away to annoy some Tottenham fans on the football thread.

    They're very easy to upset. coffee1.gif

    Oh no : ( ... don't sashay off in your kilt like that. : )))))) (you know i am joking - just appreciate your humour.)

    On topic ... i am bored too ... each to their own and have a nice day.

  5. Best laugh that i have had all day ... thank you TV. No disrespect to any persuasion .. but who gives a flying hoot. ?! It makes me laugh that this is a topic for debate - just get on and 'nobble' who you want to 'nobble' ... but always practice 'nobbling' safely. : )

    To the original poster - i have to agree with what someone else posted (can't remember who ) - nothing can turn you in any direction that you didn't want to go. Don't worry about your friend ... just tell him to practice safely. It doesn't make him a bad person and he is still your friend of 20 yrs. That calls for loyalty and not discussing his life on an open forum. No ???

    Personally the opposite sex makes my world go round ... annoying as that is. : ) Frustrating and annoying men LOL - but thats another subject. Stop concentrating on your feelings of discomfort about it ... and continue being his friend - that's all - no drama.

    • Like 1
  6. If Rio can host the Olympics I don't see why Bangkok couldn't. They just need to make a bid and then build the venues if they win :)

    The city of Bangkok actually has many of the things the IOC looks for.

    So true, the IOC, as well as FIFA, found all the things they were looking for in RIo, so,

    as long as they get them, the Olympics or the World Cup could be anywhere on earth with the,

    ahem, necessary assets!

    The World Cup in Qatar is a perfect example - who cares if the heat will fry the fans and kill the

    players, as long as the FIFA VIPs get what they are looking for? :)

    You 'nailed it' ... 'assets'. ! Except that funding is the first and most amateur step in this case ..really this is about trust .. and there is no one to trust. ! There is no morality. (something that i struggle with LOL)

  7. Budget over runs.

    Widespread suppression of the the host nations business to have any mention of the olympics.

    Huge national debt laid at the door kof the tax payer

    No clear plan for olympic legacy. Resulting in legal challenges.

    The Armed forces used a security guards because of widespread mismanagement by the contractors.

    Policitans jumping on the bandwagon and giving preferential seats to main events to their chums.

    This m Londons rapsheet and its still growing.

    Yes, I think Thailand would make a excellent host nation. Perhaps the armed forces wouldnt be needed though as Thai are even more patriotic than the Brits to their sovereign, who wouldopen the games. Every spectatator who was Thai would be the eyes and ears of the state run media fest.

    There ready, come on Thailand make a bid next time.

    Mmmh ... yes do make a bid next time and best luck to you.

  8. Sheesh .. i don't know this case but for all the reading, it has made me feel physically sick. I wish i hadn't read it all now : ( - if it's not him then it's 'going on somewhere' and that's my reaction. Such a horrible thing - and i believe 'they/it/him/her' should be made to face an appalling death for it. This is the worst of crimes to my mind ... speaking as an average and protective woman.

    "eye for an eye and we all go blind" - pwffft. !!!

  9. So, so far there appears to be no universal way of dealing with it! Unfortunately '75%' of the time is no good because it's easy to find the other quarter on offer.

    As for turning your head away and walking past them and carrying on, with them now behind your back, that takes some courage/foolery.

    As has been noted the real problems are when there's a pack of them. On the few occasions that i've had to deal with either single dogs or a pack of them which looked very intent on more than just barking at me, i've carried on walking past them turning round as i get level so that i'm now walking backwards up the soi so that i keep facing the dogs which are snarling at me. All the time i'm using some choice anglo-saxon communication requesting them to desist from causing me any aggro beyond the already astronomic levels of fear that are flooding my body. This fear i know is a bad thing, but it's a natural physiological reaction that i seem unable to prevent from happening when faced with several dozen teeth that seem to want to sink themselves into my flesh.

    I've been in some rather horrible situations before, but this version thus far has prevented me from being bitten. Dogs seem to recognise aggression, and it makes them hesitate from acting out on their own aggression, at least in my experiences. I know they go for fear, but i can't stop that flooding of fear that hits my body, try as i have. If i was able to avoid that reaction, perhaps i could try other ways presented on this thread.

    Great thread.

    Yes what about that 'FEAR' Lol - quite something. Was faced unexpectedly myself a while ago - the initial eye contact was instant - we just bumped into each other and it was obviously his turf. I calmly walked but he followed - so i didn't turn my back from then on - and someone bailed me out - presumably the owner. Just about - really just about in time ... i felt. ! I was told later on about 'the fake stone trick' ... after reflection on that, there would still be no way i would spend my few seconds of 'judgement call' on putting my face towards the ground pretending or otherwise and nearer to 'Mr Infected or not'. I could spare a bit of leg if it came to it .. and still be in the better position to further my judgement if i really had to fight for it. Fear is instinctual to danger .. it's what keeps us alive .. unfortunately its very obvious sometimes - but it can be thought through. Personally i won't be so surprised again ... and i like to think that will lead to what i will do the next time - if there is one. (Mostly not a problem)

    Also - the vaccination sounds interesting to me ... yes precaution - but i am not keen on being bitten - rabid or not. : )

    The pepper spray has my vote ... but only as a final resort and that it buys you time to get away and not permenantly harm. If my life is depending on it ... then you are going down first, if i can manage it. Sorry about that smile.png .

    A guy once told me how to deal with a dog attack and it involved throwing up your left arm (if right handed, reverse as needed) to allow the dog to clamp down on the weaker side, leaving your stronger arm free to use in a leveraging technique to break the dog's neck. I'm not sure which special forces training taught him that but I remember thinking that his experience with aggressive dogs was a lot different than mine. Or at least he imagined that.

    So I don't think anybody can say exactly what one should do because every situation is different and calls for a different response.

    Then the guy wanted to tell me how to kill somebody with a pencil.

    Yes well dear lol ... avoid pencils then - but i do agree "every situation is different" etc.

  10. So, so far there appears to be no universal way of dealing with it! Unfortunately '75%' of the time is no good because it's easy to find the other quarter on offer.

    As for turning your head away and walking past them and carrying on, with them now behind your back, that takes some courage/foolery.

    As has been noted the real problems are when there's a pack of them. On the few occasions that i've had to deal with either single dogs or a pack of them which looked very intent on more than just barking at me, i've carried on walking past them turning round as i get level so that i'm now walking backwards up the soi so that i keep facing the dogs which are snarling at me. All the time i'm using some choice anglo-saxon communication requesting them to desist from causing me any aggro beyond the already astronomic levels of fear that are flooding my body. This fear i know is a bad thing, but it's a natural physiological reaction that i seem unable to prevent from happening when faced with several dozen teeth that seem to want to sink themselves into my flesh.

    I've been in some rather horrible situations before, but this version thus far has prevented me from being bitten. Dogs seem to recognise aggression, and it makes them hesitate from acting out on their own aggression, at least in my experiences. I know they go for fear, but i can't stop that flooding of fear that hits my body, try as i have. If i was able to avoid that reaction, perhaps i could try other ways presented on this thread.

    Great thread.

    Yes what about that 'FEAR' Lol - quite something. Was faced unexpectedly myself a while ago - the initial eye contact was instant - we just bumped into each other and it was obviously his turf. I calmly walked but he followed - so i didn't turn my back from then on - and someone bailed me out - presumably the owner. Just about - really just about in time ... i felt. ! I was told later on about 'the fake stone trick' ... after reflection on that, there would still be no way i would spend my few seconds of 'judgement call' on putting my face towards the ground pretending or otherwise and nearer to 'Mr Infected or not'. I could spare a bit of leg if it came to it .. and still be in the better position to further my judgement if i really had to fight for it. Fear is instinctual to danger .. it's what keeps us alive .. unfortunately its very obvious sometimes - but it can be thought through. Personally i won't be so surprised again ... and i like to think that will lead to what i will do the next time - if there is one. (Mostly not a problem)

    Also - the vaccination sounds interesting to me ... yes precaution - but i am not keen on being bitten - rabid or not. : )

    The pepper spray has my vote ... but only as a final resort and that it buys you time to get away and not permenantly harm. If my life is depending on it ... then you are going down first, if i can manage it. Sorry about that smile.png .

  11. biggrin.png Good Lord, Thaialnd has been getting "Technical Assistance" from the U.S. in many fields for over 50 years...a lot of Thai military personnel have been trained on the maintainance and use of U.S. equipment....to include the two Thai technicians I myself helped train in the then Saigon for a 3 month course in 1970 on the communications equipment the then Thai government had just recieved from the U.S. Army.

    It's been going on that way for years...but the Thai goverments of those times simply wanted to keep that information from the average Thai citizen....then and now.

    For those in power....they prefer their voters to be unaware of what's really going on. That way the average citizen doesn't question as much what the government hands out as "the truth".

    Much more convienent for any "democratic" government in power at election time if the voters don't really know what's actually happening, you know.

    Incidentally, that's also true for the U.S. and the U.K. also. An educated population asks to many inconvienent questions....that's why the government and the military have "public relations" specialists.


    The general made it clear: Thailand does not need any help from the USA. They know how to make a bad situation into and even worse one. It's a domestic problem same as the price or eggs and rice.

    Oh for goodness sake ... the 'kids' are revolting. ! Settle down for a minute. !

  12. I'm a Brit, but currently living in Canada with my Thai wife. If I thought I had to endure Fall, Winter and Spring here, after my retirement in 2 years - bad weather from October to June, and pretty much the same in the UK, I'd be tempted to end it now.

    But, I have the prospect of 300 days of sunshine in Petchabun; 12 acres of non floodable land to play with; golf and good restaurants 50km up the road in Petchabun city; enough income to be very comfortable in Thailand, with investments in Canada and pensions from Canada and UK.

    Do I worry about it all going tits up in 20 years? Have I ever worried about not knowing the future? No - I live in the moment and give thanks for meeting a wonderful Thai woman who looks after me like a king. My promise to her? To keep her financially secure until she dies.

    The fact that she has forced me to play golf I'm prepared to forgive, even as my balls continually slice off to the left and I curse my ineptitude. Life's pretty good - and not spoilt by the prospect of growing old in Thailand.

    Enjoy the moment and do some meditating and the future will take care of itself.

    Good. Let's hope you keep your balls centred and "unsliced".

    Could not have said that better myself ... but was thinking it. ! Hilarious and my reason for joining.! I will attempt something a bit more serious when i see if my first post has worked. (Totally agree with TommoPhysicist and from a female point of view ... if i do 'bodge' this) Thanks for the test run.

    Glad you're getting value for money from the Forum Mr Newbie - first post - congrats.

    If you persist in hanging out here you will find that there are grumpy, self righteous, retired, old gits, (they must be retired, they seem to live at their computers!) who have nothing good to say about anything or anyone. They seem to spend their lives in some perpetual acidic froth spewing garbage for all to read - or if they have brains, to ignore.

    You'll soon find out who they are. Why they live in Thailand is any one's guess. I think they'd be happier in Margate or Sunderland or even Widgeemooltha (abandoned town 631 km east of Perth, West Australia which I once passed through looking for a large granite monolith called Peak Charles - we found it and put up the first rock climbs).

    Anyway - welcome to the fringes of Zombieland.

    Hey .. self righteous old 'Dad' misery guts .... come on spill the beans - where on earth is Peak Charles then. ? How did that go. ? (Sounds very interesting) I know its 630 off Perth approx ... setting up rock climbs. ? Come back ... i am so interested. : ) (Knowledge only) - you do realize we might be moved to another 'room' don't you. ! Lol :))) Seriously .. would like to hear about that - thanks.

  13. I'm a Brit, but currently living in Canada with my Thai wife. If I thought I had to endure Fall, Winter and Spring here, after my retirement in 2 years - bad weather from October to June, and pretty much the same in the UK, I'd be tempted to end it now.But, I have the prospect of 300 days of sunshine in Petchabun; 12 acres of non floodable land to play with; golf and good restaurants 50km up the road in Petchabun city; enough income to be very comfortable in Thailand, with investments in Canada and pensions from Canada and UK.Do I worry about it all going tits up in 20 years? Have I ever worried about not knowing the future? No - I live in the moment and give thanks for meeting a wonderful Thai woman who looks after me like a king. My promise to her? To keep her financially secure until she dies.The fact that she has forced me to play golf I'm prepared to forgive, even as my balls continually slice off to the left and I curse my ineptitude. Life's pretty good - and not spoilt by the prospect of growing old in Thailand.Enjoy the moment and do some meditating and the future will take care of itself.
    Good. Let's hope you keep your balls centred and "unsliced".
    Could not have said that better myself ... but was thinking it. ! Hilarious and my reason for joining.! I will attempt something a bit more serious when i see if my first post has worked. (Totally agree with TommoPhysicist and from a female point of view ... if i do 'bodge' this) Thanks for the test run.
    Glad you're getting value for money from the Forum Mr Newbie - first post - congrats.If you persist in hanging out here you will find that there are grumpy, self righteous, retired, old gits, (they must be retired, they seem to live at their computers!) who have nothing good to say about anything or anyone. They seem to spend their lives in some perpetual acidic froth spewing garbage for all to read - or if they have brains, to ignore.You'll soon find out who they are. Why they live in Thailand is any one's guess. I think they'd be happier in Margate or Sunderland or even Widgeemooltha (abandoned town 631 km east of Perth, West Australia which I once passed through looking for a large granite monolith called Peak Charles - we found it and put up the first rock climbs).Anyway - welcome to the fringes of Zombieland.
    Don't you worry about it .. i like "grumpy - self righteous - old gits" .. because i love character, learning and strength. For 176 posts ... "Zombiland" isn't so bad for you is it. ?I didn't even read your post in it's entirety ... it was the quick humour only that appealed to me - "Test Run"Wonderful to hear that you are being treated "like a king" ... good on you. : )You have it all right for you. Love for me is very much different. : )
  14. I'm a Brit, but currently living in Canada with my Thai wife. If I thought I had to endure Fall, Winter and Spring here, after my retirement in 2 years - bad weather from October to June, and pretty much the same in the UK, I'd be tempted to end it now.

    But, I have the prospect of 300 days of sunshine in Petchabun; 12 acres of non floodable land to play with; golf and good restaurants 50km up the road in Petchabun city; enough income to be very comfortable in Thailand, with investments in Canada and pensions from Canada and UK.

    Do I worry about it all going tits up in 20 years? Have I ever worried about not knowing the future? No - I live in the moment and give thanks for meeting a wonderful Thai woman who looks after me like a king. My promise to her? To keep her financially secure until she dies.

    The fact that she has forced me to play golf I'm prepared to forgive, even as my balls continually slice off to the left and I curse my ineptitude. Life's pretty good - and not spoilt by the prospect of growing old in Thailand.

    Enjoy the moment and do some meditating and the future will take care of itself.

    Good. Let's hope you keep your balls centred and "unsliced".

    Could not have said that better myself ... but was thinking it. ! Hilarious and my reason for joining.! I will attempt something a bit more serious when i see if my first post has worked. (Totally agree with TommoPhysicist and from a female point of view ... if i do 'bodge' this) Thanks for the test run.

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