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Posts posted by remaxtony

  1. First things first.....as a foreigner, the first thing you will learn is that it can be challenging to stay in Thailand for 2 to 3 years while finishing your degree online.


    The ease of a tourist visa is simple....but for 30 to 60 days or so.  You are NOT allowed to work in Thailand while on a student visa or tourist visa.  You must obtain a work permit under a different type of visa.  That is a whole other discussion on this forum.


    Some people get 60 or 90 day tourist visas and keep getting more,,,,,but there are challenges and the govmt doesn't like to keep giving those out bec it becomes obvious that you are trying to live there and not a tourist.


    If you get caught working without a work permit, you will pay a decent sized fine and/or be shown the door to leave.  Usually people pay the fine......but the police use extortion to avoid this process and its a mess.


    Many many people try doing what you want to do....so there are tons of guys that will give you advice.  Bottom line is that it is doable.....but nothing in Thailand is easy.   Many small hurdles.

    I lived there 3 years and did some ONLINE work......I had student visas,,,and,,,work visa for a while bec I did work there doing real estate......The visa is the biggest hurdle......other than preventing your girl from taking all of your money.


    Good luck.

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  2. The judges are Thai. Their view is only white is beautiful and dark skin is seen as ugly. It's entrenched in their society since grade school. You'll never see a dark skinned lady in anything to do with beauty. Their movie stars are all white skinned as well.

    They see us foreigners with the darker ladies and laugh at us for taking a liking to their "low" girls. [in their minds]

  3. I'm in your same situation. I don't agree you are too young. I'm 54 and in your same situation-hard to meet girls as we don't know the language. Several times walking through the malls I've gotten nice smiles from pretty girls, but even saying hi or asking some manufactured question about where the BTS station is, is hard.

    Many people conclude that learning some of the language is very important. But usually the Thai girls I have met "want to practice their english." So I haven't learned much.

    I've dated 5-6 very good girls in the year I have been in Thailand. All english speaking and met through the web sites. All of them were not "pros" very easy to meet them at their work etc. In one case one girl had worked at the same place for 13 years.

    OP, if you find any good ideas in your travels, please post. I have many thoughts on this topic, as I have been at it for a while, pretty much full time as I am retired. But too much to post here. One interesting thread here, "what would you do different upon coming to Thailand" concluded that getting out of the farang areas was an idea. I may try that next. Move from Bkk to a smaller town.

    I think the ideal situation would be to find a job/position, that allowed you to interact with many girls a day. But who knows.

    Great idea about getting away from the "tourist" areas is what I imagine they meant. Possibly out into the smaller towns as you say, but I will caution that as you leave BKK, the level of English drops like a rock.

    The girls in the business world of BKK learn English due to work.....out in the smaller cities, it is not as prevalent.....but the ladies are there for sure.

  4. Luck....has nothing to do with it. Your original question is for someone to explain your luck.

    The bottom line to finding a good fit is to be "out there" among the people. Your nerdy lifestyle is the major reason, as dating is a numbers game. The more ladies you meet, the more chances you have, and so forth. This is basic logic.

    Online dating in Thailand is a crap shoot, as it is everywhere. I tried it a while back, and I also owned a bar in Pattaya with ladies, and learned from that entire industry that all of the working ladies in Thailand are on the dating sites too.

    Bottom line with online dating is that its full of both working ladies and regular ladies and you would never know the difference. The working/bar girls on there are casting their net out looking for a meal ticket in every venue, Facebook included.

    I used to laugh at the girls selling themselves in the bar, and watch them chatting with un-suspecting guys online from the dating sites while they lied that they were working at the mall and so forth.

    Are there nice girls online too? YES.....I met two Hi-So girls online a few years ago when I tried it last time. But, you have no way to know on the first few dates, it would take a while to figure it out, and the best way is to visit them at work. If they have too many excuses of why you cannot meet them at work, rest assured that they are either working in a bar, or working an escort night life style.

    Back to the Hi-So's......I learned from dating a couple of really nice ones that their lifestyle can be fun, and it is refreshing that they aren't necessarily looking to you for your money. That part was great, but soon after the relationships got a little more serious, I saw how they were really spoiled in their upbringing, and very difficult to please.

    Many Hi-So girls will not "date" Farang guys, especially if they don't already speak English. So, the not knowing Thai language is not too big of a deal. If she doesn't speak English, she is too Thai-centered and would be embarrassed by her Hi-So Thai friends to be dating a Farang. The girls not worried about this, already know how to speak English.

    On this note however, I did go to school to learn Thai for more than one year, and if you are going to stay in country for a long time, it is worth the money.

    Finally, just get out and meet more people and you will find more opportunity. Dating online is fine, but verify verify verify their lifestyle and job.....gems to be found but probably 50/50 on the percentage. Don't believe what they say or show, only what you can verify.

  5. I went to Walen and found them to be great. I learned to read, write and speak Thai just fine. I know many other people that loved them as well.

    As with many things in life, you get out what effort you put in, as well as, everyone has a different opinion.

    These schools are businesses, you can give them your business and purchase a package to learn Thai whether you want their help with getting an ED visa or not. I had friends taking classes there that were not on ED visas. That is totally separate. But as you know, if you get a ED visa, you cannot get caught working.

  6. > Im 52, shes 32.

    Bingo. There's your problem right there.

    Why you blokes chase birds young enough to be your daughter is beyond me.

    My lassie is 21 and I am 50 years and we have a 3 year old boy. Works great and we never fight as she has a great attitude of respect for everyone.

    I was married to a Singapore woman for 19 years that was 12 years older then me, I when I decided I want a partner for the rest of my life I found that diamond in Sakon Nakhon in a small village where I have been living for over 4 years now. She was under-aged but I had my own room at the parents home and she slept in the room from her parents.

    So far so good.

    Wow,,,,,I am not amazed at the age difference in your story, but I am really curious how you can live with her family in their house. I have been to Issan many times, and could not find myself able to stay in any of those living arrangements. Please tell how that is manageable?

    And, since she is 21 with a 3 yr old from you already,,,,,,,I guess your rooms were not that far apart!

  7. Kenny, here is the one note that I can add from your story.

    These girls don't respond well to you going quiet and ignoring the problem. I've tried that too and it never worked. In my mind, and I am guessing yours too, I felt that by getting into a big argument, would only make it worse, and I felt going quiet would let it blow over until cooler heads prevailed.

    They hate that. My wife has explained to me, that she gets more mad when I do that because they feel we don't care. In their Issan culture, they want the man to pursue them when the lady is mad and say sorry and calm her down because you love her so much. When she gets mad and yelling, they expect their lover to show their love to either fight her, or say sorry and hold her and show her you care.

    As others have mentioned, they respect and "expect" you to be strong and fight back to an extent. By always being nice to her, you are too weak at times.

    You need to argue, be strong, and run out the door, and as others have said, leave for a while. She will message you to come back soon.

    OR......go to her and say sorry and calm her down. Those ways work. Going quiet never works as it means you are both weak and don't care.

    Thai men, which they have seen all of their lives in Issan from their own family or themselves in earlier relationships, are violent, run the show, show no mercy, and will instantly leave and go <deleted> their other girlfriends for a few days. The ladies think that is the normal way. They don't like it, but they understand it and think it is normal.

  8. This will be interesting to see how it plays out. My first reaction was "the guy's Turkish...why would a Turk want to do this?!". Then I remembered that there is a sizable Uyghur population living in Turkey...they began emigrating to Turkey in the 1950's. And there were street demonstrations in July in Turkey aimed at China's treatment of Uyghurs. The motive for a Turk to carry this out could (I say "could") be to embarrass the Thai government for their extradition of a bunch of Uyghurs back to China...and to take out a few Chinese in the process. Pure speculation on my part I admit.

    Thailand deported 170 Uyghers to Turkey this year, and about 100 to China. China got the more press....but more were sent back to Turkey. The Thai Embassy in Turkey had massive protests just 2 months ago.

    All of this noted in this article.


  9. One thing the RTP doesn't get is a little thing called motive. They think they can just throw whatever s*** against the wall and think it will stick because they don't get the concept of motive at all.

    RTP:"here is what we will do, we will blame the Turkish guy, the random Turkish guy because whatever we say is law, motive? Who is going to ask about that? The press? we will get them for defamation.. The public? HA! Motive SCHMOTIVE!"

    It frustrates the living daylights out of me.

    The Turkey motive is easy......have you been sleeping for the last 6 months.


  10. If some Turk wanted to carry out a terrorist attack, they'd carry it out on Kurds, not Thais. I call this BS

    Scissors, duct tape, I have them at my home too.

    HERE IS WHY!!!

    For people that don't know, a few months ago Thailand deported several hundred refugees back to China and Turkey. They were hiding in Thailand, and were being held in camps to determine what to do with them. The press said they were sent back to China, but many were sent back to Turkey as well. The refugees claimed to be Turkish.

    From the beginning, I thought this bombing smelled like payback for sending their buddies back to the governments that were repressing them and probably sending them back to death or certain prison.

    If these are Turks,,,,,it is a direct result of those deportations.

    Here is your Turkey connection for you people that didn't follow the deportations....read this article. TURKEY is heavily involved.


  11. what about showing id card when buying ?

    This is the no brainer of the whole issue, ID cards or no serve,,,,,enforce that and you're done. The police could literally bust these joints weekly until they get it and comply.

    The only kink in that armor, is that Thais usually buy bottle service and all "share". So, one kid can get the bottle that is of age, and his friends all drink from it. So, the ID requirement would have to be one that you must have ID to get into the bar, not just buy the alcohol.

    This is difficult for most Thai Style joints that have food and alcohol and some music. But if they want to clean up the young drinkers, ID control is all that is required.

    Of course this won't stop them from drinking, it will just stop them from doing it at these joints near schools.

  12. For anyone that knows and understands the "real" Thai culture, this law is a complete joke.

    Thai's drink! They grow up in families, where most people drink! Did I mention that Thais are raised in and around drinking? Like most "feel good" laws that governments pass to try to solve problems, this one has no chance of making any difference. Young people here will easily find alcohol, closing down bars near schools is not going to change that.

    Does anyone go into any of these bars within 300 meters of schools and see kids sitting around drinking? F*&% no! This is the stupidest thing I have ever heard of.

    And, as many have already mentioned, simply bust these bars if they are caught serving minors..........if this is a cash grab to "pay or get closed"....why would they need to make this law? They could simply sting every bar by sending in some teens and "get paid that way" after busting them.

    This is only about PR.....public relations. It isn't needed, because they could enforce the laws on the books already, and only causes bars to close for no reason. Moving your bar another 100 meters up the Soi to be compliant of this law isn't going to make teen stop drinking. Only a complete moron would think it would work.

    Education and real enforcement is what is needed.

  13. This joint is the most popular Tom bar in Pattaya and was packed every night. My ex-staff went there often as she liked Tomboys.

    She took me and my wife there one time just to show us what these joints were like. These bars cater to the ladies working in Pattaya and it didn't even open until 12 midnight and stayed open all night. The ladies working around Pattaya didn't get off work until late.

    When we were there about two months ago on a normal mid weeknight, it was absolutely packed, and not cheap. Tons of customers and I was a bit surprised. And, in this report, you can see at 6 am there were still 150 customers in the joint.

    How this kind of business can work without staying open past 2 am I have no idea, because as I said, it relied on getting most of their customers after they finish work. I suspect it was making enough money that they can now afford a bigger payoff. But, if the neighbors complain enough, who knows?

  14. Happened at the 808 disco which is upstairs on 2nd floor above Candy Shop. Police raided and today ordered the disco closed for 10 days.

    The girl didn't "work" for the bar, she was most likely a customer,,,,,"free lancer". It's a joke that it's the club's fault that this happened and gets shut down. If you own a crowded disco and someone pulls this shit, exactly how can you have personnel watching every sq ft of the joint? So, some stupid twit does this to her partner and the club gets the blame??? Crazy.

  15. Does anyone have any updated info on this glitch? I.e. Anyone that has gone for an interview since June 9th?

    My wife's interview for Marriage CR1 visa is tomorrow morning, 24th. Their website says to still come to the interview if we filed our online application prior to June 8th. We applied in April, so no problem. But then it also says,,,,,,,"Cannot print visas"???? What exactly does that mean? If my wife goes tomorrow and they approve her visa,,,,,,but cannot print it. What are people being told?

    Anyone know what they are telling people exiting interviews since this glitch popped up? My job in the USA is waiting for me and I cannot wait for a long time on an unknown.....and the prob with the marriage visa is that I have to go in with her, I cannot go ahead of her. This printing issue has me worried.

  16. As an update to this thread, the gang was busted that cheated this gay Thai guy in the OP of this thread.

    It was one Thai lady and 5 Nigerian men living in Pattaya [banglamung] that started a Gay Dating site and were tricking men out of money. The police have caught them and are asking for others that fell for this scam to come forward.


  17. Don't most scams prey on greed? Thai punter thought he would be getting a shedload of money out of the mug, but it turns out he was the mug due to greed.

    Every "Con" or "Scam" is effective because of this key trait,.......people's greed. A con only works if the victim thinks they are getting a big pay day, or huge benefit that otherwise would not happen.

    There are a million ways to be conned or scammed, and every variation gives the illusion that you are getting something for nothing. This is where the addage comes from "if it sounds too good to be true, it is"........if you are going to give small money and come out of it with big money, you are being scammed, because nobody is that lucky.

    This scam worked because he had a fish on the line, and I don't buy the "Love" factor in this case. Its possible, but doubtful because we are in Thailand.

    These scams on dating sites have been going on for years now, and sometimes they do find lonely "suckers" that give money in some similar fashion. In those cases, the sucker thinks they are finding the evasive "love" instead of a financial windfall, and give their money loosely. But again, because its Thailand, I feel the financial benefit to the gay Thai guy was the bigger interest.

  18. If it's mostly Thais being pulled over ... and your Thai wife is with you ... why do you think your'e being pulled over because you are a farang?

    I'm not sure whom your post is referring to? If it was me as the OP, I never stated that I was pulled over because I was a Farang.

    I specifically said they are pulling everyone over. I said he didn't write a ticket.....just shook us down for a payment. When did I state it had anything to do with me being a Farang?

    They are shaking "EVERYONE" down in these pull overs after the toll booths.

    Sometimes, the police have "check point stops" in other areas and they write tickets,,,,and they check for tax stamps, and they let you go if everything is ok. But these toll booth stops are usually shake downs......two different kinds of stops.

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