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Posts posted by remaxtony

  1. Where do I go in Pattaya to do the name change in the Green book? I've browsed this forum and 4 pages deep don't see anything about this subject.

    Current owner has farang name, and I want to change into my name. We both live in Pattaya.

    Where do I find a list of items that I will need to take with me?

    Passport I would assume, bill of sale/sales contract, the green book and what else?

    If I get the seller to sign a copy of his passport, and I have his signed off sales contract, does the seller have to go with me to change the name?

    He should already have the tax paid and current insurance, do I need to have those switched over into my name and have proof before going?

    Thank you.

  2. I'm no expert, but as long as he marries her or petitions her as a fiance I don't see a reason he could not bring her to USA.

    That said, if I were her I would wonder why twice married to Thai women and divorced (even if he is legit that should set some alarm bells ringing), and I don't know if his claims are true or not but I'd be skeptical if I were her... My gut reaction is that there is something wrong here...

    Appreciate your reply the problem is this very unattractive girl is a total desperate bimbo, had to convince her once not to borrow forty thousand baht to send to some scammer in Malaisia who said. He was sending her two baht in gold and a diamond wedding ring plus a ton of cash , the money according to the scammer was to pay off customs, I mention this simply to show that a lot of very unattractive females would sell their soul to marry a Farang as they think this. Is the way to untold riches, uneducated and really very dim and stupid. Living in a dream world.

    As others have pointed out, it is unlikely he would get her a visa, but it is possible.

    Firstly, people say they are married to Thai ladies all the time, but in this country most don't actually go thru with the process of marrying and divorcing. Its just verbal to save face that they are living together, and so forth. So he may have had two ladies, but may not have actually been legally hitched. I had a gf for 1.5 yrs living together and we always talked to others that we were husband and wife, but we never were, just a face saving explanation.

    Secondly, who knows if this guy is spouting all of the fact that he is rich and can promise visa OR....this dimwit girl and her family as you call her, are not the ones that are doing the massive embellishing. I am betting they are taking what he says and multiplying the story by 100, because that is what they do. If it is him doing the big talk, then most likely he doesn't have squat. In my experience, people with money don't talk about having a lot of money. Only wannabes say they have a lot of money.

    Fiance visa are running 7 months after the applications are sent in. Marriage visas about 8 months. Its possible, but as the others mentioned it is very paperwork intensive and the requirements are not easy.

    And, you are dead on about the scammers on the internet taking advantage of the stupidity in these 3rd world countries. That scam, and 100's of variations of it are continuing even though it is widely known on the internet to never send money ahead of time for anything like you described. Cars, motorcycles, jewelry way cheaper than they should be, but you have to pay customs or shipping first. Yeah right! Same as the lottery scams.....you won $1 million, but have to pay the tax first. Sure.....

  3. You will need your marriage certificate plus a copy and the Kor Ror 2 marriage registry you will get when register your marriage.

    Copies of your wife's house book and ID card.

    A map to your house form the nearest main road or street.

    Photos of you and your wife in and around the house and one showing you both under or next to the house number.

    Unless you live in Bangkok you will need 2 sets of copies attached to two TM7 application forms.

    Proof of money in the bank or income.

    The rest is the same as for any other extension.

    Edit: Forgot to mention your wife will have to go with you to complete a statement you both will sign.

    Thanks, and this is required only the first time, or all of this is required for each extension? Each extension is how long, are these yearly?

  4. I am on an ED visa now, and next month I turn 50. Also marrying my Thai GF.

    I want to change my visa when this ED visa extension runs out in early May so that I can stay in Thailand long term and minimize visa hassles.

    Can someone explain the benefits to the retirement visa and/or marriage visa options? I don't know which one is better or easier to get, and stay here long term. I've been here 3 years on work permits before and ED visas the last year while learning Thai.

    I have the 800k baht in Thai bank, so that is not a problem.

    Living in Pattaya in house with 1 year lease.

    What are some recommendations please? And than you in advance.

  5. Thanks, some people said to come back on regular tourist visa. What is the benefit or negative to that in your opinion?

    It can be negative because you would have to convert the visa in Bangkok only, for which you would have to visit twice. Although I have seen some reports in which the conversion appeared to have been completed immediately.

    Thank you. To apply for Non O in Vientiane,,,,,what papers would I need?

  6. Let's try to be a bit more clearer than other contributors, the answer in NO, no independent

    negotiators are available in this country, not that i know of and i know a lot.

    If you GF doesn't have any asset to her name that can be confiscated than all you/she

    need to do is to write formal letters to all the creditors, admitting liability and offering a monthly

    payment plan according to her abilities to service the loan, post those letter registered post

    and make sure that they were delivered,

    Come the time to go to court, the judge will be very sympathetic to some one who's down on their

    luck but still willing to pay as long as it take to pay it all up, and believe me, those creditors

    will have to be happy ,in the end, with what the lady can afford to pay.....been there, that's

    how i know......

    Thanks for answering my question directly.

    In reference to the other replies, I am aware that it is not good for people to default on debt. I am also aware that I can help. But, nonetheless, some people have to post the obvious. As if the only people that acquire debt are Thai's. People default on loans in every country.

    I wanted to know if there is a way to negotiate these loans to a lesser amount. I didn't ask for the morality of Thai culture. And even if I decide to pay them for her, I want to negotiate the debts down, duhhhhh!!! Why wouldn't I try.

  7. My Thai gf has two debts to lenders that she was not able to pay back. She stopped making payments just over one year ago. They are not credit cards, but borrowed cash on one acct where they gave her a debit card to use to withdraw cash similar to a line of credit, and the other was buying a refrigerator.

    At any rate, now neither account will negotiate with her and are demanding payment in full after accumulating interest and penalties every month of course.

    Does anyone know of a company, or lawyer, or person in Thailand that specializes in helping Thai people settle their debts and negotiate on their behalf?

    In the USA, we have lots of firms that will negotiate these settlements for a lump sum payment now at a reduced amount. Any tips would be appreciated.


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