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  1. I think this is a particular issue in "climate change" research. Most use "models" with numerous variables that can be tweaked to get different results. Probably better discussed in the CLimate Change thread just started.
  2. I have no idea what is the main driver to climate change. Pretty sure 7 billion humans is a part of it. A big part? I am skeptical. But open to REAL science not grant research driven models. It would be great if we reduced emissions but IMO the cost to human progress could be worse. It needs to balance human advances with potential damage to the ecology. Personally I am more concerned with what we are doing to the oceans than the air but again I am no scientist.
  3. And here is one on the left who still doesn't understand why Trump was elected TWICE. Not my problem. If the DEMs continue with idiotic policies and horrible candidates they will keep losing. Anyone on the left should self reflect and decide if perhaps they are out of touch with Americans.
  4. Yeah it would take a significant dataset. Some theories will never be overturned.
  5. Science is never settled. Those theories however have massive data results confirming them and the possibility of new data overturning them is remote. Still, if new data DID emerge then the science would reset it's result. That is why people say the science is never settled. I agree it is nit picking.
  6. YIKES. Just kidding. Everyone should decide for themself how to live. For myself a learned two weeks ago that I am physically addicted to caffeine. I had to not have any on a Monday for a Tuesday heart test. I had headaches and felt like crap. I never have headaches. Learned it is common. As I sit here with my FIRST cup of coffee for today. LOL. I drink. Like a hard day of drinking will be yesterday when I had a tiny fireball shot on the golf course and a glass if wine with dinner.. Feel lousy today as my body doesn't metabolize that <deleted> well. Still enjoy it for a few hours once in a while. Probably won't drink again for a week. Gave up ALL forms of baccy years ago. Hardest thing to give up ever. I've used lots of opiates recovering from surgeries and been physically addicted to them but never have a problem getting off that <deleted>. Cigarettes were HARD baby and I won't even touch a cigar now. Weed for me is fine. I still only want it rarely and usually a gummy as my now pristine lungs don't like smoke. A gummy once or twice a week keeps me jolly. I would be unhappy if I had a child in the ages of 10-50 doing weed in any format. Reason is I believe it reduces IQ and motivation which people need at that stage of life. Me over 70? <deleted> I don't need brains or motivation. 😅
  7. Trump did not get elected by playing on fears about changing racial demographics in America. But I don't expect people on the left will ever realize the true reason he was elected.
  8. Supposedly they stopped years ago. Not sure I believe it and I don't go into the water. In fairness even if I knew it was clean I'd probably not. I like REALLY clean crystal clear warm water. Even then for a short period so I'm not a big beach person.
  9. Yes in 2020 one could enter without vaccine BUT meant 10 day quarantine. Alternative is vaccine and one night test with return for retest in 7 days. I went through that one. Not sure who in their right mind would accept 10 days quarantine versus the vaccine but your point it was not mandatory appears to be true.
  10. I am pretty sure getting a tourist visa in 2020-2022 was mandatory to have the jab. In fact I do recall being forced to book a room into a special hotel for testing of covid before being allowed to roam Thailand. System was like being in the movie Outbreak. I arrived at Suvranabumi. Passengers were guided to special area where we were given seats all spaced apart. Someone checked out temperature, papers, and then we were put in a private car and driven to the special hotel. There we were swabbed for covid and put into our private room awaiting results. All the staff were masked and gloved up. Felt like I was unclean and they would kill me if I sneezed. Morning came and results were OK we were allowed to go to our hotel and do Thailand stuff. So yeah I'm pretty sure vaccines were mandatory. Perhaps if you LIVE there and have as resident visa it was different.
  11. I am no medical professional. I think an unbiased study to put this issue to bed is a good use of funds. This way if it turns out the vaccines are not the culprit for claimed side effects people will be more trusting of a new vaccine. As it stands there is a large cadre of people convinced that the vaccines caused more harm than the virus. And of course it's possible no study will convince that group. Whatever. And it isn't just gomers from the hills believing this stuff. I spoke with a nurse practitioner who asked me if I had gotten the latest booster during a checkup. She asked if I had flu shot etc and then covid came up. I think this was in 2023. I already had the first jab and booster and one later in 2021 and 2022. Both mandatory if I wanted to fly to Thailand. At this point no one was requiring the newest booster and I was leery. I told her that and she admitted she was not going to get the latest jab. So, both sides have professional people holding opinions.
  12. I am not a medical professional so these are my feelings on the issue. There are a lot of people who interpret the word vaccine as to mean ONLY treatment that prevents the disease. And the RNA covid vaccines only lessen the impact if one catches covid. So this has some people up in arms over a definition of the word vaccine. IMO if it ends the widespread death and filling of hospitals I'll take the result either way. And perhaps if they had sold it differently (what word other than vaccine I have no idea) we wouldn't have this debate. In fairness we are finding (I think) a higher than normal long term side effects of these vaccines and need an unbiased study to determine how widespread that is or if it is the new RNA stuff.
  13. Thanks. I recognize there have been side effects from these new vaccines. And I hated the mandates to take them. I also recognize within a year of release of these vaccines our hospitals were no longer overrun and elective surgeries were possible again. Could be the virus ran it's course and mutated to a less dangerous version. Or could be the vaccines worked and ended the threat. I'm no doctor and make no claims. But discussion has to be based on real merit not crazy claims.
  14. Bwahahahahaha. Kamala has already surpassed her talent level ala Peter Principle. But then the people of California do elect people like her so anything is possible I suppose. But her presidential aspirations are over. Or should be. The DEM party will not back her again.
  15. Well I got to throw the BS flag on this. There are not "millions of people dead from these '100% safe and effective' shots and billions harmed by them.". That is malarky. Kind of ends the entire precept of this thread.

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