What exactly IS a "fair share"? I hear the term bandied about but no one ever mentions the top 5% of earners pay the majority of income taxes.
Most of the government’s federal income tax revenue comes from the nation’s top income earners. In 2021, the top 5% of earners — people with incomes $252,840 and above — collectively paid over $1.4 trillion in income taxes, or about 66% of the national total. If you include the top 10% — everyone who made at least $169,800 — that figure rises to $1.7 trillion, or 76% of the total
I agree with a tax structure that increases in percentage as one incomes rises but how much is enough? I mean the bottom 50% pay a total of 3% of collected income tax. At what point is it unfair to expect the higher income earners to shoulder all the cost? Do the bottom 50% not also benefit from living in the country?