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  1. You are so entertaining. If endorsing trans rights was a Trump position you'd be on the other side with a hard on. So predictable.
  2. Bwahahahaha. I need to get a grip? Rape exists despite your lack of concern. BTW rape isn't the only issue. The FEAR of assault while one is exposed with ones pants down in a public restroom is one of the reasons men are not allowed in them. A young girl in her early teens should feel comfortable using a public restroom which means no men in there. If a trans person actually LOOKS female and stays in her lane who cares? If it's a hulking brute with 5 o'clock shadow wearing a dress follows a 10 year old girl into a restroom that's wrong and sorry you can't see it. I find the left's obsession with forcing integration of transvestites weird. I'm fine if a man wants to dress as and try to present as a woman. No skin off my nose. Having lived 10 years in Pattaya I recognize them from afar even here in the states. They are everywhere. Most are harmless. The lines are simple. In areas where women disrobe like locker rooms and shared showers no one with a dick is allowed. And in sports defined as for women only no one who ever had a dick is allowed. Are these limits objectionable to you?
  3. I am going to assume you are male and an adult. Easy to be strong and fearless when you are. Same here. I am fearless since I am probably in the top 5% size and strength of humans in the world. Now how about girls of 10 alone in a strange place followed into a public restroom by an adult male wearing lipstick and a boner? See YOUR feelings aren't the only ones. Personally I agree with above much of this is a tempest in a teapot. Most public restrooms have no shower facility and for women have enclosed spaces with a toilet. But there is also some sanity left in the world and there does need to be some spaces preserved for "natural born with a vagina" women. Like shared shower facilities and competitive sports. The real weirdos are those who think it doesn't matter.
  4. For those misinterpreting what is happening ( or actually that is how it is presented in the WSJ article I guess most mainstream media channels trying to once again paint republicans as evil) there is a big part of this issue missing. Here is a statement by Johnson. """"All single-sex facilities in the Capitol and House Office Buildings — such as restrooms, changing rooms, and locker rooms — are reserved for individuals of that biological sex," Johnson said in a statement obtained by Fox News Digital. "It is important to note that each Member office has its own private restroom, and unisex restrooms are available throughout the Capitol." """ So I guess McBride will only be restricted from taking a shower in any shared women only locker room with shower facilities. Not such a burden to bear for a brave man transitioning to womanhood.
  5. Might get interesting if it is one of the few remaining large cities in USA offering sanctuary status. Could end up getting a million more immigrants. Wonder how the business community and taxpayers will feel about that?
  6. OK this is already described in here but I am a paranoid SOB. I am flying in on a USA passport arriving January 17, with return ticket for March 17. This is exactly 60 days including arrival and departure dates. Just to be clear I will have no paperwork to fill out on arrival and need no other documents to enter Thailand and I will get a 60 day stamp on the VE system correct? Sorry this is kinda a repeat but I've been doing this for so long and always got a tourist visa in advance before. I feel naked showing up with nothing and don't like the idea if I have to fill out forms at one of those side benches in Suvarnabumi.
  7. I walk a lot in Pattaya. And there are places where you have to act like a WWI fighter pilot in a biplane with your head on a swivel to avoid getting maimed. It always amazes me the morons who walk down Soi Buakao side by side 3 deep with their backs to traffic.
  8. OK. Which countries have such laws? Are there any that aren't tyrannies or religiously dominated? But to put this in perspective when someone calls me a bigot for claiming there are only two genders am I then allowed to file a complaint? I mean I would feel offended and I would consider that a hateful thing to call me. And if a jury agrees with me the person calling me that gets punished? Can't figure out how it ends? Guessing it ends when the majority is able to silence the minority. Doesn't sound like free speech to me.
  9. I'd still love to hear who will determine what is hate speech. I mean I don't think anyone here wants to stifle free speech. It is a cornerstone to freedom. And I hope we all recognize that no one has a right to go through life without feeling offended. So, where is the line, who defines it. That last is critical. Do those on the left want those on the right to define hate speech? I'm also curious has anyone provided any hard data that misogyny is on the rise? I confess I might have skimmed this thread and missed it. And I find it hysterical the spin some use to try and pretend there are actually more than 2 real genders. Funny considering every society on the planet that has a birth certificate has only two options for new born babies. Even Thailand the country of lady-boys considers them men if they have a penis at birth and regardless of surgeries they remain male on their passport for life. Would love to see the list of alternative options formalized by medical science or some legitimate national definition. I have an open mind but have never heard a legitimate explanation of how there are so many "new genders" in the last 3 years.
  10. Yeah that pesky freedom of speech thing. Some people would be accused of hate speech if they simply said there are only 2 genders. Never mind that has been the scientific consensus for 1000s of years. The NEW thought is there are dozens and saying otherwise is hate speech. Would you jail someone for that? Twitter was banning people for so called hate speech for discussing the Hunter Biden laptop calling it untrue and hateful. Ermmmm well it was true. Any discussion of the side effects of the vaccines was considered hate speech. Soooooo again who defines hate speech or defines the test for voter rights? Jailing someone for a nazi salute is ridiculous. is it offensive? Yes, to most people. But unless they are advocating doing physical harm laugh at them. Seems people today think feeling offended equates to hate speech. No one has the right to go through life without being offended. Some groups today convert "feeling offended" into "being threatened". And expect society to make it stop. That is tyranny. On the original point who defines who gets to vote? What is the testing procedure? Will it be applied to all ages groups? Won't be here for your response. Sorry got a tee time and have to go. Cheers.
  11. AHA. Someone is getting it. Just like hate speech. Who defines it? Who says what a rational answer is? Kind of exposes the whole concept of "testing seniors". Good for one group then all groups get "tested".
  12. As a senior citizen I'm OK with this. Provided there is a mental test for ALL voters. And the test should be ability to respond with rational replies to WHY you choose one candidate or party over the other. if the answers are unproven garbage from mainstream media no vote for you. Betting we end up with blocking 80% of the electorate. OK?
  13. Which is why the prenup was invented. I had a good golf buddy here in the states who was single and met this really sweet and attractive woman. Who had been married 3 times before. He is in love and getting married. I begged him to just live with her a while. Nope she won't do that. I begged him to get a prenup. No she doesn't want that. Sure enough less than a year married she walks with half his assets. Really sad. I say had him as a buddy because I guess he was so embarrassed (or maybe had to move to a more financially easy location) he is now gone.

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