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  1. I agree Nazi flags are abhorrent. I think they are banned in many places but even if not so be it. The difference is though subtle very real. Hamas and other current terror groups are committing atrocities NOW not 80 years ago. The people waving flags for Hamas and other Islamic terror groups are intimating American citizens of Jewish faith NOW. They wave the flags with intent to intimidate. Not sure I care about confederate flags since that war is SOOOOOO long ago and they were in rebellion not a terror group or one that committed genocide on millions. I seriously don't fear a rise of the south again based on some guys with old flags.
  2. Seems like the aggressor in the incident got the right response. Well, perhaps too much response so lets hope he pulls through and it's a learning experience to not abuse total strangers when drunk.
  3. Apparently Russia was always much weaker than Nato. It has just been exposed by their failures in Ukraine. Pretty clear now in a non-nuclear war between Nato (with US) and Russia it is very one sided.
  4. I was for a while too. Was told it is pollution related not a virus. Have no idea what is true but a week later and I am fine.
  5. OK I am very familiar with that Soi and that bike rental group. I think her primary problem is it is not a public road. I could be wrong but I think all the Pattayalands 3-5 are privately owned roads and the street spaces are leased. This scooter company has been there at least 10 years maybe longer. And yes they dominate parking on the road at the Beach Road end. If I am correct about who owns the road she needs to find the owner and see about changing who has parking rights there. Unless she is connected to the Indian mob she needs to tread carefully. It might not end well and people might be hurt. The Soi is gradually being taken over by Indians so perhaps they can band together and sort it out. But I expect the solution will involve violence.
  6. A little off topic and I'll understand if it is moved or deleted. Does having a condo way up high mitigate surrounding noise problems? Like does 20 stories up cure the issue?
  7. I have no idea if what you say is true. I will accept it as so. Since congress can change anything I seriously doubt there will come a time when they allow reduced SS payments because current FICA taxes don't cover them. That would be political suicide.
  8. After being forced to change hotels due to a new gogo bar opening across from my old one I sympathize. I had visions of murdering whoever was responsible for installing exterior speakers to share their techo with the entire Soi. 😃
  9. Just read where the military is now in the crosshairs. Seems everyone is under the same microscope just a question of order. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/hegseth-orders-pentagon-make-plans-major-budget-cuts-align-trump-doge-priorities
  10. RIP. We make life choices and live with the results. Choosing to ride a bicycle or motorbike in Thailand is a risky one. I would love the freedom riding here but am unwilling to take the risk,
  11. Articles like these just provide more proof that America voted right this time. People who believe this kind of slant aren't rational to begin with and should be ignored.
  12. Fun times. And you are braver than I getting on 2 wheels in this town full of drunk and incompetent drivers. 🤣
  13. On that we agree. BUT not to the extent of starting a nuclear war. I've no doubt that in a conventional war between NATO (with USA) and Russia the Russian military would be shredded in a few short weeks, Problem is THEN does Putin resort to nukes? Yeah I think most of their nukes would misfire and fail. But it only takes a few to make a very bad day. I don't think he is that insane (or his generals would let him) but the fact he might is an issue that prevents outright ending his regime for the sake of Russians and the rest of the world. So how to handle Putin is a tricky question. The world can hope his successor is saner and Putin has a cardiac arrest sooner.
  14. There are some seriously mentally unstable people here. And they need to log off of Democratic Underground and Reddit and try living in the real world.
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