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Posts posted by EmptyBasementBin

  1. I must admit I'm lax when it comes to local riding and safety gear. I usually only put on all my gear if it's a day ride out of the city. Just down to the shops it's usually just some shorts, t-shirt and sandals.

    Last week was cruising along around 80-90kph when suddenly there was a massive bang, the whole bike violently lost control and a sledge hammer hit my right big toe on a full swing.

    It took a few seconds to get the bike under control and luckily it stayed upright. On one of the final wobbles (wobble doesn't really do it justice) my cheap (400thb) fake koso mirror on the right hand side flew off, so the bike got a hell of jolt.

    Not knowing <deleted> happened I took the next u-turn with my foot spraying blood and the bike without its right mirror.

    Passing the scene there was a local guy picking up two rocks from the outside lane I was in, they looked like granite or some sort of hard rock and were presumably dropped from some lorry.

    I didn't even see them anyway.

    One week later:



    RHS lower fairing:


    After one week of healing:


    That afternoon was shopping time for some hard slip on shoes.

    Non-serious lessons are good.

    Seems Thaivisa doesn't like imageshack photos when put into their image tags.

  2. Even though I'm retired at 35, I teach swat/special ops guys

    You'll be right at home in Pattaya mate.

    ^ ^ ^ A fine bar-propping story if ever there was one, PHL.

    • Like 2
  3. seems its not the Thai's but the OP who is suffering from the little man syndrom


    Interesting though, please elucidate.

    sorry i do not know big words, try the smaller ones

    To give an explanation that serves to clarify, I hope they're not too large for you.

    Interesting that you've been personally attacking me for a number of posts now. I wonder the psychology behind your aggravation? :huh:

  4. Oh I'd agree that it's not because I'm a farang, but it is an inner psychological issue that affects so many of them. Perhaps manifesting from deep lying inferiority complexes and delicate egos.

    or lack of education and training to know the road rules & road etiquette

    Oh no, it's much more personal and aggressive than that.

  5. Interesting:

    The Thai are first and foremost ego oriented, characterized by the highest ego value of being Independent-being oneself (Pen tua khong tua eng), and a very high value of Self esteem. Closer inspection reveals that it is constantly ranked top priority, with the exception of farmers who ranked it relatively low (8th) among all Thai groups. Thai people have a very big ego, a deep sense of independence, pride and dignity. They cannot tolerate any violation of the “ego” self. Despite the cool and calm front, they can be easily provoked to strong emotional reactions, if the “self” or anybody close to the “self” line one’s father or mother, is insulted. There are countless numbers of examples in the media, where people can readily injure or kill another person for seemingly trivial insults.

    Suntaree Komin, Psychology of the Thai People: Values and Behavioral Patterns,

  6. I can throw in a personal attack for free if you like. When you say you ride around on a motorbike that is worth the average annual salary of a Thai person, you sound like you have an attitude that makes you deserving of people's scorn, Thai or otherwise. Furthermore, if you are using the much bandied about figure of 10k baht a month in your calculations, that means your bike cost around 120k baht? You don't get much bike for that money in Thailand - what is it?

    It's not much of a bike, and your price is close enough to it. I don't really see how that's a personal attack on me though. :huh:

  7. the drivers here are brain dead and its all about me first,perhaps its just in many Thai peoples nature to want to get one up on the other guy ,i dont think its targeted at farangs ,because they do it to each other as well

    Oh I'd agree that it's not because I'm a farang, but it is an inner psychological issue that affects so many of them. Perhaps manifesting from deep lying inferiority complexes and delicate egos.

  8. I have a nice motorbike, worth the average annual salary of a Thai. I cannot go one day without at least half a dozen Thais cutting me off/overtaking me on scooters and kicking their leg out in a victory salute…. ‘I beat you’, ‘I win’.

    That’s on a good day. Many days it is vicious. Attack me, swerve right in front and then brake before violently flicking some body-part at me. For some it’s their arse stuck up in the air and then waved at me.

    On a very good day it will be a non-fatal style of racing in order to beat me, embarrass me, or whatever these poor people feel the outcome is. God help me if I happen to overtake someone. It’s like a declaration of war. And none of it is a friendly bit of play, it's deadly serious. It literally seems to drive them insane.

    What’s wrong with all these people?

    Is it little-man syndrome? delicate egos or something else?

    6 or so years ago I was on a bus and took out my discman and put in a CD. Immediately the Thai man opposite me took out his MP3 player, held it in his hand as he let him arm hang over the ailse and had it facing towards me while coughing.

    Last week in a market my wife was looking at t-shirts, I said ‘The DJ one is nice’, quick as a flash the woman next to it went for it, held it with massive beaming smile for about 10 seconds, then took it over to buy it while grinning like a cheshire cat….. I’ve almost never seen a woman so happy.

    I see these example every day here. Far, far more than in any other country I’ve lived or travelled in.

    Just some examples off the top my head that I see every day while observing Thai society.

    In your opinions do many Thais come across as suffering from little-man syndrome? Very delicate egos? And a bitter joy at getting one over on someone?


    Please remember the forum rules and not attack all Thai people, please.

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