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Posts posted by MadMac

  1. 2 minutes ago, alyx said:

    I confirm 

    You are wrong 

    1) I did extend my visa a week ago at the immigration where I had to give the TM 30. I did ask the question and I was told that, now, the original TM 30 is valid


    2) As I have previously written: I enquired with the due authorities when you challenged my comment.

    The answer is the same: the first TM30 stands as long as you are staying in Thailand, whether you stay at a hotel or another place, for a short period of time ( can’t be bothered to look for the exact date now but it is official since June )


    That is my last message regarding the matter as their content are the same. 

    have a great day 

    Yeah well, congrats on that. What immi was it? I have seen many people paying up in CW because they did not have the correct TM30. But as everything in this country, tomorrow all may be different again ????

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  2. 9 minutes ago, alyx said:


    you must have missed my reply.

    kindly check it 

    The answer is “no” 

    One does not have to fill again a TM 30 in case they leave their residence for a short period of time and where they stay ( hotels or not ) during that “break” is irrelevant 

    see my post 


    You do not understand what happens when anyone fills a TM30 for you. Your previous one will be rendered invalid and you are automatically registered at the new address.


    This has nothing to do with short trips away where you never needed to fill one in the first place (24h rule). If you fill one or get one done for you elsewhere, you need to file back another one to reset your address to your home.


    Don't believe? Ask the friendly immigration officer in your neigborhood ????

  3. 2 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    My non-o should normally last me until April next year.

    But because of the unusual circumstances, I can't use it.

    Yeah, well, that is the one (not so) special case they avoid to address for reasons unknown. Nobody really is affected by some work permit / B issue as in the original posting. Many people on the other hand still waiing for some resolution for the 90 days visarun. However that has nothing to do with the 400/800k Extension discussion.

  4. 32 minutes ago, fulhamster said:

    Even with a Thai wife, I was told I needed to have 1.6 million in our joint a/c


    So I just moved 800K to my own a/c

    I'm surprised they looked at a joint account at all. You should have know before that an account in your name only is required. Can't blame the Immi and no, it does not mean you need 1.6m. It's just that you did not do your homework. But some are slow learners, even here ????

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  5. Why would they change anything with the existing 400/800k requirement. These rules are in place for years and everybody had to follow them. Now make an exeption because a few don't have the funds and still don't want to go home? Ridiculous.


    The borders were closed in April, so everybody is here now for at least 5 months or more. That is more than sufficient time to deposit the required collateral. For a first time application of an extension of stay only 2 months in advance are required, subsequently 3 months. So if you did not make it till now, or alternatively don't have a monthly income of 40/65k then you do not qualify.


    Suggest you book a flight home early as they are limited and will get more expensive towards end of September. Overstay will not make it any cheaper.

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  6. 15 minutes ago, alyx said:

    « Please be advised that if you relocate to another province or another part of your province for a short-time period, you are not required to register a TM30 again. 

    That is only the case if you travel for yourself and stay with family or friends. Again, if a hotel or guesthouse re-registers you this automatically renders the previous TM30 invalid. You are from then on registered at the hotel, which most certainly will not be the same province and address your immigration requires when you want something from them next time. But you can always quote your text ????

    • Confused 1
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