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Posts posted by MadMac

  1. 9 hours ago, Teee said:

    You are a tourist too...even if you have lived in Thailand for 25 years on a visa...your just a tourist.


    Change your attitude please.



    Just because you don't want to go home and enjoyed a free ride so far, does not excuse you from following immigration law and rules. Either get a proper visa or extension or leave for your home country when the amnesty ends.

  2. 4 minutes ago, worgeordie said:

    So you are 100 % sure all extensions are excluded until at least 31 st July,

    based on the words of one Immigration officer at Chiang Mai Immigration ?

    OK, but pleased I did mine and did not wait.

    regards worgeordie

    Again, feel free to read it. Or live on whatever you read in forums from people who always know better. Waste of my time. And yes, I did my extension at due date. You can read that also here ????

  3. 9 minutes ago, worgeordie said:

    Why wait till after 31 July or will it be end September,when all immigration offices are going to be pandemonium,

    That was not the point at all, It was simply about the false information in the very first posting that extensions of stay would be excluded. Has been explained multiple times now here in this thread, so please feel free to read it.

  4. 7 minutes ago, DrJack54 said:

    What do you mean. Forget about flying into Thailand for some time. Even if possible there maybe expensive costs

    Chances are flights get more expensive with the amnesty ending and CAAT still not opening up scheduled commercial flights. Then you have a lot of people need to leave and only a few seats left. So it's a bit of gamble if you are already at the limit with your permits.

  5. 14 minutes ago, jackdd said:

    Who told you so?

    Really? Not even knowing the simplest facts? A renewed extension is always valid for the exact time frame as the previous one, starting from the first date granted. So if you got your first one today and get it renewed next year 2 weeks earlier, they will both expire at 26 June the year after.

  6. 10 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:

    You begrudge people staying here on the Visa amnesty , because you had to go through the hoops to get a long term Visa and they didnt and you think thats unfair ?

       I want to stay in Thailand and I dont want to go back to my own Country , Thailand wants me here as well . 

      If you dont want me here.................I can live with that 

    Nope, just stating simple facts. Nobody needs to risk overstay, there are enough flights out available.

    If you want to stay long-term you should follow rules and procedures in place as everybody else.

  7. 1 minute ago, smedly said:

    has your extension expired ?

    No, I did it in due time. As I changed from Thai wife to retirement they still wanted to have a KR22 form from the Amphoe (proof of marriage for the last year).

    And as I had to go there and get this, they clearly told me, 2 persons independently, in very clear simple words, that I have time till 31st July to renew my extension. That was in Chiang Mai.

  8. 5 minutes ago, bestie said:

    I think real tourists don't really care. They will move on somewhere else. I can't really understand the meaning of your sentence.Let me correct it.: 

    Thai Hotel owners be aware soon more tourists will move out, you will lose more money and probably go bankrupt.

    That would make more sense.

    Again, no need to interpret anything here. What I wrote was pretty clear.

  9. 1 minute ago, newnative said:

    Thanks but I was asking not about 90 day extensions but about reporting that I still had 400,000 baht in my bank account. There was a requirement that you have to return in 90 days after your yearly extension to show you still have the money in the account--I use the 800,000 baht method.  I was wondering if this requirement had been suspended with the covid situation.  

    Yes, ok, I took it for the normal 90 days report. This seems also to differ between IOs, no such requirement in CM, at least they do not tell anyone about it ????

  10. Anyways, people on regular extensions are not affected and I think we all agree it is best to do them in time as usual.

    For the visa runners, hopefully they find a way to convert/transfer these into extensions. Remains the money requirement but there could be some flexibility.

    The remaining tourists enjoying a free ride, well, enjoy it as long as the game lasts. It may be over pretty soon.

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  11. 5 minutes ago, elektrified said:

    Could ubonjoe or someone please comment on this? My extension of stay based on retirement expires on 10 July and my plan was to get the 60-day visa based on family/marriage after that until I can travel to Laos or Vietnam for a new visa. Thank you.

    Talk to your immigration, that's the only source of reliable information.

    Visa is not possible with closed borders (I think the only option in country is ED), so your best bet is to renew your yearly extension. If money is an issue you can change from retirement to Thai wife at the discretion of your IO.


    • Thanks 1
  12. 4 minutes ago, newnative said:

       Slightly off-topic but I did my yearly extension in June using the 800,000 baht method.  I wasn't paying enough attention at the time but I just realized that I wasn't given the slip of paper telling me to report back in 90 days showing my bank book still has 400,000 baht in it.  Does anyone know if reporting back on this is still required with the covid situation?  I use Jomtien Immigration.  Thanks.  

    If they extend the amnesty till September, which I think it is unlikely but could happen, then there is no need for 90 days reporting. I however suggest you still do it, try online, takes 5 mins. Same as the TM30 they say is not needed anymore, just until they need it again and then you are in potential trouble.


    Also be careful, 90 days and extensions do run onseparate timeframes, it is not 90 days from your extension (unless it is the first one) but the time since your last 90 days or the date you entered the country.

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