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Everything posted by MadMac

  1. LOL, and this you consider a significant amount of people? Tourists even? These are people coming back who have a life here, a job, a family.
  2. "While Thailand has never charged an entry fee before..." Do your homework, just because previous fees were hidden in ticket prices does not mean they were and are not charged.
  3. Exactly, Malaysia and Singapore do not have capital gains tax on crypto. Farewell.
  4. This F5 was 60-70 years old. Stork? Sure. I would guess there were no more spares for that scrap metal. Many of them crashed in the 1960's and 1970's.
  5. They certainly don't make you look better :). But if it helps nose operations....
  6. People wear those masks for years in TH. Not that they help anything. They should hunt the arsonists instead. But it is the same every year. Can't be fixed.
  7. Time to change your air filter. Yes your cars has these, way better than surgical masks ????
  8. Certainly. But it is not being helped by fearmongers spreading panic.
  9. Don't forget, Anutin wants to become the next Prayuth. Kind of tricky without being a general, but who knows. Just spread enough fud and then be the hero.
  10. They are called "Digital Nomads" nowadays ????
  11. There is just too much money to be made from forced detention. They will not let this go and this new wave was a welcome opportunity.
  12. Those inactive posts must be available all over, haven't heard a long time that some was filled. What are they actually doing? Running the mob?
  13. Alcohol burns, they fire your car with it. What is this guy talking about? ????
  14. Tax is only applicable if there is income received in Thailand or income received abroad is brought into Thailand within the same calendar year. Besides tourists are not allowed to work this is just another funky new BS from someone who wanted his short moment in the news.
  15. No doubt this comes automatically with the required work permit attached and easily extendible to 270 days.
  16. "Hunting Africans" was a bit too direct I believe, so now they call it "Trace Foreigners". Xenophopic masterpiece, will certainly attract another million of dirty tourists to carry their money here.
  17. What sense does that make to curb the Diesel prices when Bio-Diesel was 3THB/liter cheaper than B7. So now they make only B7 and it is cheaper? How so?
  18. So a few well connected "health service providers" pocketed almost half of all income that was meant to be for tourism. Greed without limits. Amazing Thailand.
  19. Well, as long as Somchai burns down everything that can catch fire, who cares about Diesel smoke? Same BS as every year, make some news, don't address the problem and as always, blame someone else.
  20. What's wrong with "pre-owned"? Thailand has a long tradition of selling used stuff more expensive than new ????
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