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  1. In 2022 Statista estimated losses to online payment fraud alone was expected to reach $20 billion USD for 2021, a 14% year on year growth from the previous year. That only forms part of the total picture as online payment fraud is included in total losses to cybercrime. The World Economic Forum’s 2019 Cybercrime Report puts economic losses from all cybercrime, which includes online payment fraud, in 2020 at 3 trillion USD and projected this to double to 6 trillion USD in 2021!
  2. Just to clarify, you refuse to talk to ladyboys to better understand the situation but are happy to listen to gays to better understand the situation ?
  3. Depends on your budget but the Pullman Hotel is very nice and has direct access to the beach.
  4. From the original post it sounds like she already has a big ass!
  5. Fall in love?
  6. Upload the video of the altercation then!
  7. By the way ... Israel has the right to defend itself when attacked . Of course . - OK, you start well. But when has Israel been attacked ? - October the 7th, and many other times in the past. The Hamas terrorists who attacked the festival goers and the kibbuzim wanted to do their hateful acts to hurt and kill some Israelis , because they hate all Israelis . - The Hamas terrorists whose manifesto includes the destruction of Israel and its citizens. A genocidal manifesto. That was never meant to be an attack on the state of Israel itself . - Seriously?! An armed intrusion into a sovereign country is not an attack on that country? Israel " defended " itself by committing a genocide ... you can turn it many times , but it is still that . - The ICC has accused Israel of committing genocide but the actions of Israel did not meet the legal definition of genocide. So , Israels ' right to defend itself ' did not , never , imply the use of lethal force on a whole population . - Israel has even advised the population of Gaza of when and where they will attack; it is Hamas that keeps them in harm's way as human shields. As I said before , Israels goal is territorial expansion , and all means are considered good enough to reach that goal . - Israel has given up land for peace and forcibly removed its settlers from Gaza many years ago. Egypt used to control Gaza and they never gave the Gazans self determination. Israel, previously called Judea (land of the Jews) was in the same area 500 years before Islam even existed.
  8. That's no way to talk about the love of his life and two darling kids!
  9. Sounds like the hormone replacement therapy is not working for @venuspeenis!
  10. Government stated that the reason for the tax was because of rich people buying up land to avoid inheritance tax. So, stop people doing that through other legal methods, not ill thought out taxation that is just used to help the government balance the books while not cutting 'other' budgets. It is the rich property developers that have caused the land values to increase to a point where many of the family farms fall into the taxable category. Simple solution is to waive inheritance tax on land and machinery bequeathed for farming provided that it is used for farming for the next 50 years and not sold to property developers. If not adhered to then levy Capital Gains Tax and Inheritance Tax at an exorbitant level on the individual selling it for development.
  11. The same government that makes it impossible to live in UK with a foreign wife due to financial requirements to have a yearly income more than they get in a UK pension? And you have overlooked the fact that pensioners living overseas are not all treated the same; it depends on which country they live in! The Government may make it clear, but that does not mean it is not fraud.
  12. The biggest fraud is implementing a system where the UK Government can treat its pensioners unfairly based on where they live even though they have all contributed the same.

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