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Posts posted by masaomi

  1. Lets go back a little bit. Pepsi used this guy to do their bottling and distribution in Thailand for many years (20 to 30). They did it so well that Pepsi out sold Coke, one of the few markets in the world to do so. Pepsi however refused to consider a request from their Thai partner to decrease the price for their concentrate/royalties, which was squeezing the local companies margins. After the two parties couldn't agree to renew the contract last year, the Thai company announced that they will launch their own soda. Est will hurt Pepsi's market share in Thailand and Coke has already benefitted from Pepsi's move (they now have 55% of the market share). Est is cheaper is locally made and now is available at more places than Pepsi. What Est did was simple. They knew all the people who bought Pepsi in the past, they send out their trucks, off loaded Est, loaded the empty Pepsi bottles. Over night Pepsi disappeared and Est appeared. Pepsi made a mistake and will pay for it as it's not easy to regain lost market share. The arrogance of big companies is sometimes astounding.

    I hate to point out the obvious dude! But you are so wrong! Est is just like another copy cat brand of Nike, addidas, prada or as what lady gaga would want...an imitation Rolex etc.. Pepsi knows it & they are just waiting for the last laugh! Personally, I would not even glance the est way let alone try it! *duh!
  2. It's also just the lack of being logical while driving...many accidents could be avoided if people would keep at least 30 meters between each other.

    Yesterday I had a few vans and buses drive at 5 meters from me...and I was going 110 km/h...

    Are you kidding? That's pretty far for them "by their standards"! You should see when they get up close & personal with you! Less than 1 metre & travelling at approximately 120 km/h! Ha.ha.
  3. Not a single word on the dear leader in this article. I wonder what type of lives these people have outside of politics. Must be dam_n boring. Maybe in the new year the red and yellow shirt organisation should be boycotted by the thai media.

    Just imagine that. Not a word about the dear leader nor the rabble that supports him and the dear family!

    ha..ha..ha! You are sooooo bitchy with your comments! Funny one. I like it.
  4. My wife and daughter were in an accident in Si Sa Ket yesterday! ( thankfully no one hurt)

    Unlicensed driver pushed her off the road to avoid a motorbike while overtaking then paid the cops 300b to tell my wife the accident was her fault. Threatened her with arrest if she didn't stop trying to argue the point with them.

    Xxxxxxx backwards hillbillies, all the witnesses were from the same village as the boy....not his fault

    I swear once people pass Korat their IQ drops 50 points.....

    I absolutely agree with you on both the dirty scoundrels hillbillies & the IQ points dropping 50, no; make it 70. As they say: "The Devil can even cite scriptures from the bible for its own purpose!" You just have to completely avoid them & ignore them at all cost! The better educated & civilised locals do that too! I quote my Thai friend: "What for get involve with people like that, they cannot even think for themselves let alone for others!" "More stupid than a buffalo, social skills born lower than a dog!" He said that in Thai. I'm translating it to English for you.
  5. I don't believe the religion of the Teacher is the problem - the problem is that radical Islam is against education as a concept, especially of course for women.

    Education is the enemy of radical religion - particularly Islam - because an educated individual is capable of rationally examining beliefs and will not blindly accept dogma or extremism..


    you are absolutely correct! Bull's Eye!
  6. My ex wanted to do the same thing too -Jump! From the top floor of my Penthouse Apt. All I did was merely suggest that jumping out the window is a better option than being dishonest with me. Next thing I know my ex was already at the window sill with one leg out and the other to push out! If I had not been fast enough to heave my ex back, I would be exactly in the same situation as this Aussie guy! My ex would have jumped & died tragically! I would forever live with the guilt that I am responsible for my ex's death! God forbids! Amen.

  7. Most people on this forum cannot reason anymore when it comes to this matter or the Thaksin subject in general.

    Most of the comments, blindly supporting the yellows, Abhisit or the army, seem irrational...

    Some people might say that these comments are just written by people who do not have the intellectual capabilities to analyze and comment on complex subjects... Could it be?

    Even when a boy was shot in the back by the army, members on this forum will still find countless ways to put the blame on the reds, on the boy himself or his (inexistent) family, on Thaksin, on fate, on the stupidity of the demontrators ("This boy obviously run into the army's bullets while he knew very well he should have been at school"), ... T

    They will always find an excuse to convince us that the army and the Abhisit government did a great job in dispersing these demonstrators, and that 90 deaths was totally reasonable taking into account the situation, ... and that, ... , euh, ... well if you don't agree, just shut up, ok?

    If they could, they would even try to link the death of that boy (and all the others) to Chalerm or Yingluck.

    They fully agree with the court decisions when it suits their version of the drama . They quickly praise the court when the reds are in trouble. They applaud the judges when the verdict is in favor of the yellows. But then, they come up with all sorts of speculation when the court favors the Thaksin camp and the reds. They, of course, close their eyes when the court is lenient in the yellow cases that started it all...

    In this case, there were people injured and killed on both sides...

    The funny thing is that as soon as the court will say that one soldier lost his nail while performing his duty to protect the citizens and restore order, most people here will say that Thaksin should be held responsible and thrown in jail for the rest of his life (together with his sister if possible).

    I so totally agree with you! These people, as we say are like Devils citing scriptures from the bible for their own purpose! They are also the judge, jury & executioner with ridiculous sense of reasoning! I quote"no red no deaths" So I ask: "No yellow No Airport closure"?? DUMB!!
  8. The most interesting part of this I found was that David was arrested whilst using an ATM. For those doubters out there that keep saying the Police are useless, I suggest that they are not as inept as you all think. My experiences with the Cyber Crimes Division showed they are catching up with the rest of the world pretty quickly and "can" track people electronically pretty easily now.

    I totally agree! Even gruesome fights on the road was being tracked by the police in a matter of just under 12 hours & both parties arrested! Wow..
  9. WHERE THE F@#$K DID THEY GET THIS SPURIOUS STATISTICS & BOGUS IMAGINATIONS FROM? I have visited Vientianne-Laos for about 4 times and my life has been threatened twice! I was in the Army during the Muslim-Christian WAR where the Indo-chinese & christians were beheaded and had their heads stacked! A bullet went through my right shoulder and I almost died! I rented a room in Singapore from a local thug and was conned of my money, at the end of the day, I had to beat him up and leave Singapore for good!

    I had lived and travelled between Thailand & Japan for many years, my life was never threatened like it has been in Laos, Indonesia and Singapore! Sure there were some squabbles here & there but never life theatening! They should get their bloody facts right! Dumb Morons. Also, there were hard financial times for me when my business in NYC collapsed & if had not been for my Thai friends, I would be dead by now (by my own hand-Hara Kiri).

    I say: Give Credit Where It Is Due!

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