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Posts posted by masaomi

  1. My goodness are the red shirts invading hospitals once again?

    Congratulations, you win the award for the most tenuous link to the red shirts from an unrelated article, and to manage it within one post is truly special.

    Wow thanks I really appreciate the recognition. After all it was quite easy really. The article having the words gang, entering hospital and Bangkok. In my seventeen years here this is only the second time I can recall this happening. So you see it wasn't hard at all.

    Dude! It is not recognition, it is sarcasm! *duh! By the way, I think you have spent too much time in Thailand, trust me they are not going to give you a seniority medal! hahaha...Rather they think you are getting stale here! Take a breather, travel out for a few months or years!
  2. I travel quite often between Hong Kong and Bangkok with Cathay and I came to know a couple of Thai flight attendants. They usually are very nice and helpful. It's true that due to their demographic they are mostly "prettty face" Abhisit supporters but I had the chance to fly with a number of members of the ruling party, including one time with K. Thaksin (I was not "with" him, I was just in the same plane) and I have to say they were all shown total proper respect by the members of the staff despite their personal politic opinions.

    It is true that there are a couple of old bitter spinsters working there, I was chased by one for a while despite the fact that I was already married with someone she knew. My wife eventually cut all links with this community, there was too much nasty gossips even if it was only from a few individuals.

    But it is only gossips, these old witches are unable to do anything else. If Cathay really wants to improve its service, food service should be one of their priority

    I seriously think you are dreaming! Thaksin has his own private jet would would never travel with commoners like you less show his face around in a crowded plane! *duh!
    • Like 1
  3. Wow, Heh Masaomi, You are a tight ass old bugger , No.? What a lot of hate for youth that love to race around he world. I had a 409 1962 chevy and was state champion in A stock. Idaho I have recieved many tickets but have driven 1,500,000 miles since my last wreck at age 20 my fault in 1961. I still have fast cars and won 2 Divisional championships and 9 world records in hillclimbs in USA (on pavement) How long since you had a wreck? Today I have a 90 civic crx with a Acura 4 cyl eng with 200 hp and still cant resist st racing a kid in a 5.0 Mustang v/8 at a light. You never had the feeling of beating a big old american v/8 with a 98 cubic inch screaming 4 cyl that turns 8000 rpm honda. Also have a 510 Datsun with a Honda with a S-2000 Honda engine with 240 HP turns 9000. RPM in a 1900 lb car. Just about to hit the streets with it. I will be 71 in jan. Remeber all those insurance claims that many tickets means dangerous driver. I sure blew that story. Never got a ticket of going over 80 mph , just 10-15 over usually freeways were made for 80 mph in 1965 we have cars that go 200 mph. They just raised speed limt in Texas to 85 on a toll rd. wow, I crossed texas last winter kept it at 80-105 all night.

    Just got to know what you are doing. Kids still need to learn before going crazy, Bikes are dangerous for sure.

    Har! Har! Har! You want a medal? Or trying to command some respect?? Dude, before you "ASS" "U" "ME" (assume) that you are the only professional driver who has driven loads of cars & starts singing out the cars you have driven, find out what the other party does for his pastimes! I graduated in NYU and was already driving a Dodge Challenger Hemi and a Ford Mustang GTO. I race drift from Tokyo to Osaka to Yokohama. I drove a Bentley Continental GT Speed from Zurich-Switzerland to Constance-Germany during my internship with Dr. Hausman. In Milan-Italy & Rome on a Maserati Granturismo. I rode a Kawazaki 1100cc from Bangkok to Pattaya and now drives a BMW 528i in Bangkok. So please, do give me a break, I really don't want to read anymore about your speeding tickets! As much as you don't want to read about me ranting on driving on an AutoBahn in Germany is so much more different than on an Interstate 180 in the U.S. Just the same when you are jumping from right hand drive to left hand drive suddenly in different countries! Also, FYI, I have competed, driven and drift for the last 22 years without a single accident! I am trained in both offensive and defensive driving and can do a J turn with about any kinds of vehicle. I am not against professional drivers but abhor hooligans who have no blinking idea about riding a bike with all their pathetic small 100cc honda wave bikes making only noises (Empty Vessels Makes the Most Noise) but absolutely no power.

    Wow, two complete blaggers together YAAAAWWWWWWWWNNNNNN!!!!!!!

    You are right! ha ha ha..amusing oneself to the kiddish, immatured & stupidity of it all.
  4. Wow, Heh Masaomi, You are a tight ass old bugger , No.? What a lot of hate for youth that love to race around he world. I had a 409 1962 chevy and was state champion in A stock. Idaho I have recieved many tickets but have driven 1,500,000 miles since my last wreck at age 20 my fault in 1961. I still have fast cars and won 2 Divisional championships and 9 world records in hillclimbs in USA (on pavement) How long since you had a wreck? Today I have a 90 civic crx with a Acura 4 cyl eng with 200 hp and still cant resist st racing a kid in a 5.0 Mustang v/8 at a light. You never had the feeling of beating a big old american v/8 with a 98 cubic inch screaming 4 cyl that turns 8000 rpm honda. Also have a 510 Datsun with a Honda with a S-2000 Honda engine with 240 HP turns 9000. RPM in a 1900 lb car. Just about to hit the streets with it. I will be 71 in jan. Remeber all those insurance claims that many tickets means dangerous driver. I sure blew that story. Never got a ticket of going over 80 mph , just 10-15 over usually freeways were made for 80 mph in 1965 we have cars that go 200 mph. They just raised speed limt in Texas to 85 on a toll rd. wow, I crossed texas last winter kept it at 80-105 all night.

    Just got to know what you are doing. Kids still need to learn before going crazy, Bikes are dangerous for sure.

    Har! Har! Har! You want a medal? Or trying to command some respect?? Dude, before you "ASS" "U" "ME" (assume) that you are the only professional driver who has driven loads of cars & starts singing out the cars you have driven, find out what the other party does for his pastimes! I graduated in NYU and was already driving a Dodge Challenger Hemi and a Ford Mustang GTO. I race drift from Tokyo to Osaka to Yokohama. I drove a Bentley Continental GT Speed from Zurich-Switzerland to Constance-Germany during my internship with Dr. Hausman. In Milan-Italy & Rome on a Maserati Granturismo. I rode a Kawazaki 1100cc from Bangkok to Pattaya and now drives a BMW 528i in Bangkok. So please, do give me a break, I really don't want to read anymore about your speeding tickets! As much as you don't want to read about me ranting on driving on an AutoBahn in Germany is so much more different than on an Interstate 180 in the U.S. Just the same when you are jumping from right hand drive to left hand drive suddenly in different countries! Also, FYI, I have competed, driven and drift for the last 22 years without a single accident! I am trained in both offensive and defensive driving and can do a J turn with about any kinds of vehicle. I am not against professional drivers but abhor hooligans who have no blinking idea about riding a bike with all their pathetic small 100cc honda wave bikes making only noises (Empty Vessels Makes the Most Noise) but absolutely no power.
  5. those street racers were harmless, they were not a gang and, most probably, they did not cause much disturbance to the residents and street traffic. Sending a police patrol to warn them to stop, check on alcohol and drugs, and do not come back would do the trick.

    youngsters used to race close to my home every friday night, now they moved to the street, where are no houses, so nobody can complain to cops.

    putting this story with a story about an injured cop hit by a motorbike is not appropriate, as those 2 stories are not related

    You have no blinking idea what you are talking about! These are the worst of social pariahs! Total hooligans on the streets who have never spared a thought for the safety of other road users! Clearly you don't drive! If you as much as honk them, even just a light tap, the whole pack of demons would be on you in a split micro seconds! Have you read how they kill a couple of police with their guns or their bikes? Go to Narathiwas Rajagarindra at 11 pm every night, then pehaps you will understand what I am trying to explain to you! Ignorance is Bliss! Get your facts right before putting your comments in motion!
    • Like 2
  6. My 2 satang on the question for the reaction of Red Bull Intl.?

    They don't care!

    1st hardly anyone in the "real world" cares about what is going on in Thailand (as long as none of "us" are directly participating eg. airport closure, red-uprising, tsunami) and therefor hardly anyone knows that Red Bull is Thai or even heard about this case. I know, because I am in contact with friends in Germany. No one has even heard of this case. So even if he walks (and he will) the rest of the world will given even less sh@t, than Thailand does. 2nd Red Bull is (literally) on cloud 9 with the PR they got for Felix Baumgaertners strato- jump or Sebastian vettel being back in the top-spot for F1- champion. So again...no one cares!

    It is a shame, but the fact that some of us (farang that live in Thailand) are outraged about this, doesn't count anything in the outside world. ...and for sure, it doesn't count here!

    I agree 100% with your thinking, but I'm hoping against hope that the cops are determined he goes down for taking one of their own

    Why?!? Because he is rich and you are not?? Har! Look in the mirror, you are no better off being a hypocrite or rather; sour grapes!
  7. I simply just cannot understand everyone here! Hoping & dying with their heart to see this rich young man do hard prison time!?? Is it because he is so rich and you are not!?! Is it because you are sour grapes and self righteous?! Why, there are so many more morons, goons, dirty rotten scoundrels and rascals out there than this young man who owned a Ferrari and you don't!! Why wish so much for him to be put away to do hard time? Knowing very well, it will kill him!

    Well, look in the mirror, you are no better off being a sour grapes and a hypocrite!

    I wish with all my heart that he will repent; being his first time and not have to do hard time. Maybe some social obligations for him to perform but definitely not hard time. That will break him for sure. I am nowhere as rich as him but being in his shoes, that will kill me!

    Forgive him and may God Bless Him.

  8. This survey is definitely based on ridiculous, spurious statistics and bogus imaginations! Thailand taxis is conclusively not on the fifth! They are the worst by any countries standards! Especially the way they drive. All they ever know is just slam the accelarator and then slam the brakes at the last minute. They never learn to calculate the distance and the speed velocity of their own vehicle with the others and then by slowing down but instead they drive at necking breaking speed and at the last moment slam the brakes. So retarded & spastic!

    Service is just as bad! I've met numerous taxi drivers who demanded on taking the longer distance with the heaviest traffic jams and when I insisted on taking the shorter, more efficient and less traffic route; was told to get out and still have to pay for the meter fare. They are mercenaries and road bullies. Totally uncivilised, uneducated, uncultured & uncouth! The worst of its kind!

    Now I drive.

  9. I was driving back from Cha'am to Bangkok nearing Samut Sakhon when a reckless 30 years old scrap Toyota swerved into my lane cutting directly in front of me thus almost hitting my brand new BMW 528i, blaring my horn at him seems like a pretty good idea at that time but that aggravated the situation. He deliberately did it again to frustrate me and then slowed down to stare me down. Without warning he whipped out his pistol and pointed at my window.

    What a jugass, intellectually moron! He said "tham mai wah" in Thai. I gave him the finger and dared him to shoot than sped off! Let's see his pathetic old cranker can keep up with my car.

    What goes around comes around, one day he will be staring down the barrel of another person's gun. Mark my word.

  10. Good Riddance to Bad Rubbish! He deserves it! You have no idea how many times I have to avoid these road bullies. They just barge in like they are King of the road! If you don't give way, your car definitely will spend time in the workshop! That is if you don't spend time in the hospital first! They are real social pariahs!

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  11. BKK is a disorganised, filthy, dangerous DUMP compared to Singapore. So Thailand could only have ranked so high if they excluded those expats who currently live in BKK!!!!!

    Nice to hear from you. I imagine you dont live in Thailand... lucky for you... actually no, its lucky for us... keep thinking that, and dont come here. You may prefer India then...

    Yeah! I agree! Have it your way Hermit in the Well, Don't come to Thailand, the locals don't think much about your singapore either! Spoke to many Thais who have been to Singapore and they said:" Nah Burr"
  12. What a Disappointment!! Thailand should be number 1. Loved this country for its everything! Singapore?? Yuks! Who can imagine living there?? Like a sterile hospital environment! With everything regimentated by the obssesive compulsive government and its 'no chewing gum' law!

    According to my singapore business associates, everyone is in your face all the time & I totally agree! After visiting there for only 10 days, I had enough!

    If you think the Thais are dishonest, Singaporeans are unscrupulous scammers and cheats who know how to manipulate the strict laws to their own conniving schemes.

    Irregardless, I vote Thailand most liveable. Singapore would be the last on my list! No, correction, would not even be on my list!

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  13. Cool, about time the authorities started to clamp down on this sort of thing - I don't like those "naughty-boy" forums with their trip reports and photos of girls posters have spent the night with, and I also don't like sitting in a bar watching the world go by and having my picture taken, without asking or a do you mind first.

    There has been some interesting stuff on Stickmans site recently about pictures being posted on the internet .

    Crab! If it had been the other way round, it would not be a problem because he is farang! Double Standards!
  14. Why am I not surprised!? I experienced the same reckless & nonchalant behaviour of the nurses on duty at both Bangkok Christian Hospital ad Chula Hospital. I was in agonising pain and they were oblivion to my suffering. They talked down to you like you are a retard. Never again. Good riddance to bad rubbish! These people are so unprofessional.

    I have also seen a young intern doctor practicing in Chula Hospital sneakng up to an old caucasian patient who was dozing off and shouted "Excuse me, sir!" & then "Oh! Nevermind!" in his ear thus giving him a terrible fright and that young medical punk then walked away grinning thereafter! Mean, obnoxious & totally uncultured; uncivilised!bah.gif

  15. I feel so sorry for this chap! It must have been a very difficult life for him. Nobody would choose this alternative unless circumstances are beyond repair.

    I have been through this stage before; after loosing 70 million baht in foreign investment, I had the muzzle of the .38 in my mouth. My Thai friend with all his guts yanked it right out from me just in time before I pulled the trigger. His family became my family and he literally looked after me for 2 years both financially and emotionally until I recovered. A brother my parents could never give to me.

    As for the South African gentleman, my deepest condolences and may the Lord understands and forgives him. Amen.sad.png

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