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Everything posted by HeijoshinCool

  1. . Dear Gigi- Watch the first few minutes of A River Runs Through It..... You are the boy completing a writing assignment so he may go fishing, and we are your stern father. Now go back and edit out 50% of your OP. Then do it again, and again, until all you have left is that last paragraph. There now, perfect.
  2. . Pigs? Then they should offer it at any of the many buffets in San Antonio, Texas.
  3. . Too late; I got very excited.... You should write romance novels.
  4. . Yeah, I will. Just surprised (maybe I shouldn't be) that they do not have the poles and gates, etc, on their website. Install is easy. Just need a come-along and some wrenches and concrete.
  5. . Blah, blah, yak yak, yada yada yada....I am here to officially announce I want only Russians and Indians....no stupid Americans or dirty British I don't like them yada yada yada..... Now take my picture....
  6. . Best place to buy? Found the rolls of fencing on HomePro website, but not the posts and fittings. Happy to install myself, but would prefer it done by seller. I live in Trat.
  7. . Not yet, but it's coming.... Probably about how we all should cherish drooping breasts...
  8. . Some of us consider breasts delicious, even if they have been on the floor.
  9. . I think you are posting in the wrong forum, please navigate to Food In Thailand, if you can find it, and repost. Bwaaa, ha, ha, ha.
  10. . Not trying to get into all the permutations and ramifications for those on vacations, just stating some simple facts. Not sure if the local authorities will take action, though they should. I do know that if you contact your consulate officer of such an incident, they will indeed take action. .
  11. . "those requiring ventilators declining...." Wanted: Headliner writer, start immediately.
  12. . And, by the way, GG, there are many empty suit shops in BKK right now, running specials... Stop in. Maybe they'll throw in some spats. Yowza!
  13. Are you sure? Sinowac. . Yes, I'm sure it's still easier, and much more hygienic..... they don't spit all over you like Dafy Duck when they try to say Pfizer. .
  14. . Exactly, thank you. And it is actually an offense for the passport holder to relinquish their passport to those not specifically authorized to ask for it.
  15. . You misunderstand.... One does not turn over their passport in the first place; not to a hospital, not to a scooter rental shop. Many folks do not know this, which is why I posted it.
  16. International law doesn't apply unless it is enacted into local law. . Please note the other word I used; treaties. Not only can they not confiscate it as hostage for payment (or otherwise), but the foreign national does not have the authority to hand it over..... Passports do not belong to the passport holder, they belong the issuing government.
  17. . I'm sure they are listening..... Just yesterday I saw a stack of these on a clipboard next to the front door of ThaiVisa:
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