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Everything posted by HeijoshinCool

  1. . I'll bring the 90-year-old Thai neighbor lady who loves to sing Chinese songs....... Sounds like a bag of cats being whacked with a microphone.
  2. . I love Japan, but refuse to make friends there...... Because every time I do, they want to take me to karaoke.
  3. Because even if double jabbed you can get covid and spread it. You are just likely not to need intensive care if vaxxed. The reason we need to jab the population, it takes an awful load of pressure off the hospital system in every country. . I was being sarca----- Nevermind.
  4. My opinion based on facts . Well, after checking my handy dictionary, I can't argue with you there... OPINION: Noun a view or judgement formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge. əˈpinyən .. a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge: a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge:
  5. . They will always come up with new ways to take money from Average Joe..... They don't want him to get ahead. They won't let him get ahead. Give him a stimulus payment, then take it back ten times over, smiling while they do it.
  6. . Think about all the Thais who have opened up a biz thinking they were going to make a killing, and were gone in a few months. Whatever course you take, don't you or your wife let anyone know you are bothered by this. Bide your time.
  7. . Probably his buds. If it's in BF Egypt, on untraveled road, maybe he'll just go out of business in a month or two?
  8. . Sorry, man. This truly sucks. Not sure there is any remedy legally, through the police, that is. However, there might be a civil lawsuit available to you. I'd check with a good lawyer. Maybe you can sue for severe emotional distress. Having said that, as you know, retribution is Thailand's middle name. Now that we've got the "right way to do things" out of the way, if it were me, I'd leave town for a while, find someone from far away who can handle things for you while you stay in Bangkok on holiday. Have that someone eat at the cafe, and some of his friends, too. Then take ipecac and vomit everywhere. Repeat daily with different customers. Go to the clinic. The news will spread fast. The pig idea sounds great, but will surely bring retribution. This option cannot be connected to you. Where does this moron think his customers are going to come from?
  9. . Yep, they come here attempting to acquire validation. A small group. I find them amusing.
  10. . Two pots of black coffee so I can still see my........ Unless I'm on vacation, then anything goes.
  11. . If you were to go back and look at my posts over time, you would notice that the likes/thanks to sad/confused ratio is typically about 7 to 1. Not to pat myself on the back (there are other posters with similar ratios), rather to show that, actually, the people you and I are discussing are a small minority. But they are vocal and usually obnoxious, which is why they seem to be large in number. They often start their replies with such nuggets as, Your (sic) wrong! or You are lying.....
  12. . Your first sentence was unnecessary. Note that I used the adjective "rabid." I was not referring to all pro-vaxxers.
  13. . Man, did you leave yourself open there, or what? Enough said......
  14. . Thanks, man! That is what this forum is for. I appreciate your help.
  15. . Really? That's good to know. Thanks! Now I'll move ahead. Uhm, wait.....a MacBook is considered a notebook, yes....?
  16. . Yes, but I have no idea where to buy brown envelopes..... On the serious side, this is why I use an agent. You still have time to find one. Should be, for marriage, around 21k, less for retirement.....
  17. . Why the PCRs if double vaxxed....? Even he does not believe the vaccines are worth a $h1+.
  18. . In the meantime, while I'm sitting here in ASQ, a contractor is installing a chrome pole in my bungalow.....
  19. . The very purpose of this forum is to answer questions from folks seeking accurate information. It is not to foist our personal opinions on them without their solicitation, or tell them how wrong are selfish they are. I simply answered his question with a positive attitude, something this forum lacks at times. What he does with it is his business, not mine, not yours. There must be some morbid underlying psychological pathology that causes certain people to feel their opinions have more value than other. .
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