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Sticky Rice Balls

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Posts posted by Sticky Rice Balls

  1. Thainess---blasting air con with broken vents as i watch everyone fiddle with the vents above--

    blasting cd that skips sometimes of thai love songs--whether u wanna hear it or not---

    soymilk--cookies and a bean roll for your meal---free massage then nagged for an upgrade

    a hi-so reclines his seat all the way back on u clipping ur kneecaps--thus knocking over soymilk!!

    i leave in 4 day----china airline--chi-ness?...had enough fake "thainess" for now--chok dee wai2.gif

  2. id like to ride my old 100cc up there or the MHS loop but maybe the silver bullet is the way to go

    still kicking the idea around---anyone suggest a decent quiet clean little hideaway to stay in pai?

    cam pm me if secret--i wont tell --i go home in 5 days.....ssssssssssshhhhhhh wai2.gif

  3. Well i was the "lucky"? one to get tangcorals' free ticket and i went yest....of all days when i want rain it had to be yest...i immediately started to think what was going to happen with the rain out as IMO the ticket price was a bit high but lucky i got a free ticket and split the cost of one ticket with a friend.

    100 baht for a singha draft?..same for somtam!..wow..pricy eats/drinks indeed--before i go further this was simply MY EXP there...2 bean bag chairs for the whole crowd..they were the lucky couple indeed! A few other lucky ones got the triangle pilows but i ended up on the curb to be close to stage.....i will also add i have run my own dj co. for over 25 yrs back home....in regards to next.....

    listen to "peter" play...who i found i just a local CM guy--seems he couldnt get much help with his mic volume.....sounds guys asleep?.....then came the rain--and boy did it rain!!!!!!....we waited for quite a bit of time/hour?...heard that we could attend again sunday which only seemed fair to us that paid 650 each for a few hrs of music?....and im sure the vendors werent to happy as their sales washed away...anyhoo it seems there was plenty of room for those tonite to spend $$$ on 100 baht somtam

    so as i was ready to go home--cold-wet they ushered us into the main hall(inside) to be trapped by nokia girls screaming at us and insisting we play games--"s-mart-phone--who have?!" and then the MC to go on even more-----we didnt pay 650 to hear this and be forced upon by your sponsors!!!

    we came for jazz music---the headliner was a cover band!!!! i could hear just as good at riverside or northgate--even better IMO....and of course her mic went out several times too(hello soundguys)

    i left after the 2nd act from frustration--screaming kids(family nite?)-and it was poorly run IMO...

    all in all an overpriced ticket to a big show for hi-so's paying over 1200 baht for average wine and

    showing off--the music seemed like locals and people ive never heard of(again dj for over 25 yrs)

    it looked nice on paper but again i spoke to a few people as to if they would come back on sunday and many said --NO---i was one of them----cut the price in half and i would reconsider that fair....

    ****and one more time before u let the hounds loose--this was simply my experience and yes i had

    a free ticket and split cost of another for a friend---it was an okay show--def NOT worth 650--IMO*

  4. was thinking of driving my old honda dream 100 tp to pai/MHS..good idea or take minivan sick.gif

    and thoughts on a budget quiet getaway around there?..dont wanna be near the noisy crowds/toursits

  5. Was there tonite for jazzfest--poured rain--seems ok but 800 yikes!!! id take the 500 membership

    they do have a cool light/water/laser show----but i was there at night---def tourist trap---up to you..

  6. Haha--yep--deer in the headlights look indeed! I figure if i ever need to rob a bank i will do it during these crazy screaming soapies--good lord....

    Its like a hypnotic stare as im trying to get the check and such when eating and all the staff are gathered round

    staring at the shrieking phuyings on the boob tube...thats when i loot the place--leaving nothing but my card!!!whistling.gif

    And kudos to the soapies for ingraining that whats really important is education--not riches-wealth and status!!!

  7. For them who suffer from a sore throath, gargling with salt is an option, and these tea's work very well too.

    Several teas are known to soothe sore throats. A helpful recipe includes:

    1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar

    Juice from 1/4 lemon

    1 teaspoon of honey

    Cayenne pepper to taste

    Mix the ingredients into a cup of warm water and drink slowly. One cup is rarely enough for all day relief, but four may do the trick. This drink may also help reduce coughing.

    Another tea option is to combine ginger tea with cinnamon and lemon. Ingredients include:

    1 teaspoon of grated ginger

    1 cinnamon stick

    2 teaspoons of grated lemon peel

    1/2 cup of water

    Combine ingredients in a pan and simmer for 15 minutes. Pour three tablespoons of mixture into a cup of warm warm and drink. Save the rest for additional cups of tea later in the day.

    A third tea option is ginger tea with lemon and pepper.

    Seep one bag of ginger tea in a cup of hot water.

    Add lemon juice and black pepper powder to taste.

    This remedy not only helps relieve throat pain, but it can also clear blockages.

    Agreed im all about the natural way and im with Joop------also for the deep chest cough

    try acids---pineapple--tons o vit c as well......lemon-hot tea-----hot ginger tea....apple cider ving

    also get a cheap onion...soup stock add some soy-etc/taste..eat..onions will break up "the mucus"

    yep--no fried foods---lots of veggies/fruit--fluids--rest----but yep all these new toursits with "cooties"

    as that cough and mucus is killer and hangs for weeks--good grief--one week to go and im outta here..hope i can dodge it dont want a 40 hrs transit with it....on a plane at that---dried bloody nose!

  8. just did it for under 1000 total-----5am green bus-back seat 234 baht to mae sai--15 red truck to border--record time 4 hrs!!!!--------5 mins across bridge--500 baht--stamp stamp--turn around

    took red truck back to bus station-15 bt----got local bus to Crai---40 bt--took vip no toilet back to cm

    144-----given the local bus makes many stops im in no rush and im not freezing my a** off either!!!

  9. Go to the woman prison massage , no phones there and a good relaxing massage !

    ive been there 2x and horrid!!!! over priced and crap---they even almost hurt me with the neck snap!

    seems it the place to be for the chinese as they all want to go there--funny enough they think the girls get to keep the $$$$..i almost did a spit take!!! for fancy private room legit-shower-tea-etc--the massage at orchid hotel next to KSK...orange sign....otherwise getthawa between rimping narawat and 7-11..thats where i take people and they all loved it...may get the chatting and phones but good people-trained-and good massage

  10. as a chef of 25 yrs and most recently organic i did alot of research on it--avoid Asian shrimp!!!!

    a little google of it will give u the details---bad enough they are bottom feeders and farm raised almost all over know(thanks bp)... the regulations here are pretty much non-existent...i eat no seafood here

    u want seafood go south and get it--thats where the ocean is---eat locally---your body will thank you

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