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Global Moderator
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Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. A trolling post with multiple unsourced and unsubstantiated COVID claims has been removed for contravening the forum's Community Standards.
  2. A post making unsourced and unsubstantiated claims regarding COVID that contravene our Community Standards has been removed.
  3. A off-topic post contravening our Community Standards has been removed. The topic of this thread is Long COVID, not the pharmaceutical industry. Also a number of off-topic bickering posts.
  4. A trolling post contravening our Community Standards has been removed along with an ensuing reply. Also a flame post directed at a fellow forum member, along with an ensuing reply.
  5. A post making an unsubstantiated claim in violation of our Community Standards has been removed.
  6. A series of off-topic, diversion posts have been removed for contravening the forum's Community Standards. Please stay on-topic for both the subject of this thread and the subject of this COVID sub-forum.
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