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Posts posted by nausea

  1. What can I say? This doesn't hit me in the gut, like it might with a dog, who I consider to be as emotionally intelligent as we are, if intellectually challenged. But Jesus. What kind of warped mind finds this entertaining. It's a sentient being. Nature's cruel enough already, we don't need to add to the torment. My comfort is in the fact that you're subject to the same laws, karma and all that. It might relieve your personal torment for a little while, but the bird is just a bird, and you are a human, with all that entails as regards responsibility, the objective difference between right and wrong, and free will.

  2. They still don't get it do they - contagious whilst asymptomatic. Never mind, if it makes them feel better. A bit like the face masks. I bought two in Pattaya yesterday, 100bt each, N95 apparently. So assuming they are genuine, and I put them on in the recommended air-tight way, and I cover my eyes - they're one use. Last me half a day maybe, like I have to take them off to eat. Ha! Totally pointless. Yeah, I might use them if I have to go into a really crowded immigration situation for any prolonged period of time, but as an everyday solution, give me a break.

  3. 9 minutes ago, ThomasThBKK said:



    Anutin wants to kick us all out. Start with those germans i suppose.



    Anutin needs to keep up, facemasks are a panacea outside of medical settings.


    I hope there're no identified novel corona virus cases on that ship before they get home, otherwise it's quarantine for you my friends - say goodbye to 14 days of your life. Guess these guys have pre-paid - sunk costs and all that. No sensible person would take the risk, knowing what we know now.


    Yeah, Singapore, isn't that where the third identified UK case caught it. 


    Anyway, there was a window of opportunity when you could catch it and get proper medical care. That's fast closing, methinks. If it does spread and follow the Chinese model, medical services will be overwhelmed. In hindsight I'd have inhaled virus infested air, got sick, got top notch medical care, recovered, and now be immune. Ha!


    • Like 1
  4. I'm confused, what happened to:


    "China has absolute restrictions on entry and exit from Wuhan and does not allow anyone to travel in and out in order to strictly control the spread of the coronavirus. Thailand has to strictly comply with such a measure. Therefore, we cannot fly the C-130 plane to pick up our people, ... ".

    Thai evacuation plans on hold as ‘China confident it can control the situation’

    By webfact, Tuesday at 02:49 PM in Thailand News 

  5. 3 hours ago, Soikhaonoiken said:

    This is not what I read, other Countries are making headway in airlifting there Citizens back to there own Countries, why is Thailand so behind in dealing with this, oh,, I forgot, it doesn't care about its own citizens. 

    Kowtowing, more like. Anyway, I'm confused: 

    Thais in Wuhan to be evacuated Saturday

    By The Nation


  6. They got seduced by the Chinese yuan and forgot that old adage - don't put all your eggs in one basket. It really is a double whammy, not only are the Chinese not coming, but the potential risk they brought with them when they did come is most likely deterring other tourists. I'll wait a couple of weeks (the incubation period) before passing judgement, maybe the virus won't take off here, they still might be able to salvage something from the wreckage, I suppose. Anyway, should the virus take off here exponentially, Thais'll have a lot more to worry about than lost tourism revenue.

  7. 7 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    I think in a way there is fake news about that virus all over the word all over the media.

    Because let's look at the real risk. How many people are sick? How many people died?

    And then compare those number with how many people die every day in traffic accidents in Thailand alone.

    The virus risk is for most of us 0 or very near to 0. Why should we worry?

    I understand what you say but I don't think anyone's worried about the current death rate, which is miniscule. I think they're worried about exponential growth of an asymptomatically contagious virus where 25% of cases get serious. Yeah, most of those survive with appropriate medical care, but the death rate might rise dramatically if medical services are overwhelmed.

    • Like 2
  8. Two things:

    2 hours ago, webfact said:

    The French government says the evacuees will spend 14 days in quarantine to avoid the spread of the virus when they return.

    So they don't have a test for it yet, at least at the asymptomatic stage.


    2 hours ago, webfact said:

    Meanwhile, Dr. Suwanchai Wattanayingcharoenchai, claims that person-to-person transmission of the novel coronavirus is “not easy”. He made his comments after following the recovery of 40 patients, including medical personnel who had been working in close contact with infected patients without becoming infected.

    These obviously aren't Thai personnel he's referring to (40 cases), so he' s not speaking from direct experience, and I'm sure I read somewhere that health workers "had" been infected. It's one of the factors they took into account when deciding that human transmission was spreading the virus. Anyway, comparing ease of transmission to medical personnel who, no doubt, are taking every possible precaution, with ease of transmission among the general population, is pushing it a bit, to say the least.

    • Like 2
  9. 28 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

    I don't think there's any such thing as an 'anchor baby' recognized in Thai immigration law.

    I was curious, so I looked it up. Yeah, you're right. Apparently, "jus sanguinis" (right of the blood) applies, so nationality of the child is dependent on the nationality of the parents, not place of birth. There is an exception for two permanent residents but I would imagine cases where that arises are extremely rare.

  10. On 1/16/2020 at 5:47 PM, Scot123 said:

    Maybe not. The village we lived in there were a few old and very, very poor people scraping a living and when I asked about them was told they used to be rich but gave their land to their children who promptly sold all the land and dumped their parents into poverty never to return. 

    Yeah, it's an old story, c.f. King Lear.

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