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Posts posted by manonthemon

  1. Does anybody know, if it's possible to extend a tourist visa at the immigration office in BKK? For an Indian?

    Maybe that would give us enough time to apply for an ED visa here.

    One more thing - I don't want to leave this like it is - is there any point in going to the Labour Departement with that? Not only did the agency mislead us on the visa issue but they fail to pay on time.

  2. Hi,

    I have a serious problem.

    My GF (Indian) works as a teacher for an agency. When she signed her contract couple of months ago they promised to provide a visa and a WP. The confirmed that many times later. Then came delays, excuses etc. Then they asked her to do a visa run and get a tourust visa and primised to get her a non B based later. She did.

    Today, 2 weeks before her visa runs out they announced that the will not be providing get the visa. Gave no reasons. It's to late for us to get a ED visa now and I honeslty don't know what to do.

    My girlfriend is 6 month pregnant, It's not a time to get stressed, do visa runs (to get a new tourist visa she has to go back to India) etc.

    What can we do ??? :(


  3. Excellent, the price of alcohol can't be high enough. It's one of the most dangerous drugs in the world, it causes death and mayhem in traffic, spousal abuse and all sorts of aggression. In another thread: "Drunken Swede kills tourist from New Zealand". I am convinced he would not have killed that guy if he were sober!

    Who kill most people drunks or sober people?

    Sober American soldiers would be the winners here I believe...

    American soldiers are the winners everywhere...

    I don't think they can compete with the Germans and the Russians - the last one's werent sober for sure though.

  4. It should be all National parks, zoos, museums, etc.

    I agree, It should. But unfortunately it isn't. There's no discount in the Grand Palace from what I know, same stands for Sukothai temples - I had to pay a full foreigners fare 2 weeks ago. That's just two examples.

    And here's another piece of bad news. National Parks get more expensive soon. 500 B for foreigners and 100 for Thais. Used to be 400 for foreigners and 40 for Thais so instead paying 10 times more than locals well pay just 5 times more. Hooray! :/

    Any other places where the work permit get's us in at a discounted rate?


  5. Work Permit - List of Discounts

    Hi all,

    Why don’t we make a list of spots in Thailand which offer discounted ticket rates for foreigners holding work permits? I hate the double pricing in this country and really appreciate when my WP grants me a fair price.

    Places that come to mind are:

    Khao Yai National park – don’t remember how much but the discount for the entrance to the national park was substantial.

    Palace in Lopburi – It’s not official but I managed to persuade the people at the gates that I should pay the Thai price as I have a WP.

    Any more spots you can think of? Please share. Places that DON'T offer discount are also welcome.


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