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Posts posted by manonthemon

  1. I expect to see many similar threads from you in the future. smile.pngsmile.png

    No, there is no cheap transport here. smile.pngsmile.png

    Yes there is - it's called my own motorbike ;) Renting a car for 600B a day isn't that bad too. Better than taxis anyway. But on the topic of massage....

    • Like 2
  2. Hi,

    I recently moved from BKK to Phuket. I've been warned that the island is much more expensive than the capital. So far it's not that bad...except for one thing - foot and thai massage prices. In Bangkok I used to pay 150B/Hr and I got it at least once a week. Here all the parlors seem to quote 300B for the same thing (I live in Cherntalay).

    Hence my question - do you know a place in Phuket where they charge less for one hour foot or thai massage. I really miss this stuff!


  3. They did provide an e-mail address.

    Anyone having photographs or videos can send them to Pol Lt Col Somboon Sarasit, email [email protected]

    I'm sure many of us have sth interesting to submit.

    Talking about taxis - It's more affordable for me to rent a car for a day than take a taxi to Tesco and back. And I do collect friends from the airport with a rental car - when will I see my photo in the "wanted" scetion of Facebook?

    • Like 1
  4. Having read all the posts here we "chickened out" decided to get our baby a touris visa in Kolkata, just to be on the safe side and not get into any trouble on our way back to Thailand, at the airport. I believe we could have gone with an onward travel ticket reservation from Thai Airways (they allow you to make a reservation without payment and it works so far it worked in some situations when an onward ticket was required) but we decided not to risk it, payed the 2000 Rs extra and got her a visa.

    As I cannot imagine doing visa runs with a baby, she'll probably overstay her current visa. In the meantime we will try and figure out a more permanent solution for her- some visa based on her mom's Non B (yet to come).

    One thing I found strange while applying for our visas in Kolkata was that when we were filling in the form they asked us to state how many children are accompanying us on our travel to Thailand - both me and my GF stated one but the visa we eventually got states zero. I don't even know why they ask for this information if the child need a separate visa anyway...

    Ah, and if you want to get a double entry tourist visa in Kolkata than it's possible - but you do need to have all your flights in and out of Thailand reserved. The most annoying and strangest thing was that form my GF (Indian) they required a ticket back to India..no anywhere else but only India.

    Thanx for all the feedback.

  5. Airline could refuse boarding as baby will not have onward ticket to qualify for visa exempt entry so I would get a tourist visa

    We (mom and dad) have a reservation for another ticket but it's only for June by which time the baby will have overstayed by around 30 day.

    When we were leaving Thailand earlier today the immigration lady told us that the baby can come back on the 30 days stamps. Will the airline (air asia) refuse boarding if both parents have tourist visas? Especially that babies that age usually don't need separate plane tickets and as they fly on their parents tickets? The question is are they that strict with babies?

  6. Hello,

    Me (Polish) and my girlfriend (Indian) had our baby daughter born in Thailand. She is 3 months old now and has a Polish passport.

    Today we left the country for the first time since she was born and went to Kolkata, India to get new tourists visas.

    Do we need to get one for the baby too?

    I'm reading that there is no fine for baby under 7 years old overstay so maybe it's better to just get her an on arrival 30 days stamp??? Would we have any trouble with the immigration when leaving (and returning to) Thailand next time. We live here but we are between jobs hence our current visa run.

    And one more thing - my girlfriend and mother of the baby should be getting a non b visa anytime soon. Can she get a dependent visa for the baby when she has an Indian passport and the baby - Polish? We're not married.

    Thanx in advance for you reply - I need some information quickly as we're going to the embassy tomorrow to get our visas done. (by the way - doe's anybody have any experience with getting a double entry tourist visa in the Kolkata embassy?)

  7. Hello,

    I'm 30, form Europe

    I've lived in Thailand for 2 years now. All that time on a Non B visa from a school in BKK. But now as my contract with the school is finished, my visa is expired too. I already left Thailand and came back with the 30 days stamp.

    I've recently moved to Phuket where my girlfriend (Indian) got a job. She'll get a Non B visa soon. I don't want to look for a job for a while, want to stay at home and take care of our new born baby girl.

    What are my visa options? As far as I know they are as follows:

    - Tourist visas and visa runs

    - Signing up for a course and getting an Ed Visa (I'm reading it's starting to be troublesome in Phuket)

    - Getting married to my GF and getting a dependent visa on her Non B?

    Did I miss anything, what seems to be the best option in my case, any advice much appreciated!


  8. No many documents are required, just copies of work permit, passports, letter from school (in Thai) and got to fill up the form available at the counter. Photos will be clicked online at the HQ. Another important thing is to have the new employment contract (photocopy) as well.

    The thing is my GF doesn't have a work permit yet as she's only been invited to work for the school and we're going there to sigh a contract so they can start the procedure of getting the WP, visa, teachers license etc.

    Well, we'll try to gt another letter form school, exactly like the example from the police HQ and got there yet again. We'll cal the embassy too - maybe they will help.

    I just don't understand why would anyone be rude like this. And why is it so hard to legally teach English in Thailand. It's not like she's trying to make trouble, just work, teach thai kids and earn an honest living.

    anyway - thanx for all the replies. Keep fingers crossed,


  9. Hi All,

    My GF (Indian) is having trouble getting a police clearance form the
    police HQ in BKK.

    She was asked to get this document from the school that's about to hire her. It
    was supposed to be a straightforward procedure.

    She took all the documents to the police station - passport copies, photos,
    etc. - even a letter form the school inviting her to work with
    them. She was told by the lady there, that the letter has to be in Thai.

    It took her another two days to get it but once she showed it at the station
    she was told it’s not correct. The person dealing with her was extremely rude. First she
    asked to talk to the school representative but when handed the phone she
    refused to talk shouting back that she "wants to speak in Thai!".
    When a Thai speaking person from the school wanted to talk to her she only said
    one sentence "The letter is wrong!" and refused to talk any longer or
    explain. When we asked her for an example of the letter she needs, she
    announced she has no copy machine even though there was one right next to her.
    After a bit more of this theatre (she left the office and made as wait) we ended
    up taking a picture of the example document so we can show it to the school

    Eventually we asked if we can send the letter by post (from what I know It is
    possible to obtain the clearance via post (?) ) she barked that it’s not possible and
    my GF has to show up in person.

    To make the story even nicer my GF was holding our 2 months old daughter in her
    arms through the whole conversation. This sweet image didn’t seem to soften the
    police woman’s attitude.

    Keep in mind that we've lived in Thailand for 2 years now, are and have been legally
    employed, have valid visas and all.

    To sum it up: We've visited the police HQ twice already and got nothing. sad.png

    Any ideas on what to do next?

  10. As it happens - after I packed all my stuff there seems to be more of it than I expected. Seems I'll have to move in two steps - first the stuff, than come back for the bike.

    What is the better option:

    Find a moving comapany and let them do it? What is the avarage price for a move from BKK to Phuket? Any ideas?

    Rent a car - pickup and do it myself - How much would I payfor a one way rental of a pickup for two days?

    Any suggestons much welcome!

  11. Hi All,

    I'm about to move houses - form Bangkok to Phuket. Any idea how to get my stuff over there? Any moving companies you could suggest? I tried one or two and so far they quote me about 9000B for a truck. A bit steep. I don't have much stuff - a few boxes, 3 cupboards. Oh, and a motorbike that I'd be keen to ship to avoid riding it half across Thailand.

    Or maybe it'd be cheaper to rent a pickup and drive there myself I need to be back in BKK in a couple of days anyway?

    any suggestions?

    thanx in advance!

  12. Do go to Department of Labour - the do help, they are on our, teachers side. Would you care to share a name and contact number? Could you find an English speaker?

    I had to have a Thai make calls and was told they don't regulate schools, go to the MoE etc.

    We didn't do anything over the phone - just went straight here. The office in in Din Daeng. we just went to the reception and said we wanted to complain. The took us to the right place, proivided a translator and all. Reall good service.

    The address is here:



  13. Thank you starkey_rich!

    I guess we'll stock up for a while and than use makro or friends visiting form BKK.

    By the way - do you know If we can get a Bolo - Indian Calling Card - anywhere in Phuket?


  14. I have a similar question.

    I'm form Europe, my girlfriend is Indian, she's about to get a Non B Visa based on documents form school and than an extension based on a work permit. My Non B extension is about to expire.

    If we get married will I be able to apply for some kind of dependent visa? What is the application process like? I'll be here on a 30 days stamp form the immigration at the airport or on a 2 months tourist visa.

    Doe's the fact that we have a child together change anything?


  15. Hi All,

    Me and my GF are trying planning to move to Phuket. As she's Indian we'd appreciate any info on Indian shops / markets on the island. Here in BKK we have the India town where we can buy all the ingredients which she later turns into amazing indian dishes later at home.

    i know thhere are Indian restaurants on Phuket so I guess they owners must buy their stuff somewhere. Any idea where?


  16. Yep, I have a reentry - valid for just one more day after the return flight but still - so I guess I'm on the safe side here. And btw - I've never had any problems entering Thailand on a 30 days stamp without a ticket out - have you heard of such situations?

    Just in case - printing a reservation online for a flight is not a problem and should take care of things. Many people do this when applying for visa in an embassy.

  17. No, you can't legally extend it on your own. Try to enter for 30 days, then consider other options, such as a Tourist Visa, etc.

    That’s what I thought. So I'm back to my initial question - Will they let me in on a 30 days stamp even though I have one day left on my non B? Basically I just don't want to use my re-entry permit. I just don't enter it's number on the "arrival" card I get on the plane an that's it?

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