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Posts posted by Kerryd

  1. In many ways, Thailand is far better off for not having been colonized, especially when you look at almost ALL of the former colonies (those colonized by: the Brits, French, Belgians, Spanish, Portugese, et al).

    The (very) few that are doing well, more or less (Canada, Australia, New Zealand) are in the minority compared to the ones that aren't so well off (Rhodesia, South Africa, DR Congo, large portions of central/south America, S.E. Asia, even India/Pakistan).

    We had a former manager here, a crusty old Brit who still liked to think of Canadians as "colonials". We would harrass him about about the condition of Englands former colonies, like India. I can't write his explanation here, as it would quickly be deleted by the mods (use your imagination).

    Even places like Canada have their share of corrupt politicians, they just hide it better ! The police and judiciary may be less corruptable, but they ain't all saints either !

  2. intresting, do you predict someone to be cut in two and survive or something :o

    I figure there'll be at least 1 missing and "presumed" dead, (after all, they are still listing around 50,000 as "missing" over 3 months after the tsunami !

    Or one who gets mistakenly listed as dead, but turns out to have been out of the country at the time of his supposed demise ! :D

  3. Come to think of it, I saw a couple of them by that Gelatti (?) place last year. Thought it was kind of odd, being they were obviously farangs, soliciting money for a Krishna temple ? At least they weren't banging away on tambourines and singing !

    Figured if I was going to donate money, I'd give it to a local Buddhist temple, not a foreign one.

  4. The woman looks like a food vendor. Maybe the guy said something about the quality of food she was selling ? :D

    Or tried to "dine and dash" ? :o

    I though TGs usually brought out the sharp cutlery when it came to "domestic" disagreements ? :D

  5. My ex-g/f hit me up once for money. Her papa supposedly had an accident and needed money for the hospital bills. Told her I couldn't afford that much (100,000 baht). She never asked again.

    On my next trip, I went to her village and met her family. Her papa was walking around with a cane, but from what and when I have no idea. Nobody mentioned money, everybody was real friendly. I was giving Joy a set amount of money every so often, and she was using it to pay the bills (bus fare, meals, taxis, admission fees, ect). Never asked for anything more from me.

    Her family didn't have a buffalo, but did have a few rai of rice paddies. I went out to watch her mom, aunt and her best friend work the fields. They were laughing, as they had never seen a farang out there before.

    Each night we would have a big communal meal, with various neighbours and village residents dropping in to see the "farang". Other than the seemingly endless supply of Thai whiskey, and the one guy who kept wanting me to eat live beetles, it was a great trip.

  6. When daddy and mommy still is at school, the rest of the family is poor, and there are no walfare to talk about, i sure understand gov. that ban's allmost everything with sexual explicit.

    Yet they don't ban hardly anything that contains explicit violence. The message being sent is that it's bad to have sex, but murder is OK.

    (I guess when you add it up, no sex + lot's of violence, it could eventually lead to a decrease in the world's population).

  7. I live  in Chaing Mai- why on earth would I want to go anywhere esle?

    This will be my first Songkran in CM and I am gonna give as good as I get. The last 2 in BKK where dissapointing

    Once again, duty calls and I will be working out of the country. Won't be back in LOS until the 27th :o

    Guess I should schedule next year's holidays now. I'd like to experience Songkran at least once !

  8. I haven't read all 8 pages of responses, so these may have already been mentioned:

    1) Paedophiles (remove 'em, shoot 'em, what ever) :o

    2) People from certain religious groups intent on causing death and destruction in order to gain power and to force their ideas on others. :D

    3) Sick Buffaloes (send them to India, to walk the streets and be worshipped) :D

  9. :D  :D  :D

    Level 13

    I interview a person for an accounting position with us and ask only one question.

    What is one and one, and the person answered :- ???????????????


    So what did the person answer???? :D  :D  :D  :D  :o

    The answer to this one would be eleven (1 AND 1 = 11)

    I remember an article a few years back. The University of British Columbia (UBC, Vancouver, Canada), published the findings of a study in which they determined that 1 and 1 equaled 11, 2 and 2 equaled 22 and so on.

    Back then, I thought it was a complete waste of time, that university students had nothing better to do than figure out something as banal as that ? Who ever the clever monkey was that made up that thesis probably got awarded a degree in mathematics for that.

  10. Or you could book through the Penthouse Hotel. Get a "limo" with a bottle of champagne and a "kitten" to keep you company on the trip to Pattaya, all for about 2,800 baht.

    I usually sleep the whole way, so it's not worth it to shell out the extra bucks just so the BG can share the champagne with the driver !!

  11. I certainly unplug my modem from the telephone line during storms.

    I have lost two modem through stikes on the overhead lines.

    I've taken to unplugging just about everything, TV, DVD player, computer. I have surge protectors, but they aren't very good when there isn't a grounding plug in the wall socket !

    Every time I turn around, the stuff I buy has the 3rd "ground" plug, but my wall sockets have the usual 2 prong holes.

    I can imagine the response if I ask my landlady if the building is grounded :o

  12. My freind who owns a travel agency says he has been offered really cheap flights on P.A. but says he wont accept them as all their planes are as old as the hills and they have the the worst record for delayed flights of all the airlines he uses, flights can be as cheap as 18,000 baht return to London, but a life is worth more than 18,000 baht right?

    Obviously your friend has never experienced the wonders of travelling (or arranging travel) on Ariana Afghanistan Airlines ! I think their motto is: Sometimes, Somewhere, Some People ?

    Their office publishes a schedule on the internet. They send a different schedule to our office, and then their Operations staff has another, completely different schedule !

    I've actually spoken to their Lufthansa consultant, and listened to him explain that they were expecting a flight to arrive that day, but he didn't know if they would send it to Delhi, Tehran, Dubai or Jeddah after it refueled ! He said he was down to flipping a coin to make the decision. Meanwhile, I've got 10 people with pre-paid tickets to Dubai, sitting in the back of an armoured vehicle. (They sent the plane to Jeddah to pick up pilgrims from the Haj, and my group ended up going back to the camp).

    A few days later, we had 15 people going to Delhi. They were checked in, got on the plane and sat there for an hour. Then they were told to go back into the departure lounge. They took the food off the plane and feed it to the passengers in the "lounge". An hour afte that, they were told to go home and come back the next day. Why ? The cabin crew and pilots never showed up for the flight ! None of them !

    I'm still trying to figure out why Thai Air charges 1,600 US for a Dubai-Bangkok return flight, and Emirates charges only 600 US for the same flight ? For an extra 1,000 US, you'd think you would get some "extras" on the flight :o

  13. Pissed down in my part of Bkk(Ramkhumhaeng) as well, for  16 hrs or so . Great weather today..only about 25 or so and overcast. The groud got a real soaking which is great news for those working the land :o

    We've had an unusually cold, wet winter here, but the sun has been shining lately and it's getting up to the mid 30's each day already (but dropping down to 5-8 degrees at night, nice for sleeping !) Very little humidity here at the best of times.

    (Kabul is about 2,000 meters above sea level, in the foothills of the Himalayas).

    I'll be back in LOS in 3 weeks, might take a bit to get re-acclimatised though !

  14. I think you might have to pay still but i'd doubt they will stamp you as overstay.

    I have a mate here in Pattaya thats on 7 months, bloody idiot.

    I had 2 overstays last year, one was 2 days, the other 5. Neither time did they stamp my passport with anything other than the regular exit/departure stamp.

    They did take a photocopy of my passport each time, to go with their copy of the receipt when I paid.

    According to ThaiVisa "If you overstay by one day, there is no charge."

  15. False friend steals gold necklace

    By two young Thai women, khun Kwanreon Rahannok, 23, and khun Suganya Yamgang, 19, that they had been victims of a robbery

    At 2 AM on April first, Police Major Prateep Tawngdee investigations inspector of the Pattaya Police Station was called by two young Thai women, khun Kwanreon Rahannok, 23, and khun Suganya Yamgang, 19, that they had been victims of a robbery.

    The women said that two days previously a Thai woman had stolen two gold necklaces from khun Kwanreon and khun SUganya. They said they had gone to Tony's Bar on Walking Street for a night out. They said a woman working there named Pangsee had struck up a friendship and had a few drinks. Pangsee accompanied the two ladies home and gave them a massage. When the two women woke up, the found both Pangsee and the gold necklace missing.

    The boys in brown picked up Pangsee who said she had borrowed the necklace from khun Kwanreon and intended to return it. The police did not believe this unlikely story and are investigating further before pressing actual charges. Khun Kwanreon got her necklace back but there was no trace of the other necklace.

    -Pattaya People

    So, was it 1 or 2 necklaces that were stolen ?

    The girls go for "a night out" at Tony's (um, yeah), and end up meeting a girl and taking her back to their place (sounds more like a farang thing, but OK).

    The stranger ends up giving them massages until they fall asleep (at the same time ?), and then makes off with their (1 or 2) necklaces.

    Pretty bad when the girls start preying on each other !

  16. What would the consensus be for finding a suitable locale where Pattaya members of TV could meet and mingle on a casual basis ?

    The Pattaya Ex-Pat's club has regular meetings (at the Green Tree ?), other clubs like the Hash House Harriers have a certain bar/pub/restaurant that they like to frequent, why not us ?

    I know everyone likes Dave's place, but it isn't open during the day, and it's kind of difficult to have a conversation when it is open (it annoys the band when people ignore them).

    Any thoughts, ideas, suggestions, flames ?

  17. Their findings could be true but I still bet that the yanks are FATTER.

    Anyone who is overweight is obese, be it by 1 kilo or 200. And I have never seen so many Extremely obese people as when I was in Louisiana / Texas. Europe does not have a look in when it comes to the sheer size of these people and the frequency with which you see them.

    Obviously, they didn't look at Thailand when they did that study. The number of "obesity challenged" tourists here would have upset the balance somewhat :o

  18. My last trip (early Feb '05), the private taxis at the airport were going for 1,500 (+highway tolls) to 2,200 (including tolls).

    I got one for 1,700, including tolls, and told the guy I'd give him a good tip if he didn't try dragging me into some gem/jewellery shop on the way. :o

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