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Posts posted by esprit

  1. Ace of Pop

    Just to elaborate further, below is the technical explanation for you from my associate at a well known tyre manufacturer here in Thailand ( Note the correct spelling of Tyres unlike the semi-illiterate US version ). Also if you could read what I said I stated "silicone enhanced". Silicone is a polymer that sometimes contains ethol, methyl etc which is known to degrade rubber over time and more so given the long exposure to high ambient temperatures such as here in the tropics. Also I guess from your reply you like the superficial shiny look and are also blind to consider that Thais generally have good tyres. In fact most Thais run with over inflated tyres thus not allowing the tyres to work properly and hence erring to the unsafe category especially during periods of rain. Many commercial vehicles commonly have tyres that are devoid of any tread so I have to ask what back-wood you come from to consider that Thai tyres are generally good ?

    I digress and to elaborate on the "silicone enhanced "<deleted>" tyre dressing I discussed earlier then please be mindful of the below. I assumed, wrongly perhaps in your case, that most informed car owners were aware of the dangers of using a solvent (petroleum ) based silicone enhanced dressing, to which I refered to as "<deleted>", but please be mindful of the below in future and ensure you use only type a) in order to not degrade your tyres. As for cost that you seem to have a "hang-up" about, then what price safety ? Better to change tyres that are below their optimal tread depth, over age and/or degraded then keep your head stuck in the sand isn't it ?

    a) Water - based silicone dressings, usually a milky-white liquid, (Polydimethylsiloxane (PDS)that doesn’t contain petroleum distillate; silicone oils, waxes, or solvents that can harm rubber and/or vinyl over time. Water-based dressings use a combination of natural oils and polymers to offer a non-greasy, satin finish. Some of these products also contain ultra violet radiation (UVR) blocking agents to help keep tires from cracking, fading and hardening. Most, if not all water-based dressings are environmentally friendly / biodegradable, whereas solvent-based silicone is not.

    B)Solvent-based silicone dressings, usually a clear greasy liquid, (Dimethal (DMS) that contain petroleum solvents as a cleaning agent, they remove the elasticity from vinyl, rubber and paint; causing them to evaporate out of the substrate, leaving behind a dry inflexible surface. Most high gloss products are based upon DMS silicone oil, the difference between water and solvent based is in the carrier system used. Solvent based products use a hydrocarbon silicone to suspend the product. When you apply it, the solvent evaporates leaving the dressing's active ingredients (Silicone oil) behind; solvent-based silicone is not biodegradable.

    ps In case the above is over your head then in B) it is "they remove the elasticity from vinyl, rubber" the substantive part of the description that will cause degradation

    Now have a nice day

  2. Word of advise. If you put that silicon enhanced "<deleted>" tyre shine on then expect degradation of tyre walls. Why people do this is I guess they think tyres should look black and shiny but give no thought to longevity or perhaps just not aware of it. In many countries also 3 mm is minimum tread depth although 5 mm is reccommended so I seriously doubt any tyre with more than 50,000 km on it or/and more than 4 years old is in a safe condition for normal road use either through tread wear or degradation of the rubber, coupled with possible fatigue within the steel brading.

    Not of course anybody worries about safety in Thailand.

  3. "Clueless" would just about sum up the police force.

    I think you do them an injustice to describe them as clueless. Considering that they are the most organised "mafia" type of organisation in the world ( even Italy and some S American countries come no where near ), then surely the opposite is the truth ? They have been robbing citizens for decades, long before the Shinawatra's were borne so perhaps the organisational "skills" and their apparant immunity to control should be examined further.

    In most countries the police are there to uphold the rule of law and to ensure the public are protected from unlawfull individuals. Currently in Thailand it is the exact opposite. However credit where credit is due they only modelled their modus operandi on the army who developed these techniques preceeding the establishment of the RHP and those "connected" senior officers really are the "elite of the elite" when it comes from profiting from ill gotten gains, usually with their tonques up somebodies backside !

  4. In Thailand's long history, it has never been occupied by a foreign power. It is a rather remarkable achievement in this region of the globe, borne of keen diplomacy and an accommodating stance. Internally, though, there has often been great conflict. On the whole, this article reaches some fairly safe conclusions. Although it mentions the cultural divides that are present, it does not make the mistake of focusing on them exclusively, which many prefer to do. The situation is much more complex than that. The class divisions undoubtedly play a role, but so do so many other things. The South has been crumbling for years in its own conflict - often much ignored and papered over by the rest of the country. But at the heart of the problem has always been the presence of corruption. In fact, the embracement of it on a day to day basis. Corruption is so absorbed and accepted as a practice that it has - by itself - eroded and impeded any administration of a credible centrist role that seeks to bind all parts of the country in a manner that is not tainted by either bribery or coercion. For that to change will require a sea change. Even at the seemingly fast pace of today's events, the road ahead will always be much slower, more cautious, and full of steps forward and steps back. However, that process has undoubtedly begun. And that is a process that brings hope.

    Never occupied by a foreign power. What about the Kymers and more recently Burmese ? Do you mean colonised rather than occupied ?

  5. Well lets see now. There are varying reports on this incident ranging from "a bomb was thrown" to " a firework was set off". Irrespective as to what it actually was, and assuming that there is an element of truth in all reports then it should not be too long before the facts are made known given that as the opposition leader he was entitled to security personnel ( and I assume still entitled during this caretaker government phase) and of course addtionally his house has extensive CCTV.

    Now we know that CCTV often is discovered "not to be working" during many police investigations but does anyone seriously believe that given the current political state he and his personal security advisors would not have ensured that it was working ? Not forgetting of course what were the security guards doing at the time of the incident ?

    Therefore we should soon find out what caused the explosion and how it was deployed and from whom - of course unless it is just propaganda with the aim of either discrediting some other parties or attempting to "add fuel to the fire" no pun intended.

  6. Prolly a faulty device which you should have claimed..

    These Beemer folks seem to be quite satisfied..



    One of my cars is the 2.0 D X3 , (same engine spec as 520D). Spent many years in the business and always used to recommnend, and still use myself to this day, PTronic piggy back boxes. Certainly not the cheapest but technically sound and never had any problems on many cars.


    I used to own a Racechip Pro, or whatever it was called back then. The car went into limp mode a bunch of times. The power is nothing close to what is announced. It stopped working after a few months. Not worth it.

    I didn't even bother. I went for a Bluefin, and what a smooth experience in comparison. The car felt like a 6'er 325d. Too bad its not available for the F30 yet. I'm not sure if I should go for a new F30 or maybe a 4-series..

  7. Apparently, they want to change their name from the British Club (seeing as they have quite a few members from the colonies, and they want to appeal to a wider audience) but they can't because it's under Royal patronage (or something like that).

    Not sure about that but I guess to rename it to the "British HISO and associated Masons club of Bangkok" may not give it too much appeal to the average member perhaps

  8. Apparently, they want to change their name from the British Club (seeing as they have quite a few members from the colonies, and they want to appeal to a wider audience) but they can't because it's under Royal patronage (or something like that).

    Not sure about that but I guess to rename it to the "British HISO and associated Masons club of Bangkok" may not give it too much appeal to the average member perhaps

  9. The CEO of Amata promised they would construct a flood wall back in 2011.


    Since that date Amata Nakorn has continued to expand eastwards into an area with a history of flooding.

    Here is my overlay of Amata Nakorn over the historical flood map at http://flood.gistda.or.th/.

    Exactly. The country's largest industrial estate is still virtually fully operational but the expansion areas are at risk. Oddly enough in 2011 Amata Nakhorn escaped flooding and has reaped rewards from that into these lower lying areas. That the floods this time are based more on heavy rain compared to dams overfilling in 2011 also makes a difference in where is affected.

    Not just Dam capacity at that time but the incompetence or woeful behavior of politicians attempting to divert the water from "their patch" with disastrous consequences for the normal folk and business.

  10. I have been a member for several years although now go very in frequently.

    The reason I shall explain. When I first came to Thailand I did not join because I formed the impression that the committee members were generally living in a bygone era who appeared unable to run the club in a manner befitting of the 20th century, they wanted it run in a manner more appropriate to the colonial days. A few years later I did join and have remained a member ever since as there were then people who wanted to move the club on to appeal to a wider, more cosmopolitan audience.

    However whilst of late they have made some significant changes that benefit the character and appeal of the club there are programs in place that seemingly are attempting to appeal to the few, hence my lack of visiting. To my mind a retrograde step as we are now in the 21st century although of course full credit should be given to the large improvement of the facilities.

    As for value for money, and putting prejudices to one side, it can be good value for money if you visit often and utilize the sporting facilities. Hopefully the pretentiousness of "fine dining", piano and violin recitals and the like, will not distract the average member, or future members, from abandoning the club. After all nearly every major hotel in BKK offer so called "fine dining", this being only one example, so quite why a club, with family values choose to go down this route seems absurd.

    Again good value for money if you choose to use the sporting facilities if you ignore the "British snobbery" which seems to have come to the fore in recent times.

    • Like 2
  11. Quote:

    " Lets here more positive stories about bar girls…"

    This could be a short thread..... :-) Bar girls are here to make money , not to fall in love. So their actions are based

    upon getting money from you in any way they can. If deception is needed, no problem.. If you know that, then you will not

    run afoul and can have a great time. But I agree, in my many years here, I have run into a few really nice girls who had not

    spent much time in the bar. Any girl who had been in the bar a long time, or just about every gogo girl has a bit of greed in

    their heart.

    So to make such a generalised and bigoted statement like that you have met "just about every gogo girl" have you ?

    I am going to go out on a limb here, and say I suspect I have been with far more gogo girls than you.

    Hence my statement is based upon 14 years of experience . Yours is based upon what ??

    My statement was based on your own diatribe, not one which appears to be based of 14 years of low life living, after all in this world, without exception you get what you pay for.

  12. one suspects yours will be a single post I am afraid, all TV's members are married to Hi So Thai-chinese ladies, who have double doctorates in nuclear physic's and whose familes are well connected in the Thai police, Military,usually Generals, immigration, or goverment (tick all applicable)

    Thai visa members have never visited a beers bar, are unaware of what exactly a BG is, and they came to Thailand to visit the temples and beaches, and met their wives at a Thai goverment dinner hosted by the PM at the time...

    And of course one must futher note that numerous TV member's of this elite club appear to have holiday homes in Isaan....tongue.png

    Have we met at one of those PM's luncheons ?

  13. Quote:

    " Lets here more positive stories about bar girls…"

    This could be a short thread..... :-) Bar girls are here to make money , not to fall in love. So their actions are based

    upon getting money from you in any way they can. If deception is needed, no problem.. If you know that, then you will not

    run afoul and can have a great time. But I agree, in my many years here, I have run into a few really nice girls who had not

    spent much time in the bar. Any girl who had been in the bar a long time, or just about every gogo girl has a bit of greed in

    their heart.

    So to make such a generalised and bigoted statement like that you have met "just about every gogo girl" have you ?

  14. Hi to all mums and dads,

    I was just wondering if going with my son (coming in 3 months) and my GF (we re not married) to the amphur would be enough to be the legal father AND to have 100% legal rights on my child?

    Could somebody alsos indicate me the address of the amphur (Ratchada Sutthisan area)

    Thanks a lot and sorry if you have already answered this question Mario

    The child will be to young, so you will have to petition the court to legalise the child and get parental rights. With the mother cooperating it is not difficult, but the courts have a waiting time and it will cost money.

    Slightly off this topic but related. My English best friend requires some advice. He is shortly to marry a Thai lady who has a 2 year old son. The son's birth certificate states her name and that of the father, a British man. However this is complicated by the fact that the British man is not the real Father as that is a Thai man ( that is another story !). His future wife has never legally married. The questions my friend is asking is, on marriage his new wife will take my friends family name so how easy will it be to change the name of her son to her new family name and secondly how can my friend, once married, gain parental rights as if the boy was is own son ?

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