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Posts posted by smacko

  1. Nah i got internet banking setup for bangkok bank for a savings account i opened with just an entry stamp.

    The issue is it takes 2 to 3 weeks to mail out the pin code to a thai address.

    ok so u need a thai address. I dont have any

    And a thai mobile number if u want the android app to work...

    Just get the pin sent to a friend.

    I live at two locations, they had no issue sending me the pin to my other location (in thailand).

  2. The 15% withholding tax depends on the type of account.

    The interest on normal deposit accounts is not taxed below a total interest of THB 20,000. But they hardly pay any interest.

    Fixed accounts and generally higher interest accounts are subject to 15% tax, irrespective of how much interest you earn.

    But a very few special accounts are not subject to the tax.

    The Thai tax year is the same as the calendar year.

    I opened a krungsri account that has a rate of 1.8% on deposits above 100k. The bank employee did mention 15% tax withholding on interest earned above 20k. Was wondering if opening a new account buys me another 20k before tax.

  3. Bangkok Bank will open a savings account with ATM card (only works at bangkok bank ATM's) for Australian with just a passport and drivers license. No visa required, entry stamp is okay.

    I was told no initially but advised the employee that the Bangkok Bank advise stated I could, 5mins later she returned and agreed to open an account (this was a week ago).

    Most other banks (all the others i asked) will require a Residency Cert based on a long term (12months) visa.

  4. Any harm in trying again in march? I will write a much more detailed letter then before explaining the relationship and support and get much better supporting information about the course to return to, including a room already rented near the school containing all belonging paid for until she returns to study so that the room is available for the semester etc as the refusal says based on available information

    Or would would trying a

  5. thank you for the take on the visa.

    i have written a new stat dec talking about the relationship in more detail, and a close friend of mine who has met her will also write a stat dec inviting her to visit his address if she comes to australia.

    there is no offical time (i can find) that you need to know someone in person, so i will try again, unfortantely the window for her to travel is between March and early June, so waiting until May doesn't leave much (if any) time for a visit.

  6. some additional information.

    there is an outstanding bill for 32200thb which is the cost for the first term in June.

    this bill hasn't been paid as it doesn't need to be paid until the glass starts.

    i have advised her to make payment for term 1 and it is non refundable (stated on the receipt)

    this will further support her need to return to study as the term is already paid for

    unfortunately she hasn't kept in paper work from 2013, and the uni has advised they will next put the 2013 records into the student portal until the next semester starts.

    so she will have to ask the school for any academic records or even a letter saying she is continuing the course not starting it

  7. So unfortunately the Australian Visitor Visa my friend applied for has been refused.

    Below is what was communicated back.

    A bit of background.

    We started talking in Sept 2014 and met in person on Dec 9th 2014 and spent a month together.

    Since returning to Australia I have given financial support (3 transfers), to help with the costs of going back to Uni and unfortunately she was seriously ill and sent 3 days in hospital.

    I stated she was a friend in the invitation letter and stat dec, however our relationship has now developed into something more.

    I started i would full support the holiday and provided bank statements, tax notices, payslips everything needed to show i can more that support the visit.

    She started the degree in 2013, had a gap year in 2014 and She is current taking catch up classes and will continue the degree when the semester starts in aug 2015.
    The visa refusal states she is only just starting the course, however she has already completed a year. The letter from the uni provided for the application only started "Ms Kate has applied and passed the admission examination in order to be an undergraduate student for COURSE NAME, UNI NAME from the first semester 2015, Academic year in August 2015.

    I am back over in March and the plan was she would return with me for a bit over 2months then return in June awaiting the start of her uni course. This was stated in the invitation letter.

    Can anyone offer any advice?

    I will reapply with further information from the uni showing that she is continuing the course and hasn't just enrolled and not even starting it yet.

    I will explain in more details how our relationship has developed further and how i have been supporting her and how i plan to continue the support and why.

    I will also state I am happy to offer a security bond (i dont think this is an issue).

    Refusal Letter:

    Under migration law, a visa cannot be granted unless the applicant meets the legal
    requirements that are specified in the Act and the Regulations. You do not meet the legal
    requirement in clause 600.21 (common criteria) in Schedule 2 of the Regulations on the date I
    made my decision.
    Clause 600.211 states that:
    The applicant genuinely intends to stay temporarily in Australia for the purpose for which the
    visa is granted, having regard to:
    (a) whether the applicant has complied substantially with the conditions to which the last
    substantive visa, or any subsequent bridging visa, held by the applicant was subject; and
    (cool.png whether the applicant intends to comply with the conditions to which the Subclass 600
    visa would be subject; and
    © any other relevant matter.

    You have stated on your application form that you wish to travel to Australia from
    XX/03/2015-XX/06/2015. You have stated that the reason for travel is for tourism and to
    accompany your friend, Mr John Smith. You have stated that your friend will
    support you financially during your stay in Australia.

    I considered that you have recently enrolled and going to study first Academic semester at
    BKK University in August 2015.

    You have provided an invitation letter and supporting documents from Mr John Smith, an Australian citizen.
    He states that he will be supporting your stay in Australia.

    I note that you recently met Mr John smith in person in Dec 2015, which recently
    met. Based on available information, while I considered that the nature of relationship
    is friend only also the duration of relationship is short then the claimed of support is
    Regarding no strong evidence to demonstrate strong tie in Thailand and the course just
    recently enrolled, not yet commence, as such I am not satisfied you would have sufficient
    incentive to leave Australia at the end of your authorised stay or to abide by conditions of
    your visa.
    As a result of my consideration of the issues above, I am not satisfied that your intention to
    only visit Australia is genuine. Having made this finding, I have decided that you do not meet
    this criterion and your application has therefore been refused.
    As you do not meet clause 600.211 in Schedule 2 of the Regulations, I find that you do not
    meet the criteria for the grant of a Visitor (class FA) (subclass 600).
    Therefore, I refuse your application for a Visitor (class FA) (subclass 600) visa lodged at The
    Australian Embassy, Bangkok.

  8. Somewhat related question.

    Can you obtain a 1 year licence with only a 30 day entry stamp in your passport?

    Sent from my GT-N7105 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Yes I believe you can get a 1 year ( temporary ) licence but to get the 5 year you'll need a long term visa/extension

    For the 5 year renewal you need a non imm visa then?

  9. If u are indeed aussie, 28degrees MasterCard credit card is a great option but if u prefer a debit card or visa checkout Citibank, they offer one with no fx or withdrawal fees (same as 28degrees).

    To avoid Thai ATM fees, withdraw over the counter, just bring you're passport.

    Open a local account and deposit the money there, so u have cheap easy access on a daily basis.

  10. IMHO, its enough. I know you talk about $US2M, but an Oz resident could get 5% bank interest right now at zero risk on $2M (ie $100k per annum) and only have to pay 10% tax as a non resident for tax purposes if living in Thailand (ie end up with $90k per annum after tax). That's less tax than you would pay if you lived in Australia, and you could still live comfortably on that in Oz (let alone Thailand) even with the higher tax rate (most people in fact do, as the average wage is less than this).

    where are you getting this 10% tax rate for non resident? the 100k interest would only end up being $66600 after paying tax as a non resident in Australia, see ATO Website

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