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  1. Hey guys, what is your go-to choice for a hangover? Anything I could get easily from 7/11?
  2. Hey guys, I have been riding behind bikes for so many months, and I always had to hold on to the bike with my hand to not fall off. Then, there are Thai people with both hands not holding on and calming using their phones. I am amazed at their talent!! How about you guys?
  3. I am British, trying to become a more chilled-out Thai. In my town there is a burger place in a shopping mall. Last night, I joined what I thought was a queue to order food and waited patiently behind a gentleman for about 5 minutes, while the staff ignored me. A Thai man walked up, spoke in Thai, and was served immediately. I kept waiting. Then a teenager came in, said something in Thai, and jumped the queue to get served. I was so Frustrated that I moved to an unoccupied counter and waited to place my order. I was ignored again. Thai people seemed to get served without issue, and I felt discriminated against. After some time, I returned to my wife empty-handed. She tried for another 20 minutes with no luck. My patience ran out. I marched in, bypassed the queue, and demanded my order: 2 Double Whopper Meals and 2 Fantas. I vented my frustration about the system and being ignored. The server explained that I needed to take a ticket and give it to the attendant. Shocked, I asked how I was supposed to know. He pointed to a sign in English saying "Take ticket before ordering." I took a ticket, was served in less than 2 minutes, apologised, and ate our food. It was a lesson for me to pay attention to signs. I hate getting old!
  4. For me, I go to the gym, take care of myself more, and let the time heal me! I hope all goes well with your healing journey.🤗
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