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Posts posted by rogerpilly

  1. Listen, just an idea, but you may look into this further. Spain has a simpler procedure to get citizenship for people who have a passport from their former colonies (indcluding Philippines, oc course). In my opinion it is a great Country, very unexpensive, warm weather if you go to Andalusia or Canary Islands.

    I have a EU passport, so I have no idea how it works to get a visa at frist (your wife could apply for citzenship after only 2 years of legal residence), but in my opinion you should look into this.

    I wish you all the best!

  2. Sorry guys, but nobody ever mention the Non Immigrant Multiple Entry B Visa, which I have. I have a brand new passport as I run out of pages on my previous one. I had no prblem getting in by air the first time, but will it be the same in the future? The majority of topics seem to be focused on Tourist Visas, but I read on this fourm that even people with B Visas were turned away if they did not have a WP.

    Anybody has info/thoughts on this matter?

    thank you very much!

    Nobody mentions it because there is no problem when you have that visa smile.png

    Not entirely true. Some people did report having problems with B Visa right on this forum... But I think somebody else already answered this.

  3. I don't need to work in Thailand

    (I work remotely for a company in the UK)

    But you do work in Thailand.

    It would not be affordable to form a company and pay all the social fees for 4 staff members as well as office space as this would diminish my salary and I would be working hard for nothing.

    In addition you would have to pay income tax on, I think, a minimum of 50,000 baht a month. Plus all the fees to renew your extension and permit. This is what many do if they wish to remain here.

    So yes. I guess as you say you cannot legally remain in Thailand and pay no taxes, as you wish to do.

    Sorry, but I don't get why he should pay taxes in Thailand. If he has a UK company, that means he pays taxes there. Or in your opinion he should pay taxes in both countries?

  4. I have some friends who got a 1 year ED Visa for 30.000 Baht. They are only required to attend class for 2 hours per week. I think you can mange it, even if you are busy. It is not super cheap, but as far as I know, this is the only option you have. I have heard there are also schools which could give you the Visa without attending any class, but of course you would take the change of getting caught. I don't know how likely it is, though...

    • Like 1
  5. Sorry guys, but nobody ever mention the Non Immigrant Multiple Entry B Visa, which I have. I have a brand new passport as I run out of pages on my previous one. I had no prblem getting in by air the first time, but will it be the same in the future? The majority of topics seem to be focused on Tourist Visas, but I read on this fourm that even people with B Visas were turned away if they did not have a WP.

    Anybody has info/thoughts on this matter?

    thank you very much!

  6. Once you go Asian....you will never go Caucasian !!

    What garbage. I'm on a beach in Thailand surrounded by gorgeous European women in bikinis. The average Isaan woman who most foreigners end up with doesn't seem at all appealing right now, although there are some gorgeous Thai women too.

    In response to the OP, western women get a lot of attention from western guys who know they have a chance. It's easy for the ugly old western guys who know they don't have a chance with a young western woman to pretend that they're not interested in these 'disgusting white feminazis'. Stop making fools of yourselves guys.

    BRAVO!!! Finally somebody who speaks the truth. I agree 100%.

  7. I did something similar to you yesterday and they let me in no problem. The only difference I was living for Europe the next day, while you stay a bit more. My suggestion is you bring the ticket to Europe with you or the reservation if it is an online one. If they question you, you say you are leaving on the 9th and show them the ticket. I think you should not have any problem. Good luck!

    • Like 1
  8. From my understanding, this is the bottom line: I freind of mine canceled his WP, but did not cancel his Extension of Stay and remained in Thailand for a few months. You are correct when you say that, unless you cancel your extension, the immigration does not know your WP has been cancelled, so you can leave with no hassle. This is what happened to my friend when he left, but he was not planning on coming back to Thailand. Your case is different, so you have to be very cautios because when you apply for your new extension after you get your new WP, they may notice you overstayed. So, in my opinion, your problem is not likely to be at the border, but when you do your new papers.

    Just be very careful!

  9. Hello,

    Does anybody know if it is still possible to buy fake id's in Khao San Road? I have recently read an article saying that it is getting more difficult. If anybody has been there recently or has recent information, I would appreciate it very much.

    Thank you!

  10. Thank you for your post, it is quite interesting and well written. Even though I have been here for less than 2 years, I perfectly see your points,

    I just want to tell you a couple of things about China. My brother has been living in Beijing since 2009. He is a director for commercials and documentaries and a very talented one. Although it is true that there a lot of opportunities to work in almost every field, getting actually the job it is not very easy. He is just now starting to get important jobs, after 5 years of hard work!

    You will face huge cultural differences, an henormus langauge barrier (my brother had to learn Chinese, otherwise there is no way you can survive with English, which is basically unknown by the majority of people) and a completely different attitude versus job organization and operation.

    In 2009 I spent one month in China myself. I can guarantee you it has been the most frustrating vacation I had in my life. I was not able to have any communication, even the most basic one. Chinese don't have any logic the way we think of. One day I was trying to buy a couple of bananas from a street vendor. I pointed the bananas and show the number 2 with 2 fingers. The man had no clue I wanted only 2 bananas and I had to pick them up myself as he was trying to give me the whole bunch. I was later told he did not understand me as Chinese people use 2 different fingers to show the number 2 with hands!!! This is just a little example, but Í can garantee you the level of frustration was very high. 3 Different Western Union offices refused to give my brother the money his mother sent him as he was a foreigner and the agents did not have any will to deal with somebody who did not speak Chinese! Forget to go to the post office or top up your cellulare phone if you don't speak Chinese or are accompanied by a Chinese speaker.

    Furthermore, the laws on Visas are changing fast and not for the best. The government now think they have less need for foreigners and they are making more and more difficult to stay. And the cost of living has been raising exponentially in past few years...

    I don't mean to discourage you, I think China is probably the best place in the world for business, but just be aware of certain things.

    Best of Luck!

  11. Hello guys,

    Just a quick question: I have a Non Immigrant B Multiple Entry made in Penanag in 2012 with WP. It is expiring soon and I don't have the WP anymore, so I was thinking of getting a single entry Tourist Visa in Penang or Vientiane. I just need to stay 2 more months, then I will fly to Europe (I have already purchased the ticket).

    Do you think they could give me any problem? I know usually these 2 places are quite friendly, but it is clear I am not a toursit, plus I read on the forum that lately, at least in KL, some people got it denied.

    Also, what kind of papers would you suggest bringing along?

    Thank you very much!

  12. Register a Thai company, get a WP with an income of 50.000 THB a month and you can get an extension of stay for 1 year (you can reniew it every year). It will cost you about 6.000 B a month (SS, personal income taxes, accountant fee, etc.) plus 15.000 a year to close the balance. Plus of course the fee to register the company and get the WP and proper Visa. Talk to an accountant and they will explain to you how it works in details. This is a very simple way to stay here and many people do it in this way.

    If you are interested, send me a PM, I have a Company for sale that could make you save some money...

  13. I have replaced the micro USB ribbon on my Galaxy S2 twice now. Between sweat, seawater and pocket lint, the ports just don't hold up for more than a year or so for me.

    Followed one of the many Youtube videos and it took 15 minutes the first time and 5-10 minutes the second.

    The first time, I bought the part at MBK, second time in a kiosk in Chinatown (BKK). That indicates to me the parts are pretty widely available wherever they fix cell phones. Cost was 200 baht with no negotiating on my part.

    If you can find the part and a Youtube video, I'd recommend a DIY job.

    Thank you for your replay. If I understand correctly, you are suggesting not bothering with warranty and just have the work done on my expenses. If I or somebody else open it wouldn't I void the warranty?

    Thanks again

  14. Hello everybody,

    I need to bring a 2 month old Galaxy S4 to service. I bought it at Central in an official store, the warranty was registered and I have the receipt. I pretty much know what the problem is, as it is quite common with this phone. Most likely the USB ribbon needs to be replaced. I have seen on Youtube this can be done pretty quickly and easily.

    Do you think I should bring it to the place where I bought it or directly to a service center? I saw on Samsung website there is a service center in Phuket Town on Phang Nga Rd. Of course I am looking for the quickest solution. Does anybody have experience with that service center or know any other place where I could get it done under warranty? I am hoping they can fix it here without sending it to BKK, otherwise it is going to take very long time...

    Any help would be highly appreciated!

    Thank you very much!

  15. Hi,

    Go to the Banana Boutique Hotel in Penang with original WP valid for at least 7 months, pay the fee and you will get the 1 year Multiple entry non B visa. They don;t give a damn about any of the other papers, even not the ones listed on the website, Try to imagine if they care about a business plane, which they probably don't even know what that is. It is a private consulate, therefore, the only thing they care about is making money. If they could, they would give it even without WP, but obviously the Thai Government doesn't allow them to do it.

  16. In most cases this is true, however I have in two occasions been asked to see my WP upon re-entering on a multiple entry Non-Imm B. Not sure what would have happened if I could not present it. That said, my old passport had a stamp in the back stating I had a WP, while my new passport does not and I have not been asked since having the new passport.

    Hello. I have heard this happened to other people as well, with the difference they did not have the WP with them. They told me what happened was the immigration at the border cancelled the B visa and let them in on a 30 day tourist entry.

    So, I was aware of that, but my main concern is that they let me leave without giving me any hassle of overstay.

  17. Hello everybody.

    I know this subject has been treated many times, but due to the frequent changing in Thai laws, I would like to make sure I understood correctly.

    I have a WP and I am here on a Multiple Entry B visa (obtained in Penang, after presenting my WP). My understanding (mostly from your forum) is that even if I cancel my WP, my Visa remains valid, as opposite as if I were on an Extension of stay (which should terminate the day I cancel my WP). So, my stamp is valid until June 13th and the Visa until December 17th.

    If I cancel my WP today, I am still okay to stay in Thailand until June 13th and if I do a cross border I get another 90 days, regardless of the fact I cancel my WP. is it correct or I am missing something?

    And finally, does anybody know it there is a fee to be paid to cancel the WP?

    Thank you all for the help

  18. Thank you all for taking the time to replay. I have to say, nobody really has answered my question, which was my fault as I think I wasn't able to make it clear enough. I did not ask your opinion about the Thai system. Internet is full of people talking about how terrible the system is and how may horrifying stories they have heard. As far as I know, Thailand is full of farangs owning a business. In a different Country, I would have done differently. For the simple reason: in most Countries nobody requires to have a local shareholder holding 51% of the quotes! So, my question is very simple: is standard procedure to make the Thai shareholder the director of a new company until one of the farangs get the work permit?

    Thanks to everybody who will be so kind to answer a yes or no.

  19. Rogerpily: you should have asked form advice PRIOR to setting-up and finalizing this company structure. However; until there are $$ to dispute, there's really no harm done.

    Where are you in Thailand, maybe I can help you sort-out this nightmare-in-the-making.

    Hi, thank you for the offer. I'm in Phuket. There will not be any asset in the company, just hopefully income. At the moment, I did not pay full balance to the lawyer and I do not intend to pay it until he changes what he needs to change. If you can help me, I will appreciate it, if not, thank you anyway for the suggestion.

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