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Everything posted by pepi2005

  1. Yeah, [but as long as Covid hysteria continues to dominate our lives and our rational thinking], you should not be allowed to leave your house, let alone enter a bar. ???? It's 'for the good of society', ya know? ????
  2. the most dangerous people (if we seriously decide to be scared of a virus that has about 99.9% survival rate for all infected < 75y) are the vaccinated - because they feel confident about being 'safe' and do stupid things not even considerate unvaccinated, very healthy people would ever do. It might be new to you, but latest studies even confirmed by the CDC have showed that vaccinated can carry a MULTIPLE of the viral load compared to unvaccinated people. If anyone is risky, it's the 'vaccinated'.
  3. Reality, however, doesn't agree with your hope. A look at Israel, Island, the UK, and now starting in the US (look at what's going on in West Virginia: 26% increase of positive cases with 'fully' vaccinated) illustrates that pretty much all the vaccine does is to help creating new mutations (exactly like the Influenza vaccines did) and make the vaccinated more vulnerable for them.
  4. Thailand didn't seem to have received the news yet that vaccinated can be just as much - if not more - infectious as unvaccinated people, and they can carry a MULTIPLE of the viral load than unvaccinated. After all, that's the reason why Israelis have seen an enourmous spike in infections despite even being *triple* vaccinated, or why England dumped all plans for a 'vaccination pass' just yesterday... What's exactly the purpose of this 'pass' - to give these people a false sense of security and make them super-spreaders, so that even the healthy get infected? I'm not afraid of this virus as I don't belong to a risk group, but I don't want to be treated like a second-class person although I am HEALTHY while others may very well NOT! ????‍♂️
  5. Okay, so now we can lay back and watch the situation to develop like in Island, Israel etc.? The word that vaccines don't reliably protect against infection, maybe not even against severity of symptoms (see what's going on in Israel), and that they may even fire up the development of new mutations because the virus has to 'break' the suppression doesn't seem to have reached Thailand yet. Instead, they lead to dangerous 'over-confidence' and a feeling of false safety of the vaccinated, super-spreading events by infected vaccinated people, and we don't even know which other long-term effects the spike proteins and contained chemicals will cause to bodies, hormone and immune systems. It feels like high-stake gambling at this point and with the data that is available at this point in time (compared to what was claimed a couple of months ago). Why doesn't Thailand open up in a careful manner, allow people to live their lives and aiming at building up natural immunity, while offering the *choice* of maximum protection to the risk groups instead of following this generalizing vaccine-only approach that so many countries have tried without sustainable success?
  6. People 'lowering their guard' are especially the ones who got their vaccine shots. One more reason not to go in heavily on them (just as Israel did - with disastrous results so far) but to look for alternative approaches and allow to build 'natural' herd immunity without restricting people's liberties any further. Just my 2c.
  7. So, Thailand on the footpath of Israel... ???? Despite (or because of?) vaccinations, numbers will very likely go up after the 2nd shot, and similar to drug addicts, vaccine takers will require to get their subscription shots every 4-6 months, next to the 2x-daily Pfizer pills the company is currently preparing, and of course - due to sheer mathematical reasons! - every time injectionists receive one of these shots, the likelihood having to experience one of the adverse effects is increasing significantly. ???? Tell me when I'm wrong. Of course none of the media scientists, journalists, politicians etc. are saying that - neither in Thailand, nor anywhere else. Why doesn't Thailand take the alternative, more rational route, like governments did in Sweden, and soon Denmark, Poland, Hungary, Romania, plus on top: do the sensible thing and promote healthy nutrition, exercise, healthy living? Next to 'classic' and traditional approaches not involving mrna vaccines. This wouldn't seem to make any negative difference, but is even likely to help to reach 'real' herd immunity.
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