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Posts posted by slipperylobster

  1. I asked this earlier but no reply.

    If Hillary is as crooked as the right wing fake news says, how is it the full Senate vetted her as Secretary of State 94-2.

    I tend to consider the senate to be pretty corrupt as well...

    That is what the self-appointed "intellectuals" (lol) of ThaiVisa fail to figure into the equation.

    No matter how much you try to teach them, they deny everything.

    Hillary has serious.....very serious political connections. (Remember Bill?).

    The longer you stay in the political circle, the more chance that you will be corrupted.

    She feels she is above rules.....that she can do anything she wants.

    Then she lies....and makes phone calls so that media and high ranking political figures can cover her krappy trail.

    I am keeping to my belief that her game is up....in two weeks.

  2. Reading through these posts makes me think that many of you have a very low opinion of Thais.

    Body language and attitude are easily detected, and you are even making yourself more isolated from the people here.

    If you truly feel unsafe, then perhaps it is time relocate. I felt that way after 15 years in the Philippines.

    Six people I knew were shot. Two were very close friends. I was on the wrong end of a gun 3 times...once by my landlord.

    I moved to Thailand, and it was the best choice I made. at the time.

    I feel very safe right now, but many places in Thailand made me uneasy. I changed my habits, and now I enjoy friendly areas and stay away from the negative ones, where people bitch and moan to each other. Yes, the culture here is tough...you don't know how far you can push things when you are angry before the locals snap. I caught myself becoming upset with my wife and berating some friends of hers. It builds up after a while. She is a very understanding lady, actually.

    What is missing in this story is maybe a history of bad feelings between the two men. No excuse to kill anyone, but the story makes you think one mistake was made and the employer snapped. There were probably many encounters over many things, in the past. Words said...and loss of face.

    I have reached my limits as well. When you spend too much time complaining, then it becomes destructive. If people sense you are looking down on them or berating them, then you have to take some positive action. Remove yourself if possible, or adjust by focusing on something else. I won't even argue with Thais. I now let my wife negotiate problems. My body language and smile are not that endearing, and I might be off.

    Best thing I am doing differently is limiting my drinking, and choosing the right venues to do that. Staying away from negative, angry people also helps. I bring my wife along with me, instead of leaving her at home. I actually enjoy the company more, and she has a better way with people. It really is all about body language and attitude here. As a team, my wife and I actually make people laugh...and that makes many of the Thais come up and ask questions. A good experience.

  3. Stacking Crooked Hillary's Lies throught her sordid carreer against the Donald's so-called 'lies' I'm afraid hers would resemble the ancient Temple of Babel!

    Besides, Crooked Hillary is moraly and ethically berift. thumbsup.gif

    The Full Senate approved Hillary as Secretary of State 94-2 yet these bozos here keep blabbering on about all sorts of imaginary offenses they hear about on FOX or wacky conspiracy shows.

    I would not call the FBI bozos.

    Just wait two weeks.

  4. Trumps angry voters. Why so angry?

    Not angry - just fed up with the lies.

    Plus, what's the alternative, eh?

    Crooked Hillary? laugh.png

    I refuse to believe how many people do not keep up with the news. The only anger I have seen are from the No-Trumpers (democrats). Examples all over the news during the primaries.

    They seem to be way over the top. What makes the democrats look so ridiculous is that they believe Hillary has it in the bag. Now, if that is true, then why do they turn towards uncontrollable violence and temper tantrums?

    Never saw any intelligent life in those crowds.

  5. I wonder how many of his self hating, working poor white supporters will be sending Trump money from their government assistance checks?

    Dumpster fire? Naaa, all is well.

    Hillary supporters don't have a clue..eh?

    They pretty much lost touch with reality....

    Right now, they are thinking Hillary is a good deal..lol.

    You got it all wrong..as usual.

    The liberals (Democrats) are into the food stamp/welfare/handout syndrome.

    Watch your scientists (lol) jumping up and down on cars and buses...in frustration.

    Been all over the news.. mobs of idiots.

    Worse than that...she has not even cleared her legal dilemma yet. FBI report coming up soon...lol

  6. I think it will take generation to forget about the GW Bush fiasco.

    Lets hope Hillary will be a carbon copy of the good old days when Bill Clinton was Prez.

    She already said Bill is taking the reigns.

    Not sure what she will do, while Bill is trying to fix Obama's National Debt Problems.

    I am certain Hillary does not have a clue!

    I understand White House staff have already installed a condom machine for Bill the Monger.

  7. Complete waste of money for the democrats. They can just stand back and watch Trump dig himself into hole after hole all by himself

    1. Nobody said Democrats were smart.

    2. They are afraid of Trump, that he may be planning something wicked.

    3. They are anticipating that Hillary will slide another 5 points down in the next poll...making Trump Even.

    4. They are not using their own money..using the Hillary Foundation Money from Saudi Arabia (The ultimate gay bashers)

    5. Gays are flocking to Trump.

    6. One more act of Terrorism and her and Obama are Trashed for Eternity...Trump would win by default.

    7. Too many slaps on the side of the head for refusing to use the words.."Islamist radicals", and "Sharia".

    Pick one or all of the above, and you would pass the course.

    1. Nobody said Democrats were smart.

    Let's see. Jewish-Americans and Asian-Americans 2 highly successful groups of Americans in business and the sciences vote overwhelmingly Democratic. Scientists vote overwhelmingly Democratic. The people who are at the cutting edge of American technology in Silicon Valley vote overwhelimingly Democratic. What does this tell you?

    Golly ... Not many smart ones on this forum. Any scientists here?

    Computer nerds in silcon valley are not exactly my idea of the kind of people I want making decisions for the hard working, middle class.

    Neither are Whoopie Goldberg....and that other fat malcontent that would run away to Canada.....

    Your people are more like Jane Fonda...and less like the backbone of America....the hard working middle class (you know, the people who pay for all those idiot liberals giving out money to people that don't want to work).

    Tons of uneducated, lazy people are democrats.

  8. Complete waste of money for the democrats. They can just stand back and watch Trump dig himself into hole after hole all by himself

    1. Nobody said Democrats were smart.

    2. They are afraid of Trump, that he may be planning something wicked.

    3. They are anticipating that Hillary will slide another 5 points down in the next poll...making Trump Even.

    4. They are not using their own money..using the Hillary Foundation Money from Saudi Arabia (The ultimate gay bashers)

    5. Gays are flocking to Trump.

    6. One more act of Terrorism and her and Obama are Trashed for Eternity...Trump would win by default.

    7. Too many slaps on the side of the head for refusing to use the words.."Islamist radicals", and "Sharia".

    Pick one or all of the above, and you would pass the course.

    Let's try and briefly address the latest nonsense being bandied about by the Fox News media echo chamber

    1. Democrats are geniuses compared to the low-info trailer trash that make up Trump's minions. <deleted> geniuses.

    2. Afraid? No Democrats are different than Republicans. They don't live in constant fear. They don't have an armory of guns and pallets of ramon noodles parked in the garage. They don't have gold buried in the back yard. They're leery of guns. They're distrustful of their wingnut Republican neighbor who just bought another new AR-15 because HRC is going to take his guns away from him. Republicans own the fear factor. Cheeto Jesus doesn't have a plan.

    3. I don't know why she would slide as long as Trump keeps talking. Sorry that trend doesn't favor any new converts to the Trump train that's gaining speed as it heads for the cliff.

    4. They meaning Trump? Democrats? Saudi Arabia? Maybe HRC is using Saudi money? Okay, whatever.

    5. Gays are flocking to Trump because...? Really, I'd like to know why you'd write that. After last week, I think everyone is disgusted by him, especially the LGBT community. Sarcasm?

    6. Trashed for Eternity! The Orlando shooting was another mass shooting by an American crazy man with access to an AR-15. Like the mass shooting, like the next mass shooting. Sorry, Americans know who did the shooting, a psychotic gun nut. Is a mass shooting an act of Terrorism? Who cares about semantics? 50 people are dead and the Republicans just voted against doing anything about because they're owned by the NRA.

    7. Why would someone use those words? To get elected President? They're not applicable to anything except Trump's low-info view of the world.

    The chances of getting killed by an Islamic terrorist in the US remains at 20,000,000 to 1. All Trump has is fear and it won't work. His campaign is a dumpster fire.

    The RNC set Trump up last week to make just 20 calls to big GOP donors to raise money for his campaign. Just 20 calls, to try and make him competitive with the reDemocrats. He made 3.

    crikey..you sure are thick

    Topic is Democrats.

    Read the first line again in my post.

    "They" equals "Democrats"

    should say Democrats on every line. Defined it for you first.

    I needed to add in one more "they"

    they are thick

    One more thing....you seem to love Fox news so much......how is it I live in a trailer and watch fox news.

    That is one crazy post, dude.

    Finally....what the heck are ramon noodles? Or do you mean ramen?

    I tried to show you as much respect as you deserve, but if you live in Asia, you should at least know noodles.

    Seems you got that wrong too.

  9. The main problem you face is that Thai university degrees are not held in the highest esteem internationally, for reasons which have been extensively detailed here and elsewhere.

    They are not regarded at all outside of Thailand

    What a load of BS. You certainly don't have a single clue as to what you are talking about and therefore your opinion is worthless. Love of how this forum loves to sh#t on everything about Thailand. /s

    As a long term frustrated employer, I can tell you that what he says is only slightly exaggerated. There are, however, a few good Thai Universities that have acceptable standards. The problem here has been that many universities sell degrees to students. As an employer having interviewed 100s of Thai Graduates in various disciplines, I found that only 1 in 128 was able to answer simple questions about their subject. These questions being easily answerable by 11 year olds in the UK. As I have discussed this problem with the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Education over the past 30 years, I do know what I am talking about. Education standards must be greatly improved in Thailand and there must be no more selling of degrees, nor issuing degrees merely for attendance. For these reasons, overseas employers certainly do not hold Thai University Degrees with esteem, with only a few exceptions.

    "1 in 128 WAS " lol

    cat is out of the bag ....

  10. I think the gun debate brings a focus on the difference between the American mind set .. and much of the rest of the world.

    It seems that in some of the most civilized and happiest countries ... gun ownership is restrictive and measured.

    America is not ... contrary to the legend .. a happy place to live .. fat, dumb, complacent, spoiled, narrow minded .. yes ... "American Comfortable' ... but honestly ... no .. the average American would not describe themselves as happy, and would be very hard pressed to point to one thing the government does to IMPROVE their lives .. with all the taxes they pay !!!

    The gun debate just brings to the surface the stubborn and stupid underbelly of the USA (Two words -- 'Donald Trump') ... because it should be obvious any country invested in the health, safety, welfare and happiness of its citizens would say "no guns = no shooting" .. let's head in that direction.

    I could write the responses that will follow .. simplified and silly excuses from paranoid and fear filled folks who secretly love to be bullies .. It is really that simple .. they get off on being Captain America ...

    Well, I think the world has seen what good that mind set has produced. Rivers of blood, to sail the "Democracy Ship" on when all along .. it was not about the money ... it was about the MONEY

    The gun debate would end tomorrow if thousands of Black and Latinos went out and bought the AR 15 .. the NRA would be weeping and begging to restrict sales and distribution.

    Why? Because "Make America Great Again" REALLY means "Make America WHITE Again"

    are you stupid?

    I don't know where you grew up, but everyone I knew was pretty happy.

  11. Smoking or vaping nicotine almost guarantees early death from cancer. Nicotine is cancerogenic in any form. Quit this last century and not fashionable habit now. In China it seems like 99% of men smoke but women less, in Russia it looks like women smoke even more than men.

    The word you're looking for is "carcinogenic" and you are completely wrong - nicotine on it's own is generally agreed to NOT be carcinogenic and has actually been shown to have possible health benefits like reducing the likelihood of Alzheimer's and other neurological conditions in later life. Just google it. It's all the tar and nasty chemicals in the smoke that makes cigarettes carcinogenic, not the nicotine.

    Please get your facts straight before posting in public. Spreading your "opinion" without first checking the facts is a highly irresponsible activity that does not benefit anyone.

    I think his point was smoking causes death.

    and is probably the most stupid thing you could do.

    Nicotine is extremely addictive. Not proven cancerous, but when packaged with other chemicals, that are dangerous, makes you a glutton for self punishment and early death.

    Highly unfashionable. no excuse for it. A filthy, disgusting habit.

  12. Dump Trump? Paul Ryan leaves door open to Republican convention revolt

    "Pressure for one last attempt to dump Donald Trump built among Republicans on Sunday,

    as the party’s leader appeared to encourage a possible revolt that could still see an alternative nominee chosen at next month’s national convention." whistling.gif

    "After a week in which the presumptive nominee appalled many colleagues with his reaction to a shooting massacre in Orlando,

    House speaker Paul Ryan made clear he would not try to obstruct any rebellion against Trump by delegates in Cleveland."

    “They write the rules, they make the decisions,” he told NBC’s Meet the Press.

    The Albatross. The Bloviator.

    Use your common sense.

    Republicans split and Trump takes 90 percent of the voters with him. Whatever is left, has no chance at victory.

    He just runs as an independent.

    Best outcome.....drop Hillary and we drop trump, but no way that will happen, eh?

    just rip up the whole democratic process....because Trump played by the rules, fair and square.

    What you have here, should they change the rules, is a potential stalemate. Nobody wins....Obama uses "special powers in times of crises" and gets a third term. That will be your option.....not a good one.

    Pray that they don't attempt to replace Trump....because....you get Obama again.....

  13. Trump’s poll numbers sink into death spiral on the one-year anniversary of his campaign’s start

    "It’s been one year since Donald Trump took that fateful ride down the escalator at Trump Tower to announce his candidacy for President of the United States,

    and his poll numbers are absolutely tanking despite the fact that he’s seemingly locked down the Republican nomination for the presidency."

    "Here is a chart from Real Clear Politics that shows what’s happened to Trump’s polling averages ever since he got a brief boost after clinching his status as the presumptive Republican nominee."

    "What’s particularly devastating about this from Trump’s perspective is that his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton hasn’t gained all that much in the past three weeks,

    instead, it’s mostly been about Trump spiraling downward." whistling.gif Reality.

    Why stop there?

    Both Trump and Hillary are tied at well over fifty percent untrustworthy.

    also, the AP poll has Hillary dropping 5 (quite a dip from 15)

    polls sure are funny...eh?

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