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I Like Thai

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Posts posted by I Like Thai

  1. ^ have you considered that in itself is an assumption that might only be in your own head?!

    Maybe so, but I have read so many threads about stray dogs and other issues where BM's have indicated taking drastic action. The dog problem is still the same as are other issues. Other than posting on forums, I find it difficult to believe that you will actually do anything to solve the problem.

  2. When there is hot taps scheduled, irrespective who is doing it, I try to make sure I am not around and preferbly 100 miles away...tongue.png

    Can you please explain for us Thai Visa arm chair experts what and why hot taps are done? thumbsup.gif

    simply put...drilling a hole into a live production line be it gas, oil or some other nasty and for example connecting another bit of pipe, thereby not having to shut down or interupt the process in the line (when it all goes according to plan of course)..biggrin.png

    Suppose another interesting fact to the "arm chair" experts which would scare the life out of you....sometimes live gas lines are even welded on...biggrin.png

    How often are these hot taps carried out. If it went wrong, would there be an explosion. Would this explosion be localised to the work crew area or could it extend to a populated area. I'm guessing your 100 mile remark is just an exaggeration, but how wide could an explosion be.

  3. Obtaining a new pasport NOt US may be your answer

    Grand children of Irish citizens are entitled ,while a well known local obtained a Montenegro one.

    Crtain states make it easy if you have funds.Depens onmany factors panama,Moldova etc depends of course if willing to forego US citizenship,but if you are lanng to stay here PR,ASEAn citizenship may be worth looking into.I would not pay acent to a Tahi agent or fixewr.

    Good luck

    You could of course ask Mrs No 2 to pay No 1 tho from my experience the Thai ladies baulk at paying


  4. I don't know if it happens or where, I have never noticed it in the places I've been. But I prefer my ladies around the 29/30 age mark. I never need to worry about taking underage girls "By Accident".

    If you honestly have to pay for girls that age then either you are very old,very ugly or both!

    Thai girls are absolutely desperate for anything with a pulse at that age!w00t.gif

    Where did I say I pay for girls ? I'm 45 years of age and a very sexy man.

  5. What about all those 14 and 15yr olds in the go go bars and massage parlours, you telling me they don't look 18 - 20?

    If they look 18 - 20, how do you know that they are 14 and 15 yr olds?

    I watch the news! are you denying it happens?

    I don't know if it happens or where, I have never noticed it in the places I've been. But I prefer my ladies around the 29/30 age mark. I never need to worry about taking underage girls "By Accident".

  6. I will tip them the same amount as a Thai would tip them. I prefer to do as the locals do with regard to tipping rather than trying to contribute to a foreign guilt complex.

    Especially the ones that pull up in the Mercs, Lexus, Audi's etc.

    I would tip where it is the general custom of Thais to tip and an amount that would be the norm. I wouldn't get into a tipping competition with any customers in order to show the 7/11 cashier that I am the big man and good hearted farang.

    The Thais that pull up in the big cars, don't tip anymore than Thais with small cars. Maybe they do if they are in a place where they are trying to show the Farangs around that they are the Big Man

  7. Strong people with the right thinking would never succumb to leaders who want to create a war purely based on race.

    What is "the right thinking"? Does that mean pre-war Germany was full of wrong-thinking weak people? Very confusing point you're trying to make there.

    Thanks for asking. By right thinking i mean do not kill and take care of eachother. From 1930-1940 people where indoctrinated by a self sustaining regime Hitler himself had created(He used scare tactics to influence ' right thinking people'). Frankly i think he was a genius. I try to be bold to state the people who are complying with the National socialist people' s party's regime of that time were weak. But aren' t we off topic now? wai.gif

    Hitler didn't create the conditions. Germany and the German people were left broken by the 1st World War. In this broken society, it was easy for extremists to gain support. He initially made great changes and advancements for the German people and Germany, then like most Strong Right Thinking people, he made a complete mess of it. After the 2nd world war, lessons were learned and Germany was rebuilt as a strong country that has remained war free since.

  8. Really I like thai, you should change your avatar.

    I do not see how the Khmer genocide is an outcome of a worldwide disaster which the OP suggested. Genocide is not a cause of a worldwide disaster. But it is caused by people who think wrongly and influence and indoctrinate the 'common' people. In fact you could compare it with Adolf Hitler' s wits.

    The Cambodian Genocide was caused by a complete breakdown in society, when societies break down, extremists rise to power. This happened in Cambodia. It then became a free for all where the strongest survived and the weak (in the stronger peoples eyes) were killed off. Something similar would happen if the world order broke down due to a worldwide disaster of epic proportions.

    Strong people with the right thinking would never succumb to leaders who want to create a war purely based on race. Although weak personality's will quickly choose the dark side. IMHO.

    All leaders think that they are the right thinking kind of people, the people that follow them also believe it to be true. Human history rarely shows a case of it being true.

    I have faith in the people of the world to make it a better place together and i despise the racial and personal/individual easy escape from reality.

    If racism wasn't a reality, then it wouldn't be causing the problems that are there today. It isn't a case of racism as bandied by the media, it's a natural instinct to look after yourself and your own kind and try exclude everything else in times of crisis

    All animals do this, it's a territorial thing, nothing else.

    Speaking of guns and answering by: everyone has to be for them selves is just too cheap.

    By approaching the discussion this way i understand more why the OP has lost the plot.

    May seem cheap to you, but it would be the reality.

  9. I am a survivalist, I came her to escape 'Peak Oil'.

    When the end comes, I will be happy and safe on my Thai farm, with my Thai family.

    We don't need fuel to make our crops grow, all done by hand in the traditional way.

    My solution is going back to nature and downgrade everything luxury i was used to in the west. What i am preparing to do is living from the land and living in a real Thai country house. I am practising farming and learning the language. I love to go back to basics. So whenever a mayor disaster comes along i have acquired skills the build a house or live without electricity and on rainwater only. I learn so much from the Thai.

    If the end of the world comes along, your Thai neighbours will kill you and take the food that you have grown and the land you are living on.

    plays just as well without the slur.

    Oh sorry, does this fix it,

    If the end of the world comes along, your Thai neighbours will kill you and all the other non Thais, take the food ye have grown and the land that ye are living on.

    If ye want to know what the world might be like if there was a worldwide disaster that sent us back into the stone age (but still with modern weapons), take a look at what happened in Cambodia not so long ago.

  10. There is not to much visable smoke when using the smoker, for the air output we simple used the holes that were already on the barrel, and at the lower end was added 4 air in-takes. The main one being the ball valve which we always point in the direction of the pervailing wind, with one basket of about 5 pounds of charcoal will hold a temperature of 225 degrees for 8-10 hours and at the last couple of hours the temp will drop to 200o.

    As long as it smokes good, I will not worry about the smoke, and it works great!.

    I have never smoked fish, but it would be possible, look up on the internet if fish smoking, recommends for a hot smoke or cold smoke. for a cold smoke we would take out the coal basket and put in a hot plate on which we would burn the water soaked wood chips.


    Could you incorporate a water boiler into the design, piped to the house, this would heat your water as well as doing the smoking/cooking ?

  11. I love dogs, kept dogs since I was a boy.

    But stray dogs and dogs that are allowed to wander around on the highway - I would regard it a great public service for them to be removed by whatever is the most efficient means of doing so. (perhaps we should have a national prize for the most imaginative means of the disposing of them - feeding them to Cambodians and the Vietnamese doesn't seem to be reducing the numbers).

    Who are we ?

    Next time you are at the hospital ask the your doctor what are the top three causes of emergency medical treatment. Dog bites and road accidents involve stray dogs are right up there.

    I's say 100% of them involve humans.

    • Like 1
  12. A few years back it use to amaze me at the way Thai dogs always seemed to just walk out into the road. Then all in a panic they look around and either have a narrow escape or get hit by a car or bike. On one such occasion I was walking along with my girlfriend when a dog had a narrow escape. I asked her "Why do dogs walk straight out onto the road, when they were born and have lived all their life next to a busy road."

    Her reply was "If they were clever dogs they would have an owner and a home to live in, they are stupid, that's why they are soi dogs"

    Now, I got to thinking why dogs back in my part of the world always look to see if there is traffic before crossing the road and they wait for it to pass before they cross. Now, I don't buy into the Farang dog is more intelligent to the Thai dog argument.

    I go back to when I was a child growing up, there was a very famous and successful TV campaign on road safety in the form of a song. All the children knew it and ended up practising it. When we wanted to cross a road, we stopped on the edge of the kerb, we looked left, then right then left again. If there was a car crossing, we waited for it to pass. I think our dogs learned this behaviour from watching us cross the road. So to the teachers on this forum, do you teach the kids the safe cross code, maybe it will save the lives of people and dogs. why not try teaching them this song in one of your classes, it has worked. Most irish people can remember this song and all it's lyrics even now years later.

    • Like 1
  13. through out the custody case, which was settled with a logical verdict, Oswald always stated that the particular court showed absolutely no distinction or impartiality towards either the Thai citizen or the South African citizen (let's dispell that myth right now).

    From this piece in the post it would suggest that the murdered man had won his custody battle with his ex wife for their son. What thoughts might go through the mind of a mother who had just lost custody of her child for the first time since she gave birth to him 3 years before.

    This is a very tragic situation for everyone involved on both sides. It has been stated already that the Thai police/Judiciary have been very fair, professional and even handed in this matter from the outset. I would like to await the outcome of any legal proceedings before making any uneducated decisions.

  14. I wonder what would be the general attitude toward non-Thai's if the social fabric did start to decay due to a food shortage,

    Would it become us and them ? would there be a clear racial divide and attitude and one not necessarily positive ?

    Would "ferangs" become targets because they would generally be considered to have more ?

    It would be the same all over the world, Tribal law would kick in. Anyone that is not part of the tribe would be the first to go, after this they would turn on each other

  15. I appreciate all the good comments but for some reason the State of California held open my case and I am trying to do my best to pay but the math doesn't work out. $2,200 x 60 months is $132,000 and I will owe her at that time about $75,000 dollars. I would be in Thailand now if I didn't have to pay this and didn't have to worry about losing my passport so this lady is taking away the best years of my life just because she is greedy. All I can hope is that the court when I turn 62 allows me to reduce my payments to half of my military pension and continue paying until I die I guess.

    If you do a runner, can your ex wife go after your pension rather than having to try and track you down

  16. Language changes as it evolves in any country, so we end up with different spellings and pronunciations across the world. However when a country changes the pronunciation of a word for no better reason than a childish one, then that is just silly in my opinion. One word I remember having it's pronunciation changed is the planet Uranus( your anus) to (your unus)

    Many moons ago a deep space probe was sent to Uranus and started to send back photo images which were then sent worldwide for everyone to see. I remember well that the American commentators were using the correct pronunciation (your anus) for the first day on these television feeds. Then overnight it changed, on the next day the pronunciation of a planet changed from (your anus) to (your unus)

    Is it just me or does anyone else find this very childish, it reminds me of my schooldays when someone using a rude sounding word got a lot of giggles behind the bicycle shed.

    Bicycle shed? Was that next to the wood shed? Where mates took their fags?

    No, we didn't have a wood shed at school. The Bicycle shed was where we put our bicycles. Many schoolmates also smoked their fags behind the Bicycle shed.I didn't smoke fags back then, but I do now

  17. Is Thailand any different to each and every country in the entire world ?

    Visitors to Antartica probably get hit-on to buy an expensive lady drink at some local igloo within minutes of stepping off the ice-breaker..

    This would definitely be a scam I'd say as Eskimos and their igloos are to be found in the arctic region and not the antarctic

    • Like 1
  18. Language changes as it evolves in any country, so we end up with different spellings and pronunciations across the world. However when a country changes the pronunciation of a word for no better reason than a childish one, then that is just silly in my opinion. One word I remember having it's pronunciation changed is the planet Uranus( your anus) to (your unus)

    Many moons ago a deep space probe was sent to Uranus and started to send back photo images which were then sent worldwide for everyone to see. I remember well that the American commentators were using the correct pronunciation (your anus) for the first day on these television feeds. Then overnight it changed, on the next day the pronunciation of a planet changed from (your anus) to (your unus)

    Is it just me or does anyone else find this very childish, it reminds me of my schooldays when someone using a rude sounding word got a lot of giggles behind the bicycle shed.

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