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Posts posted by thatswhatuthought

  1. All current police posted to Koh Tao should be invited to testify before a Thai version of a Royal Commission with independent (foreign?) investigators and wide powers. The subject could be "Why You Get to Keep Your Job and NOT Go to Jail". I suspect the results would be interesting and very disturbing for many Thais.

    The Thais already know. It's more of a shock to foreigners that SEE a lot less corruption in their home country and haven't been exposed to this.

  2. They allowed an environment where this could have happened. They allowed an environment where police mishandled the investigation. An environment where the DNA and other evidence was compromised. They allowed an environment where taxi drivers coerced witnesses. They allowed police to announce no Thai could have done this. They could have precluded the Brit suspects with the DNA but arrested them anyway. They allowed the immuneyyyÿyyvillage headman to dictate terms of the investigation and his family, one of the prime suspects being his son. They refused to give their DNA. And gave a weak alibi.

    No, I would never return there. It is an illicit place without trust and it will suffer badly from sad police.

    #1Rape and murder can happen anywhere in the world.

    #2A taxi driver was possible offered a bribe to be a witness not coerce witnesses.

    #3 Who is "they" and how are "they" responsible for th actions of others?

  3. Clearly these guys were tortured into confessing. Now, everybody is supposed to live happily ever after like in a fairy tale???? And now the tourists will flock back to the island? And I read somewhere else that Prayuth is going to give the cops a reward? For first-rate torture techniques I reckon. The people that buy this whole debacle with its "happy ending" must have failed critical thinking in college, if they even ever attended college.

    They couldn't attend college. They failed grade school.

  4. So the guy was a waiter at the bar they left before being murdered? So the police disn't get his DNA first time round? How is that possible?

    Or this is the third one who didn't participate?

    Were any of the influential families down there forced to give DNA? If not, why not?

    Because why should the police be able to get your DNA without a warrant that is based on probable cause?

    Most western countries police can't just get your DNA without a warrant.

    Martial Law.

    • Like 1
  5. What is wrong with people in this forum? You are not happy when there are no suspects, and you are also not happy when there are suspects. Who cares if you believe it or not? Probably more than 100 pages of comments in total have been posted about this subject. What it is good for? It will not change anything at all. I really envy you all, you have a lot of time to waste.

    And my 2 cents about why Burmese are probably guilty: Sex is very cheaply available for Thais, and they don't desire farang women at all. No Thai would take the risk of jail time or even death sentence just to have sex. On the other hand, Burmese are saving money, every satang is important to them. So probably they don't have access to cheap sex. Also because of their colonial past, probably they are more into farang women. It makes perfect sense that they were the true suspects.

    Wow.Thai men are not into farang women ? Really ? Are u sure? I guess the Thais that told me they were into Farang women were not being truthful? Are u Thai?

    • Like 2
  6. There are comments about why no farang witnesses and about doubt that there will be a warrant or an arrest. This no doubt involves someone with big money and influence. Thai mafia family. And a farang with money. There will not be any arrest. There will not be any warrant. I doubt these simpletons police stooges even have the smarts to even come up with a fall guy to frame. It will just end up being an unsolved incident.

    Just about everything u wrote is wrong.

  7. If any of you really cared about those two poor kids you wouldn't still be in Thailand. Like me you would leave in protest, remember your money keeps the wheels oiled and those responsible for this atrocity in a job. No doubt you'll be just as outraged when the next murder happens and no doubt all you'll ever do is talk about how bad things have become and yet do nothing but sit on a bar stool and complain. Ultimately your money provides the fuel; why not show the families your true feelings of disgust and leave - frankly depriving the Thais of your money is the least you can do and if enough of you did it then it would show those poor families just how angry you are that they lost their children.

    You can thank your lucky stars it wasn't your child but it could be next time. It really is time to pack your bags and find another country that doesn't treat every foreigner like a piece of meat to be used, abused, murdered or simply scammed.

    Can you fund this move for me and my Thai Family?

    if u are so upset why are u wasting ur time on this thread instead of contacting UK news, authorities , tourist?

  8. B o y c o t t --- K o. T a o

    Hannah Witheridge and David Miller deserve real justice. We shall never forget this unjust, corrupt case and we all know who did this. Until Mon and Worat are behind bars we shall forever boycott your gangster run island.

    One thing bothers me with the Mon / Worat thing .. everyone wonders why they didn't give DNA .. But my question is this.. IF the police are so corrupt as everyone here seems to think (including myself) . why did they not simply fake his dna test? It would have made it look way better.. right? it doesn't make sense from any perspective...

    Simple. Arrangements to fake/dna had no been made yet.

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