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Posts posted by dannishgung

  1. Another weird case involving Dutch boys. Can this case related to Johannes Miermet who was killed in Pattaya. This guy's surname Jensen and it is not Dutch more of Scandinavian. Can this be this guy's alias? Some more investigation has to be done. Another suspicious case.

  2. I have seen these pitiful guys at Nana and Soi Cowboy. They look and sound like very redneck American gringos. I once got into an argument with these pitiful souls about our universe, time and space, our multi-dimensions, the truth of our earthling origin, the universal reincarnation ect ect.

    But one thing I can confirmed is that there is no use to argue or reason or to waste any precious time with all these American Christian cults. Simply because they are not evolved mentally nor spiritually. These guys are living in an awfully small universe of distorted reality, and with a mental capacity of 6 years old and never evolve again. And their authority also forbits them to further evolve.

  3. Holding a government bond of a unstable third world country for a long time is always a higher risk itself. 6.4% is higher than most fixed funds or other bonds. But I will rather buy some fixed 1 year fund from ING or Tisco or Aberdeen that are after tax 3-3.5% or so. And avoid holding a government bond issued from any third world country. There are many possible scenarios that can happen to the government here in next 7 years.

    Military coup, possible assasination of prime minister or cabinet members will possibly lead to a coup or even larger scale civil war here. Southern unrest may become a national terror war and also may lead to coup or civil war. Thailand seems peaceful on the surface but there are so much problems under the surface that will break out in the future.

    When there is a overthrow of a government and a new government or even a new nation is formed, do they still oblige to the old bonds issued by ex-government who was their enemy?? A very suspicious issue. Things like this have happened before in Argentina, Chile, Brasil, Spain, Paraguay ect ect.

    Personally I stick to shorter term investments in all third world unstable countries. 1 year bond or mutual fund is the longest I will invest in Thailand.

    Reference to the Royal family removed.


  4. If you are a business Thai woman and have more than 40K a year to support your husband then immigration should issue your husband the visa extension same as the opposite around.

    A Thai lawyer friend told me in this case if your husband is not given a extension and try to separate you two, then you can sue the immigration bureau for sex discrimination in court. He said you will definitely win the case in court and also get lots of media attention as well. He said many lawyers will be willing to fight the case for free for publicity purpose.

  5. Untamed:

    Your friend has to search the best fare from Brasil himself. If he is in Sao Paulo, there are tons and tons of ticket agents in Centro, Liberdade, Paulista, Republica, Consulacao, ect ect. tell him to get quotes from many agents and compare and also check the newspaper travel page.

    He will find something cheaper than the others but the price will be more less 1200-1500 USD round trip, SP-BKK-SP.

  6. About the old lady docter she replace and refilled 5 of my old fillings, I was not sure if they are necessary to replace. She did not consult me about until she drilled them all. I thought they were still good shape. So she could be trying to make some more from me being foreigner? Also 1 cavity for 700 is really high compared to my friends' who usually paid 400-500 bahts per one.

    Anyways I try to save a few bahts but I probably ended pay the same or more, also paid the pain as well. I would reccommend people to use more reputabable clinics who can speak more English at least to tell the patients what tooth they are working on now.

  7. As I post before, this crazy country is quickly destroying it's tourism very quickly. Without tourists money, all Thais have to eat dirts. Most of all my firends who regularly long stay in Thailand all left.

    Now its hard for us to enjoy a fun night without fearing police raids, piss tests, ordered to piss in the cup in front of others in the dance hall, being held up in clubs for hours, losing passports, get hasseled in the night spots or even on the streets for no ID and taken to police station,(actually happened last year to a German friend who was just walking late at night in Siam Sqare and taken to police station for all night), get hasseled and stopped by police for driving without any violation, very high crime rates recent years, hassel to get long term visa, hassel to make visa run, unreasonable rise in all tourist venues, ect ect, its becoming a big hassel to enjoy Thailand now, I am thinking of leaving to Brasil as well if I do not have my newly wed Thai wife here.

    These police and government officials are in no interest to protect the nation's only reliable source of economy and image, only try to profit and pocket in more money by doing all the unthinkables, by harrassment, blackmailing, extortions.

    A lot of Thai long stay regulars are flowing to Spain, Brasil, Malaysia, Mexico, ect

    It won't be long that most long stayers leave this crazy dumb ass country.

  8. Thai food is really unhealthy. The amount of MSG and salt they use really give me sore throat, constant thirst, headache, stomchache ect.

    My girlfriend taught me a few phrases when I go eat in Thai restaurant.

    (1) Mai sai pon chu rot(do not put MSG)--but did not really help much, these Thais still put them in anyways by habitual.

    (2) mai sai naam paa(do not put fish sauce)--another high source of MSG, again did not help much by telling them.

    So I avoid Thai food which I think it's way too salty and spicy to be a health foods to be eaten regularly.

  9. I went to see a friend near Mall Ramkamhaeng and walked passed a dental clinic on the other side of the road. Since I may need a root canal for my back tooth and several cavities so I decided to get it checked. I was thinking the small clinic maybe cheaper than bigger ones.

    Okay, the older lady docter attended me and checked and told me to take some X rays. Each slide 200 bahts. Then told me I need to get a crown for one of my tooth that received root canal 2 years ago. She said it will be 6000 bahts for the non metalic looking one with same color as tooth. Then she said I need a root canal for another tooth in the back. She said 5000 for root canal.

    So she went to work and the root canal treatment for this back tooth really hurt me like crazy. I had to stoped her a few times due to extreme pain. My last root canal treatment 2 years ago at some large clinic did not feel any pain at all. I wondered if she did not inject enough anesthetics(save the cost??), or she has a bad skill? or this is the physical price to pay for being cheaper than large clinics??

    Then she filled and replaced 5 of my old cavities fillings (Without my consent actually). 700 bahts each.(seems a little expensive than other clinics??) I had one done 1 years ago at other location for 500 bahts.

    Okay, I paid her most of it today. I need to go back in a week. She put in temporary crown, and temporay filling for my root canal today.

    My bill for this treatment.

    Crown 6000

    root canal 5000(really jeb jeb maak-hurt so bad, anyone knows why?)

    X ray 3 slides 600

    5 fill cavities 3500(700 each cavity filling, is it a little too expensive??)

    pain killer 200(i never asked for it and i think its not needed)

    Total 15300, paid 10000 first and pay remaining at finish of treatment. More problem than I expected. Lots more pain than I ever experienced for root canal.

    Too late paid already otherwise I would still stick with the big clinics that can speak better English and less pain too??

  10. Thai government must be the most stupid government in the whole world. (Thai general public is real dumb as well). I can not think of anyone else that trys to ruin itself economically like this in the whole wide world. A country where they need tourist money (also huge on sex tourism) for survival. They are ruining it very quickly by hasseling so many foriegners in all the entertainment venues for passports and for drug piss tests, holding them hours after hours before releasing them inside the clubs. Lots of my regular Thailand visitor friends have stopped coming here now. Because they think its not worth the hassel to get visa, or do the visa run for longer stay, carry passports all the nights to enter entertainment venues, and get stopped constantly for driving rental cars and being demanded for bribes, also the violent crime rates has escalated a lot in past years, also the tousism prices has risen unreasonably in past 10 years ect ect.

    Some of my best friends are switching long stay to Spain, Mexico, Brasil, Malaysia ect where long stay is no hassel, visa free for long period, government welcome them, violent crime rated against foriegners are low, and very free going as forigners, the law to carry passport for forigners to enter disco clubs are absolute rediculous to them. Also being held captive in the clubs, ordered to piss into a small container in front all the people in the disco hall, spilling the piss all over, the scene is also so unthinkable to them. But this happens every night here in Thailand.

    Thai needs sex tourists for survival. It still has no other economic alternatives to replace sex tourism. If one day Thai economy has something strong going to replace sex tourism, then its ok to close all the massages up. But as for now, the Thai nation's revenue big percent is from this areas. So many people depend on it to eat and survive. Thailand should make clear setting law to legalized night venues. Efficiently manage all the night venues then police bribes will be reduced.

    Closing night venues at 1 or 2 AM and try to shut down massages, close discos,

    do not make society better, efficiently legalize them and efficeiently run them is the best for society and for tourism.

    Now Thailand is trying to scare away small businessmen who come here to buy goods. I really wonder how all the small traders who come here to buy goods get non-immigration visas? The gem traders get hasseled this time then they will simply stop coming and go to Sirilanka or India or else where to buy. Because the small business people will go where they have economic freedom and they do not have to come to Thailand at all. Thailand try to encourage business investment but without the simplest business freedom who will want to come??

    Even the small traders have stopped coming to buy from here. Because the price of goods are not competitive anymore and the worst the government here has no intention to encourage business, instead only try to do the unthinkable. If this no brain behaviour of this Thai policy continues, I think Malaysia, China, Vietnam ect will be very happy to take in all the small traders. Thai is the only country in the whole world where they still living in the past and moving towards the past.

  11. The Thai muslim militants still have not bombed the capital. The clear reason is they still do not have strong affliates in Bangkok that can make bombs. To make a bomb and carry all the way to the capital from Yala or Naratiwat is a very high risk. But if one day they get strong affiliates or get some sympathisers who have knowlege and the materials to make bombs right in Bangkok, I am sure they will not hesitate to blow up the capital. I can feel the trend is slowly turning into this way if Thai authority still try to play the nationalism stretegy.

    The most clever solution is for Thai authority to be much more flexible and stop the nationalistic conspiracy, and start very sincere dialogue with the people they hate the most, with the so called traitors, separatists, terrorists ect named by the Thai authority.

    Also should recognize Islam as natioanl religion the same as Buddhism. Should give the rights to observe Islamic calendar and also name the most important Islamic holiday as national holidays. If Thai aknowledge this country is a bi-culture society than should make recgnition to both religions and cultures. If Thai authority has the wits to do this to recginize Islam and its cultures as part of Thai society, and also give lots of autonomy to this territories, I think eventually the problems will be solved.

    But unfortunately, I do not see Thai authority has any of these wits.

  12. A Swedish friend just came back from Sao Paulo to BKK last week. He paid 56000 bahts total roundtrip. Took Thai Airways then Varig transfered in London. Member of Star Alliance can choose fly this pattern. A while ago another German friend of my flyed Japan Airline with promotion fare into Sao Paulo for 55000 bahts. BKK-Tokyo-Sao Paulo, a few more hours of flying than thru Europe, but can collect more miles too. He said Jal had great service and great meals with all seats with individual audio and video including movies and games. In November when I go I think I may try this routing for a change. Can collect milege for One World Alliance members. Also for reference I got a quote for Lufhansa for BKK-Frankfurt(transit)-Sao Paulo or Rio for 57000 bahts in Nov.

  13. Okay I flew this route from BKK via Europe to Sao Paulo or to Rio de Janeiro many times. The fare is about always about 45000-58000 including tax on more decent airlines. Price depends on the season and on the travel agency. I always take KLM vis Amsterdam, or Lufthansa via Frankfurt, but you can also choose Alitalia, British Airways, Air France, also many code sharing flights including Varig, Tam, and many other south American or European airlines. But because I have milege of KLM and Lufthansa so I stick with these two. But the shortest route is from BKK-Johannesburg-Sao Paulo or Rio, but this route can be more expensive and less frequent than thru Europe.

    I usually walk around Silom or Pratunam and get quotes from various agencies. Even the same airline and same routing can differ by 10000 in various agencies. So visit as many agencies as you can and get quotes of your prefered airlines or simply the cheapest fare.

    If your are Thai, then you can stay 3 months visa free. If you are from EU then same 3 month visa free with extentable up to 6 months in Brasil.

    Brasil is a huge country of diversity. December is the peak season. Chrismas and summer there. Popular destinations are Bahia, Rio de Janeiro, Fortaleza, Sao Paulo, Florianopolis, ect ect. Thousands of beautiful beach towns along the coast.

    Some of my favorite beach towns in Brasil are Angra dos Reis, Buzios,(in state of Rio), Guaruja, Bertioga,Ilha Bella, Sao Lourenco, all the Santos coast ect (in state of Sao Paulo), also in the northeast Olinda, Fortaleza, Salvador, Recife are very popular with North Europeans, and the south has the beatiful city of Florianopolis with hundreds of beaches in the city is my favorite. Its in the southern state of Santa Catarina with huge foriegn tourists from Argentina, Germany, and north Europe ect. Of course the city of Rio is definitely the most beautiful city in the whole world.

    Try the Brasilian BBQ, churrasco too. There are churrascaria everywhere. You will fall in love with this huge country. Just like me and all my family love going there and my brother loves Brasil so much he sold everything in Danmark and moved there for 7 years already and got his permanent residency 3 year ago. I will be going there again in possibly November.

  14. My Dutch friend just lost his passport a few days ago at some night entertainment spots. He went to apply his new passport and according to the consular staff since in Thailand now all the foriegners need to show passports to get into clubs, discos, the people that came in to re-issue the passport have more than tripled. A German friend who used to work in Consular also said that now so many tourists lose pssport in night establishments. They get many times lost passports than few yearss ago and now everyday virtually a line in the embassy for passport lost and re-issue process.

    Thailand is quickly doing everything to drive away tourists. With tousim price increasing, society getting more dangerous, serious polical problems in the south, ect many of my friends who regularly visit Thailand have stopped coming to Tailand. They now seem to enjoy long stay at more diversified destinations like Costa del Sol, Mallorca, Cancun, Fortaleza, Rio, Salvador(Bahia), and Malaysia ect.

    Other people are doing and improving every fields to promote tourism and protect the tourists but only Thailand is doing everything to hassel and drive away tourism. I think if all these tourist unfriendly policy keep going, there is no doubt that regular visitors will avoid the hassel of coming back because there are so many nice and tourist friendly destination to choose from.

  15. Many banks do not reqire anything, only a passport and a adress. If a branch said they need more document, you just go on to other branch.

    Bangkok Bank, Kasikorn, Siam Commercial, Siam City, ect do not reqire anything except passport in most branches as reported. I personally have saving accounts with Bangkok Bank, Bank of Asia, and Kasikorn. Did not show anything except passport with no visa when I opened them.

  16. The Padang crossing is few kilos outside the town. Take a motorboy 30 bahts to Padang town. Lots of mid class hotels 400-500 range. All of them are nice and clean business class. And countless karaokes and many disco clubs. Padand Besar is a small version of Dannok Changloon which is the main crossing to malaysia nearby.

  17. Most visa runners stay in Hat Yai. Mini bus to Hat Yai 50 bahts 40 min. If you like to stay in Padang, there are lots of hotels about 400-500 areas. Padang is basically a monger town for Malaysians. There are hundreds of karaokes for lady booking from early morning. The scene is same as Dannok but on a smaller scale.

    If finding night companion is on your schedule, Padang and Dannok is worth a visit.

    Padang Hotel:

    JJ Hotel--400 bahts

    Berlin Hotel --400 bahts

    Satid Hotel--400 bahts

    Light House--500 bahts

    Padang Central--600-1000 bahts

  18. To open an account in HK just go with a passport. The bank interest rates are different for many types of accounts. You should check a few banks and decide which one is the best for you.

    I think all the banks there do not require HK address. There are so many foreigners with accounts in HK. So you need to make at least one trip to HK to open an account. If is a regular account, then you can get ATM card. If is a more long term fixed account, then when it matures say 1 year then you can continue another year or take the whole amount out according to your liking.

    My case is I have a regular saving account and a fixed 1 year account, I request my interest every year to enter my regular saving and the original deposit amount to reinvest in another 1 year deposit.

    To open all kinds of account in HK is easy as eating dim sum and takes only minutes for the papers. Singapore will be another good place for foreign currency account and the financial freedom there is almost like in HK. Interest rates are similar.

  19. Don't go thru all the trouble and uncertainty to open foreign currency account here. This country is still very backward in term of international banking. I and all my friends do it in Hong Kong. I have a USD account with Wing Hang Bank in HK. All the banks there can open all kinds of foreign currency account but recently the USD account give the best interst rate. I have a year saving and get 3.5 percent on my USD account interest. And in HK, no regulation whatsoever for money in and out in any kind of currency. You can feel the real freedom of free economy.

    My mom also wired all her money from Danmark and now save it in HK for good interest and tax free.

  20. FEC is cancelled. You do not need to change it any more. You can change money anywhere in Yangon. Usually the rates in the street shops are much better. But count your money before you leave. They have weird denominations of bills. Not much ATM.

    Do people think the military junta in Myanmar is worse than the corrupted bunch of heirarchy that rules Thailand?? Please do not value everything in USA mode.

    Myanmar is very very safe and friendly nation, I enjoyed my 2 trips to Yangon and Bangan past 2 years. But Yangon is becoming another sex tourism destination very fast. Now tons of hungry guys from HK, Taiwan, Singapore, Japan, also lots of Germans, French guys ect are swarming all the karaoke lounges and disco clubs in Yangon.

  21. Of couse the soapie girls are really happy. In a money=happy society like Thailand only material happy exist, no such thing as spiritual happy.

    Working in a soapie can easily get over 100k a month and these girls save lots of education expenses by picking the "right profession" early in their life. I never met a soapie cutie that would work anything else besides soapie. I would said they have the highest satisfaction rate for any profession. Remember money=happy in this spiritual desert.

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