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Rajab Al Zarahni

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Posts posted by Rajab Al Zarahni


    The Queen's speech did not contain the key election pledges to introduce a so-called “dementia tax”, to bring in means-testing of winter fuel payments and to scrap the state pension triple lock .



  2. I don't think the prospects have improved much by the inclusion of the DUP in any new government. Northern Ireland politicians of all persuasions are distinguished only by their capacity to be disagreeable about everything. There are now so many issues of burning importance to address that frozen pensions will be off the agenda for quite some time. In any event an agreement with the DUP is not yet a done deal.

    • Like 2
  3. 22 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Shellfish eating health concerns are legitimate but I think more fit in a separate thread as a general discussion, if anyone is really that interested.

    I take my chances and no serious problems but it's not that rare that people do get sick from eating fish and shellfish. 

    Another point, perhaps sadly, if you do think you became ill from eating at a specific Pattaya area restaurant, it's really not a good idea to name and shame the place due to the laws in Thailand. 

    Even true information can cause a legal problem.



    Shellfish are frequently cited as the cause of allergic reactions but they are no more likely to cause food poisoning than any other food.

  4. 1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

    Now back to the type of post that this thread is supposed to be all about!:partytime2:




    (previously mentioned by another but this is about my visit)

    Cajun Seafood Restaurant and Bar

    New Orleans / Lousiana style food of course but also Thai food.

    Jomtien Beach road (far out)

    It's a long walk south (but doable if you like to walk) from the last place baht buses stop, which is at Chayuphreuk.


    The restaurant is near The Aeras condo

    Map here:



    Hours -- Open DAILY, 11 am to 9 pm


    What a delightful little restaurant with of course spectacular sea views.:post-4641-1156694572:

    One doesn't expect world class New Orleans / Lousiana style food in Pattaya, but overall based on the two dishes I tried, they are making a serviceable effort, and it should satisfy a craving for those that know the food, and something "exotic" for others. No, the food won't ever replace a trip to Lousiana, but what did you expect? My context for my comments is that I do have some (not massive) experience eating world class food of this type, in New Orleans and elsewhere. 


    (Even cooked by the famous deceased chef Paul Prudhomme, sorry name dropping is so crass.)



    Had the red beans and rice, 150 and the seafood gumbo, 180.

    Served with meh garlic bread and a "lagniappe" of a very nice potato salad (free taste). 


    Might seem like a big order, but I was hungry, and it wasn't really too much food. 


    The red beans and rice was satisfying. I don't think strictly authentic but certainly very pleasant. The sausage surely not the authentic Andouille style, but still worked in the dish. 


    The seafood gumbo featured limited chunks of shellfish in a too bland, but still authentic enough tasting sauce. I'm assuming they cooked a real "roux" a key to this cooking, based on the flavor.


    A great thing about the gumbo is that there was GUMBO FILE powder on the table which is typically added to the soup after cooking to add more flavor. Surprising to see that here! Make sure you use it for flavor. It makes a big difference. It's not a hot spicy thing but a FLAVOR thing. 


    Other dishes from the New Orleans menu include jambalaya (rice mixture with seafood), chicken/sausage gumbo, the classic shrimp etoufee which another member found good, and Po Boy sandwiches made with fried seafood (even had a shrimp stir fry sandwich which isn't authentic). 


    One really cool thing about their menu is that you can get their New Orleans / Lousiana style standards in three different sizes! So you can taste a bunch of stuff. Appetizer size, side dish size, and of course main course size (as I ordered). Not for the Po Boys though. 


    This isn't a "rave review" by any means, but I am certainly well pleased that this place exists here, and do plan on visiting again. That's sometimes the ultimate measure, is it good enough to want to visit again. 


    Also consider the rarity of this food style here and the sea view, the price levels seem to me more than reasonable. No plus plus. 


    I am kind of surprised that they don't have Cajun BLACKENED fish on the menu. 


    For food nerds ... Cajun vs. Creole. 




    Last but not least.









    I for one am sceptical that a deceased chef can be that good at cooking :smile:

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, possum1931 said:

    This guy is trolling, I believe everyone is entitled to an opinion, if he is not trolling,  he is really well over the top, the UK government is stealing from UK OAPs by withholding their annual pensions increases, I would bet he doesn't state his rubbish in the company of his friends, if he has any, no wait, according to his avatar he is in Yorkshire.

    Fortunately he has taken time off annoy the people on the Brexit forum.

    • Like 2
  6. 9 minutes ago, Flustered said:

    So in other words, your opinion only.......and I like the fact you believe in in tolerance to others...I know, a slip of the keyboard.


    Just because others have a different opinion does not mean they are wrong. No one is wrong, they just have different viewpoints. I am not a Socialist and I believe in individual responsibility which obviously annoys you.You have constantly badgered me over my beliefs so I leave it here and allow you the last word which I am sure you will have.



    The notion that you have expressed your last word is matched only by the ridiculous proposition that I believe in a Socialist state or that I deplore the idea of individual responsibility.

  7. 3 hours ago, Flustered said:



    Is this what you want me to say.? ......."You are absolutely right, the UK should be a Socialist State where everyone is equal and we all live together in a utopian world"


    You know exactly what my thoughts are as I have spelt them out many times


    I have stated I respect your opinion and views yet you still come back with digs against my posts.

    I respect the expression of all views and opinions and confirm my belief in in tolerance towards those we disagree with and the exercise of restraint in posting misleading and unrepresentative comment.

  8. 12 minutes ago, Flustered said:

    So if for instance I want an operation and am prepared to pay to have it done privately saving the NHS money, I am not allowed to do so?


    My reading of your thoughts are that you would do away with all private hospitals/doctors and only allow NHS ones?


    If you want to spend your money on holidays, drinks, smoking or any other expense that does not include day to day living that is your entitlement and I would challenge anyone to speak against that much as I hope you  respect my opinion/decisions to spend the money I have saved in any way I chose.

    Perhaps you should concentrate on reading my comment rather than trying to read my thoughts.

    • Like 1
  9. 3 hours ago, Flustered said:

    Boy, you really have a problem with this pension issue, you wont let go.


    Of course the State pension should be basic as should benefits.


    Why should someone who has not bothered to save any money and relies on the State have the same lifestyle as someone who has scrimped and saved, gone without and then enjoys the fruits of their labours.


    Next you will be saying that everyone should have the same medical treatment as those who can afford to go private. then there is schooling.


    I do not begrudge anyone the extras they can but with their money. The State should be a safety net, nothing more, unless you are a dyed in the wool Socialist/Marxist.


    You remind me of the children's tale of the Little Red Hen



    You are absolutely right but only about one thing. Yes, I do believe that all citizens should receive the same quality of health care irrespective of their ability to pay for it and that it should be funded from general taxation.

    • Like 2
  10. 8 hours ago, Flustered said:

    Did I say that..No.


    I was pointing out that nearly all of the pensioners using the buses in our area are not poor. they all have cash to spare. That is my definition of wealthy. 


    Life can be hard if you have not planned for the future and are relying on the State. that seems to be the norm nowadays.


    I was thinking about one of the couples in the same hotel as us in Chiang Rai last year complaining that they had to pay for the medication in Thailand and why couldn't the UK have an arrangement where it was paid for them. They could afford a long winter holiday in Thailand but wanted the State to foot their drug bills. Like many, their argument was that they had paid the taxes and were entitled to the drugs. Sorry, can't agree. If you don't want to spend the money on medication, stay in the UK.

    Having some cash to spare is hardly consistent with the term wealthy and making judgments about the wealth status of people you don't know, who you have seen on the bus, must be a wholly unreliable method of assessment. These people entered the debate as you cited them as good evidence for withdrawing the free bus pass.

    Retirement should be something to look forward to and a few government generated perks are a sign of a civilized society.

    Surely we don't want to see a society where those living only on their State pensions experience a condition of miserable subsistence without any luxuries ?

    • Like 1
  11. An article I read today described those with pension income greater than £38000 a year  as "Platinum pensioners". At what level of income would members describe a pensioner as wealthy ?

    If we argue that there should be a reduced entitled to pensioner perks for wealthy pensioners then we need to agree some common figure for who is wealthy ?




  12. 3 hours ago, Flustered said:

    Easy question, easy answer and to quote someone far greater than I.


    Mr  Micawber's famous, and oft-quoted, recipe for happiness: "Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen [pounds] nineteen [shillings] and six [pence], result happiness. Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure twenty pounds ought and six, result misery."


    Anyone who has surplus after spending on essentials is wealthy. Wealth is relative.




  13. 9 minutes ago, Flustered said:

    Use a bus in our area in the summer and you cannot get on for wealthy pensioners who are taking full advantage of the service.


    Those living in Hull spend the day travelling the coast to Scarborough, having lunch then returning. People living in Scarborough take the bus to Leeds and people in Leeds to Scarborough.  People living on the coast travel to Hull and Beverley for the day so the buses are full of wealthy pensioners on their coach trip around the country/seaside.


    I hate the bus but my wife loves it and we can afford to drive by car anywhere.


    Do what they did before, limit the bus pass to local areas rather than across country.


    I think you underestimate how much money pensioners have. It costs an average of £20+/person to visit the Spa theatre at Bridlington (paid for out of council tax)  but the audience is mainly made up of pensioners.

    Out of genuine interest, what income, in your view, constitutes a wealthy pensioner ? 

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