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Posts posted by MisterFingers

  1. Well. There's 30 minutes of my life I'll never get back.

    You might have thought of it as a waste of time. But in time you'll be proud to have been an early part of this pioneer of all long term threads.

    In ancient days, construction projects such as the great wall of China took hundreds of years and generations to complete.

    Things come full circle, as the eventual colonization of Mars will take at least as long to establish.

    We will also see things such as construction projects in space that take thousands of years, with no constraints on space, no rusting, no erosion, no gravity, etc.

    And this may well be the first of the thousand year threads.

    Again and again it will be revived, and again and again, original posts by Misterfingers will be quoted, and again and again I will offer rebuttals to the same tired arguments against my position on this issue.

    After I'm dead, those with a similar stance to mine will inevitably take over for me and argue in my favor.

    Scholars will study this thread and its grassroots and wonder about the people who started this thread, and then about the ones who revived it and revived it again.

    There may even be a subdued celebration in literary circles to mark the millenium anniversary of the first thousand year thread.

    Humankind will marvel at its magnificence in how a simple archaic invention such as the internet allowed so many people and generations were able to have a thousand year conversation.

    And the mystery will never die, the burning question, "Who was this MisterFingers guy anyway?"

  2. I'm not in Thailand, but I would like it. Can I buy it online or in America somewhere?

    Just take the best picture from the internet and save it to a CD or flash drive, etc.

    Then take it to any photo developing shop and they'll print you any size you want.

  3. With prices that low I wouldn't be surprised if it's a last, desperate cash grab before they go under.

    Well in business you never know and for sure not in thailand but when you do some research you will find out that the parent company exists over 20 years already.Also california gym is listed on the thai stock exchange and major cineplex is a very big stockholder in the company.Not sure if tony has same references.

    Yeah. no kidding. They didn't just build the place to go under in a few months.

    What they're doing with these low prices, is trying to make other gyms go under.

    This is much like what happens when places like TESCO LOTUS opens a new branch in town.

    They have enough of a budget that they can sell at a loss deliberately to drive their competitors out of business.

  4. They pay their employees a tiny fraction of the minimum wage in most western countries.

    Are they so surprised that their employees, whom they barely pay enough to keep from starving, behave this way?

    Actually - Subway generally pay their staff quite a bit above the Thai minimum wage.

    No excuse whatsoever for ripping the boss off & hopefully the few scumbag employees that do this, get caught and severely dealt with.


    Wow, are you ever a relief. You actually contradicted me without insulting me, claiming I condone theft, or claiming that I would do nothing if I saw somebody on fire.

    (I never condoned theft by the way, just saying that I don't sympathize with the company enough to risk my life to save it from a five dollar theft)

    I don't even know what Thai minimum wage is. I didn't even think there was one.

    Care to enlighten me? If there is one, I bet it is way too low in comparison to cost of living in Thailand.

    This is how exploitation happens.

    People are given the choice:

    "Work here for next to nothing" OR "Have nothing"

    They simply don't have a choice.

    Pattaya is a really bad place for people being exploited.

    Can't even get into this too much without violating forum rules.

    I personally have no use for people who exploit the poor.

  5. Mister fingers,

    what a sad attitude you have. last year I witnessed a man knock down an old lady and run off with her handbag. Me and another man gave chase and caught the perp. and held him while other members of the public were on the phone to police. After 10 minutes they handcuffed the guy and took him away.

    If I witnessed such a thing, I would have done exactly as you did. I would have run after him.

    Just like if I see a man hitting a woman or a kid, I'll make sure he knows how it feels.

    Something like this, I would honestly step in.

    However, risking an attack by an agitated psycho by reporting him for suspicion of embezzling 5 dollars from a company.

    Not gonna happen.

    They pay their employees a tiny fraction of the minimum wage in most western countries.

    Are they so surprised that their employees, whom they barely pay enough to keep from starving, behave this way?

    I'm sorry you guys. I'm not gonna risk my neck for some company that exploits the poor so they can sell discounted items.

    Sad attitude? That's an opinion with which I disagree.

    But your childish insults are not gonna change my point of view on this.

  6. Hi there.

    I visited Pattaya last month and am out of Thailand now. I wonder how to send a letter to a ship which cruises within Pattaya bay. I want to contact with one of the crew there. The ship might dock just before the very sign of "PATTAYA city". So what will be the accurate address? Will the letter be sent on board or to a particular mailbox?

    Or is there another way of contacting? I find that pattayacity.com used to offer a mail translation and delivery service, but unfortunately it has ended up now(http://pattayacity.com/pattaya/emailpty.html). :o

    Thanks a lot for any advice helpful.



    Not sure I can help you out here.

    But if you do figure out how to do this, I've been trying to figure out how I can send a postcard to a big fish I almost caught.

    Real feisty basterd looked at me as if to say,"You're not gonna find me again, sir."

    How is that fish gonna feel when he gets a waterproof postcard with greetings from yours truly?

    Yeah, you're not so smug now, are you fish?

  7. slightly off topic but listen to this! I would never have believed it I didn't see it with my own eyes.. I was at emporium and they had polo shirts and the rep says 20% off for you so I buy 7 in one go. he says 7000 bht or whatever it was and I open my wallet and he lifts a pile of shirts and asks me to slip the money in there. I really thought he was joking, anyway so I did and I get my shirts but no receipt. SO I come back next week with a mate from oz who is a polo freak and grab the guy and say to him remember me I bought those....He grabs my arm and whispers shut up quite please. Same routine again. In emporium!!

    I really can't beleive what I've just read, you probably just paid 7000 baht for a bunch of knock off polo shirts that can be bought elsewhere in Pattaya or BKK for with a bit of haggling 150 baht each and you thought you had such a good deal you took your mate back there to get more !!!!!! <deleted> :o

    I have to agree with Paul on this one.

    You actually fell for the "Too cheap not to be stolen" routine?

    This is a very common practice (trick) for people who sell fake watches.

    Whisper, Whisper. "Follow me. We have to go to a back alley to do this. How many you want? Twenty?"

    Looks around, okay, nobody around.

    These tricks are designed to make you think that the items are stolen and therefore authentic.

    What they are, is fake and you are the only one being fooled.

    You've been had, Zorro.

    You fell for one of the most obvious tricks from sellers of counterfeit goods.

  8. First of all, why do you need a receipt for a subway sandwich?

    Secondly, why are you willing to risk your own neck to expose a guy who's ripping off Subway? Let me just make this clear to you. You're not getting ripped off in any way.

    Do you work in an office? Do you rat out a co-worker who takes a pen or stapler home?

    You really don't know what's good for you. You're looking for trouble. And if you keep ratting out poor, crazy Thais for ripping off rich corporations, you will find that trouble sir.

    You dont own a business i presume, because if you did you might have a better attitude :o

    Don't you guys know how to let something go? I made this post 13 months ago.

    If avoiding a physical altercation with a man the OP admittedly described as a "LUNATIC", means that I have a bad attitude, then so be it.

    Being accused of having a bad attitude is not quite as bad as being attacked by a "LUNATIC".

    And I don't agree with you anyway.

    Let it go you guys.

  9. It shows you have ordered what you asked for.

    Saves arguments latter when the incorrect good are handed over

    You just show them the receipt.

    Its not rocket science, you know.

    Okay guy, first, take a deep breath, now, I'm not sure you're going to be able to comprehend this. So read carefully, and try to concentrate. From reading some of your posts, you're thankful for things that are not rocket science or any intellectual challenge for that matter.

    Having bought thousands of fast food meals, and NEVER needing a receipt, I question the necessity of requiring a receipt at a small fast food restaurant. I've had them get the order wrong a couple of times, to be sure, but never an argument. They just got it right the second time.

    Now, I'm gonna slow down because this might be going too fast for you. Please read carefully. Everyone I have ever known has never made use of a receipt at a fast food restaurant.

    I hope you appreciate that I'm trying to make this as easy to understand for you as possible. I understand that you can't comprehend rocket science, as you said. That's okay icecubes. It's okay. Many people don't. Having studied technology (solid state electronics to be specific) in university, I understand that there has to be many poeple like you who just can't comprehend it.

    It's okay. It's okay. You can be hovering around average intelligence and still not comprehend these things. It's okay icecubes. It's okay. :o

    Hey Mr Fingers I recognize the sarcasm Quote" sarcasm is the lowest form of wit" Oscar Wilde a fat Irish Poof whom the marquis of Queensberry accused of being a Sodomite said that. The fat comment may be out of line cos I based it on the actor who played Oscar in the movie (Robert Morley)

    I know who Oscar Wilde was. Many of his quotes were just witty retorts or paradoxes, meant to be humorous.

    I'm not sarcastic very often, but when the time calls for it, indeed I am.

    So you are never sarcastic sir? Good for you.

    You're better than I and about 99% of the world population.

    By the way, you're on my back about a post that's over a year old.

  10. Who is misterfingers,good name to lol.

    this person is sticking up for a common thief,maybe he is an employee of subway too.check him out lol.

    the most pathetic reply to a post in history.

    Thanks. I was hoping my name would make one person laugh.

    Maybe only one person, but that's enough for me.

    I didn't stick up for anybody. If you think I was sticking up for somebody, then you better study English a little more.

    I explained quite clearly that I wouldn't enrage a possible psycho for a free 6 inch sub.

    I value my life and health more than that.If I were in that position, I wouldn't risk turning in a thief for a company I care nothing about.

    Same as I wouldn't trip a gun toting bank robber just so he gets caught.

    Why? Because he might shoot me.

  11. I for one, agree with the price difference.

    It's a way of getting Thai women to exercise there.

    And we'd pay the same price with or without the difference.

    I couldn't imagine if it was only farang men, which is what it would be without the price difference.

    Then I wouldn't want to go there.

    Part of my enjoyment is seeing the beautiful Thai women in there.

    And the Thai men don't exercise there even with the price difference.

    In the West, they have something called "Ladies' Night" at bars where every woman drinks for free.

    This accomplishes the same goal.

    It's so us men have something to look at besides one another's disgustingly ugly mugs.

    I don't want to look at only you guys.

    I can't believe you guys want to kick all those beautiful women out of the gym.

  12. This thread just got me thinking.

    We should make Songkran in Pattaya every single day of the year with not a single day exception.

    We can rename Pattaya "Songkran City" and let the good times roll. :o

    Tourists will come in from all over the world to witness the daily events of "Songkran City". :D

  13. Up to two hours by car, more if the traffic is bad on lower Sukhumvit.


    Yeah, like every day during the morning and evening rush hours.

    (Especially entering and exiting Bangkok)

    You're looking at 4 - 6 hours round trip every single day.

  14. What do tourists do when they go to Pattaya and rent a motorbike for their one week stay?

    I was reading the other thread and apparently you need a proof of residence and a visa in order to get a motorbike license in Thailand.

    So what do the tourists do? Just rent a motorbike and take their chances on the fine?

  15. From everything I've read about this, my first guess of what actually happened is this:

    (And remember, this is just a guess)

    1) This woman agreed to have sex with these men for a certain fee. (I mean them promising to pay her, not the other way around)

    2) These men, knowing that a foreign prostitutes have no rights or recourse whatsoever, reneged on this deal after the fact.

    3) In addition to reneging on paying her, they may have muscled their way out, taking her money as well.

    4) Her only way to get revenge on these men was to claim she had been raped.

    5) She left in a hurry because she knew the cops were on to her lie, and perhaps she had no money to pay for the hotel because the men took her money.

    Whatever the case may be, I'll never believe that a 25 year old Australian woman who's not bad looking would ever have to pay three Thai men to have sex with her.

    Not on this planet, or a million planets like this, if there are a million planets like this.

  16. If you're a couple in the sense of man and woman ... :o ... in the best case it will not take long before he will be walking around thinking "next time I will not bring her along!". Worst case they'll continue their separate ways :D

    This might be true for an older couple, but I'm not sure I agree with you about this couple.

    First, this guy has a twenty-something Italian woman who might be just as good looking as the best Thais around.

    Second, she's free as in he doesn't have to pay her for "LT" or "ST".

    Third, he knows where she's been, as in he doesn't have to worry about a nasty Christmas present from her.

    Fourth, she wants to check out Pattaya with him which means that she's probably got an open mind and therefore probably a cool chick.

    Fifth, he might love her.

  17. There are many beer bars where Sois 1-2-3 meet Second Road (though I think you already know this).

    I've stayed at a hotel called The Pinewood Residence a few times that's not far from this action.


    It has pretty nice rooms and condo-style rooms if you like to cook.

    Also a discount for four week minimum stays.

    And nice big rooms for the price in my opinion.

    Exact location is Second Road (East Side) opposite the new "Pattaya Dragon" under construction now (between Soi 5 and Soi Yosdak).

  18. But where is the Major Cineplex?

    Look at this map.... *

    Roughly in the centre in white is the words "Pattaya Bay". Under the letter P is a tree just above the words "Beach Road".

    Follow Soi Post Office 13/2 to the junction with Second Road, if you were to look to your left on the far side of Second Road you would see a large shopping mall, the Star Bucks and McDonalds logos would probably stand out the most. If you were to explore the upper levels inside you will find a movie theater.

    On the ground level to the left hand side as you are standing on Second Road facing the center is the Villa Supermarket and it's car park.

    * Other elements of the map seem a little out of date.

    Okay, got it, thanks.

    I think I remember passing by that place.

    I think it's where the new California WOW is.

  19. All Mafias around the world have lost a lot of respect and appeal.

    This is because, about 20 years ago, the smarter ones began to realize that there's more money to be made doing legal business, investing in legal businesses, banks, etc.

    Not worth the risk of getting ratted out, going to prison, just to make less money.

    This is when motorcycle gangs started taking over the businesses such as manufacturing synthetic drugs, money laundering, etc.

    The former white collar crimes of the mafia have become the present blue collar crimes of hel_l's Angels, etc.

    Mafias just don't pack the same punch that they used to.

  20. This is a good question.

    The problem is, that there's really not much known for certain about the adverse effects of dust pollution and maybe that's a good thing.

    That is to say, its effects pale by comparison to that of other kinds of air pollution.

    Extensive study has been done on this in Canada because of the many mines where they drill and blast rock, and therefore dust always blankets the air making it extremely hazardous for miners.

    Here's a little bit of info I found:

    Particulate matter

    Includes microscopic particles such as dust, dirt, soot, and smoke. Particulate matter can be divided into two categories: coarse or large particles, such as road dust or pollen; fine or smaller particles, such as that from smoke and fumes. Due to its minute size, particulate matter can travel long distances and remain suspended in the air, contributing to smog and reducing visibility. Other hazardous pollutants may also adhere to these particles, increasing their toxicity. Particulate matter can also be formed in the air from the chemical transformation of gases such as sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and various hydrocarbons.

    Health problems caused by particulate matter include:

    coughing or sneezing

    wheezing and breathing problems in people with asthma, COPD, and other lung diseases

    cardiovascular health problems, including heart attacks in people with certain pre-existing heart diseases.

    Scientists now believe that there is no safe level for exposure to particulate matter

    Particulate matter is considered toxic under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA).

    I think (and this is an educated guess) that there are two contributng factor to Pattaya's dust pollution.

    1) It is a coastal area

    - Every region in close proximity to a large body of water is subject to the sea breeze blowing the fine sand from the shore inland

    2) The depleting water supply

    - Everyone who lives in or near Pattaya knows about the diminishing water supply and therefore the land drying up

    How serious is Pattaya's dust problem? Good question.

    According to what I've read, dust pollution seems to only really affect those people with existing heart problems or lung conditions such as asthma.

    So if you ave a good heart and a healthy set of lungs, and considering that Pattaya's dust levels are not as alarming as other environments, then (I think) it's not something to worry about too much.

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