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Posts posted by circusman

  1. Hello

    I am trying to find out if an old friend in Thailand is ok.  I knew him for 16 years until I returned to the usa.  We had been emailing until it stopped recently (Nov. 7)

    He last was working at a PTT Amazon coffee shop in Ayuttaya, Thailand.  There are 3 shops with that name there.  I can not find a phone number for any of them.

    I just want to know that he is ok.  Do you readers have any suggestions for me?  Regards   Dennis

  2. I don't think all of those making accusations are suing him. I think it is these 7 that are suing and so he has filed a counter suit. I am not 100% sure, but there was something about it on the radio this morning as I was driving to work.

    Your not sure ? Well then no point in reading your post scott.

  3. They're so thin and cheap, it would take me around a year of stops in a 7-11 to collect a kg of plastic bags. Hardly an environmental tragedy considering I use the same amount of petroleum driving a few miles.

    The plastic bags aren't the issue. It's the fact that I can walk 500 meters on a crowded street and not see a single waste bin to toss them. I deplore the local habit of just tossing them anywhere, but I can certainly understand why they'd be reluctant to carry a sugar/ketchup coated plastic bag all the way to the next bin.

    No bins means a job for someone to sweep the trash up.

  4. I think the park has a responsibility to ensure people cannot get right up to the cage mesh of their enclosure ... there should be a 1m safe barrier.

    They did pay all medical and compensation which is rare in Thailand ..... this is good from them and avoids bad exposure.

    The little girl is very lucky indeed, she could have easily ended up looking like a rag doll.

    Avoid bad exposure ? What are you talking about? It already happened.

  5. I remember years ago when I bought some dried squid that they often peddle from a motorbike at bars. When I received my food it was wrapped in paper with information on it. I asked my Thai friend what it said and he said it was someones medical information. That kind of put me off buying the squid as obviously this paper is second had and you have no idea how clean it is. YUCK!! But about what the Op is referring to I am guessing Thailand does not care about data protection in the slightest.

    Anyone eating dried squid off a cart will not be to worried about the paper its wrapped in is my guess. Yuck !

  6. If it was seen a pouch was left, why wait and run after him ?

    Why not say there and then you left your pouch ?

    And if you leave a pouch in front of you, how can you not see it ? let alone remember it was there ? especially with such a large sum of money in it ? and why would you need to carry with you such a large sum ?

    So many questions ......

    NO questions. You just refuse to accept a heart warming story. You bad.

  7. These stories are always tragic, God knows how depressed someone has to be to do this, especially at an airport, such a public place.

    i'm not defending the British Embassy since Im American and have no knowledge of them, but doesn't his family bear as much if not more responsibility than some strangers in an embassy.

    If it was just the cost of an plane ticket surely their must have been some family member who could have helped?

    Just maybe he has done this many times to the family and they got tired of it.....

  8. Loi Krathong predates the Chiang Mai airport, and aviation in general, by many years. Evidently the airlines have not yet figured out how to schedule flights around this predictable annual event. Why are you blaming the lanterns?

    Sky lanterns were nothing to do with Loi Krathong until about 10 years ago. Loy krathong, when I first saw it, was about putting a Krathong on the river. Not a sky lantern to be seen.

    "Loy Krathong - The name could be translated as "to float a basket", and comes from the tradition of making krathong or buoyant, decorated baskets, which are then floated on a river".

    Chiang Mai now has far more regular flights than even a few years ago, and don't forget that until not that long ago the only domestic carrier was Thai. Now we have so many budget airlines and international flights, which again are a recent phenomenom. Although they did cancel plenty and do some re-scheduling, it will invariably lead to the chaos that was described by the op, because they presumably have problems fitting the re-scheduled flights in. The problem for the airlines is that the festival is during the high season and brings in many more passengers, so re-scheduling flights isn't easy.

    Limiting the sky lanterns to one night is the sensible solution, and shouldn't be that big a deal, I'd have thought. I did notice that in the last few years the numbers of Krathong were way down and the river was not the mass of lights that it used to be.

    Not true. 18 years ago I was here and the sky was full of lanterns. Thousands.

  9. Those are not idiots, those are Thai people, and this is what they do.... not to say that this is unique

    to Thailand, people with self entitlements demands are everywhere, they call them thieves...

    And beside, Loy Krathong has already been ruined by the government of no booze edict, and time past,

    I recall many years ago LK was a real holiday to look forward to, not much left out of it now...

    Sad you place so much importance on booze.

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