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Posts posted by MrSlatersParrot

  1. All Bangkok's 50 election directors resign


    BANGKOK: -- All election directors of Bangkok’s 50 districts have resigned en masse, Somchai Srisuthiyakorn, a member of the Election Commission revealed today.

    He said that he has received the report of the resignation of all election directors of Bangkok today.

    He said that it was the duty of the EC to appoint others to the vacancy.

    He said that he also received report that the National Municipal League of Thailand has announced to boycott the general election.

    This, he said, was to signal to the EC that all local government administration would not give cooperation to the EC in holding the election.

    Mr Somchai, a EC commissioner in charge of the election holdng, was scheduled to meet the caretaker Prime Minister to consult the rescheduling of the February 2 election.

    He said that during the meeting he would explain to the caretaker government that even though the government insisted on the February 2 election, it could not resolve anything as the EC could not announce names of the 500 MPs and might take over six months to announce all names.

    This will plunge the country into a political vacuum in which the Parliament cannot convene, and government cannot be formed.

    He suggested that if all sides turned to other better alternative that is to reschedule the election, it would be a better solution to resolve the conflict and this might take not more than four months.

    Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/bangkoks-50-election-directors-resign/


    -- Thai PBS 2014-01-28

    Oh so now we are election hijacking, how much did that cost the PRDC or Military and once more epitomises the elite of Bangkok treating the rest of the nation with the greatest of disdain. All pro government supporters watch this space as now the games are really going to begin and it augers very poorly for many people and lives lost just because 50 EC idiots did not fulfill their duty to King and country. What ensues now will not be on Yinglucks hands but rather dems, PRDC and possibly the military.

    Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    This brinkmanship is designed to break Yingluk and make her and her government resign to save bloodshed.

    The elites hope is that their order can be maintained and strengthened and that the red shirts will stand aside as Yingluk and PTP will advise them to wait for a future election.

    That the elites would risk the country descending into civil war because of their obstinacy shows them to be venal and arrogant beyond measure.

    There will be martial law, a cull of red leaders and intellectual sympathisers and the bars will remain open for business with no customers.

    • Like 2
  2. There should be investigation into this resignations. It is not an isolated resignation but en masse.

    I think that most people would call the enmass resignations a statement, or a message, to Yingluck and the shameful one in Dubai.

    This goose is cooked. Stick a fork in it.

    Are you trying to be cute?

    The EC has a specific job description. "

    You are surely smart enough to understrand that it is not the job of the EC to send "a message, to Yingluck and the shameful one in Dubai".

    Their job is to facilitate elections- that's all.

    They have not done so- (no surprise given statements coming from their 'bosses'.)

    Just remember this pal- as easily as these dorks can play loose with the law when it suits YOUR political bias- they can also play loose against you.

    You should be demanding transparency- application of law- to all agencies right now.

    I guess you will have no problem when the EC decides that the immigration department should not be allowing YOU into the kingdom- because if they bend the rules once- they will bend them again.

    YOu say they have no right to interfere with immigration?

    Well buddy-= they have no 'right' to interfere with fiscal policy either.

    You know the term 'usefuil idiots'? It's a word coined by Lenin- that was custom made for the nut cases on Thaivisa.com with their childish dreams of Santa Clause and Benevolent Dictators.

    The Kulaks who supported the revolution- and then were shot by those they idolized.

    Grow up. Or at least learn some history.

    And Churchill invented the phrase "useless mouths" which would self apply to these ex patriated trolls on here.

    Easy for them to stroll on somewhere else when the going here gets tough.

  3. If the 50 election directors formally resigned than I guess the Election Commission needs to formally appoint 50 Election Directors even if (some of) those old ones would be willing to come back into their old position.

    Tell you a funny story, our town hall is closed. Protestors put a sign up saying it will remain closed till Yingluk is out, I'm in the South this is common.

    But it's a fake, the town hall staff did it because their Dem political masters told them they had to or they'd lose their jobs. Round the side, the door is still open, the voter registrations are processed, the elections go on. The town hall is very friendly, they're explaining its all fine, they just were told to do it, but elections are ready.

    This is what Suthep is, just a fake PR action.

    It was supposed to start with a 'spontaneous people's protest', but it was organized and bussed in.

    Then a media PR lie to pretend it was millions, but you could count them in the photos, and TV showed live drone feeds revealing the lie

    Then angry doctors join the protests, but they were just people dressed in white carrying a red-cross flag

    Then angry strudents, the Students something something for reform! Turn out to be old men with black faces and Southern accents, just another fake

    Government officers were supposed to hold strikes, but they didn't want to.

    Schools, town halls close in support of Suthep in the South, but the teachers are angry and the town halls do business as normal, just in secret.

    Then a march from the north of angry farmers demanding money... photos reveal no mob and no march

    Sutheps runs out of money, the rent-a-mob go home, his guards want to go home,

    Now we have a little rescue effort to save something from the NACC/EC etc.

    Time to take out the trash, this party is over.

    Well at least they didn't torch the town halls rolleyes.gif

    On a more serious note, a similar story can be told about the Pheu Thai stronghold and the red-shirt villages were it's clear 'we will vote' and 'we will vote correctly'.

    The initial protests was spontaneous. The undemocratic pushed through parliament 'blanket amnesty bill' was too much. From 2004 to 2013-08-09 as well. Why did the Yingluck government need to have it's first two years in office covered? Any activity related to the 2006 coup or the 2010 riots, or just enormous corruption, government broke and Thaksin with a new passport.

    No farmers, no march? What's true though is the 'no mob'.

    As for saving from NACC / EC, did I hear Thailand slide down the corrupting index again? Soon to be on top of the list I guess.

    So you blame the red shirts for that as well?

    Doesn't what's happening today suggest the corruption is nestled in and amongst the old thai elite fat since the 80's on prostitution, drugs, landscams

    Slavery etc.

    Great company.

  4. If the 50 election directors formally resigned than I guess the Election Commission needs to formally appoint 50 Election Directors even if (some of) those old ones would be willing to come back into their old position.

    Tell you a funny story, our town hall is closed. Protestors put a sign up saying it will remain closed till Yingluk is out, I'm in the South this is common.

    But it's a fake, the town hall staff did it because their Dem political masters told them they had to or they'd lose their jobs. Round the side, the door is still open, the voter registrations are processed, the elections go on. The town hall is very friendly, they're explaining its all fine, they just were told to do it, but elections are ready.

    This is what Suthep is, just a fake PR action.

    It was supposed to start with a 'spontaneous people's protest', but it was organized and bussed in.

    Then a media PR lie to pretend it was millions, but you could count them in the photos, and TV showed live drone feeds revealing the lie

    Then angry doctors join the protests, but they were just people dressed in white carrying a red-cross flag

    Then angry strudents, the Students something something for reform! Turn out to be old men with black faces and Southern accents, just another fake

    Government officers were supposed to hold strikes, but they didn't want to.

    Schools, town halls close in support of Suthep in the South, but the teachers are angry and the town halls do business as normal, just in secret.

    Then a march from the north of angry farmers demanding money... photos reveal no mob and no march

    Sutheps runs out of money, the rent-a-mob go home, his guards want to go home,

    Now we have a little rescue effort to save something from the NACC/EC etc.

    Time to take out the trash, this party is over.

    Very interesting

    Did we not see in pattani the Moslem elders came out to protect the polling stations?

    The baying mob weren't to be seen.

    A portent. Not everyone in the south supports Suthep

    Those who do well why do they?

    Terrible infrastructure etc.

    It can only mean that pockets are being filled.

    Trickle down Suthep-economics perhaps?

    After the coup I was told no-one on Samui paid any taxes.

    • Like 2
  5. lol, funny Thailand must be the only country in history to try to REFUSE an election w00t.gif

    Wouldnt be so sure this is it true just yet and not just posturing. If they have resigned thats got to be good for the teaboys and girls, opportunity knocks. I thought the EC and Gov were supposed to be meeting today and discussing things. clearly the discussions are taking place in the usual unbaised and uncorrupted manner i see giggle.gif

    The EC can no longer claim neutrality, great way to show the whole world. this isnt good at all not really it signals the fascists are running the show behind the scenes. At least thats another lot out of the closet. smile.png

    The Network "M" close ranks, calls are made, civil servants refuse to do their jobs anymore.

    All 50 resign wn masse.

    No reasons are given of course.


    Hold the elections in the country and then we will have by-elections in Bangkok and the south to follow.

  6. Somebody hedging his bets and Voting. I hope the Great Suthep does not see this.

    have to send whats left of the Thug Mob to sort him out. Who knows maybe some of the Dems might make a break from abhisit... Leave the loathsome creature with Akanant. What a little weasle he is. daddy probably sent him out to stake a place at the trough with Suthep for himself.


    Am I right in thinking that if these dems or any other party members wish to stand in the next election they have to come out and vote in this election?

    Hence this mealy mouth trickster coming out

  7. People have the right to protest but not to obstruct the very process that grants them those rights.

    How can you justify the curtailment of the democratic process as a means to support and strengthen democracy.

    Where is the justification in obstructing, limiting or removing the peoples right to express their Democratic choice through the result of an election.

    Furthermore this should be a clear warning to anyone who believes PDRC's claims that they support the democratic process.

    The actions of the PDRC are screamingly anti-democratic and the blocking of polling stations by their supporters a travesty.

    I am not trying to justify anything. The protesters are protesting because they don't like what Thaksin is doing to Thailand. They are obstructing people from voting, and the police are doing NOTHING. This means that civilians come out with 2x4's. The civilians shouldn't need to do the job of police.

    Are you really so naive or just incapable of grasping the blatant facts and threats over the last few days if they do use any kind of force, plus they have to be called in. This today is all intended to incite people into violence and the EC is complicit in cancelling immediately without calling in help to clear them and ive no doubt if it keeps up they will start beating peoples heads in, understandable too. And then guess what, the army can and will justify stepping in... uhhh oh yea...

    Pfft thats the last time responding for me its time to start blocking posters that cant grasp simple manipulation. I swear some here are more blind and full of excuses than the average thai.

    good day

    I think he is intentionally ignoring the facts as his position is indefensible.

    Always has been.

    One liner contrarian with selective memory

  8. In the UK flying pickets were banned.

    Essentially that's effectively the role of these anti-democracy clowns.

    Hopefully the Thai media will expose any complicity between the .EC and this mob if they have just been moving from one polling station to the next together with the EC officials.

    Hopefully the western press will get it and spread the word

    It has been prominent on the BBC despite Egypt, Syria and pro democracy demos in ukraine

  9. "....there is the risk of all of us being misinformed or harmed via social media.... Remember to be careful when reading and posting on social media. It doesn't hurt to be sceptical...."

    So how is this different from the mainstream media?..........To answer my own question.... ".It is not"...What supports this point-of-view?...let me count the ways...

    • It is not by accident that a huge number of Farangs are anti-UDD/RS/PTP. The English Language mainstream media is the only source for Farangs over their coffee at Starbucks or elsewhere...Most times their views mirror that source word-for-word.
    • It is not by accident that a huge number of Farangs are an extension of the demonization campaign of the 2006 coupists. Demonizing those they coup'ed, in order to justify themselves.
    • It is not by accident that a huge number of Farangs are Thaksin-haters as a result of this coup-justification denigration campaign waged through the Elitist sourced mainstream media.
    • It is not by accident that the audience of the mainstream media, especially TV stations, are by-and-large the Elitists and their side of the political divide. In most UDD/RS/PTP leaning households, the mainstream TV channels are scorned, because their agenda's are so pervasive.
    This article is absolutely correct though, when referencing this 'cyber war' via social media......it is not only via its' primary outlet via Facebook, but also Wikipedia...Just reference any politically oriented aricle in this online encyclopedia, and see the one-sidedness.
    Wow, your Crystal ball is working overtime. AS I dont have Coffee with Suthep or YL, I must get my information from some type of English Media.and not by accident. Its not by accident that Thaksin has a very bad profile even for non Bloggers, letting his Generals stack people into the back of trucks to suffocate comes to mind by no accident, deliberately. I think you use the term Elitist too liberally as most newspapers just aren,t that elite.

    You don't seriuosly believe that he "let his generals stack people in the back of trucks" do you?

    They were quite able to do that all by themselves without any political interference from their "beloved" prime minister.

  10. The different is : One is a national referendum and the other a General election.

    2007 Constitution - It is not only illegal but an criminal act to made criticism of the draft and opposition to the constitutional referendum.

    2011 GE : Free, democratic election

    When you consider the figure of 14,727,306, what is the % of the total eligible voters voted for the 2007 Constitution. Who were they likely be? I guess - the soldiers, the DEM, those who were confused by the campaign of the military that it was for the King, vote buying, those who were intimidated and those who wanted a General Election - the junta threatened if the Constitution is not voted for, there would be no GE.

    and as has been revealed in Wikileaks the US extracted a promise from the Junta that elections would be held within a year so the threat they made NOT to hold an election was an empty threat but they still duped the people and gave themselves an amnesty for their duplicity and corruption (like the 5 million dollars stolen from Swampy by the general who took charge.)

  11. And now starts the police blame game from the yellow brown shirts.

    Tell us all about how he probably shot himself, or Suthep shot him to make the police or the red shirts look bad. Nobody is tired of hearing it, we could read that crap for hours. By the way, have you got any information as to the current location of Elvis and John Wayne?

    No. But I think it's more plausible that the guy was shot by some terrorist group that is not part of either the police force or the red shirts. I don't think the police would assassinate him for vandalizing a police sign. It's a bit far fetched.

    I think it was those cambodians again

  12. So, Somchai the buffoon is asking Yingluk now to delay election for 3 months.

    She should send the fat idiot off to his masters and Suthep and Abhisit and get their agreement first before she entertains anything to do with him.

    Might take him some time to get there if he stops off to dine there again and take selfies in the crowd with his admirers.

    I'd love to see him rot in jail for his treason, but this is thailand... and he'll probably get promoted along with those old Dr's from the south to Sutheps incontinence pad changer with any luck!!!!! Sauce for the goose there!

    Other people here are at fault and not the Government. It is the conniving between Suthep's failing coup plot, the Army making sure nobody clears the mob off the street and the Courts all acting in unison agains Yingluk that has brought this about.

    Government has no obligation to make Dems stand and she cannot make the army allow the police to instill law and order. So the coup plotters (in the eyes of all reasoned observers) are at fault. CC has to allow parliament to run with the number of MP's returned in the short term and not allow the tactics of the fascists to sucdeed. I'll hold my breath...... ok maybe I won't

    Suthep ranting today that foreign press don't understand him and BP ran its' most idiotic OP ED. ever to try and back this up. Really backfired and he got the ass kicking off his life on their forum.

    Fact is, Suthep is wrong, corrupt and hell bent on getting into power even if he destroys the country. Goverhment have to stand up to him and his army to preserve democracy.

    With a 3 month proposed delay it sounds almost like the democrats are lobbying to get back on the ticket.

    However apparently good news from the PCAD that they will allow the feb 2nd election to go ahead.

    That would be bad news for the democrats.

  13. Did you catch this one, they're screaming at school kids for going to school.

    Link to video is on Sanook.

    Wish I knew how to embed this video.

    The teachers telling them the kids have exams, and he grabs the mic and starts ranting about how they hate their country, and parents who love their country shouldn't send their kids to this school while his bike guys zip around in front.

    Yes terrible.

    Hopefully this will show.

    As desperate they get the more holes in their argument appear and the bare bones fascism just shines through.

  14. Sale of Shin Corporation[edit]

    Main article: Sale of Shin Corporation to Temasek Holdings

    On 23 January 2006, the Shinawatra family sold their entire stake in Shin Corporation to Temasek Holdings. The Shinawatra and Damapong families netted about 73 billion baht (about US$1.88 billion) tax-free from the sale, using a regulation that made individuals who sell shares on the stock exchange exempt from capital gains tax.[127] The deal made Thaksin the target of accusations of corruption and selling an asset of national importance to a foreign entity.

    Source Wikipedia

    16 million into 1.88 billion = .85%

    .85 of 1% tax avoided.

    Earth shattering result.

    So your post should really read thaksin avoided .85% tax.

    That would be more balanced not so nuanced.

    Didn't he explain at the time well the lawyers and accountants take care of these matters.

    For a rich man they do. It happens all over the world.

    Point proved!


  15. Excuse me, and I know you won't answer but what percentage of the total that he received for selling his own company was this 16 million dollars of unpaid CGT?



    I'm somewhat mystified by this post, given that Thailand doesn't have a capital gains tax.


    On sale of property it's 2.5%.

    That's what a former landlord was paying when she sold one of her properties.

    my point was that the tax ammount that was avoided or circumvented by the lawyers adds up to a very small part of the total. Thaksin ended up with almost 2000 million dollars.

    So the figure of 16 million is put there to sensationalize.

    Furthermore i thought that Dtac was sold to a group of norwegian investors prior to thaksin selling shin.

    Nobody protested about that sale to foreigners did they?

  16. Thaksin was expired as ACTING Caretaker PM.

    He went to the palace and returned with a "no comment".

    He was NOT given the position after his 'time dependent term' expired.

    Though the laws on this point were not clear; What happens when a caretaker times out?

    He then quit and his deputy took over the job.

    A week later Thaksin unilaterally took the PM job back.

    He was not sworn in to a second caretaker term, or as PM.

    One thing was clear a PM must be sworn in, and resigning and having it accepted, restarts that process

    Thaksin then did not say he was Caretaker PM he publicly called himself PM.

    He then went to the UN in New York saying he was "Prime Minister Of Thailand",

    to give a speech, that he effectively did not have the authority to give in that name.

    There were also comments prior to departure he would create an SOE or Marshall Law.

    There was a coup to remove him.

    His 'legend' always says he was the PM removed from office.

    But the reality is he was an expired caretaker PM,

    and could be seen as acting as an usurper of the PM position.

    Excellent post on the historical aspects of Thaksin's removal. Can you provide more on the events leading up to "Thaksin was expired as acting Caretaker PM." ? Or a link to an unbiased source of information on same? thanks in advance

    It is out in the historical record but.

    Thaksin won and election, but came within a hairs breadth of being removed for fiscal shenanigans by the Supreme Court.

    Anywhere else he would have been removed, but they logic'd, he had just won a big election so we will ignore it.

    During his term he hamstrung checks and balances agencies and sued any and all attempts to expose malfeasances.

    This generated much bad feeling, in both the press and those losing to his schemes.

    He mortgaged the country to Singapore for decades to pay off the IMF loans early removing the fiscal responsibility measures that came with the loans, allowing his regime greater leeway to do as they wished, simultaneously blaming those measures and the IMF for not making everyone rich.

    He was re-elected, using public funds as populist perks, for the people in Issan and his Rice Network political machine

    to ensure they voted for his parties. with in days he dictated to the parliament that the tax laws be changed to ones that favored his immediate business aims.

    2 DAYS later

    he sold his telecom business to Temasek, Singapore's investment branch, using proxies, while hiding much of the money

    with his children and using off shore accounts to launder the funds. Then avoided paying $16 million in taxes due while saying he is doing all he can to help Thailands poor. This was the final straw for most all in opposition.

    Thus started the PAD rallies, and a general upswelling of Anti-Thajksin sentiment.

    The rise of the Caravan of The Poor, Rak Udon, Rak Chaing Mai and the Red Shirts et al as a street branch of his political parties.

    He called a snap election just months after winning re-election in an effort to say ' See, the people don't care about my not paying taxes and selling the telecom company... I can do what I want.'

    Then gets into the botched election, the entire election commission kicked out and eventually actually doing jail time,

    The replacement election commission, the times out Caretaker PM status and resignation.

    PAD increasing the rallies. TRT politicians marching from the park with Red shirts and slipping off, just before the Red Shirts attack a PAD group with machettes and slingshots.

    Add the utterly faked attempted bomb assassination but some patsy from the DSI Attempts to use that for Marshall Law.

    ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------

    This is just a fraction of the Thaksin related bull poop I have observed since I've lived here.

    Excuse me, and I know you won't answer but what percentage of the total that he received for selling his own company was this 16 million dollars of unpaid CGT?




    Astronomical figures what?

    What percentage would the lawyers and tax accountants have got?




    In France it's a minimum of 1% just to check the figures and 28% CGT? same in UK.

    This is why the rich just get richer in Thailand and they can put on this jamboree we have currently on the streets.

    It was front page news for years Parrot look it up yourself.

    See you won't answer.


    Incidentally Korn, former deputy leader of the democrats, did the same thing in opposition.

    Not pay the tax.

    His answer "well I'm not the prime minister, na na na nana!"

  17. Thaksin was expired as ACTING Caretaker PM.

    He went to the palace and returned with a "no comment".

    He was NOT given the position after his 'time dependent term' expired.

    Though the laws on this point were not clear; What happens when a caretaker times out?

    He then quit and his deputy took over the job.

    A week later Thaksin unilaterally took the PM job back.

    He was not sworn in to a second caretaker term, or as PM.

    One thing was clear a PM must be sworn in, and resigning and having it accepted, restarts that process

    Thaksin then did not say he was Caretaker PM he publicly called himself PM.

    He then went to the UN in New York saying he was "Prime Minister Of Thailand",

    to give a speech, that he effectively did not have the authority to give in that name.

    There were also comments prior to departure he would create an SOE or Marshall Law.

    There was a coup to remove him.

    His 'legend' always says he was the PM removed from office.

    But the reality is he was an expired caretaker PM,

    and could be seen as acting as an usurper of the PM position.

    Excellent post on the historical aspects of Thaksin's removal. Can you provide more on the events leading up to "Thaksin was expired as acting Caretaker PM." ? Or a link to an unbiased source of information on same? thanks in advance

    It is out in the historical record but.

    Thaksin won and election, but came within a hairs breadth of being removed for fiscal shenanigans by the Supreme Court.

    Anywhere else he would have been removed, but they logic'd, he had just won a big election so we will ignore it.

    During his term he hamstrung checks and balances agencies and sued any and all attempts to expose malfeasances.

    This generated much bad feeling, in both the press and those losing to his schemes.

    He mortgaged the country to Singapore for decades to pay off the IMF loans early removing the fiscal responsibility measures that came with the loans, allowing his regime greater leeway to do as they wished, simultaneously blaming those measures and the IMF for not making everyone rich.

    He was re-elected, using public funds as populist perks, for the people in Issan and his Rice Network political machine

    to ensure they voted for his parties. with in days he dictated to the parliament that the tax laws be changed to ones that favored his immediate business aims.

    2 DAYS later

    he sold his telecom business to Temasek, Singapore's investment branch, using proxies, while hiding much of the money

    with his children and using off shore accounts to launder the funds. Then avoided paying $16 million in taxes due while saying he is doing all he can to help Thailands poor. This was the final straw for most all in opposition.

    Thus started the PAD rallies, and a general upswelling of Anti-Thajksin sentiment.

    The rise of the Caravan of The Poor, Rak Udon, Rak Chaing Mai and the Red Shirts et al as a street branch of his political parties.

    He called a snap election just months after winning re-election in an effort to say ' See, the people don't care about my not paying taxes and selling the telecom company... I can do what I want.'

    Then gets into the botched election, the entire election commission kicked out and eventually actually doing jail time,

    The replacement election commission, the times out Caretaker PM status and resignation.

    PAD increasing the rallies. TRT politicians marching from the park with Red shirts and slipping off, just before the Red Shirts attack a PAD group with machettes and slingshots.

    Add the utterly faked attempted bomb assassination but some patsy from the DSI Attempts to use that for Marshall Law.

    ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------

    This is just a fraction of the Thaksin related bull poop I have observed since I've lived here.

    Excuse me, and I know you won't answer but what percentage of the total that he received for selling his own company was this 16 million dollars of unpaid CGT?




    Astronomical figures what?

    What percentage would the lawyers and tax accountants have got?




    In France it's a minimum of 1% just to check the figures and 28% CGT? same in UK.

    This is why the rich just get richer in Thailand and they can put on this jamboree we have currently on the streets.

  18. Rachata served as a security chief under the late Army adviser Khattiya Swasdiphol (Seh Daeng). He said he had been charged with terrorism for being involved in a red-shirt riot in 2009, before being linked to the blast at Victory Monument.

    The BP quoted Rachata saying that he knew who the bomber was and where he was hiding. On the same night Abhisit's house was bombed three men and one woman were arrested with several grenades of the same type used in this attacks; yet the police say they have no clues. The only possible conclussion is that the police are stonewalling this investigation, they don't want to find those responsible.

    My understanding is the grenades used in the attack on Abhisit's house were a different type

  19. Quote " EC secretary-general Puchong Nutrawong said at a press conference yesterday that his agency had no authority to consider a request to approve additional loans to pay farmers owed money under the scheme. "The matter is for the government to consider, and is [the government's] responsibility," he said.

    The EC's approval is required under Section 181 of the Constitution, which bans a caretaker government from making any decisions that could impose financial burdens on the next government". So on one hand section 181 of the constition states that a caretaker governement cannot make any decisions or impose a burden on a future government, yet at the same time they then add that "The matter is for the government to consider, and is [the government's] responsibility,"

    Oh my I love these contradictions/hypocracy and simply feel sorry for the average Thai Farmer, be they yellow, white, red, purple or grey for that matter. When will someone in Thailand and Thai government and it's agenices be a normal adult and take some responsibility. Whilst the current governments pledgling scheme was a dummy from the start, the farmers should still be paid as the government was elected by the PEOPLE. It is besides the point if you are a winner or loser, or complain about vote buying and blah blah.. Face the facts that this is Thailand. We do exactly the same in the west re vote buying and then NOT delivering on election promises and the money dissapearing into the coffers to be never seen again. The only difference is, we say that, Oh yes, we will build a new road here and there, new hospitals, better infrastructure, transportation etc and then a lot of what is promised is dumped once the party is voted into power... No different and there is no argument, One is tangible in cash the other is "sometimes tangible in promises kept, it is still vote buying.

    As the EC has does have the power to authorise these loans, they should do so for the benefit of the Thai nation as a whole. (As it stands they are effectively doing all they can to see Thailand go down the pipe due to some pompous ass elites who dont give two cares as to the rest of the NATION) Let the nation then vote the government out at the next elections. America has made their own people pay for failed policies, (and more then anyother country in history 4 years ago) as has England, Ireland and France. Is Thailand really that different from this point of view? I think not... Though my satangs worth is not yours... please go on...

    "Whilst the current governments pledgling scheme was a dummy from the start, the farmers should still be paid as the government was elected by the PEOPLE. It is besides the point if you are a winner or loser, or complain about vote buying and blah blah.. Face the facts that this is Thailand. We do exactly the same in the west re vote buying and then NOT delivering on election promises and the money dissapearing into the coffers to be never seen again. The only difference is, we say that, Oh yes, we will build a new road here and there, new hospitals, better infrastructure, transportation etc and then a lot of what is promised is dumped once the party is voted into power.."


    There is a big difference in election promises where for example, schools, hospitals or roads are promised. That is infrastructure improvement. If, at a later date, the projects remain undelivered, there may be anger, disappointment etc, but the people have not suffered direct financial loss.

    The rice pledging was a "scheme" and morphed into a scam. The farmers were promised artificially high prices for their grain and rightly expected payment upon delivery. They kept their side of the deal, even though to most people it was unsustainable in the real world. Plus, the corruption by all involved was bound to cripple it.

    The government reneged on the deal and failed to guarantee sufficient funds available to pay for the incoming crops. Rice sales plummeted due to an oversupply and cheaper prices on the world market particularly from Thailand's neighbors. The Commerce department has consistently lied about G to G sales and stock totals This extremely poor planning by PTP and its leader Thaksin have led to this difficult nay ludicrous situation. It is 100% the fault of PTP's mismanagement that they are presently unable to find funds to pay the monies outstanding to the farmers. The EC is merely following the law and after being verbally abused by PTP members, they are naturally not bending over backwards to be cooperative.

    It will only be the anger of the farmers that will truly slap the PTP in the face and wake them up to the reality of the situation. The chickens are at long last coming home to roost. How sweet it is.

    Are they following the law?

    This is an existing contract which now the EC is not honouring, not a new edict from a transitional government.

    It seems to me that they are being partisan and encouraging division within thai society by their antics and particularly by approaching the constitutional court over a ruling to suspend elections they are seeking to undermine the elected government.

    Today I hear that over in petchabun my wife's friend says the local farmers have not been paid for corn and rice they grew and sold to the local mill in the government scheme but they have waited now 6 months for payment.

    The money has been skimmed en route from the ministries.

    By dragging this election or non-election is there a hope the red shirts will turn against the PTP?

    I recall during abhisit's SOE the wife's brother working for the army wasn't paid for over 6 months.

  20. "I would like to ask what wrong the protesters have done. They have done nothing wrong nor acted violently."

    So shooting a policeman and a number of red supporters dead, storming government buildings, police stations, army headquarters, threatening to kidnap the pm and other government officials, blockading major intersections and beating taxi drivers trying to go about their business is all legal and above board in this guys eyes. Guess we know who this guys loyalties are to, and it's not his government, Traitor!,

    Well said,

    • Like 1
  21. Obama after reading the letter - "But Thaksin is not the Prime Minister nor even in Thailand. What's the matter with these protesters? And they want to replace an elected government with a communist-type committee and call it democracy?"

    Then we would have to say.. fella the only communists are in the UDD and that's Thaksins bought and paid for lot.

    Which makes them.capitalist communists????

    Where is this crazy place, let's go see. Sounds like it could be entertaining.

    By contrast the PAD or whatever one may call them are Capitalist anarchist not to be confused with socialist anarchists.

    Social anarchy presupposes a barter system which could work but for the capitalist anarchist who just want to take from the rest of us.

    In africa they follow tge man with the big gun here it's the man with the big wad.

    They're cruel, amoral and with el suthep they have found their fuhrer.

    • Like 2
  22. The US knows exactly what is going on in Thailand.

    Absolutely right

    "Thaksin aided his wife to purchase government land at a reduced rate of 1/3 in violation of the law prohibiting political leaders from engaging in business dealings with the government. Thaksin was sentenced to two years but fled the country and never served his sentence."

    Again this lawyer repeats PAD propoganda that is completely untrue.

    The land was not sold for 1/3 of it's value.

    There was a public auction.

    There were 3 approved bids.

    Podjaman outbid Land and House to acquire the land.

    The FIDC and the bank of thailand had no objection in selling the land to her.

    The issue taken up by the PAD and through the ASC was that she was married to the PM and that in their view the land was state owned and no state official could buy it.

    But then

    The US knows exactly what is going on in Thailand

    And Thaksin was so innocent of this outrageous politically motivated charge, trial and conviction, that he chose to flee the country and become a fugitive rather than prove his innocence. The many outstanding criminal charges should also be swept aside along with any allegations of HR violations.

    The US and the rest of the world must sure see Thaksin is innocent, never robbed the country and even paid off the IMF loan from his personal wealth. This astute and honest business man has grown his wealth 450% during the time his proxy party have governed Thailand, implementing populist policies he designed and seemingly bankrupting the country and begging for loans.

    Why should Thaksin bother to contest all these things in a court of law? His family run the country and besides, everyone knows he's innocent.

    His wise sister will whitewash all these silly inconveniences away soon, and he can return in triumph and the meek shall inherit Thailand, all be rich in 6 months!

    Dream on Parrot.

    Can't answer can you?

    This hatred must have its root in some collective guilt over the absurdity of all the charges so far made against Thaksin and the spluttering attempts to justify them.

    8 year on from a coup that was supposed to sort out his corruption.

    Not half.

    Of course we are all waiting for a full expose on Suthep published by the sound thai press.

    Not half.

    Anyway enough of that.


    Anyone able to access this twitter account?

    It seems to have gone off line.

    Curious like the disappearance of the original Youtube video of the 1st grenade attack beside the car

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