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Posts posted by XINLOI

  1. If the cinema is not full who gives a rats ass where people sit ?

    I give a rat's ass because other people give a rat's ass. If you sit in another seat than you bought, the people that actually bought your seat may show up and they might give a rat's ass. There is more rat's ass than you might think at the Thai cinemas.


    That's what I meant by societal meltdown. Considering other people. If the system is assigned seats, it's normal to sit in your assigned seat. If this cinema system is breaking down, what else in Thailand is breaking down?

    Seating on international airline flights. There are always several people that sit in other peoples seats and it's not the cheapies. The offenders pay for the cheapies, which are the rear of the plane, then sit in the premium coach area of the plane which is right behind business over the wings.

  2. Check with your local Ampur first. Take your wife/gf/? with you to find out exactly what will be required. The law has been changed that allowed us to get these. (according to my local Ampur) Verification of all your documents is a requirement now from your embassy. Prajaksinlapakhom, requires the head of household letter, your passport, marriage certificate (trip to embassy required for verification and notarization) proof of residency from immigration, 1500 Bt, the wifes blue book, 1000 Bt to Ampur and viola, a yellow book. All non Thai letters and such need to be translated. When you start the process, try and stay with the same local individual until completion.

  3. Is it built with wooden pilings and everything? If you can find a local carpenter, then find a local police man, you just might get a rebuild. The policeman will have almost all the wood you will need to replace any that is rotten or damaged by ?. Works in my village, about 2 hours North of you. All the police and ex police here have stockpiles of wood that they almost never use. It is from the cost of cutting down a tree, to legally do it. The thai person must get permission to cut them down. The policeman gets half of the harvest for okaying the transaction.

  4. I have lived and worked in Russia and everyone of those people can drink vodka. The main reason there is no hangover from their vodka is because it is pure and has no additives. The vodka that is exported or made in other countries has additives that cause the hangover. The best way to drink vodka is to freeze it overnight, then drink it straight up, shot by shot. You will be suprised by the amount that you pour down, but you will wake up like nothing happened.

  5. Josh, is there a telephone line running past your village, at any point? TOT isn't the best by far but if there is a splice box near your ville or close, they charge only after the first 700M . I used them and for 6ooBT I get a 10 MB ADSL which works fine for me. I get 6.5 MB on most speed tests, and 4kbps up.

  6. Very frustrating, not having them arrive at their destination.

    Annoying, to say the least, that they seem not to really care to take any action over the thief.

    Personally, I'd not have a bank card sent from my home country any other way than DHL or similar. Too much risk. Then maybe the added problem of the bank not being too happy about having lost - in your case - 2 Visa cards.

    More expensive to have them sent via DHL or similar, but safer.

    I would not use DHL to send anything here to Thailand. Tried several years ago, to have some personal items shipped here from the states. Their tracking system works well but the item was stolen before it ever left the states, at an Air Force base of all places. The final DHL from USA to here uses military AC to make the connection. Go USPS from America or fed ex. USPS is cheaper and fastest of them all.

  7. I'll be back in USA next month for 3 weeks -- looking forward to 5 Guys Burgers new in my town:


    Oh shit, noooooooooo not the grub, I will not be there. .........sad.png

    I would love to go back and visit WeeBee's in Anchorage. Got the best elk burger and home made fries, I've ever tasted there!

  8. Dancealot, on 05 May 2013 - 15:49, said:

    It is very, very dangerous if you post under your real name.

    Facebook already convinced people to do so... That's why i don't have an acount.

    Keep it that way. FB is a very dangerous place. They were busted for selling peoples info's to the hackers. Then were sued and lost and required to make restitutiion. $10 to everyone, they sold out. The catch, too many people applying for the reimbursement and no one gets anything and FB is free to walk away millions richer. Both myself and my wife were sold out by FB and had much work to do recovering our lives. I will never use my real name again in any situation on the internet.
  9. A tough one here. As of this moment, the care provider that I see in Udon will not accept any insurance from the USA or Canada. They state vehemetly, that neither of these countries insurance companys pays their bills. I have no insurance there,(USA), and am insurable due to pre existing conditions. I do have 100% medical paid by the VA, from the US and even though I pay at first, I get reimbursed for the conditions of my disability later. Remember the 500 BT, everyone was paying to exit the country?. That was supposed to pay the burden of all the tourist health issues. They supposedly moved that cost to be included into the ticket price or tax but evidently it has disappeared into many a someones pockets.That if their statements are correct about tourist numbers equates out to about 37.5 Bil a year. Where did that pile of change disappear to? (that is why they love the tourist).

  10. David48, on 01 May 2013 - 07:46, said:

    I somehow don't think that we will ever get a government representative to the Farm to check my where-a-bouts!

    Just a small part of the journey to the gf's Parents Farm.

    Or quite some way like this

    Happy to draw them a map ... though doubt they'll be dropping by for a beer.

    Love it and no they won't find you
  11. 9 months old, with 4 repairs in the bag? Seems like the contractor who built it should be held accountable, but this is common practice in the Thai building arena. Use the shoddiest of materials, use laborers that know nothing of the skills they profess to be offering and that 8 million went into someone's pocket, knowing full well the result. How much of the infrastructure ( homes, commercial buildings, hi-rise buildings roads, bridges etc, are built this way? All of them.........actually!

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  12. I find it terrifying how cars, trucks, vans, and buses here just crumple into nothing like a coke can when they have an accident. Witnessed a lot of nasty accidents in my home country and never seen so many vehicles crumple so easily. Do car makers not have any safety features / reinforcements in cars and no crumple zones? I even see these crumpled messes on new cars from name brand makers. The bus makers just make them without a plan and no safety at all, this much I know, but cars and trucks should not rip apart like they do.

    The local vehcles are built just as cheap as they can make them. There are no safety features built in, no means to dissipate the kenetic energy. I have a 2012 truck of local manufacture. If you lean on the bodywork to hard it dents the area touched and there is nothing between myself and the front bumper but the engine. A head on collision will result in the engine being in the drivers seat and me pushed into the rear one. I installed a bumper guard to keep the dogs out of the radiator but cheap steel and plastic is all the rage in auto construction here.
  13. What other options does the samsung have? Remember that samsung and apple are sworn enemies, at least on the patent and device tables. I will be studying the same issue here soon also, but I will use a different brand of flatscreen. Apple TV might work here but not sure. Will know next month, when mine arrives from the US.

  14. What the local electrical rules don't tell you is that the neutral wire here, is actually L2 and it just as hot as L1. Don't know why they did this but we are stuck with it. If your system is truly grounded, take a voltmeter and test the heater feed to see if both legs have voltage on them. If not, look in the attic for a broken connection because they only twist and tape, which is poor at best for a connection, especially a high amperage one. Use a multimeter, not one of those LED devices that light up!

  15. A little tip. Was your fiancee married in the traditional(home) marrige or was it done in connection with the govt. Most weddings at the home, are not legally binding to either party. The dowry paid is just permission to play house from her parents. Most countries will not even recognize the marriage because it is not legal and binding.

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