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Everything posted by thaipo7

  1. For all you people who believe in Climate Change, what is the ideal temperature that you are looking for. They want the US to spend $12 trillion to end Climate Change. A leader in the US Government was asked, "after spending $12 trillion, what will the temperature be?" Could not give an answer.
  2. Bring the Tuk Tuk back to BKK. Like we can prevent Climate Change. Just a way for more government control and making all poorer except this pushing this.
  3. jingthing You are just showing how out of touch you and many others are with Trump supporters. We do not support those that commit crimes like Soros and the Left does. If you can tell us who committed a crime and was supported by Trump. The Marxist with their propaganda is believed by to many people. Where are the looters and the fire starting BLM and Antifia members that raised real hell during the Summer of Love?
  4. Why are Gretta and AOC experts on Climate Change while scientist's views are blocked to the public unless it agrees with the Democrat Party line?
  5. No one is getting rich on Climate Change? Ever hear of Al Gore? Worth about $400 million.
  6. OneMoreFarang - You are exactly right. There is no Climate change that is caused by humans or can be changed by humans. Just another way for government control of our lives and make you poorer.
  7. Tug What about BLM and ANTIFA? What was the summer of love with the killing, burning, and looting?
  8. I did not have or see any of this on Jan 13th when I went to Laos or on Jan 16th when I came back into Thailand. I applied for a Laos e-Visa and had my paperwork approved and the letter to be used as a Visa on the same day. 35 Baht for the bus ride across the Friendship Intl Bridge was a bit much. Before COVID it was 20 Baht if I remember right. The Visa used to cost $35 at the border but the e-Visa came to $51.
  9. I retired 17 years ago. The 12 years prior to this I worked four 10 hour days a week. Loved it. Plus I did work 6 hours overtime on Friday and also worked 6 hours overtime on Sat if I wanted to. Overtime wasn't always available but I worked it if I could. Blue collar pay at 1.5 times the pay rate on overtime.
  10. Better collected here than added to the plane ticket. Wife is still Thai after 50+ years. I guess non-immigrant O, will have to pay after each exit and entry back into Thailand. Did not know I was a tourist.
  11. Lucky there was someone there to take the picture of the turtle as the truck was approaching.
  12. OneMoreFalang "Don't those Arabs and Indians know that annoying people with loud noise is reserved for Thai nationals? " This what I was thinking.
  13. What I can't get an answer to is am I required to be fully vaccinated to come to Thailand. I have a home there and go for 5 - 6 months prior to COVID. Do I need the 2 shots and the 2 boosters? Can't get an answer to this at consulates in the US.
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