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Everything posted by thaipo7

  1. ’No easy task’ - The hunt for an impartial Trump jury in Manhattan. This explains the trial in NY. Applies to DC, GA, and other places in the US. Yet this is were to corrupt justice system hauls Trump to.
  2. Tug - You are always on the wrong side of what is really happening, just like your Dear Leader Biden has been on the wrong side of history for over 40 years. He has made the world much more unsafe that what it was 3 years ago. Trump signed non-disclosure agreements with these women. This is done every day in America by individuals and companies. The name Non-disclosure agreement was not sounding sinister enough that 3 or 4 other DAs and other people who looked at this and walked away from it. Then Alvin Bragg decided who would try a different approach on this. He decided to call this "hush money" payments. This made this sound more sinister and ran with it. So now we have a hole change of Democrat hacks from DA Bragg up to the corrupt AG Garland. Trump can not receive a fair trail in NY. Just like Climate Change. Global cooling did not catch on. Global warming did not catch on as terms, but Climate Change was the term that worked and now is used exclusively. Non-disclosure agreements are not illegal. But ill informed people like you get a kick out of everything that is against Trump. But you fail to see the weakness, ineptness, lying in jack wagon Biden. A good term for this is "useful Idiot." To me, I don't care that Trump is the person caught up in this. It is the Dictatorial BS used here for the sole purpose of election interference so this empty suit of a man gets another 4 years make it really Obama's 4th term in the Transformation of America. I know none of this will make a difference to you but their are others that will get the point.
  3. jippytum Sure do. I guess they think they are in front and no need to look right to see what is coming at them. Very careless on their part.
  4. Tug You amaze me in the way you constantly think. When I first saw the picture of Biden tied up, I did not think of harming him. I thought this would be good to show him down on the destruction of the USA. One man wrecking ball. 92 Executive Orders showing the world what a Dictator is like. Giving the finger to the Supreme Court while forgiving Student Loans. He has no authority and the Supreme Court told him so. He does not care. Power and money, right now mostly power. Despots around the world are so proud of him. You are too. Why?
  5. Tug Three Successful Presidents. Really?? Yes, Clinton was not a radical Leftist but did assault an Intern. Obama started the "Transformation of America." He was a Marxist Democrat trying to create a soft Tyrannical government in the US. Then we have Biden which is Obama on asteroids. He is a pure Marxist Democrat doing all he can to prevent any competition for President in 2024. I guess if you count getting what they want, they have been successful but for us who don't hate American the last 2 Democrat Presidents have been the worst possible. What are Biden successes? What policies or Dictatorial Executive Orders do you want to see continued for another 4 years and why. Your great for pushing the Democrat Marxist narratives but what is it that you really like about Biden?
  6. flyingtlger And you believe Biden? What Trump lies have harmed America or Americans as much as the Biden lies. How about an example. Did Biden tell us he was a Marxist/Socialist Democrats when he ran for office? This is in bold because I can't figure out how to make not bold.
  7. flyingtlger Yeah, Yeah, Yeah - Biden and Obama, the most honest politicians the US ever had.
  8. WhatMeWorry I am not in Phuket or BKK but in a small town and when out on my bike in the evening when it is cooler and less traffic thinking what temperatures are in the US, I think it is very cool to be able to do this. Easy for parking. I am 76 and have no plans on giving this up anytime soon. Yes, I can afford to drive whatever I want in Thailand but love the freedom on the bike. Been riding bikes since age 17.
  9. Tug - Talk about perverted, most of your comments are perverted. I don't think I have agreed with you on anything. You said, "Trump continues to be an asset to our enemies." Has he given our enemies billions of dollars so they can get a nuclear weapon? NO, but Biden has. Has Trump sent pallets of money to Iran. NO but Obama did with Biden at his side. Did Trump open our borders so thousands of young men from countries that hate us can come in and set up terror cells? NO but Biden has. Has trump been on the wrong side of history for 50 years? NO but Biden has. Has Trump taken money from China? NO but Biden has. Has Trump committed Impeachable offenses against the US. NO but Biden has. I mean REAL offenses, not the made up kind by a crooked Justice System that he happens to protect Biden and others in the Protected Class. Would Trump stand by and let Iran through their proxies hit our forces over 160 times with out striking them where it would do real damage? Biden has. What has Biden done the last 3 years that you wanted to see continued?
  10. The US now is a Police State. The Marxist Democrat Biden wants nothing to do with Democracy but is using this as a reason to save America. What a crock. The country can't take 4 more years of this Administration.
  11. Tug - Sure let's get him, with the fake charges in from of a jury in DC where there are 95 Democrats for every 5 Republicans, where the Judges are 100% Democrat that will do the will of the Marxist Dictator Biden and Trump is assured of a non-patrician verdict. Would like to be in Trump's shoes with this against you? Just as with the Border Bill now. TX is in disagreement with Biden and yet the bill calls for all suits to be decided in DC courtrooms. You can't see the reason for this?
  12. Pouatchee The first thing I would do is get rid of the Marxist regime in the White House. They are the cause of the homeless problem and the growth over the last 3 years. Israel is the only friendly nation in the Middle East. We should keep them viable at any cost. Who is making Iran rich? The same occupants in the WH by giving them billions to fund the terrorist groups. Plus allowing them to make $1.5 billion a month in oil sales. Trump had them in a box that Biden let them out of. I noticed you did not say to stop funding Iran, PLO, and other groups and use this money to help the homeless in the US. Why is Israel the only country named by you?
  13. All these years I thought the buying of alcohol was to keep the Government workers from drinking when they were at lunch. This really made the law stupid when you can purchase from 11:00 AM until 2:00 PM, which to me was the lunchtime period for Government employees. I was never corrected on this belief. Still a stupid law and should be repealed.
  14. Who cares what looks good for a Biden re-election? He has been on the wrong side of History for over 50 years now. Enough!!
  15. flyingtlger - You are 100% correct. The Chinese want you to borrow more than you can handle and the take over the infrastructure and control this part of the economy and even more.
  16. hotchilli - I normally go up to Nong Khai during the dry season, The Thais and the Laotians are out there getting all the sand from the sand bars that they can haul away.
  17. bendejo Ask Schumer. He had the demonstrators in front of the Supreme Justices homes after he threaten them. Remember? I think there are some that are still doing this. The last two appointments by Trump have been a disappointment for Conservative causes. Plus the Chief Justice voted against ObamaCare before he voted for it. Your point is mute. Trump is not 100% safe here. Instead of going to the Supreme Court right away, several Republicans states should have taken Biden off the ballot. He is the threat to Democracy. Open Borders and defying the Supreme Court orders that he has no he has no authority to forgive Student Loans.
  18. Captain Monday Maybe this guy and Hunter Biden call share notes.
  19. Morch Just like the American media. They take the HAMAS numbers as gospel. Israel lost 10 soldiers today trying to save children getting to HAMAS bad guys.
  20. Deadbeat - "Not such a smart idea to attack Israel, was it? Reap what you sow." Excellent. In this case one side has to completely eliminate the other side. This is how wars should be fought. I bet the Biden Administration has been holding up on supplies from Israel. They sure have one hell of a stockpile and show no signs of shortages yet.
  21. "President spoke about risks Trump poses to democracy at event amid fears a second term would be far more autocratic" Marxist rule. Blame the other side for what you have done, will do, or have done. Any risk that Trump could cause has already been done by the Obama/Biden administrations. When did Trump break or not follow Constitutional Law? The Supreme Court said Biden did not have authority to forgive Student Loans. So what does he do? He gives the Supreme Court the middle finger and forgive another few hundred thousand Student loans. Look at the open border. How many illegal Executive Orders had Biden signed? And we are supposed to be afraid of Trump?
  22. Wonder what the bill came too? He left the country with about $1.7 billion not counting something like $650 million for each child. Paid no taxes. Those Gulf Streams cost a lot to operate.
  23. TheFishman1 As soon as the Statue of Limitations run out, he will be back in Thailand.
  24. Neeranam What do you mean by your remark? "Perhaps this is the Israeli intention."
  25. Tug - The Left in Israel is even worse than in the US. I think the problems with this keeping the government busy caused the intelligence people to not do a very good job of being informed on what was going to happen. There have been problems in the military ranks too. Israel is known for having the best Intelligence apparatus in the world. They really got caught off guard this time. In 1973 at the start of that war, I was at McGuire AFB volunteering to be a loadmaster on the C-5. But they let me sit all day not caring that I was there to sign up for the reserves and at the end of the day, I just left. Hope they get their act together and the US provides what is need for their survival.
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