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Everything posted by thaipo7

  1. Ask a question and lose face by looking stupid. Thai thing.
  2. Must be a pure liberal here. Yes there are too many rules and regulation interfering with our rights and liberties and we have gotten too close to socialism.
  3. "We the People" is being abused to much by those on the Left. Just looking for future voters. The have nothing to offer now.
  4. They wake up angry and go to bed angry.
  5. Another Marxist. Don't have a clue.
  6. These Marxist leaning students and the Marxist spewing professors are not what we need in these schools. YES cut their funding and stop the funding being received from Qatar and other Anti Israel countries.
  7. Not true, this is the mindset of the Democrat Party and useful idiots like you keep this farce going. So sad.
  8. Don't the support all the things that make no sense. They march in lock step with the leadership. Republicans have no such alliance to the Party.
  9. Drivers here are of the mindset that any vehicle behind them or that is to their right coming at them has the responsibility of watching out for them.
  10. Hate this, I do not need a monthly plan for a couple calls a year.
  11. This would not have happened except for DEMOCRATS who cornered Zelenski just before the meeting with Trump and telling him no to sign the agreement. So tired of anti Trumpers who go around calling Trump names when the know nothing except for the what they hear in the Marxist Democrat news. Educate yourself or at least think for yourself.
  12. For years I was using a debit card to withdraw money from my checking account at the bank. Last year they started taking out a couple of fees. If this was not bad enough, they said I had been paying these fees for years. No true. I have a Schwab account and now have their debit card. Very happy with it, No fees now.
  13. When has there ever been a free world at the UN?
  14. This is what happens when you join the Marxist view on things that are not true.
  15. What are you calling worthwhile poster? Al saw mainly Marxist/Leftist posters. This is not me.
  16. Yeah - How much did he lose before hitting for 6000?
  17. What are you talking about Tug. For 16 years the Democrat loving media has run with every negative story on Trump without checking sources. Each time praying the story was true. Then if they did put out a retraction, it would be on page 22 where no one looks. All the was cared about was that the damage was done. Prove me wrong. You can't.
  18. First time here was Aug 1970, courtesy of the US Air Force at Takhli and then to Korat. Two years. Got discharged in 1972, went home and got on TWA and back to Thailand, got married and stayed another year with no income. Sep 1973, borrowed from Dad to bring me and wife home. 6 months in 1978. Then a few more time until 2005, with wife making trips between our trips. Now every year between 2009 and now.
  19. Tug - If you had half a brain you would have figured out COVID was a sham from the beginning. Look what it got us. The Biden Administration. This must never happen again. Wise up.
  20. How many were killed by Communist leaders like Mao, Castro, in Russia, and Cambodia. Just examples.
  21. Sounds like you have the Marxist narrative down pretty pat. Why not try for a position at CNN or the other Leftist lying media out there. You would fit right in.
  22. These people are Marxist Democrats. China has a hell of a lot of people they need to keep employed. 77 million people voted for Trump.
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