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Posts posted by Snowdog

  1. if Russia hit us directly it would be there last action ever they can`t afford a war with the usa.they are way out gunned they wouldn`t stand a chance they would have to send there nukes and they would be shot down over the ocean.i don`t think china would interfere they are not as close as you think

    Kerry and the entire US State Department is a very very dangerous unit.

    The US needs to take a step back unless they want a full scale conflict with Russia..... This is NOT a tin pot country we are talking about, this is a superstate with backing from China... It will NEVER yield to the US bully boy rhetoric.

    A very tricky time is upon us, and as usual the yanks are stoking it.

    It is time the UK pulled away from supporting this dumbass regime, because the UK will probably be the first target on the hit list while the US knows they will be the last and have the luxury of pulling back after plenty of damage has been done to its supporters.

    Let's just hope if an attack is inevitable... They hit the US directly.


  2. Right on our doorstep. Thanks for the warning, TV. We will stock up our fridge and stay at home. The Barommaratchachonnanee Rd. will be clogged the full length anyway during this "event".

    I wonder what that beautiful Aksa road will look like when the red rabble has left.

    Probably like a road.

    Instead of stocking the fridge and hiding away, why not get out and talk to the Thai people who are standing up for and defending their democratic rights ?

    You know, mingle a bit.

    why would anybody be so stupid to go out and talk to a bunch of nut cases that are being paid by a wanted terrorist named Thaksin. They aren`t defending anything but a criminal family. even the farmers want her out of office. its only the people Thaksin pays that shows up

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  3. its been proven he did it Thaksin is very corrupt and always has been now hes a murder

    There is no need to go back to the Stone Age, but a little further wouldn't hurt. To when public criticism of Thaksin's corruption caused him to call a very early and very fast election,
    The parallels with today's situation are too many to ignore, the stand-out being anti-Thaksin protesters being attacked and murdered. There may be more similarities yet to come.

    That whole sale of share was deemed legal. Other companies did the exact same sale previously (with notable democrat owners) and no one batted an eyelid.
    One event in a chain of corrupt events that you claim was legal - well it was after some new laws were passed.

    The story about evading taxes was completely bogus.
  4. thaksin and his family of nut cases need to be expelled from the kingdom of Thailand. If yingluck is a puppet for her criminal brother then its time she is arrested and brought up on corruption charges. the people of Thailand deserve so much better of the leaders. Godbless the people of Thailand

    We can go back until the Stone Age if we play this game.

    If the military coup, stirred up by the yellow shirts, that ousted Thaksin didn't happen, there would never have been a need for an Amnesty Bill.

    But that's not the point now.

    The point right now is that Thai citizens are guaranteed a right to vote under the constitution, approved by HM.

    Today, voters were blocked and prevented from voting and therefor deprived of their rights.

    A movement that is not Democratic if it prevents voters from voting and calls for an unelected council to rule Thailand, no matter how many times they put the word Democratic in their slogans and titles.

    There is no need to go back to the Stone Age, but a little further wouldn't hurt. To when public criticism of Thaksin's corruption caused him to call a very early and very fast election,

    The parallels with today's situation are too many to ignore, the stand-out being anti-Thaksin protesters being attacked and murdered. There may be more similarities yet to come.

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